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The museum at the Bonds of Fate headquarters is just one single floor of artefacts and information in a fifty story building where the entire office looks after the soulmate bonds. Namjoon's been here before, but it was only for a short and quick trip.
He, Jimin and Jungkook get out of the car wearing their masks. It's the last hour of visiting, they hoped that there is less of the crowd.
"The Manager Hyung just texted saying that they have talked to the headquarters and there is no one at the Museum now." Jimin reads the text aloud.
"Who comes here in the first place?" Namjoon mumbles. "This museum always gives you these weird feels, the air is awfully quiet and eerie."
Jungkook and Jimin stare up at the building. Unlike the surrounding glass buildings, this one's brick and concrete—an old building that has been repainted over the years. Every country has its own and this one is has been there since even before their independence.
"I can't get in touch with Jin Hyung, he wasn't home the whole day, was he?" Namjoon says.
"Nope, he's been at the company...working on some songs? That's what Manager Hyung told Hobi Hyung when he had called." Jungkook says. "Also...Arin's not here..."
"I told her to come with us..." Namjoon shakes his head, "I am sure she's hiding something. Did you figure out about her string Jimin?"
"Not yet," Jimin rubs the back of his neck, biting his lip. The three of them sigh together.
Namjoon walks inside when two more cars stop by, revealing Taehyung, Eunbee and Hoseok and Yoongi.
"Welcome to Unmyeong Museum, please make sure not to touch anything," the guide announces, "Please enjoy your exploration."
All of them slightly bow before walking inside.
"What are we going to do here exactly?" Eunbee asks.
Namjoon stills and turns back towards her, "We are here to find some lead, anything to that sword, or breaking of your bond. If not that then at least some solution to those strings around your neck."
"I still don't think that would help us– that shit is too dramatic to be true," Yoongi says. Jungkook chuckles and nods, murmuring, "Somebody wants to live as if they were in a drama."
Eunbee gives him a slight kick to his calf, "I heard that."
"I am glad you did, it was for you to hear," Jungkook sticks out his tongue
"You are an asshole," She threatens to punch him.
"I was trying to copy you."
"How dare you!"
"Shut the fuck up," Taehyung groans and pulls Jungkook by his side. The new tom and jerry duo huff, and look away in the opposite directions with Taehyung clearly agitated, walking in between them.
The elevator opens to a pathway with pictures on either side of it, hanging from the walls with small descriptions alongside them. Most of them are illustrations of different bonds—strings, tattoos, thoughts, colour blindness, etc. Then on the other side, there are various diagrams and models of the brain and heart in the breather and immortal soulmates, telling how they work.
"This shit is crazy," Jungkook presses his nose to the glass of one cabinet. It had the information and remains of the rarest soulmates– the ones that remained blind until they met each other and gained sight.
"How's that a soulmate bond?" Eunbee presses her nose on that glass too, "Who even approved of this?"
"It is so sad. They have to suffer just because you did not meet your soulmate," Jungkook says, "It is unfair to either of them."
"What if every blind person is actually, yet to meet their soulmate? Then there's so much hope for them," Eunbee says, smiling at the thought.
Jungkook turns to look at her. "What if that's not true? Then that same hope will destroy that person..."
Eunbee stares at him, blankly. That same hope will destroy that person.
Jungkook goes back to pressing his nose on the glass to read the information. Eunbee stays still and before any negativity finds its way around her thoughts, a hand on her waist startles her.
"Are you okay?" Taehyung asks her.
Have you ever thought if it was not him on the other side of the string?
Eunbee nods and closes her eyes. When she opens them back, Taehyung is still standing there with the same expression. He looks worried.
That he is actually relieved it's you.
Eunbee sighs. Oh god, Jungkook, I absolutely hate you.
"Sir, please don't touch the glass."
They turn towards a woman, who was smiling at Jungkook and gesturing at the way he's pressed his face against the glass. Hoseok scolds him for doing that as he makes Jungkook bow in apology.
The woman parts her lips to speak further but a commotion from the other end of the corridor draws all the members' attention.
"Who told you to upgrade everything to be digital? We were good enough with coffee washed sheets and horsetail brushes," one voice says.
"It's more aesthetic too," a different one says.
"Oh shut up you two, it took me three years to find out which Chang family had lost their soulmates and because of the delay– I am forced to rot with you here, it is better to have things stored digitally!"
Their eyes widen when they recognise the man and woman from the day before, coming towards them with another person they don't recognise and Jimin gulps. Glad that Arin didn't come.
"Oh very well," the woman says, noticing them. " Look who we have here."
"They are grammy-nominated k-pop group BTS, the song Dynamite you listen to is their song, you know the one that you listen to in the shower—" the man says.
"I know who they are!" the woman grumbles, interrupting the man.
"Thankfully your taste in songs is better than in men," the other person, who was a new face to the group mumbles. He looks towards the members and bows to them, throwing a peace sign at Taehyung who acknowledges him with a nod.
