Ch 10: 'Wasting Time'
[2 weeks! 2 chapters! That's all that remains before we get brand spanking new chapters!]
[10 Chapters! How did we already get here? Honestly, at the start of this book, I didn't even know if I would reach half this much. But I think thanks to some unique ideas, including the always popular Bakubro idea, which I'm surprised I haven't seen much of before, and we've reached this milestone. So thank you everyone! Now, I'll admit, I'm worried this book may drop off in 10 chapters or so like my Chainsaw Man book. The good thing about MHA, however, is that it already has six seasons, and another on the way, to write up scenarios that you all are already familiar with. But, of course, with my added SteveTheAlbino twist, I'll be sure to deliver you all a great time... And today is no different~]
[And after writing this chapter, I can safely say that I feel this is the most badass and fun chapter I've written in a while. I hope you enjoy!]
[Your POV]
It all came down to this. A moment in your life where you had to make a choice. Even with the odds stacked against you, this wasn't a time to fall back and wither into the background. Instead, you had to stand up and make your claim. And even though right now shit seemed sideways, I wasn't content to let it remain like this for long. After all, these pieces of shit wouldn't stand in my way from achieving my dream and keeping my promise. Because when I told my brother that day that I'd kill all villains... I meant it. But now I realize, killing their desires to do evil may not be enough. Maybe, the only way to truly defeat a villain... Is by making sure they can't get back up ever again...Permanently.
[3rd Person POV]
A wave of complete and utter silence resonated through the air of USJ's inner walls. All eyes were pinned on the centre of the massive building, where Aizawa's bleeding body remain still, looks of fear covered the face of the students caught in the misfire, and (Y/n) caught in a tight hold by the villainous Nomu. But all such silence was suddenly disrupted by a familiar voice.
Bakugo: "Now, drop my friend, before you make me even more pissed than I already am. You have three seconds..."
The shock on (Y/n)'s face right now was one he never had before. He didn't expect Bakugo to be the person to come and save him, even when it was the most realistic option. Yet, as (Y/n) struggled to come to terms with his friend's sudden arrival, the masked villain couldn't help but release a chuckle, which instantly caught the fierce gaze of Bakugo.
(???): "Three seconds..." [Chuckles] "Three seconds, you say... My, my. What warning?"
Bakugo: [Growls] "Yeah, well, I decided to give a number you're familiar with. Ya know? Three inches. Three seconds in bed. Oh--" [Chuckles] "And also, three secONDS FOR YOU TO TELL YOUR DUMB FRIEND TO DROP MY FRIEND!"
The sudden switch from goofy to pure anger was something (Y/n) had seen a lot from Bakugo during their years as friends. Yet, for everyone else watching, it was a sight some were not completely prepared for. But, yet, unlike the students, the masked villain merely released another chuckle.
(???): "Oh..." [Chuckles] "I'm not so much focused on the amount of time you gave me. I'm more so amused you even--"
Bakugo: "Time's up!"
(???): "Huh?"
The masked villain's attention was immediately brought back to Bakugo prematurely as the young hero activated his Quirk and launched into the air. The fierce bang of the explosions going off from his wrists to send him flying toward (Y/n) was enough to leave some of the nearby students to cover their eyes from the loud sound, yet people like (Y/n) and Nomu were left unphased. The pair watching as Bakugo's scream flooded the air as his focus turned to rescuing his best friend.
Once more, no emotion was shown on Nomu's face as he watched the impending blonde draw his fist back ready for an attack. In the short amount of time that followed (Y/n) switched his gaze to the powerful villain holding his arm. It was at that moment (Y/n)'s eyes widened in fear, realizing Bakugo was no match for him after the image of (Y/n)'s One For All punch had no effect on the beast.
(Y/n): "No! Bakugo! Don't! You won't--"
Before (Y/n) could finish, an explosion rocked the nearby area. The students watching on from near the entrance instantly had their eyes taken off the injured Thirteen to watch the scene. Looks of horror and shock quickly found a few.
Sato: "Bakugo..."Ashido: "No..."
Sato: "This can't be the end, right?"
All questions went unanswered, but for Uraraka, who was still reeling in from the moment (Y/n) saved her, she could only bring her hands to her chest as watched the cloud of smoke grow in the distance. But as she prayed for her friend's survival, once more, her mind played an image of (Y/n) saving her, and with it, her heartbeat quickened once more. This time around, Uraraka took notice of the feeling and instantly questioned it. However, before she could properly get a response from it, her attention was taken back to the scene before her as Ashido spotted something through the smoke.
Ashido: "Look!"
Instantly everyone turned their attention back to the cloud of smoke, one that was quickly dissipating to reveal (Y/n) was now free of Nomu's clutches. Now, the young boy clutched at his chest as he stood beside Bakugo who supported him. The pair now a good twenty meters away from Nomu.
[Your POV]
...It all happened so fast. One moment Bakugo was taunting the villains and the next he was flying directly at one of them to save me. But after I realized the true strength of Nomu, I also came to realize that no matter what punch Bakugo gave, it wouldn't be enough to take down the villain.
(Y/n): "No! Bakugo! Don't! You won't--"
But it was just as I was about to finish my warning that I noticed something. A smirk, one familiar with the lips of Bakugo, ever-present as my childhood friend crashed toward me. What followed truly shocked me. For instead of aiming directly at Nomu, like I expected, Bakugo instead sent his punch flying toward the ground just before the beast.
The sudden impact caused an explosion of dirt to fill the air, blocking the vision of not only myself but everyone in the surrounding area. The next thing I knew, Bakugo wrapped his arms around my body and managed to free me from the unfocused Nomu. Now, I stand right beside my friend, panting heavily as I try to come to terms with what just happened. Bakugo on the other hand seemed to have no trouble with doing such.
Bakugo: [Panting] "You..." [Panting] "You see that? Shit..." [Panting] "...Was dope...Right?"
For a brief moment, I couldn't help but question the response Bakugo gave to what just happened. But in the end, all I could do was chuckle.
(Y/n): "Yeah, man... That shit was dope."
Unfortunately, our victory was short-lived, as both myself and Bakugo were immediately forced to return our attention back to the elephant in the room... and the masked villain who stood beside him clapping his hands.
(???): [Clapping] "You know, I... I must give it to you both. I came here looking for All Might, yet you two seem like you would be a good test for my dreaded Nomu."
Once more, no reaction came from Nomu as he merely stood idly by the villain's side. But both Bakugo and I didn't need one to realize what was going to go down.
(Y/n): "You do realize we won't be able to get out of here without them bothering us, right?"
Bakugo: "Duh. When do dipshits don't bother us?" [Glances at you] "Can you fight?"
(Y/n): [Smirks] "Can I fight?"
I asked sarcastically with a smirk. However, that smirk immediately dropped when my eyes landed on Nomu.
(Y/n): "...Though I don't know how good we'll do against him."
Bakugo: "Pfft! Bitch, please! The brute's hardly got any brains, despite the large, disgusting one gushing in top of his head... which I weirdly can't stop staring at now that I notice it."
Bakugo continued to weirdly stare at the pulsing brain that made itself known from the top of Nomu's head. As for me, I was trying to figure out a way to get out of this.
(Y/n): "Yeah, well, despite the lack of anything, he's definitely strong. None of my punches did anything to him."
Bakugo: "So, what? We just offer to have a tea party with these two until a hero strong enough arrives?"
(Y/n): [Turns to Bakugo] "Tea party? What are you... Five?"
Bakugo: "Ha. Ha. Real funny, Mr. I-Wet-The-Bed-Until-I-Was-Nine."
Now, some may think that such teasing on a battlefield was something not called for, the faces from the students watching on definitely gave that idea. But anyone who knew me and Bakugo before we arrived at U.A. was the fact that we always laughed in the face of danger, though, this time around it actually led to me having an idea. One that sparked a grin across my lips which confused Bakugo.
Bakugo: "Uh, dude? I just made fun of you. Why are... Why are you smiling? You're really shouldn't be smiling."
(Y/n): "Dude, not that!" [Slaps Bakugo's chest] "I have an idea. Remember back in Junior High on sports day? When we'd play dodgeball?"
Bakugo: "Dodgeball? What are you... Ooooh." [Chuckles] "I see what you're going on about. And I just wanna say..... I like it~"
With the both of us now on the same level, we couldn't help but offer this confident smirk in the direction of Nomu, and the villain who stood beside him. It was obvious he didn't know what we were referring to, nor did any of the students that watched nearby.
[3rd Person POV]
Jiro: "Dodgeball? What are they going on about?"
Yaoyorozu: "I don't know. But now is definitely not the time to take light of the situation."
Kaminari: "That's it! It's confirmed! The thought of having all the girls in class resonate toward him have made (Y/n)'s mind explode with confidence!"
