'Trust, trust, trust; all I want to do is earn your trust.'
Bullshit! I put my trust in her by letting her roam freely in my home, not locking all the windows but then she goes and tries to jump out of a window just to escape. How foolish was she? I didn't want to feel sympathy for her, for anyone, but she had an effect on me that no one else has ever held.
I walked down the empty, illuminated hallway and went into the hospital ward that I had prepared for her. Picking up one of the needles that were needed for her transition. I had ordered it ever since I laid my eyes on her.
When I looked into her eyes and saw that she wasn't selfish, and money-filled like other people, I knew I wanted to give her whatever she desired, everything that she deserved. She was beautiful inside and out, her blonde hair perfectly falling down her face and onto her shoulders, piercing blue eyes and a small body structure, though some of that would be changed soon.
But I can't do it too soon, I need her to warm up to this place, to the people, to me. I know it will take time for her to accept me as her 'friend', but I just wish that I could just take her and make her mine now.
I'll keep her locked up so that she'll learn her lesson, although, when I locked her up today I stood at the door for a few minutes until she was quiet and all I could hear was faint breaths, but when I went inside later she was just sitting in her bed, sleeping. And right then, she looked so peaceful, and I just wanted to pour my heart out there. I nearly started, but before I could I heard her eyelashes flutter against her cheeks. I instantly stopped, cursing under my breath when I heard her heartbeat.
I knew she was awake, and I lifted my hands off the bed and one of the strands of her beautiful strands of hair rolled onto her face, so I carefully tucked it behind her ear. And she barely moved a bit. Her act would've been believable if I couldn't hear her heart racing in her chest.
As I walked off, I heard her release a breath and I smiled walking out the door, knowing that my plan will start soon.
But I just hope she'll also open up to me soon.
I flinched awake as I heard a rough knock at the door.
It was morning and the sun streamed into my room.
My eyes opened in a flash, and I covered myself with the covers on the bed, just as someone opened the door.
I let out a small yelp as I saw that it was a man making me even more agitated. By the looks of it, he was the one that had stabbed Yeonjun. Eun-woo, I think his name was.
And that's when I saw that he had a plate of food in his hand.
Oh great. Now, I'm on room arrest.
"Hi, I'm Eun-woo, but I guess you already knew that-"
I grunt and lay back down, turning away from him, and making him let out a sorrowful sigh.
"Boss said that you need to eat," he said in a soft voice, as I heard him set down the plate on the bedside table.
"Well tell 'Boss' he can deal with me starving himself, not a bunch of his-" I started to protest as I rolled around to come eye to eye with the same eyes I saw that used to be dressed in black, the one I had felt I'd seen too much.
"Stalkers." I finished and he let out a weak smile, making me scowl further.
"Get. Out." I demanded and I could tell he wanted to listen to me, but he couldn't say no to Jungkook.
I let out a harsh sigh and looked at the food, to see pancakes with maple syrup and whipped cream with a bunch of strawberries on them. I looked back at the stalker to see he was still standing by my bed.
"Fine." I hissed and he looked up hopefully. "After you get out." His smile dropped
"You really have to eat it though-" he started, and I just nodded my head and wore a fake smile.
He let out a sigh of relief before quickly walking out the door, followed by a click, making my shoulders slump. Great.
I looked at the delicious plate of pancakes. God, did they look good. I quickly shook the thought away and lay back down on the bed, closing my eyes, and tried to ignore the throbbing headache I had.
I need some pills, but how can I even ask a question like that to him? I just tried to escape by jumping out of a window.
Letting out a harsh sigh I buried myself in the covers and made myself a little hut.
There was nothing to do all day, but it surprisingly went by fast.
I watched the sun rise up just as it was in the middle of the day, the sun was at its highest point. There was a knock at the door. I was on the edge of my bed, head dangling off it.
"Go away!" I grunt but just as I said that the door opens and a buff man dressed in a black suit with a piece of steak and salad comes in and looks at the now cold and dry plate of pancakes and then looks back at me with a questioning face.
"I'm not a morning person," I said in an innocent tone as I shrugged, so he gave me a side eye before replacing the pancakes with lunch and leaving the room without a word.
The smell of medium-rare steak floats around the room and into my nose making me groan. I was already hungry enough as it is, I didn't need these gourmet meals to be teasing me with their looks and smells.
But if Jungkook wanted to lock me inside like this, then that's going to be his problem when I starve.
