11. birthday journey

TITLE: birthday journey
GENRE: fluff

SUMMARY: donghyuck goes on a scavenger hunt-style journey on his birthday, thanks to renjun.

Donghyuck wakes up a bit late in the morning, unaware of what today is. All the members have their day off today, and he stayed up playing computer games last night.

He gets up, stretching his arms and legs. As he stood up from his bed, he was greeted by Johnny who is smiling widely at him.

"Good morning, Haechan!" the older greets.

Donghyuck frowns, looking at his roommate confusedly. "Morning, Hyung. You seem happy today. Why is that?"

"Don't you know what day it is today? It's so special, it's all over the social medias!"

He slowly shakes his head, still furrowing his eyebrows. "No."

"Well, I have something to give you—I mean, someone has something to give you, he just ordered me to give it to you." Still confused, Donghyuck watches the older get something from the pocket of his shorts. A floral scented paper. "Here!"

He reluctantly takes the paper from Johnny. "Who's this from?"

"You'll know when you open it."

He lets out a sigh before opening the paper. He widen his eyes. "Wait, today's my birthday?" Johnny happily nods. "Shit, I forgot."

He mentally slaps himself before continuing to read the writings on the paper.

Happy birthday, honey! I know we promised not to buy each other gifts for one another's birthdays, but I'm breaking the promise just this once. I prepared lots of gifts for you ㅋㅋㅋ But you won't be receiving them from me directly. You have to go to different places to receive your gifts with the help of various clues as you go.

Now, for your first destination, it is a place where you cook food. When you go there, you will see Taeyong hyung.

Good luck! Have fun with your journey! ♡

"It's from Renjun." he mutters and looks up at Johnny. "Do I start now?"


Donghyuck sighs. "Can I at least eat breakfast first?"

"It's up to you." Johnny laughs. "Now go! Your boyfriend is waiting at your last destination."

He pouts hard before exiting their shared room. When he gets out, he was greeted by the other NCT 127 members in the dining area.

"Happy birthday!" they greet.


He goes straight to the kitchen where he was met by Taeyong, who was waiting for him by the counter. The leader is smiling happily as he greets the youngest member of NCT 127.

"Happy birthday, Haechan! Guess you already received your first clue, huh?" Donghyuck only nods. "Here's your first gift. Renjun said he baked that at 5 in the morning with the help of Jaemin and then he delivered it to our dorm."

"Baked?" Donghyuck opens the red with white polka dots box and immediately smiles. There are cookies inside with designs of various things Renjun reminds him of, such as the sun, a bear, a sunflower, jack skellington, etc.

He takes one from the box, the one with a sun as the design, and bites almost half of it. "Mhm, delicious." As he finished chewing, he puts the last bite into his mouth.

"Oh, and here's a bag for you so you can put here all of your gifts." Taeyong offers him an eco-bag and he almost immediately grabs it. "And here's your second clue."

He properly puts the box of cookies in the bag before taking the scented paper from Taeyong's hold.

Did you like them? I literally woke up at 5am and disturbed Jaemin just to bake those ㅋㅋㅋ I hope you like them, as well as the designs hehe ♡

Anyway, for your second destination. It's the place where we practice dances for our songs. You are going to meet either Jeno or Jisung there, or both of them, I don't know.

- Injun.

"Dance practice room." he mutters as the answer to the clue of his next destination. He looks at Taeyong and smiles, "Thanks, hyung! I gotta go."

"No problem! Good luck, kid." The leader gives him one last smile before Donghyuck exits the kitchen.

"Hey, aren't you going to eat breakfast first?" Doyoung asks, who is about to get up from his seat.

He shakes his head, "No, thanks. I gotta go!"

"Okay. Good luck!"

Wearing the bag on his shoulder, he exits their dorm and uses the elevator to go to the lobby, where he is greeted by some of the staffs, and several label mates such as his seniors Taemin, Kai, Baekhyun, Taeyeon and Yeri, and his hoobaes Ningning and Giselle.

He walks across the hallway until he reaches the dance practice room. When he enters the room, he meets fellow members Jeno and Jisung, who are blasting Hot Sauce on the speaker while dancing.

They seem to finally notice the birthday boy so Jisung pauses the music. "Hey, hyung!"

"Finally, you're here!" Jeno exclaims, getting the paper bag from the corner of the room. "Here's your gift. Renjun really prepared everything for you. What the heck!"

Donghyuck chuckles and grabs the paper bag. "Thanks." He peaks inside the color blue paper bag and he saw some sweatshirts and sweatpants. "Wow!"

"Here's another letter from Renjun hyung." Jisung hands him another scented paper and he almost immediately grabs it.

He puts the paper bag inside the bag he's carrying before opening the letter.

Hey! Did you like them? I made sure they're adidas because I know you like them ㅋㅋㅋ

Here's your third destination. The place where you and Taeil hyung used to hang out. No, it's not karaoke bar. Good luck!

- Injun.

P.S. If you need clues; pins and balls.

"Pins and balls?" Donghyuck asks himself out loud. He heard Jisung laughed but he just ignored it. It took him a few minutes to get it. "Oh, Bowling Alley! Because they have bowling pins and bowling balls. And Taeil hyung and I used to hang out there, right!"

He suddenly sighs, "Seriously? He's making me get out of the building, where anyone can see me." he groans. He looks at himself in the mirror. "Fuck, I'm wearing shorts."

He looks at the bag he's carrying. He grabs the paper bag where the sweatshirts and sweatpants are in. He calls out Jeno and Jisung and the two turn their head to him. "Do you, guys, have extra face mask?"