"Hello, my name is Joongki and I am an intern at this headquarters and a big fan of you guys. These are my seniors, Chae," he points at the woman, "and Jun-woo," he points at the man. "They are even bigger fans of yours."
That earns him a hit at the back of his head from Jun-woo.
"And also the Manager of the fated strings team and this her secretary, yeah," Joongki says, rubbing his head.
"To what do we owe the pleasure of having you all here," the woman says and glances at her watch, "At the last visiting hour."
"Are those red strings of fate?" Joongki gasps all of a sudden, pointing at Taehyung. Eunbee grips Taehyung's sleeve when Joongki approaches them. "But we can see them and they are around your neck!"
He turns towards Chae and widens his eyes, "Isn't that fascinating?"
"Joongki," Chae calls him, sharpening her glare at him. "My apologies," she turns towards the guests, "Would you like some tea or coffee?"
"I feel weird for some reason...like something is not right here." Jimin mumbles and Hoseok nods, murmuring, "Me too."
Joongki walks inside the room where everyone was seated and he starts serving the tea. "This is Manager Chae's office. She'll be here in a minute. Till then, please enjoy."
Everyone takes a cup from him but none of them drinks, their eyes following Joongki's movements. Jun-woo walks inside and he stands beside Joongki.
"I thought our interface was malfunctioning again when it showed all of you bonded but it turns out it's the truth," Joongki shakes his head, laughing.
"Malfunctioning?" Yoongi says at the same time Taehung says, "All of us?"
Joongki looks at either of them then nods, "Sometimes our data might be incorrect like it happened once before...it had shown all PenPals bonded. You guys weren't supposed to meet your soulmates anytime soon so I thought—Ouch." Joongi hisses when Jun-woo steps on his foot.
The members look at each other, confused.
"What do you mean we weren't supposed to meet our soulmates anytime soon?" Jungkook says, placing the cup on the table.
"Oh nothing, he's just joking—"
"—He's not." Yoongi places his cup down too, "You're not telling us something, aren't you?"
"And when you mean all of us have met our soulmates, did you mean—" Hoseok says.
Jun-woo sighs, nodding. "Yes, all seven of you have. All of you."
"Shut up you two!"
. . .
"Why are you here so early in the morning Jin?" Hayoung mumbles, glancing at the clock on the wall. It's seven in the morning, Jin hasn't slept much. He saw the message on the group chat, the guys are planning to go to the museum at night. He'll have to make up something, he doesn't want to go.
He sighs, "I think I left my bag here, that day I was in a hurry. I need it."
Hayoung nods, letting him in. Jin walks inside, spots his bag in the same place he had kept it and takes it, walking back.
"Do you want to sleep with me?" Hayoung blurts out and looks up at him hopefully. Jin furrows his eyebrows. "I mean, just sleep, you look...tired. Rest a bit with me?"
"I don't feel like resting," Jin mutters and turns to walk out.
"That is not the real reason, is it?" Hayoung clings onto his arm.
Jin scoffs, facing her. "What do you want to hear from me Hayoung? Do you want me to pretend everything is fine? You yourself said that it doesn't work that way!"
"But we were fine till yesterday night!"
Jin laughs bitterly. "You didn't even tell me that Yoongi visited your studio. I-I don't know Hayoung what is happening but yesterday when I saw you two, I could see it— the soulmate bubble...it wrapped around you two, I felt like an outsider in your world!"
"I didn't tell you because you would think something wrong happened in between us—"
"Did something?" Jin interrupted, his hands coming up to hold her arms, "Did something happen between you?"
Hayoung gulps, the last night's memory flashes in her mind and she removes his grip from her arms. "No..."
"You're lying..." Jin whispers and Hayoung looks up with wide eyes. "Don't be surprised Hayoung. You're not my soulmate but I have my own instincts that are far stronger and more real than what a soulmate urge can make you feel. You never care what others think of your actions, but you are...this time..."
"It only happens when you have ideas that make you feel guilty and you think the world can see through you...I had come outside after I had heard Yoongi's studio door close, yesterday..."
Hayoung backs away, chest heaving.
"I thought you were still outside because I didn't hear the main gate close...but turns out you were with him in his studio because your shows were still outside..."
Hayoung exhales, shaking her head. "I fucked up...I fucked up..." she mumbles.
Jin steps close to her, gripping her chin in a harsh manner, making her look up at him. "Yes, you did fuck up because may I remind you that you're still my girlfriend. We haven't broken up."
Hayoung hisses, "I know...I just couldn't stop..."
"You couldn't stop?" Jin repeats, chuckling. He lets go of her chin, "Okay then," and steps back, shrugging. "Don't stop, just stay with him. You and I are done here."
The weight of his words dawn upon her and she clutches his arm, shaking her head frantically. "No...that's now what I meant Jin."
"Let me go Hayoung, just let me go," Jin says while blinking his eyes, trying hard to not cry. "I don't want to stay here anymore because I can't recognise you at all..."