Mineta: "He's going to get himself killed!"
Tsuyu: "I do not think so..."
The sudden injection of Tsuyu was all it took for everyone else that found themselves down on the ground near the scene of the fight to turn toward the frog-themed hero.
Yaoyorozu: "What are you talking about?"
Tsuyu: "Think about it. (Y/n) clearly now knows that his punches do no damage to the villain, so clearly if he is confident in what he is thinking, I believe it would be best to not doubt him. After all, when has he failed us in showing how powerful he is before?"
That one question was all it took to bring a wave of silence through the crowd as they thought over it. But simply put, Tsuyu was right. Never before had (Y/n) showed any sign of being easily defeated. Whether it be in the entrance exam with the giant Faux villains, or even this very day when he saved not only Tsuyu and Mineta from villains, but Yaoyorozu, Jiro, and Kaminari from them as well. Just realizing such instantly stuck with the students as they turned their heads back to the scene of(Y/n) and Bakugo getting ready for a fight.
[Your POV]
Bakugo: "You really sure about this, dude?"
(Y/n): "Come on. Don't tell me you don't remember what to do now."
Bakugo: "I remember what to do! It's the fact this time it isn't going against kids it's up against this Frankenstein motherfucker!"
(Y/n): "You realize Frankenstein was the guy who created the monster, right? And not the--"
Bakugo: "It doesn't matter, (Y/n)! One's butt ass ugly! That's all that matters! Now just do the stupid plan already!"
(Y/n): "Alright. Alright... Just checking."
Honestly, some would probably think I'm crazy for joking around on a piece of ground that could very well be my grave. And they'd probably be right. But it was moments like this, when I was standing beside someone I truly trusted, that I could be the part of me that I once was. These moments were rare, that's why I savoured every last second of it... But when it came to actually do the part, I was dead serious. And I made sure this masked villain sure that very fact in my eyes as I launched off the ground with Bakugo following in sink.
Now, to most, hearing the words dodge ball on the battlefield would be something odd. But for me and Bakugo, it went straight back to our childhood. You see, I wasn't much of a fan of group activities, especially ones that involved serious thought. But for one case, out of them all, I loved it. And that was dodgeball. A game where you could just let everything go, where your only focus was to put out your frustrations on your opponent by throwing a ball at their face. There were times when me and Bakugo were on opposite sides and we'd aim to hit the other.
But whenever we were on the same team, it was a warning to all that they better watch out. I don't know what it was, but whenever we were together we could just instantly know what the other was going to do, leading the other to instantly make the next move easier after next. And now was no different. There was one goal set in sight. Defeat the villain. And the way we were going to do that was by overloading this freak with too much to focus on that eventually a strike would hit hard enough to send him crumbling to the ground... and take him out of the game.
It was with that thought that we raced off to end this thing. The way it started felt like old times. Bakugo would dash ahead and leap to the side, drawing the attention of the rival team, it was as that happened I'd take the nearest ball and launch it at an unsuspecting player. But with the lack of plastic balls around, I made do by picking up a loose piece of rubble created from Bakugo's earlier explosion. So it was when Nomu's sights were so focused on Bakugo, expecting him to attack, that I launched the piece of large rock directly at the villain's face.
The satisfying sound of the rubble smashing upon impact with his face was all Bakugo needed to enact his part of the plan, as Nomu turned toward me. In theory, it was simple. The two of us would just continue the process of taking the opponent's attention away just before he was about to attack the other. And with each time his attention would switch players, the other would slowly move into until both players on the same team would be right at the opponent's positon, where a foray of overpowered punches awaited Nomu. Unfortunately for us, we were so focused on Nomu that we forgot he had a supporting player of his own.
(???): "I see what you're doing... And I don't like it."
Bakugo: "Huh?"
Bakugo was only just able to notice the sudden streak appearing at his side, and it was only closer that he was able to activate his Quirk and send him flying back, inches before the villain's hands could touch his body and activate his Quirk. However, seeing such a sight had taken up my focus for a second to long, and as I was already in the process of moving in closer on Nomu, I came to realize that I wasn't to stop in time.
Before too long I was brought to an abrupt stop as my throat was clenched tightly by the Nomu's oversized hand. Soon enough the only thing in my mind was how hard it was to breathe as my body was raised into the air by Nomu. Not too far away, Bakugo noticed such and went to help, only to instantly be blocked off by the masked villain.
(???): "Oh, I don't think so."
And just like that... My plan failed. The spark of hope I once had was instantly replaced with regret as I found myself in a similar situation as to the one I was in only moments ago. This time around, I didn't have a friend to rescue me. Instead, I was left to hover in the air, the struggle for air soon becoming fainter and fainter as my eyes slowly shut. It was in this process that my mind reflected to my Mother, and how I may never see her again. To my brother, and how I'd never be able to keep my promise to him.
Even more selfish goals like never finding a girlfriend. Even if it seemed like something Bakugo was more willing to offer me than I wanted myself, still, having a girlfriend sounded rather nice... I was even coming around to the idea of letting Bakugo help me find one. Though, I guess things like that may not have been meant to be. For as the light around me slowly faded, and I began to question all my life choices, I finally succumbed to the void and let myself drift away. When suddenly...SMASH!
The sound of something being demolished instantly caused my eyes to burst open, a second life coming through as the sound echoed through the air. Soon enough, everyone, and I mean everyone, had their attention focused on the entrance of USJ, one that had just been smashed in half leaving a cloud of smoke in its place. No matter who it was. Whether it be student or villain, not a single person spared a glance toward the destroyed entrance.
Soon enough, such a thing became worth it when a figure appeared from the smoke, a noticeable shape outlining the body. Soon enough, faces filled with smiles and awe flooded the air as in the moment of crisis, the one person who could possibly stand a chance against such powerful adversaries came walking in. It was that final sight that left (Y/n) with no more energy as his eyes finally closed. As the presence of the one and only All Mighty was known.
[3rd Person POV]
Tears of joy sprouted on the faces of Uraraka and Ashido when they saw the familiar face, whilst the nearby boys couldn't help but hold back themselves. But in the end, their emotions came crashing down as the voice of All Might finally entered the air.
All Might: "It's fine now! For I am here!"
So much went through All Might's mind. But the one thing that resonated with him the most was the look of fear on Iida's face as the young boy explained to the hero about what was going on at USJ. It just so happened All Might was heading directly there after having a bad feeling about it all for reasons unknown. It was then that he ran into Iida, and as soon as he heard what was going down, All Might wasted no time in racing toward the scene to make sure everyone was alright. And it was as he ripped the tie off his body that he made sure all who dared to make such children fear for their lives... would pay.
And such an aggressive tone was immediately noticed by (Y/n), who seemed to be the only one to notice the pure lack of a smile on the hero's face. It was such a noticeable occurrence because up to this point, (Y/n) never once remembered a time when he didn't see the hero smiling. That was the villain's first warning of a coming confrontation, the second came as he marched his way down the stairs to the ground floor, where the remaining ground troops of villains left standing were left rather questioning their life choices up to this moment.
"T-That's All Might...? It's my first time seeing him in person!"
"He looks so intimidating."
But then there were some who still tried to hide such questioning thoughts, even with the hero's presence.
"Idiots, don't hesitate! If we kill that, we'll--"
But the choice of even thinking he could stand a chance against the mighty hero was soon shown to be a waste of a thought, as the villain's sentence was suddenly cut off by an unseen attack. All that could be seen was a bright light dashing through the area. It was like thin air was fighting back, but for those who were paying attention, they knew no such thing was happening. In reality, All Might was the cause.
The hero moved so quickly that none of the villains could even see him as punch after punch was delivered to their comrades. In the end, no more than ten seconds passed before as many villains could be seen getting sent flying through the air as All Might's figure appeared behind them. Time caught up, the bodies dropping to the ground as All Might stood unscathed. The sight of the hero picking up Aizawa's beaten and bruised body was the only thing to fill (Y/n)'s gaze as the masked villain looked on close by.
(???): "I've been waiting, hero. You trash of society..."
All Might's still gaze focused on Aizawa's motionless face. The decayed flesh on his elbow a haunting sight for the hero to see, especially having a friend being dealt with such an attack made it worse. But no such feeling was worse than turning around to see the boy All Might had chosen to be his successor being held in the air by an abomination such as the one called Nomu. Yet All Might didn't dwell on the thought for long before once more he catapulted forward in the blink of an eye.
His strong arms managed to free (Y/n) and scope up Bakugo, and along with Aizawa's body, All Might dashed to safety. The movement was so fast, in fact, that it managed to dislodge the decayed hand that covered the masked villain's face. The object dropped to the ground as All Might soon appeared not too far away by the side of Tusyu, Mineta, and the other students on the ground floor. It took a few seconds for the students to notice the arrival of All Might, but when they did, it was definitely made known.
