We're Hear In Front of Fairy Tail
(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....WHA-!!!! (A/N is it just me or did that remind you of Animal Crossing) Oh my god! Did I fall asleep? Jeez, that was a terrible dream. I should probably get up now. I thought as I opened my eyes. And when I saw raven coloured looking hair, and my head jumped up. Which created a hard collision with the raven coloured hair. "Ow" we both groaned at the same time. This must not be a dream. "Hey! what are you doing?" Gray yelled.
"I was shocked and jumped up unintentionally baka!" (A/N baka menas idiot by the way) I yelled back. "Where are we?" I said laying back down since it was comfortable even though I didn't know what it was.
"We are on the train, Erza is getting all the tickets, and Happy and Lucy are trying to push Natsu on to the train." He replied looking up with a small tint of...pink? That must have been my mind playing tricks on me. Oh my god, I forgot I cried in front of this guy! I remembered. "U-uh...by any chance...d-did I maybe have...u-uh, cried on you?" I said nervously. "Yeah but it's no big deal. If you were finally comfortable it meant you would stop moving. You were pretty annoying." He said.
"Excuse me?! I would've been more comfortable if I wasn't being pushed into doing something I don't want to!" I yelled at him.
"Well-" our fight was cut off from a red headed bimbo coming towards us. (A/N IM SORRY ER-ZY-WERZY!! YOU ARE ONE OF MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS!) "I see you two are getting comfortable with each other she said while sitting across from us. I was confused as to why she said that and then I realized that I've been laying on him this whole time. My face started to heat up, fast. I got up out of his lap fastly and sat next to him instead. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I didn't realize I-" I started
"It's fine, just be quite you talk too much." he stated unkindly. I was about to throat punch him until the girl, Lucy, and the salmon colored hair boy, Natsu, walked in with a blue exceed right on their trail. The cat, Happy, sat next to me while the others sat by Erza. "So, where are you taking me anyway? Is it to that stupid light guild you talked about?" I sneered.
Natsu was about to say something when he suddenly stopped and sat back down an laid on Lucy's lap. "Hey what do you think I am, a couch?" Lucy yelled with a pink face. "Hey pinkey, what wrong? Cat got your tongue?" I said.
"He has a big motion sickness problem." Erza stated. "And yes, we are taking you to fairy tail, but-" she pulled out a sword and put it at my throat "if you ever disgrace fairy tail in that manner, I will have you slit by the neck personally." She said. I put my hang up and touched the sword in awe. I loved swords. I put my hand down saying "Fine, whatever."
Natsu's P.O.V.
Happy's P.O.V.
Hmmm, should I have my fish now? Maybe I should save it till the end of the train ride. Hmmmm....
(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
I started to close my eyes accidentally and fell asleep once more.
Gray's P.O.'V.
(Y/N) must have fallen asleep again because her head fell on my shoulder. My face instantly went red. "You liiiiike her!" Happy sang. "I do not you dumb cat!" I yelled. I looked down at her face, she kinda looks cute when she's sleeping...wait, WHAT?! I thought! Some more time went by and everyone fell asleep, including me. But what I didn't know is that my head had fallen on (Y/N)'s.
~Time skip brought to you by symmetry~
"They are soooo in love!" I woke up to Happy's chant. I woke up to see Erza an Happy staring at me. I looked down and realized I was asleep on (Y/N)'s head! Crap! "It's not what it looks like! We both just fell asleep!! That's it!" I yelled sitting up straight. Which caused (Y/N)'s head to move and then raise. She wiped her eyes from the tiredness. "Wait! Did you sleep on me you ice-freak!?" she yelled. "Well, yeah. But you have no room to talk because you fell asleep on me first!"
"No I didn't!"
"Yes you did!"
We were about to hit each other when Erza yelled "I suggest you both stop or I will have to punish you both."
"Yes mam!" I said while (Y/N) just huffed. Then Natsu and Lucy woke up and they realized that their heads were on one another's when they fell asleep. "They loooove each other!" Happy chanted. Both of their faces went scarlet red, "We do not!" they both yelled. "Come on, the train stopped. We must be on our way now." Erza said with a chuckle at Natsu and Lucy's reaction. "Anything to get off this death trap!" Flame-for-brains said as we got off.