The hours pass by like minutes and before I know it, the sun is on the horizon, about to be replaced by the moon.
I was fiddling with one of the window panels whilst I sat on a lounge pushed up against it, sadly none of the pieces of glass was big enough for me to jump through, so all I could do was push some of them out and finally get some fresh air. As I did, a real smile spread across my face and I breathed in the cold, fresh air.
I can't believe I was actually smiling from something like this. It is ridiculous that I was, but I didn't care at the moment, I was too busy feeling the fresh, warm sun basking on my face. My body relaxed on the soft window couch I was on, it was the most comfortable I had felt all day.
But all of that was interrupted as the door creaked open and there were about 3 pairs of footsteps. I turned my head slowly, only to come eye to eye with Jungkook's hawk eyes across the room. And he seemed to be accompanied by another two men, in black suits.
"What," I said, more a statement than a question and he chuckled darkly, humorously as he looked at my untouched plate of lunch, his face scrunching as he saw it.
"So, you're starving yourself now?" he said as he looked into my eyes more tensely, making me freeze. But I cooled off as I realised that he had nothing against me. What was he going to do? Kill me?
"Glad you caught on, Sir," I said, smiling mischievously as I said the last part. I could see that he was surprised and froze. Making me smirk even more, surprising him even more.
"Well. I'm not letting you go any time soon," he said, making my smile turn to a scowl in a second.
"Well, I'm not eating." I snap back, making him groan as he steps closer to me. Sadly, I was trapped as I was still on the window's seat and he was walking closer.
He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. He smiled a toothy grin as he saw my face heating up.
"Then I'll make you," he said, quickly dropping his hand and snapping his fingers.
One of the guards that were still standing at the door, brought out a meal that he had been hiding behind his back.
It was a bowl of pasta, and it looked amazingly tasty. These must be five-star chefs he has.
I tug my face away from his hand as I get up, mistakenly making myself inches away from his face as I look up to see a smirk playing on his lips.
"Fine" I hissed as I walked away from him, and snatched the pasta away from the suited man, making him flinch.
I scoffed as the man stepped back and I lounged back on my bed. Eyeing everyone in the room. Couldn't they just leave already?
"You may leave now." said his deep voice, very close behind me, making me jump and swish my head to see a blank look on the man's face as he watches the guards leave the room and close the door. Making it just for the two of us.
As I give Jungkook a hard glare, I take a spoonful of pasta, just to stop at the amazing taste that just entered my mouth. It was amazing and it felt so good again, I had forgotten what this felt like, but instantly paused as I heard a chuckle from the other side of the room.
I raise my eyebrow as I look at him and he laughs. It was the first time; I had ever seen him like that. He looked so nice-
I grunt to myself that I had thought such a thing as I shuffled away from him on my bed and he let out a sigh and flopped down on the bed, head me as he put his hands behind his head to rest on.
"So, are you going to take up my offer?" he asked, looking at me with an unreadable expression as I looked back at him with a confused one.
"What offer, " I said back, throwing annoyance in some of it to show that I wasn't afraid to back down from him.
"Getting to know each other better," he explained "I don't know you and you don't know me, you said it yourself. So why don't we?" he smiled at me, making my insides twist. Why did he have this effect on me?
"Just 10 questions."
I guess there was no other way to get him to talk and I didn't want to sit in silence, so I nodded my head as I scoffed down the delicious pasta.
"Okay for the questions, we both have to answer them truthfully," he said. I nodded as I stared at him blankly.
I'd never seen him like this. For the two months I had spent time with him, he was always uptight and moody, but now he looked so relaxed and content. It made me smile, a smile that I couldn't get off my face.
"Okay, first question!" he said enthusiastically, making me giggle quietly.
"What is your favourite food?" he said and I replied with pancakes as he said nothing in particular. Typical. I then asked my question
"Special talent?" I said but stopped myself as I finished. I just asked a supernatural being what his 'special talent' was. Wow, this place does affect me, making me denser.
He chuckled but still replied with something I hadn't known before. "I have more sensitive senses, so everything is magnified. Smell, hearing, sight, the whole lot."
"Ah.." I said, completely dumbfounded. "All I can do is read people, " I laugh to myself, but I stop as I see that Jungkook was staring at me, almost intently.
His eyes widen as I make contact with him and he clears his throat, breaking the award silence.
"Next question," he continued.
We do this for what feels like hours until the sky is darkened, and the only light is the moon and glistening stars that dot the sky. We had talked so much that I had finished the pasta with no problem, and for a moment I forgot that I was even kidnapped. It felt like I belonged to Jungkook, and I lay side by side on my bed.