Mineta/Kaminari: "All Might?! When did you get here?!"
Their question went unanswered as All Might's focus was solely on the injured, as he gently placed Aizawa's, and (Y/n)'s unconscious body onto the ground. It was when the students noticed the still face of (Y/n) that the presence of it all really fell onto them.
Tsuyu: "(Y/n)...?"
Yaoyorozu: "He's not moving?"
Jiro: "He's... He's going to be alright...Right?"
The last sentence was more so directed toward All Might, who still had yet to get to his feet as his eyes remained on the still face of his successor. But it was before he could even say a thing that Bakugo shoved his way passed the One For All user to crash his body beside his best friend.
Bakugo: "You're damn right he'll be alright! Come on, (Y/n)! Get up!"
The words, at first, came as a bark for the boy to get up, but when Bakugo saw no movement from his best friend it quickly shifted to a plea. One that was barely on the edge of having tears join in as the blonde took hold of (Y/n)'s shoulders and started to shake them ever so lightly.
Bakugo: "C-Come on, dude, seriously... You've gotta get up. Remember? I've gotta set you up with a girl... You've gotta have your happy ending... And, I mean, I think you've got a shot. Those girls behind me are totally holding back tears right now. That's a good sign, right?"
But truth be told, Bakugo was just as close to crying as anyone else. Seeing the motionless face of his best friend was definitely a sight he never wanted to see. Yet, it was now the only one he could picture. Before he could say anything else, a gentle hand fell on his shoulder. Bakugo didn't need to turn his head around to know it was All Might.
All Might: "I'm sorry, young man, but the best you can do for your friend right now is take him to safety."
Bakugo: [Turns his head] "B-But the villains... I can't just let them get away with this?"
All Might: "Do not worry... I will not let them."
It wasn't know whether it was due to the demand of the teacher, or the look in All Might's eyes, but whatever it was that resonated with Bakugo left the boy unable to argue, even when he could have. Instead, he simply nodded his head as Bakugo instantly picked up (Y/n), whilst Kaminari and the others did their best to carry Aizawa.
Bakugo constantly offered glances over his shoulder at (Y/n)'s still face, hoping that everything would be okay before his fell back into the distance where All Might stood stoically. Not too far ahead of him, Nomu stood completely still, the deranged look on his face ever-present. Beside him, the previously unmasked villain covered his face as his head shook about.
(???): "This is no good... No good... It's no good... I-I'm sorry, Father."
A sense of fear could now be heard in his voice as he waywardly walked forward in search of his discarded makeshift mask. Eventually, upon finding it, a grateful sigh of relief escaped the villain's lips as he savoured the feeling of his mask returning to its rightful place. It was as this happened that the villain began speaking to himself.
(???): "He hit me as he was saving them. It's the violence of a government official. He's fast, as expected. I can't follow him with my eyes. But not as fast as I thought he'd be. I guess it's true after all... That he's getting weaker."
The sinister grin that became present as soon as the villain realized this easily did a number showcasing just how crazy this person was. But crazy or not, All Might wasn't just about to let some whackjob come in and scare his students. And he went to make that abundantly clear as he launched off his feet in the direction of the masked villain.
All Might: "Carolina..."
(???): "Nomu."
All Might: "...Smash!"
It happened so fast. A streak of black suddenly appearing in front of All Might just as he let his fist cut through the air. But a look of shock instantly dawned his face when he saw no impact done to his opponent. Nomu's towering body, one which even saw over All Might himself, blocking the strike, yet the impact was still felt as a powerful gust of wind struck through the surrounding around.
Vicious winds blew in every direction as the blonde-haired hero raised an eyebrow as his eyes took in the deranged smile and soulless eyes of Nomu. But All Might was only given a brief second of such an act before the monster suddenly launched out for him. The speed of All Might coming in clutch as he leaned backward, just in time to watch the massive arms of Nomu slice the air just above him.
All Might: [Thoughts] "My attack... It seriously had no effect at all, huh?"
It was as his mind processed this that All Might quickly flung back to action. As the arms of Nomu remained above him, the hero instantly ducked and delivered a powerful right hook to the open chest of the creature.
All Might: "But if that's the case..."
Immediately following his previous action All Might wasted no time in delivering another powerful strike directly to the side of Nomu's face. But not just once. Multiple strikes cut through the air in hopes one attack would do some damage. In the end, it only made Nomu angrier. A roar, the only sound Nomu had made up to this point, rupturing from its razor-sharp mouth as he launched forward, causing All Might to continuously dash backwards.
All Might: "It doesn't work on his face, either, huh?"
But All Might couldn't just run and hope something would happen. Such wasn't a likely outcome to work. So, all he could do, was punch Nomu. Punch him over and over again. Something the hero instantly put into action as he brought his sudden movement to an immediate stop by applying a single foot to the ground. But as All Might came to a stop, Nomu was only growing closer.
Allowing All Might to quickly change all force of motions forward as a plethora of fast punches were delivered to the beast. Attacks were quicker than bullets, all of which Nomu took without much worry. But seeing this only made All Might begin to worry himself. Yet, he didn't stop the attacks. He only continued them. As he did so, the voice of the masked villain entered the air.
(???): "It doesn't work because of shock absorption."
All Might: "Huh?"
As another strike was delivered to the monster, All Might found his gaze shifted to the side where the leader of this entire operation stood idly with his arms hanging free.
(???): "In order to cause damage to Nomu, it would be most effective to slowly gauge out his flesh. Whether he'd let you do that is a different issue, though."
It was as the sentence came to an end that the familiar smile returned to All Might's face, seconds before a right hook from Nomu collided directly with the Number One hero's face. However, All Might did not let that phase him as he made sure to dodge the next one when it came his way. The smile remained firm as he replied to the villain.
All Might: "Thanks for telling me all that! If that's true, then it's easier for me."
Before All Might could even elaborate on any of that further he quickly dashed around the side of Nomu, avoiding a grab from the monster before making his way behind him. Without hesitation, All Might wrapped his arms around the monster's chest and delivered a powerful suplex to the previously unphased monster. An attack that caused a piercing bang to enter the air, and with it, a cloud of smoke that resonated around the surrounding area.
But in the end, that powerful bang was all that was needed for (Y/n)'s eyes to softly flicker open, his shaking body flailing from left to right as the sight of the smoke cloud in the distance entered his gaze. But (Y/n) struggled to fully grasp the sense of the situation as his body continued to shake, thanks to Bakugo and the others currently using all their energy to race up the plethora of stairs that led to the entrance. It was at that very spot where the rest of Class 1-A who weren't scattered watched the scene of All Might and Nomu take place.
Shoji: "All right! Take that!"
Sero: "W-Wow..."
Sato: "Those guys are underestimating All Might too much!"
Just hearing such cheers was enough to make the teary-eyed Uraraka and Ashido smile in joy, but their smiles quickly dropped when they heard the voice of Hagakure call out abruptly.
Hagakure: "Look! Here comes Bakugo and..."
But the invisible girl was soon cut off from her sentence out of pure shock, and everyone soon came to understand why when they saw the unconscious body of Aizawa being carried by Kaminari and the others. But the real shock of it all was when they noticed who Bakugo was carrying.
"Is that (Y/n)?"
The name was all Uraraka needed to hear to immediately jump to her feet and race toward the gathering crowd. It was as she poked her head through that she saw the sight before her. Bakugo softly lying (Y/n)'s body on the ground, pulling the boy's mask back as he did so.
Uraraka: "(Y/n)!"
That was all Uraraka could find herself to say as others laid witness to the scene before them. Just like that, the focus drifted off All Might and onto the condition of their very own classmate.
Hagakure: "Is he alright?"
Sero: "Is this really what happened when he went up against that monster?"
Sato: "He's going to be okay, right?"
Bakugo refrained from answering that last question as he wavered his gaze over his friend's still face. But it wasn't for much longer until a spark ignited on it, and all it took was the sudden movement of (Y/n)'s eyes opening. A groan escaping his lips as he looked up to see the countless pair of eyes immediately light up with smiles when they saw he was alright.
(Y/n): "Um... Why is everyone looking at me?"
Of course, (Y/n) received no response before Bakugo launched forward to pull his best friend into a hug. However, before he could do so, he was beaten to the feat by the very fast Uraraka.
Uraraka: "(Y/n)!"
The short brunette wasted no time whatsoever breaking through the crowd to instantly wrap her arms around (Y/n)'s body before pushing her own against his. Instantly a blush found (Y/n)'s face as he felt out Uraraka's body seamlessly moulded with his own as the girl's wayward cries of joy filled the air. Yet, he failed to hear a single word until his confused gaze looked down to see the plethora of tears running down her face.
Uraraka: "I was so worried. I-I didn't think you were going to come back..."