"I have." Jisung raises his hand. "Wait here." He goes to the corner of the room and unzips his mickey mouse bag. He takes out an unused mask then goes back to Donghyuck. "Here! I haven't used it yet."

Donghyuck nods and grabs the mask. "Thanks. Now, don't be a pervert, I'm going to change clothes." he laughs. Before he even takes off his shirt, Jeno interrupts.

"Wait, have you taken a bath yet?" Jeno asks and Donghyuck laughs, shaking his head. "Ew! Why don't you go back to your dorm and take a bath first before going to the Bowling Alley?"

He sighs heavily. "Fine."


One of the managers take Donghyuck to the Bowling Alley with the Van. When they arrive there, he carefully gets out, making sure no one recognizes him, but he doubts it.

He walks until he reaches the front door of Bowling Alley. When he enters, his eyes immediately look for a certain fellow member, Taeil.

"Oh my God, it's Haechan!" Someone yells and almost all the people inside turn their head towards him.

"Shit." he mutters under his breath. "Where are you, Taeil hyung?" And as if on cue, the oldest member of NCT appears in front of him, looking cutely up at him.

"Hey, Haechannie!"

"Oh my God, Hyung! Come on, where's the next destination? Give it to me so I can get out of here."

Taeil laughs softly and pulls him unto the playing area. "Don't be impatient, baby. In order for you to receive your gift and the next letter, we have to play and you need to beat me. First to have three points wins."

"Seriously? What if I lose?"

"You will still receive the next letter, however, you will be given a snack instead."

He presses his lips together, thinking. "So, if I lose, I won't be able to get my gift? That's unfair! It's my birthday."

"Then you have to beat me." Taeil chuckles. "Come on! It's an order from your boyfriend."

He sighs heavily and nods. "Fine. I'm not going to lose."

"Sure, you won't."

While they're playing, several people inside are watching and cheering for them. Most of them are NCTzen but they don't really attack them, just happily watching them play, but taking pictures occasionally.

For the 1st round, Taeil won. For the 2nd round, Donghyuck won. 3rd, Taeil. 4th, Donghyuck. And for the 5th round, Donghyuck won again, making him to have three points, beating Taeil.

"I won!" Donghyuck yells happily. "Where's my gift now? And can I also get a snack? I'm really hungry."

The oldest nods, "Of course!" He pulls something from his pocket. A small transparent rectangular box, making the accessory inside see through. It's a necklace with a letter R pendant. "He said, R stands for Renjun." Taeil chuckles, handing the birthday boy the box.

Donghyuck grabs it and smiles, "Thanks." He opens the box and takes the necklace out. "Can you wear it on me, hyung, please?"

"It's weird for me to do that, because I'm not your boyfriend, but okay." Taeil takes the necklace and wear it around Donghyuck's neck. "There you go."

"How do I look?"


Donghyuck giggles. "The letter?"

"Oh, yeah. I almost forgot." Taeil pulls out the scented paper from his pocket. "Here. Renjun has a pretty handwriting."

Donghyuck smiles before grabbing the paper. He decided to sniff on it and he caught a smell of lavender from the paper. "Smells nice."

He giggles as he opens the letter.

How was the game? Did you win? I bet you did because you're good at bowling, I know that. Also, I hope you like my gift—one of the gifts ㅋㅋㅋ

Anyway, for your 2nd to the last destination, it's the place we first met. No, not at the SM lobby. It's where you gave me a handkerchief because you thought I was crying.

Good luck, honey! ♡

P.S. You will meet Ten hyung there.

"Where did we first meet?" Donghyuck quietly asks himself. "Oh! At the Seoul Station." He looks at Taeil and the latter is holding a burger.

"A burger for you, baby. Good luck!"

"Thank you, Taeilie hyung!" He smiles widely and takes the burger from the oldest. He bid goodbye and waves at him before exiting the Bowling Alley.

When he goes to the spot where his manager parks his Van, he immediately runs to the Van and get inside. "Seoul Station, please."


He finally arrived at the Train Station. He just stood there, doesn't know what to do, as he doesn't know where Ten is.

"Ten hyung?" He walks and walks, in hopes to find Ten.

He's been walking for 10 minutes now and he hasn't find the older. He sighs. "I swear to God, Renjun, what kind of birthday gift is this?"

Feeling hopeless, he sits on the floor. He watches as the train goes away.


He widen his eyes and turns his head to the owner of the voice. "Ten hyung!" He calls out and stands up from the floor.

"Oh My God, baby, I'm so sorry Renjun has to make you travel all the way here. But here's your gift!" Ten hands him a sealed Don't Call Me album of SHINee.

His eyes widen more when he sees the album. He excitedly grabs it from the older's grip. "Oh my God! I gotta do an unboxing of this when I come back to the dorm."

Ten laughs, "Oh, and here's the last letter."

Donghyuck takes the letter and immediately opens it. He's so tried now.

Honeyyy! I'm so sorry for making you travel all the way to the train station. But you have to travel again ㅋㅋㅋ

For your last destination, it's where we had our first kiss. I'll be waiting here. See you later!

- Injunie ♡

"I'm so tired now! I haven't eaten anything yet except for one cookie and that burger Taeil hyung gave me. But it's not enough." Donghyuck pouts, folding the paper again. "Renjun, you're lucky, I love you."

"I'll go with you, we'll ride the train. So, where's the last destination?" Ten says softly.

"In the beach where we filmed our photoshoot for We Young teaser photos."


to be continued.

I decided to split it into two parts because I realized it's long HAHA

© snowysung

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