I felt complete.
"Okay.. let's get better questions" Jungkook suggested and I nodded
"Had any relationships?" he questioned casually, and I raised an eyebrow.
"Why?" I snickered making him look away, and I swear I saw his face turn a bright red.
"No, except for the pre-school romance" I giggled as he looked back with a slight smile on his face.
"You?" I said with a smile
"Well, here and there," he said cockily, and I felt my smile falter as he said that.
"Ye," I said quietly.
I quickly moved on, trying to distract myself, though my mouth got the better of me when I asked about an intrusive thought that I'd been thinking about for a while. "What was it like as a kid for you?"
He stilled, and for a second I had thought I'd crossed a boundary I shouldn't have. Instead, he replies. "I was raised in a cage." he starts and I can feel myself becoming pale. "They would give me needles every day, and I got sick daily since they didn't give me any food before my injections." He swallowed and his voice got low. I was guessing he's never talked about this.
"When I got old enough, they would beat me until I fought back- to train me I suppose," he explained "They would do that to all the other subjects too, most of them died, but I was a 'lucky one'."
"But they underestimated how much I was holding back and one day, I escaped," he says with a dull joy that I felt a bit too.
From what I had read online, I knew that the institute he was raised in was bad, but I didn't think it was that extreme.
"What about you?" He asked me suddenly.
It made me shudder to think about my old foster mother but considering what he'd just told me, it would only be fair for me to tell my story.
"I had loving parents," I start and I can already feel my eyes shine with tears, "They were kind and taught me of the good of the world. They told me to always look out for those in need and look on the bright side. It's basically my life moral now." I chuckle quietly and Jungkook listens quietly. "I can't remember them that well now thought,"
"But they passed in a crash when I was six," My voice cracks.
"I was put in foster care, but I was immediately adopted. Not for my looks or my personality, but my academic smarts. My mother adopted me because she wanted a daughter to brag about and showcase like a trophy. She didn't treat me as her child."
"She locked me in my room to study until dawn and would yell at me for an hour if I got anything lower than an A. I wasn't allowed, friends. I left my mother when-"
"She was no mother to you," Jungkook interrupts me. I was silent in shock. "A parent is supposed to love you no matter the score you get on a piece of paper,"
I turn to look at him and he's already looking at me intently. I smile and laugh slightly. "And one could say you're a psychologist." I joke but he doesn't smile, but his stare deepens as if he was looking into my soul.
I felt the heat rising up my neck again and my mind became hazy until I found something to say- well, only a word.
"Continue?" I blurted out, which finally managed to tear his eyes away from me as he looked back up to the roof, so I did the same.
"Do you have any friends now?" he asked, and I felt my heart differ for a moment.
"Lisa... Lalisa Manobal." I whispered.
I had spent so much time worrying about my situation that I hadn't thought about Lisa!
Was she okay? Did the fire hurt her? She doesn't even know where I am!
"Lisa," I said louder as I sat up quickly, Jungkook following me.
"What about her?"
"I-I was with her before I went into the building that night. S-she was outside the building, she could've gotten hurt!" I stressed as Jungkook tried to calm me down, but my mind was already at full speed.
She was one of the only people I had left in this world, and I needed to know if she was okay.
"I need to call her," I said out loud, making me slap my hand over my mouth as I looked over to the criminal.
He was staring back at me with a hardened expression.
The room remained that way for minutes. The tension was high, the air still. Until Jungkook let out an exaggerated sigh.
"Fine," he said breathily, but enough to make my eyes widen. "Tomorrow morning, on speaker phone, whilst I'm in the room" he commanded, and I nod vigorously.
I looked down at my lap and couldn't help but have a wide grin spread across my face. I looked at Jungkook again and he was staring again. I lunge at him and hug him. He instantly hugs back in surprise.
"Thank you.." I sighed as I pulled away and lay back, my hands on my chest.
"My pleasure," he smirked as he got up and leaned on one of the pillars.
It was now probably the middle of the night and it was becoming harder to keep my eyes open. I tucked myself under the sheets as I slowly drifted into sleep and the last thing I heafteds the door creaking closed with a click.
I really couldn't wait for tomorrow.
Got to know about Yeontan's death... Really sad about it... BE THE BRIGHTEST STAR IN SKY YEONTANNIEE ... U WILL BE MISSED 🫶💗
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