(Y/n): "Come back? What... You actually thought I'd let some douchebag villain beat me?"
Uraraka's head quickly rose to look deep into (Y/n)'s eyes, the tears she gave accompanied the bright smile she offered him. When he saw it, (Y/n) couldn't help but smile back as he noticed the different outlines of the girl's face he hadn't noticed up to this point. However, before he could register them any further, his gaze was suddenly directed to the side when an abrupt cough sounded from Bakugo. The scruffy blonde offering his friend a hesitant smile.
Bakugo: "Uh, yeah, about that dude... You kinda... Did?"
He was definitely hesitant to say such, unknown what else to say. But it was as he did so that (Y/n)'s gaze directed itself once more over to the cloud of smoke, one which started to part, revealing the sight of All Might in a suplex position. But what instantly caused (Y/n)'s eyes to widen in shock was when he saw that the attack had not gone to plan. Whilst All Might did succeed in forming the move, what made things go haywire was the purple void that centred around the part of the ground which Nomu's body was destined to collide with.
The other side of the void was opened directly underneath All Might's back, allowing the rest of Nomu's body to appear there, easily letting his monstrous fingers to claw into All Might's ribcage. Whilst also unbeknownst digging into the wound the number one hero had underneath. As soon as (Y/n) saw the sight he realized the damage that was being done, and the knew that lying around was no longer an option. A sharp groan escaping from the young boy's mouth all it took for Uraraka and the others to notice (Y/n)'s struggled to rise to his feet.
Uraraka: "(Y/n)...?"
Bakugo: "Bro? What are you doing? Sit down! You need to heal."
(Y/n): "...Argh... Fuck that. A-All Might..."
Bakugo: "All Might is fine, (Y/n)."
But (Y/n) knew otherwise. He was the only one who knew about the hero's injury, the one that held him back from going full out. Which kept him to only being able to transform for three hours. But a fight like this made (Y/n) question how much longer that would last for. Nevertheless, the boy freed himself from Uraraka's gentle hold and slowly hobbled toward the stairwell before him.
However, just as (Y/n) pulled his mask over his head, he was greeted by a blockade of his classmates standing before him. The noticeable faces of Yaoyorozu, Tsuyu, and Jiro standing there. Along with them, Kaminari, Kirishima, who went to join the group after Bakugo went to (Y/n)'s aid, Sato, Sero, Ashido, Hagakure, and Shoji. All carried unwavering looks of determination. Determination to keep (Y/n) where he was.
Yaoyorozu: "(Y/n), we cannot let you go out there."
Jiro: "You're hurt. You need to rest."
Tsuyu: "I have already noticed your bravery today, (Y/n). You do not have to impress me any further."
The last remark definitely was one (Y/n) noticed but made no noticeable reply of as he stood his ground.
(Y/n): "...Get... Out of... My way..."
Kirishima: "Look, man, you can hardly speak properly."
(Y/n): "Well, it's... A good thing... I don't plan to do much speaking down there... Huh?"
Uraraka: "(Y/n), this is serious! You can't go around hurting yourself. You're not invincible!"The voice of Uraraka was the one that stood out the most. (Y/n)'s head soon turning around to be greeted by the teary-eyed gaze of the young girl who stood beside Bakugo.
Uraraka: "I understand you want to help people. But helping others at your own harm... It's not worth it."
Bakugo: "Girls right, dude. Just... Sit this one out."
(Y/n): "Sit this one out...?"
With those words, a flash of Izuku's death appeared before (Y/n)'s eyes. That was the last time (Y/n) 'sat out' of something. Without even responding to Bakugo, (Y/n) turned around and went to continue on his way toward the group that blocked the stairs. Seeing such only made Bakugo growl in frustration before he pushed off his feet. Within seconds he reached (Y/n)'s positon, where he brought his friend to a forceful stop with a single palm to the chest.
Bakugo: "Look!..." [Leans in and whispers] "...I understand why you're doing this. But, dude, Izuku wouldn't want you to get hurt..."
(Y/n): "Izuku didn't want to get hurt himself. But he didn't let fear stop him."
Bakugo: "And I'm not saying you have to. All I'm saying is, think about this... If you go out there, you... You could get hurt, or worse! Do you seriously want that?"
(Y/n): "Of course not, that's why I won't lose."
Bakugo: "Now's not the time to be cocky, (Y/n)! Think, dammit!"
The sudden bark was something no one was expecting. Instantly causing everyone to startle back to reality as Bakugo continued.
Bakugo: "Uraraka's right, (Y/n). You're not invincible! You're going to get hurt! Or worse! Now, I don't know about you! But I don't want to see that... and neither does your Mom!"
That one remark caused (Y/n)'s eyes to dash back at his friend, the first time since turning around to look at Uraraka beforehand. When Bakugo realized what he said, he dropped the loud tone and resorted to a softer approach.
Bakugo: [Sighs] "...I've already seen the sorrow in her eyes when she lost one of her sons. I don't want to be the one to see her go through that again. Alright? So, if you won't do it for common sense, at least... Do it for her."
'Do it for her'. The woman who had been in his life forever. The one who clothed him. Kept him fed. And gave him love. Inko Midoriya was the pinnacle all mothers should strive to be. (Y/n) loved her with all his heart. But when he heard her name, he expected to feel some kind of regret, hesitation, if you will, to go out and fight. But as her name coursed through his mind, he just found himself wanting to fight even more.
(Y/n): "That's why I'm doing this... I'm doing this not only for her, but for everyone. Everyone who has ever felt pain because of a villain."
A statement many who were present could relate to.
(Y/n): "Every day, every night, I hear about a crime caused by someone who thought they could get away with it just because they wanted to. Well, after an amount of time, you grow sick hearing it... and want to deal with it yourself. That's why I'm going to go out there and defeat these villains. Not because I want to be the hero. Or because I want to save the day. I'm doing it for my Mom, for my brother, and for every good person out there. Because they don't deserve to feel fear in their own homes because a person who thinks they have the right to cause evil can strike at any moment."
A powerful wave of words. One's that not only resonated with the students but Thirteen as well, who listened on from the ground. Hearing such things come from a child was shocking enough. But to hear the pure conviction in his voice was enough to confirm that (Y/n) believed with a passion about the words that he spoke out. It left everyone in a blank spot momentarily. Especially Bakugo.
(Y/n): "That's why... I'm asking you to trust me."
Bakugo: "Huh?"
(Y/n): "Let me go out there, and trust me, that I'll come back. Trust me, that I can get this done. Because if you don't trust me, then I can't promise you I'll come back. But if I know you trust me--" [Turns to the group] "--If all of you trust me..." [Back to Bakugo] "Then I will come back. I promise you that..."
It was as a silent streak carried through the crowd that (Y/n) looked over his shoulder. As he did so, he pulled back his mask and smiled at a silent Uraraka who previously focused her gaze on the ground. When her eyes landed on (Y/n), she was greeted by a gentle smile from the male, one that caused her heart to beat faster.
(Y/n): "...Let me be the hero you see me as. If you do, I promise, I'll come back..."
Only a few seconds were left between the pair before (Y/n)'s focus was redirected back to Bakugo. Upon turning around, (Y/n) instantly noticed the blonde's face hanging low to the ground. But before (Y/n) could worry, Bakugo finally spoke.
Bakugo: "You know, that was some kind of speech you just gave, (Y/n)..." [Looks at you] "...You're totally going to capture the hearts of so many girls if you keep talking like that."
A smirk was quick to find Bakugo's lips. That was all (Y/n) needed to see to know he had Bakugo's trust.
(Y/n): [Smirks] "What can I say? Girls love a hero, right? Might as well show them what I've got."
Bakugo could only laugh in agreeance before the pair's gaze was directed toward the group blocking the stairwell. At first, they remained motionless. Continuing to stand in place. That was until one by one they stepped to the side. Continuing to do so until a clear path to the stairwell was seen. That was all (Y/n) needed to know that not only did he have the trust of Bakugo, but also everyone standing there. With that, the young boy offered a final nod toward his best friend before he began to hobble his way toward the stairs.
As he did so, he pulled his mask back over his head and offered brief glances to the supportive faces of the people around him. His classmates... No, his friend, they trusted him, and he wasn't just about to waste such a thing. No matter what came his way. That determination that coursed through his system was enough to push (Y/n) through the pain as he made his descent down the stairs. His body taking shape, regaining the strong, stoic posture of a hero with each step he took. As he did so, his eyes focused through his mask on the fight ahead of him. Where a countless wave of villains blocked him off from reaching All Might.
(Y/n): "That's how you want to play it, huh?"
Growls and looks of pure anger filled the villain's body as they watched the single hero approach them. But (Y/n) wasn'tafraid. Instead, he cracked his knuckles and twisted his head.