Jin looks back at her with tears brimming in his eyes, "Who are you? What have you done to the girl I used to love? You have changed, so much, I hate it, I hate it so much. I can't love a girl I don't know..."
He yanks his hand away from her and walks out of the door, before looking over his shoulder and speaking.
"And you aren't the one I fell in love with it."
. . .
"Ms Chae, we want answers," Namjoon says, staring at the woman who just entered the room, interrupting the two men. "What are they talking about?"
Chae shakes her head, "You shouldn't pay attention to them, they have a bit of speaking too much."
"But it's true." Yoongi crosses his arm, "All of what he said is true, isn't it? What are you hiding from us?"
"Don't give me that bullshit please," Yoongi raises his voice, standing up."Please what is going on here? What kind of game are you guys playing?"
"It's no game, Mr Min," Chae says, showing her hand for him to stop. "There is a protocol and there are things I can't tell you. I am sorry but I assure you it is not a big deal."
"It's not a big deal?" Eunbee stands up, scoffing. "I have my life on stake here and that man just said we weren't supposed to meet each other yet, then he says all of us have met our soulmates when that isn't the case and their careers—"
"Please calm down," Chae says, voice monotonous. "It's true yes. All of you have met your soulmates. And about the rest of the things, I am sorry about that but we can't help you at all. We don't make the strings, we don't interfere with the natural flow of destiny—we just work through our way to explore bonds and study them so that complications like yours can be helped." She points at the string around Taehyung's neck.
"Unfortunately, I can't provide you with any help now."
"So you would let us die?" Taehyung widens his eyes. Chae sighs, shrugging. "It must be in your fate then."
"Fate my ass!" Eunbee shouts, Jimin shakes his head. "You mean to say that you'll leave us to die without even trying! When there might be ways to cut the string—"
"—there is no such thing like 'cutting the string', Ma'am."
Eunbee steps ahead, "There is the blue moon and swor—" Taehyung clasps her mouth with his hand, pulling her back in the corner. Chae raises an eyebrow, "What did she say? There's a way?"
Jungkook shakes his head, "Nothing. Then why did you come looking for Arin that day then."
Chae sighs, "We are extremely sorry for the trouble that day." She slightly bows, taking everyone by surprise. "We have lost something of ours and it has caused a lot of problems, so we have been searching for it up and down until someone informed us that they have seen it with Ms Arin. So we asked someone to keep a track of her which led us to your house—"
"Oh god, how can you do that? She's a kid, you could have just asked her nicely instead of following her!" Hoseok scoffs, shaking his head in disappointment.
"We know and we're extremely sorry. We are a little desperate here."
The members sigh, looking at each other.
"I just wanted to apologise for that day, I will leave you all to your Museum exploration." Chae gestures to Joongki to guide them and he does, out of the room and back to the big hall of the Museum.
The same worker from before greets them. "Hello gentlemen and a lovely lady," Eunbee smiles, bowing. "Let me guide you through the museum, this way please."
"Oh, Soo-ah," Joongki says, pointing at the worker, "Have you been overworking? Or is it the aftereffect of having a child? You look so tired..."
The worker, Soo-ah widens her eyes, touching her face, "I do?"
Joongki laughs, nodding. "If I didn't know better then I would have thought you've finally broken free from your vampire curse."
Jun-woo hits the younger, "That is mean."
But Soo-ah glances at the members, gasping and immediately starts walking away. The guys look at each other confused, shrugging.
"Is she angry? Did I say too much?" Joongki rubs the back of his neck. "I will guide you through, instead. Sorry about her."
Joongki takes them through. He keeps speaking but hardly any of them listen because all their eyes are in search of a sword or something regarding the red string of fate. Eunbee suddenly notices something, a collage with the same picture but in different quality and colours. "What does this mean— Mi alma es-est—"
"Mi alma estará contigo en cada una de mis vidas," Joongki says. Jungkook and Jimin look at each other, the words making their heads spin.
"It means, 'My soul will be with you in every lifetime'— that is the guy who was the first to find out that string soulmates remain the same. With every rebirth, the string's glow fades, that is why the strings of the current string soulmates can't be seen."
"But this..." Eunbee points at the string around her neck. Joongki gives her a smile, "It must be a new string, that is why the glow is bright and the string is deadly...it's trying to adjust to its new owners."
Yoongi scoffs. "You talk as if the string is some pet that needs to get to use of the owner."
Joongki shrugs, "That's an interesting way to look at. You can say it is something like that. The string has its own life."
"What happens when...the string's life is over or..."
"It finds a new owner and the love in between them gives it a new glow." Joongki says, "It is not a tested theory but we believe that is how it works. The brighter the glow, the stronger are the feelings in between the soulmates."
Taehyung and Eunbee look at each other, unsure. Do I love you this much? They ask themselves. But no answers.
"It's weird though, string soulmates stay together for thousands of years...neither of you had completed that period of time—"
"It's Jin Hyung," Jungkook interrupts, staring at his phone. "He just texted me saying he has met his soulmate. She's at the dorm."
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