(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
I looked around me in awe at the beautiful view. I then tripped and fell. "Ow!! Hey ice-freak, what was that for?!" I asked while getting up. "What do you mean?! I didn't do anything!" he yelled. We started calling each other names when Erza yelled at us to stop. So the whole way we kept hitting each other while no one was looking.
~Time skip to in front of the guild brought to you from a real man!~
Oh, wow. That's a big guild hall. Wait, they are all conversing now is my chance to escape. Quietly I started backing up slowly and they never noticed. Then I started a small skip and then started to run. "Hey! Get back here!" I heard Natsu yell. There is no way I can step foot in that light guild, I'm a dark wizard for crying out loud. "Get her!" I heard Erza shout. "Crap!" I said to no one in particular.
I was still running, but I looked behind me to see that they were to. But then I bumped into something big and strong while I fell on my butt. "Ow, ow, ow, ow! Hey! What was that for?!" I yelled at the person.
"Well maybe you should watch where you are going when you run." He said with a smile and a chuckle. He had white hair, it was all spiky. He held out his hand for me, which I took hesitantly. "I'm not gonna bite, you know." He said still with a grin and laugh. "I'm Lyon Vastia. May I ask who I owe this pleasure to?" he said in a prince like manner.
I took his hand, and he used a little bit to much force to help pick me up because I ended up getting really close to him. Our faces were very close together and our hands were still connected. My face went fifty shades of red and I quietly said, "I'm (Y-Y/N) (L-L/N)." He still had his grin on and we were still in the same position when we heard, "Hey! Get back here!....Lyon?!" I heard Gray shout. "Uh, that's my cue. Sorry, gotta run!" I started to run but got stuck by someone holding my arm not letting me continue running. I looked behind me to see who it was. "Lyon?" I questioned him. "Doesn't look like your friend wants you to leave. Does he (Y/N)?" he said with a mischievous grin. "He is not my friend. He is was the one who took me against my own will. Now I really have to go before-" I was cut off from hearing someone say "ICE MAKE: CAGE!" And before I knew it, Gray had put me in a bird cage. I was so angry "Gray....I'm going to tear you apart, limb from limb!!!!!" I screamed.
"I don't think you will get very far if you're stuck in a bird cage (Y/N)." He said.
"Let. Me. Out. Now." I said
"Hmmm, how about, no." he said.
"Do you know this fine young lady, Gray?" I heard Lyon ask.
"Well she is the opposite from a fine lady, and yes. I do know her. What's it to you?" Gray replied. Just wait till I get my hands on you Gray!
"Well, I thought she was very beautiful and I wanted to know if she was interested on going on a date with me." Lyon said as I turned as red as Erza's hair. Gray looked mad for some reason.
"She isn't going on a date with you Lyon. Besides she hates light guilds. Plus I don't think you would want her because she is a nonstop chatter box." Gray said.
"Say that to my face you cocky little-" I was cut off by Lyon.
"Oh, well then. I guess that means I will have to find a way to change (Y/N). Until then" he went over to me and put his hand through the cage bars and cupped my cheek. He continued, "See you next time my darling (Y/N)" he chirped and pecked my cheek with a kiss.
At that point my whole face was burning. "Yeah, okay. Lyon" I squeaked. He just laughed and left. I looked over to Gray to see that he was mad. "A-are you okay Gray?"
"I hate him." He simply said.
"Where is your posey?" I said sassily changing the subject.
"They just let me do all the chasing as they went to go and describe the situation to Master so that he understands." He said. After that he made and caried the chains again so that he could drag me back to that horrid thing they call a guild.
❄❄❄Heyyy Nekos!!! I'm sorry I haven't been posting much, stupid school.
Natsu: yeah I bet school sucks.
Me: yeah it does.
Gray: Well it sucks to suck
(Y/N): why do you have to be so mean Gray?
Wendy: before author-chan forgets, Fairy Tail is owned by Hiro Mashima
Me: thank you Wendy.
Erza: Make sure to leave comments, a vote, and your opinion or if you want her to look into doing something. I'm sure author-chan would be very happy to try to include it for you.
Me: Well said Er-zy-werzy. Anyhoo, byyye my little Nekos!!!!❄❄❄
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