(Y/n): "Alright then... Enough wasting time. Let's get to this."
Beginning to pick up pace (Y/n) started to run down the stairs, his body regaining strength with every movement. But that wasn't the only thing that became noticed by the students watching on. A green and black aura soon became a noticeable sight as it appeared around (Y/n)'s body.
Sero: "Look at (Y/n)!"
Hagakure: "What's happening to him?"
A smirk just resonated on Bakugo's mind as he and others came to realize. Soon it became noticeable how (Y/n)'s body grew in the cloud of energy. His figure hunched forward slightly, his back popped out, his eyes darkening, and his fingers growing sharper. As time went on by, more and more students began to realize just what was going on. It was something they had seen before, back when (Y/n) fought Kaito in the exam.
His figure was taking on a different form. One filled with violence and the essence of a pure nightmare. The energy this form brought him was more than enough for (Y/n) to launch off the final fifteen stairs that remained to hover through the air. A black streak all the villains saw before a sudden bang appeared before them, with it, a small cloud of smoke.
"W-What's going on?"
"Who is this guy?"
"Is he some hero?"
"...I'm not some hero..."
A dark voice called from within the smoke as it started to separate.
"...I'm your worst nightmare~"
The end of the sentence brought about the parting of the smoke cloud, allowing not only the villains, but the students watching from above, to see the haunting sight before them, as (Y/n)'s nightmarish form stood there in all its terrifying glory, for all to see...
The students struggled to pull their eyes away from what they were seeing. Different emotions and responses came from each person.
Sato: "I can't believe this..."
Yaoyorozu: "Incredible..."
Kirishima: "(Y/n) really is awesome!"
Bakugo: "Of course he is! He's my best friend!"
But it was the response of Uraraka that really stood out. The small brunette watching in pure awe, so focused by the sight before her that she didn't even realize what he she had said until it was already too late...
Uraraka: "...I think I have a crush."
Bakugo's eyes immediately lit up upon hearing that before turning to the unsuspecting girl, as for everyone else, they were glued to the scene below, where
(Y/n)'s nightmarish form puffed his chest out, as he stared pure darkness into the villains before him. At first, the two sides just stood there. No one making the first move... Until one villain made that mistake. A loud cry rocketed from his lips as he charged at (Y/n). The nightmarish form was unphased, allowing the first opponent to come his way. By the time he reached him, however, he was suddenly launched back through the air, his screams echoing after being defeated with a simple boot to the chest.
However, seeing the fall of their comrade only pushed the villains on, as they all began to charge at (Y/n). But such a choice would soon become something they regretted almost instantly as the hero walked through the group. It didn't matter whether three, four, five, or ten villains came his way, (Y/n) came out on top. Clawed fists made from a dark aura, similar to that of a living nightmare, appeared as he swung his fist through the air. But whereas his fist didn't hit anyone, the conjured nightmare one most definitely did.
A single strike is enough to take out three villains at once. So all it took was a single wave of left and right hooks of these conjured limbs to bring about a plethora of villains to the ground, and let (Y/n) walk through with ease. The students of Class 1-A watched in awe from above, whilst to the side, hiding behind a bush, Kaito watched on, fear coursing through his body as he remembered what this form of (Y/n) did to him in the exam. Just imagining it brought chills to the young boy's body. However, it was much worse for the villains that came after (Y/n) next.
For the young hero was not just accepting with taking out the villains with punches, he truly wanted to scare them, to make them question all their life choices that led up to this moment, and the best way he decided to do that was by making a living nightmare to appear around them. And it all happened when the pieces of chaotic energy that hung off his back like a cape suddenly launched into the air. A dark void immediately surrounded the area, not only sparking the attention of the students watching, but the villains who were currently preoccupied with All Might.
(???): "Huh?"
Even All Might, who was struggling through the pain of having claws dug into his chest, couldn't help but send his gaze over. When he saw (Y/n), who was still continuing to fight, All Might couldn't believe it.
All Might: "Young man..."
The way that he still hung in there, despite already being on the losing end multiple times already, inspired All Might. The hero taking a moment to think it over before he realised... He couldn't lose. It was when he realized such was an option, that confident smile he always wore came back. Not too far away, back within the cloud of darkness, the remaining villains gathered in the centre, pressing their backs up against each other as they questioned what was going on.
"W-What's going on?"
"I've never seen anything like this before."
"Are we sure this guys a hero?"
Before he could receive a response, however, the trio's gaze was suddenly directed ahead when they saw another villain rushing their way, screaming with tears running down his eyes as he tried to reach them.
"Someone! Someone! Please help me! He's right behi--"
He was abruptly cut off when a string of black energy launched from the shadows behind him and wrapped around his body. Despite nothing happening right away, the villain knew his end was here. That was why, with all the courage that remained, he proceeded to slowly turn his shaking head around. As he did so, he was greeted by the haunting sight of pricing green eyes, ones that cut through the darkness, and which were already cutting through his very soul at the same time. That was the final thing the trio of villains saw before their comrade was slung back into the shadows with a scream.
Before they could even register that sound, however, their focus was drawn to another as it sounded like sharp teeth were digging into flesh. Which only grew worse when a severed arm was flung through the air, out of the shadows and landing right in front of the trio. Yet again, they were unable to focus on this for much longer before their eyes were lifted as (Y/n) stepped out from the shadows once more. This time, however, what was left seemed nothing like the young boy. Whereas the overall shape of his suit remained, any human being inside, did not.
Where the mouthpiece on his mask previously was, an opened mouth could be seen.One lined with sharp metal teeth, covered in blood, sporting a haunting smile that instantly caused the villain's hearts to sink. But what scared them the most was the look in the yellow eyes that haunched their way towards them. It was a look that showcased no restraint, but enjoyment as this... nightmare tore apart their fellow villains and consumed them. And it seemed like a fate they were destined to join as the monster grew closer and closer.
For everyone else, however, the screams of the villains were the only thing that could be heard before the shadows disappeared to reveal the haunting sight of every single villain (Y/n) had to face, lying on the ground. Not dead, but left in a vegetable-like state where they couldn't move. All limbs remained on their bodies, and (Y/n)'s suit returning to normal, well, normal for a nightmare. Everything the villains saw was merely images sparked through (Y/n)'s Quirk, something he could only bring to life in such a way when he was in this overpowered state.
But just seeing how multiple villains in the countless dozens were now left on the ground, defeated, whilst the nightmarish form of (Y/n) remained tall, definitely left people to question just how powerful this boy was. Such a thing definitely resonated with the masked villain behind all this mess, as he scratched his neck whilst staring in the direction of the aforementioned male.
(???): "Hmm... Maybe you are the main character after all?"
It was as he pondered this that the void appeared beside the unknown leader, though the unknown status didn't remain for long as this grey heard male heard his name come from the being.
Shadow Villain: "Tomura Shigaraki."
Shigaraki: "Kurogiri... Go show this puppet why being a hero isn't as fun as people make it out to be."
The sudden order was shocking to the shadow villain, now known as Kurogiri, such was made clear by the look on his eyes.
Kurogiri: "But All Might... It's because of my Quirk that we managed to stop Nomu from getting hurt. If I leave and lose focus, we could split him in half."
Shigaraki merely glanced over at the sight, of Nomu's body appearing in two places thanks to Kurogiri's Quirk. The hold he was putting on All Might seemed to be stable.
Shigaraki: [Turns to Korogiri] "...Take care of the boy."
Kurogiri: [Sighs] "Very well."
With no more hesitation, Kurogiri launched into the air, his abyss form cutting through the air as (Y/n)'s own nightmarish form turned around to see the approaching villain. Much to the distaste of the students watching on.
Sato: "Man, seriously?! This guy doesn't quit!"
Bakugo: "Yeah, well, neither does (Y/n)!"
No emotion made its way through the dark mask (Y/n) wore as he saw the villain coming straight for him.
Kurogiri: "I'm not going to let you defeat me this time!"
(Y/n)'s response to that was delivering a powerful strike to the ground right in front of him. An explosion of rockets immediately launching sky high, creating a makeshift wall which seemed to be an attempt to block Kurogiri off. Something that only made the villain laugh.
Kurogiri: [Cackles] "You really think something like that will stop me?!"
Creating a portal inches away from the wall Kurogiri's body effortlessly travelled through, before coming out the other side which was already present past the wall.
Kurogiri: "Now it's your turn to know def--"
...But (Y/n) was ready. A reeling punch already in the process as Kurogiri came closer toward him. And due to the speed of it all, the villain was unable to stop himself in time. All he could do was watch as sparks of red and green ran through (Y/n)'s arm as it cut through the air and collided directly with the centre of Kurogiri's body. But it didn't just stop at the void, it continued to go further, deeper, until it struck a piece of metal.
One (Y/n) had felt earlier when originally thought he defeated the villain. As soon as Kurogiri realized the contact, his eyes widened. But only before the rest of his body took the contact and was sent storming backwards... Just in time for the rubble that was previously launched into the air, to fall directly on top of him. A makeshift tomb that the being struggled to get out of due to the metal harness around his neck sparking and being unable to work.
Kurogiri: "H-How... How did you know?"
The villain muttered as he looked up at the nightmarish form before him. But instead of responding right away, (Y/n) merely scrunched down onto a knee, crossed his arms over one leg, and looked directly into the villain's eyes. Only then did he give his response. One that pissed off Kurogirieven more.
(Y/n): "Know what? I just wanted to punch you so hard you'd feel it tomorrow. And the day after that. And the day after that. And so on, until you remember, to never hurt people I care about."
The final reply before (Y/n) got to his feet and walked off. He didn't need to deliver some final blow to Kurogiri to know who was victorious. Especially since the cheers of the students watching on did a pretty good job of that already. The echoes of his friends pushing him further strengthened (Y/n) through the pain as he set his eyes on Shigaraki. The villain himself was left stunned by the sight as the scratching of his neck intensified.
Shigaraki: "No... No... This wasn't how it was supposed to go... Not like this... Not like this..."
All Might: "Then I am sorry to disappoint you further."
Shigaraki: "Huh?"
Immediately Shigaraki was given even more to worry about as All Might dug through the pain of his chest to somehow grab Nomu so tight that he was able to reverse the suplex position. Pulling the villain out of Kurogiri's portal in the ground, and freeing the villain's hold on his chest. Once that was done, the rest became easy, as All Might tore the villain's body out of the ground and launched him through the air with a fierce cry.
As for Nomu, his body soon collided with the ground, rolling the final stretch before coming to a stop at the feet of Shigaraki who was now growing even more worried. All Might just smiled before he felt a presence come to a stop by his side. A single glance was all it took to see (Y/n)'s monstrous form standing beside him, causing quite the shock for All Might.
All Might: "Young man...? Is... Is that you?"
A simple nod was all (Y/n) gave, and in the end, that was all All Might needed for his fears to drop before a sudden groan escaped his mouth along with a wave of blood as he clenched at his side. All (Y/n) needed to do was drop his gaze to see the blood patch covering up the side of All Might's shirt, directly above the wound that rested below.
(Y/n): "You going to be alright?"
All Might: "...I should be. But I do not know how much longer I will be able to keep going. This villain... He's not like any other."
Shigaraki: "Are you only realizing such now?"
All Might: "Huh?"
Returning his gaze ahead, All Might and (Y/n) were greeted by the hint of a deranged smirk that rested underneath Shigaraki's mask. But the heroes were left for an even bigger shock when they witnessed Nomu slowly get back to his feet, seemingly unphased, even as his previously broken bones snapped back into place. The shock that appeared on All Might's face was all the satisfaction Shigaraki needed in order to offer a reply.
Shigaraki: "Do not tell me you are surprised, hero? Or did you think Nomu's only ability was being able to take a hit? If so, you'd be wrong. This is his super-regeneration."
The heroes were left stunned as they witnessed such a sight. All Might used all he had in order to slam Nomu to the ground, he hoped it'd be enough. After all, if he couldn't break through the skin, he hoped an applied force so strong would somehow break what was underneath it. But now, such a use of his strength seemed like a waste of time.
Shigaraki: "Nomu has been modified to take you at 100%. He's a super-efficient human sandbag. But first, we need to get our gate back. So, Nomu... Have fun~"
It was with his final words the Nomy took off. Expecting the heroes to be left shocked, and without hope, Shigaraki was given the surprise of his life when he saw no such thing resonated with the heroes. Even as time slowed and Nomu went to move around the heroes to rescue Kurogiri, neither (Y/n) or All Might were left unphased as they merely moved just as fast. Blocking the villain's path and delivering a combined combo of One For All.
However, in (Y/n)'s case, he somehow managed to combo One For All with his nightmare Quirk. After earlier, he knew that he was still too weak for either Quirk alone to hurt Nomu. So the only thing that made sense was combining the abilities, and with that (Y/n) was able to match All Might in strength that the pair were able to deliver an attack so strong it brought Nomu to a stop, whilst mighty winds gushed around them.
They were so strong that Shigaraki was sent flying back through the air, the breeze even being felt by the students who watched on. As for (Y/n) and All Might, the pair stood side by side as they dug their fists into Nomu's very own, like a double fist bump of sorts, but with much more dangerous precautions if left unchecked. Eventually, the masked villain regained his footing, all the while he pushed against the winds that continued to flood the air as (Y/n) and All Might gave it their all.
Shigaraki: "Damn... Hey! You talked about his shock absorption earlier, right? So why even bother attacking?"
All Might: "Because that's what heroes do!"
The words were all that came before (Y/n) and All Might moved at speeds unable to be seen as they went into a direct fistfight with Nomu. Despite the titles of student and teacher, the pair were able to work in union. Whether it were one going over the top, the other would instantly drop and go low. This process continued, all to the awe of everyone that dropped.
Kirishima: "A full-on fistfight?"
Bakugo: "This shit is awesome!"
Mineta: [Jumps into the air] "(Y/n) and All Might rock!"
Not too far away, Todoroki could finally be seen making his way to the centre. His original goal was to intervene, but when he saw the show on display from (Y/n) and All Might, he was left to stand still and watch.
[Your POV]
I couldn't believe it. I was fighting alongside All Might. This was a dream so many people had, yet I was living it. I couldn't help but slow down every moment, every punch, every sidestep, savouring it all to make sure I remembered this moment forever. Whether for me, or for Izuku. But with each punch I gave, I couldn't help but think over the opponent. If Nomu's Quirk wasn't shock nullification like both myself and All Might must be suspecting. But with each punch I delivered, I started to think the right answer wasn't nullification, but shock absorption instead. When I realized such, it all became as clear as day. I needed to tell All Might. But I'd need time.
So, to make time, I used up every bit of energy I could draw upon to charge up my next strike. The powers of One For All and Nightmare coming together to form a punch so strong it caused a dint to be created in Nomu's chest, but what I really wanted was to send him flying back toward his friend. So, I gave the punch, even when I felt my bones breaking, I kept pushing forward until I got the goal I sought after. Unfortunately, I dropped to my knees seconds later. The nightmare form washing off as my suit remained in tatters. At first, all I could hear was a ringing sound filled my ears. But it wasn't long before my hearing returned, just as All Might dropped to a knee to check on me.
All Might: "(Y/n)! Are you alright, my boy? Are you--"
(Y/n): "I... I'm fine. Argh! But, I-I think, my arm..."
All Might needed but a single glance to realize the damage that was taken. A few seconds passed as he looked over it before turning back to me.
All Might: "It appears your arm is broken. But rest assured! I shall handle Nomu!"
That much I didn't argue with. Though, before All Might could leave, I made sure to let him know what I was thinking.
(Y/n): "Ugh... All Might... Nomu... H- He's... He doesn't have shock nullification. But shock absorption."
All Might: "...Shock absorption... You're right! How could I possibly not notice that sooner?" [Turns to you] "But if that's true, that means there has to be a limit, right?"
(Y/n): "I thought as much..."
All Might: "Ha! Then I will merely reach that limit!"
As he said this, All Might was already in the process of getting back to his feet. Before he could leave, I reached out for his arm, regaining his attention once more.
(Y/n): "B-But you can't do it alone... You're injury... You're bleeding..."
All Might: "That..." [Sighs] "I am afraid, you are correct. But I shall not let that hold me back."
(Y/n): "Wha... But why? You know you can't push yourself too much?"
All Might: "Yet I find the inspiration. And that inspiration... Is you, (Y/n) Midoriya."
I don't know what I was expecting him to say, but whatever it was, I was definitely not expecting that. So much so I couldn't even offer a response before All Might continued speaking.
All Might: "For you, (Y/n), are the greatest child I have ever seen. Someone so tortured as a child, left to swallow the pain this world has to offer, yet, here you are... Rising above the pain. To help others. To help me. How can I not feel inspired by you? That is why, because of you... I will not lose this fight."
The final words brought chills down my spine. For someone who didn't exactly hate All Might, but still held a distaste for heroes. It was in this moment I couldn't help but feel all of that remorse go away. In its place, I couldn't help but smile up at the man my little brother looked up to. And right now, I did the exact same as I watched All Might take off to combat Nomu one final time. And combat him, he did. I don't know how long the fight lasted. Or what damages were done to All Might in the process. But never once did he fall. Never once did he give up. Never once did he lose his smile.
Even as the earth shook around him, with trees being torn from the ground and potholes created from the impact of their feet, All Might continued to fight. Even if Nomu was created to handle All Might at 100%, All Might found the strength to go above that. And it was then when everyone realized that, that victory was sealed. It was with a final cry of the words 'Plus Ultra' that All Might delivered the greatest punch I had ever seen. One filled with so much powerful and pure strength that it looked like Nomu's body had exploded on the spot. But, in reality, the monster was sent flying through the air.
His body crashing through the roof of USJ and sent high into the sky, the vibration that rocketed the entire building could be felt from every person left fighting villains within USJ. But for those who saw the sight first-hand, came to realize, that there truly was no other hero like All Might. When the chaos ended, however, a ray of sunshine was left to come through the hole in the roof. A ray of light that immediately shined down upon All Might's figure, just as smoke began to appear from his skin.
All Might: [Thoughts] "And with that... I'm out of time..."
I knew that was all All Might had in him. The smoke that formed around his body was a clear indication that he couldn't go much further. All it would take was a single step forward and his bluff would fall. It was easy for me to tell, despite the smile on his face, All Might was struggling ti keep this form. And as he called out to the masked villain, that he was doing everything he could to keep up the act. All the while the villain looked on in shock.
[3rd Person POV]
All Might: "Well, what's wrong?"
To the villains, All Might seemed unphased. Even the students that watched on presumed as much. But for (Y/n), he really started to panic inside. He wasn't sure how much longer All Might could keep up this ruse. It was clear he was trying to pack the villain's bags so they'd flee. However, even such an option seemed to be a hesitant thought for Shigaraki, who relentlessly scratched at his neck.
Shigaraki: "If only I had Nomu... That guy would have been able to go up against him without thinking anything!"
The scratching and mutters only continued, it was at this moment that (Y/n) realized something needed to be done. Knowing this villain, even though defeat was clear, he'd do something crazy as a last-ditch effort, or final remark to leave on the crowd. And unbeknownst to him, if he did that, he'd more than likely come out on top against All Might. (Y/n) knew as much. It was as (Y/n) thought over this that Kurogiri appeared by Shigaraki's side, after using managing to activate his powers to get out from his makeshift prison. The sight alone shocking (Y/n) and All Might. But neither could move as the villains spoke to one another.
Kurogiri: "Shigaraki! Please, calm yourself."
Shigaraki: "Kurogiri? You escaped?"
Kurogiri: "Barely... But take a look. All Might is clearly weakened from the damages of Nomu's attacks."
Shigaraki: "Huh?"
Kurogiri: "Besides, no student seems able to stand against us. The only one that could, can barely lift his arm. We still have underlings that can be used. There are likely only a few minutes left until reinforcements arrive. If you and I work together, we still have a chance of killing All Might."
Upon realizing such, Shigaraki immediately stopped the scratching of his neck and pulled his hands away. Slowly drawing them to his side as he realized what was being said to him was becoming more true with each second that passed.
Shigaraki: "Yeah... Yeah, yeah... That's right... That's right... We have no choice but to do it." [Chuckles] "I mean, we have the last boss right in front of our eyes."
His sinister chuckle echoed through the air as around them, the previously unconscious villains slowly got to their feet. The sight shocked the students who watched on, and caused All Might to question if his plans were going to work. More smoke appeared around the hero, making him wonder if he could carry on the act any longer.
However, it was as things were just about to get eerie that a hero would step out from the shadows, or in this case, the fear that was holding him back. The eyes of Kurogiri and Shiagraki widened when they saw it, and when All Might noticed the sudden change of expressions on the villain's faces he found the strength to turn his own head around. When he did, the number one hero was left shocked when he saw (Y/n) was the one left standing.
[Your POV]
I don't know what made me do. Heck, I don't even know where the strength came from. My entire left arm was aching in pain, and the rest of my body wasn't far behind. Yet, as I saw the villains grow confident... Something in me snapped. I hated it. Hated seeing them think they now had the upper hand. It only reminded me of the smile that the monster carried the night he killed my brother. As soon as I made that connection, I knew there was no way on Earth I was going to let these villains win.
But it wasn't just for that, that I did this. It was also because of All Might. I couldn't let his secret get out. I knew he wouldn't be able to do anything if the villains decided to attack, and even I wouldn't be able to do anything. So, in a form of attack, I wasn't known for. Instead of punching my way out of the situation, I was going to use my words. But a form of words that would deliver the fear only a god could bring into a person. And I wasn't going to stop until all these villains feared me.
(Y/n): "You know, people always say that you should fear the person with all the power. Whether it be a teacher, an opponent, or an authority. The idea is to fear them because they have all the power, it's that thought that drives you, villains..."
"...And that's what makes me fucking hate you all the most."
Not once did my eyes get taken away from the two villains who were the main cause of all this chaos. My mask did well to darken my voice, but nothing to hide the anger and frustration that drove me to walk through the pain as I hobbled over toward them. Even when I noticed out of the corner of my eye, All Might looking at me in pure shock, I didn't move my gaze. Instead, I kept walking straight ahead.
(Y/n): "No matter what it is. You think you all have a fucking right because you think no one will stop you. Even if a hero does step up, you all go through the pussy method of putting innocents in danger. You think that's tough? That's pathetic... You're pathetic."
I could tell that last bit stung for the villain with the mask. Despite the very thing that covered his face, I could still see the one eye that showed off all the emotion I needed to know I had this victory on lock. I just needed to continue running my mouth.
(Y/n): "You think you're so much. All because you hurt people, and put fear in them. Well, what exactly are you going to do when you come up against someone that isn't afraid? That isn't afraid of you, or your pathetic creations? It's at that point, you and the rest of your villains come to realize that the person you should fear isn't the person who has it all... It's the person who has nothing left to lose."
Just to further prove my point, I didn't hesitate once as I pulled my mask over my head, revealing my identity to the villains before him, and all around. Despite it being a simple act, it was one to showcase my lack of fear, and that I was dead serious with what I was saying. So, I continued to march forward.
(Y/n): "All my life, I've been at the butt end of it all. Childhood. Junior High. Life has be completely shit for me. I've lost people I care about, and felt pain unlike any other. So seeing you villains just come here today, on a day I hoped would just come and go, was really a mistake on your part. Because before I was just pissed off... But now all I want to do is watch you all turn your backs and run away." [Chuckles] "Now, you may think I want to hurt you, but I don't... I just want to show the world what a pathetic piece of shit villains really are."
It was as my words took on a more hurtful tone that I pictured Kaito in my mind. Every word I spoke, I thought of saying that exactly to him. Heck, I bet he's listening to them right now as he hides away like a coward. But my goal wasn't just to insult these villains, I wanted them to run away knowing they had no chance of winning, and I decided to do that in the only way I could currently think of. And it came in the form of continuing my march forward until I was standing right in front of the two villains. Despite their previous smirks reigning supreme, the only thing I saw now as I stared the masked villain deep in the eyes was the shock on his face.
(Y/n): "You came here thinking All Might was your biggest worry. Well, you were wrong. All Might shouldn't be the one to fear. It's me... Because at the end of the day, I won't just send you to jail. I'll fucking murder you all. And I will have no remorse. No second thoughts whatsoever. Because I'm not afraid of what people will think about me. I'm not afraid of anything. Not anymore. That's why... I'm not afraid to do this.
The look on the villain's face said it all, he had no clue what was going on. But that look quickly dropped for complete awe when out of nowhere I grabbed him by the wrist and slammed his hand down onto my own. Instantly, his Quirk started to have an effect. His decaying ability quickly cracking away at the skin surrounding my wrist. But in this case, the person who was scared was me. No. I just continued to stare straight into the villain's soul as his Quirk ran through my body. Because in the end, the person who was afraid wasn't me... It was him.
(Y/n): "Now, I'll give you one chance. And I swear, you better take that one fucking chance, to go... Now. Run away. Like the coward you are. Run, because in the end, that's all your good for."
The sensation of parts of my skin falling off was a pain unlike any other. Yet, with all the rage that coursed through my body, I hardly felt a thing. I just continued to stare directly into the eyes of this villain... and soon enough I saw exactly what I wanted to see. Fear. However, before any response came from the villain, a sudden gunshot flooded the air.
Instantly the gaze of every villain,including All Might, turned around to see a sight that brought a sigh of relief to everyone who was on the side of good. It seemed help had finally arrived. The sudden bang coming from the Cowboy Hero himself, Snipe, who shot a warning into the air with his gun. Beside him, countless other Pro Heroes could be seen. So many that they now vastly outnumbered the villains.
I didn't need to turn around to know I had won. I just needed to see the look of complete defeat on the villain's face. Soon enough it only became an amount of time before the villains realized their defeat, and it eventually arrived in the form of the masked villain standing before me letting go of my wrist to turn to All Might, who still watched on in silence.
Shigaraki: "I may have failed this time... But I will kill you next time..."
Kurogiri: "Shigaraki. Seriously, we need to go."
The villain now known as Shigaraki was only further pushed in such a direction when Snipe opened a few more shots. These ones somehow perfectly avoided my body to shoot him right in the shoulders and one in the leg.
Shigaraki: "AARRGGHH!!"
Kurogiri: "That's it! I'm not waiting anymore!"
All it took was a few seconds. In which, the shadow villain launched out in front of Shigaraki and blocked any other shots. All before the pair disappeared with the help of the latter's quirk. One that barely activated due to the injury to his harness. But it did eventually work, and if I'm being honest... I was more than happy about that. It was from this point on that silence filled the air, as the Pro Heroes sought to the students and apprehended the villains left with nowhere to run.
As for me, all I could do was turn my body. My eyes landing on All Might who was now halfway between his current form and turning back to normal. But his disproportioned body was the last thing I saw before a wall of black swallowed me whole. My eyes sealing shut as my body collapsed to the ground. All my energy is gone. But I didn't need to worry about that any more. The day was saved, and people were safe. Now was the time to rest.
And rest I did as the world travelled around me. For it was on this day that villains were brought to justice, students grew bolder, and friendships formed. But for me, I realized today was the day I realized, when it really mattered, I would put my body on the line. But today, my body failed me. I'm still weak. But I'll get there. To a point where I'll be able to defeat any villain that comes my way. Because in the end, I did make a promise. And it's a promise I plan to keep...
[3rd Person POV]
Later that day, as the sky turned orange, a tired (Y/n) could be seen sitting in a bed in the infirmary of U.A. His right arm in a sling, and the left was wrapped in bandages from the wrist due to Shigaraki's Quirk. Not a single word escaped his mouth as he looked out the window at the police who could be seen escorting the captured villains outside. Seeing such a sight was more than enough to bring a smile to (Y/n)'s lips. However, it was cut short when a familiar voice flooded the air.
Before (Y/n) could even turn his head toward the door, his smile was present, and it only grew further when his gaze landed on the happy face of his best friend. Bakugo carrying his usual smirk as he approached his injured buddy.
Bakugo: "You know, dude, I ain't shitting you when I say everyone in class thinks you're fucking awesome right now. Even more cool, I hear the teachers think you're fucking awesome too!"
(Y/n): "Did they use those exact words?"
Bakugo: "Eh. More or less. The point is, you're fucking awesome and totally going to be the most popular guy in school."
(Y/n): [Sighs] "I'm not sure if I really want that."
Bakugo: "Pfft! Too late for that! Everyone knows you're the guy who fought off villains without fear. That you fought alongside All Might to defeat that Nomu bastard. And, you're the one who sent the villains who started all this mess running away like cowards. You were so badass!"Just hearing the energetic words of his best friend was more than enough to bring a smile to (Y/n)'s lips. His eyes closing momentarily before turning back to Bakugo, who now sat on the edge of his bed.
(Y/n): "...Is everyone okay?"
Bakugo: "Yeah. No one got hurt... Because of you. I mean, seriously, dude, you've got a broken arm and peel-ly skinny shit going on. Yet you're still standing!"
(Y/n): "I got lucky."
Bakugo: "Pfft! Bitch, please! You were awesome, (Y/n), all because you wanted to help people."
(Y/n): "Even so... I'm still not as strong as I can be."
Bakugo: "But you'll get there. We both will. After all... You've still got plenty of girls to make yours~ And, let me just say, after today... I think there's a few who definitely wouldn't mind being tied down to you~"
The remark only left (Y/n) confused, yet, he couldn't help but chuckle at his friend's strange antics. So, the pair remained there, talking and having fun until (Y/n) was able to leave. However, as they went to exit the school, elsewhere, Yaoyorozu could be seen exiting class after grabbing her books and switching back to her school uniform. But just when she was about to leave, a familiar voice called out.
"Hey, Yaoyorozu, wait up!"
As soon as she heard the voice, her body stopped. She didn't want to, yet her body still did it. And as she turned around, Yaoyorozu was immediately greeted by the frowning face of Kaito, who quickly approached her.
Yaoyorozu: "Kaito, look, I--"
Kaito: "Get your things. We're going to my place."
Yaoyorozu: "Wha-No. I was actually thinking I would go home and get some sleep. Today has just been really--"
Before she could finish, Yoayorozu was given the fright of her life as Kaito grabbed her by the crop of her school uniform and shoved her against the wall.
Kaito: "Today's been what? Rough? Tough? Bitch, you don't know what today has been. I had to yet again witness as everyone adored that freak for saving the day."
Yaoyorozu: [Whilst struggling] "Kaito! Let... Let go of me!"
Kaito: "Why? Why should I? Everyone else seems to get what they want. (Y/n) sure seems to! Why I can't I get something I want?" [Smirks] "Remember, Momo, you're my fiance. After all, you're such of a disgrace to your father. I mean, you're probably nothing but a whore in his eyes. So no wonder he'd offer your hand in marriage to the first person that happened to see you."
The glare on Yaoyorozu's face clearly gave off the feeling that she didn't like one thing that was currently happening. Yet Kaito's grin only grew more sadistic as he continued to dig his fist into her chest.
Kaito: "Remember, it's because of my Father that your family is still as functional as they are today. And you're the reward, to me, for helping you out when you needed it most. So why don't you just shut the FUCK UP FOR ONCE and just do what I say?!"
Just like that, the angry glare shifted to a fearful glimmer. Yaoyorozu barely able to keep her eyes opened as she feared for everything. As for Kaito, he just continued to grin, that was until out of nowhere he was spun around and flung to the ground. Before he knew it, punch after punch was being dealt directly to his face. The back of his head dug into the ground as his face was turned into mush. Broken into tiny pieces by an unseen attacker.
But that attacker didn't go unseen for long. As when Yaoyorozu realized what was going on, her eyes snapped open in shock to see (Y/n) was the person beating down on Kaito. The boy who had warned her of the male, was now protecting her, all the while he barked off frightening words to the boy currently seeing his life flash before his eyes. It was a shocking sight, yet, in it all, Yaoyorozu couldn't help but drop to the ground.
Holding herself together until the sounds finally stopped. Eventually, she opened her eyes once more. As she did, the lifeless body of Kaito could be seen lying no more than a few feet away from her. He was alive, but barely. But what truly caught her attention, was what was in front of her. An opened hand, offering her solitude. That feeling only grew as Yaoyorozu lifted her gaze higher to see the gentle smile of (Y/n) Midoriya before her.
She should feel fear, or hesitant to take the hand of the boy who had just beaten Kaito to a lifeless pulp. But Yaoyorozu felt no such thing. Instead, she felt a rhythm in her heart slowly start to form as she took notice of (Y/n)'s face and what it had to offer her. But, in the end, she was broken from her trance by the mere sound of the young boy's voice. One which released a sentence that brought her warmth and comfort, in a time she struggled to do exactly that.
(Y/n): "Are you alright?"
Simple words, yet, at this moment, they meant so much to her. Yaoyorozu couldn't help but reach out for (Y/n)'s hand, quickly taking it into her own. However, when her feet touched the ground, they struggled to carry her weight. Yet, that didn't seem to be much of a struggle for (Y/n), who, despite an injured arm, found the strength to carry the girl in his arms as they searched for someone to help. But as Yaoyorozu rested in the strong arms of the boy who saved her, her mind continued to think over the last words he said to her.
(Y/n): "Don't worry, girl... I got you."
Or, at least, that's the words Bakugo would say (Y/n) said every time he told the story to a girl. As for (Y/n), he was just happy this crap with Kaito was finally over. Unfortunately, not all worries were. Because elsewhere, in an unknown location, the bodies of Shigaraki and Kurogiri spawn out of nowhere. Despite the pain pulsing through his body, the masked villain couldn't help but feel the anger within outgrow it as he continued to picture the face of the boy who stopped his plans... And how he was going to make him pay.
[What did we think of think?]
[There we go, a 15k word chapter to wrap up the first thing. So much happened, and I really feel like this was the perfect ending for it. It was badass, and leaves a lot of things open for the future. Which I'm really exited for, I just hope this book can continue to be popular because I'm having a blast writing it, and I can't wait for season 2. And, trust me, you don't wanna miss it. The sports festival! Growing love in the air. And most importantly, hot female superheroes. Oh, speaking of hot female superheroes, you won't wanna miss the next chapter, because in the next one... We're gonna have Midnight. And not just in some supporter type of role here and there. Let's just say she's really eager to be in the same class as someone who fought off countless villains at once~
But to find out what happens, be sure to come back next week for another action-packed chapter! Until then, I'm your friendly neighbourhood Author-San, saying peace out, and be sure to leave a vote if you enjoyed the chapter. Because, trust me, you won't wanna miss what I have in store!!!]
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