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Valentina and Emily were now on the plane waiting for Derek and hopefully Spencer to arrive.
"Hey" Derek said, walking onto the plane but still no Spencer "Where's Reid?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed.
Valentina shrugged "We were hoping he was with you"
"I thought you said you called him" Derek said to Emily.
"I did, four times. Nothing"
"The victims fiancรฉ is expecting us" Val spoke as she looked at the watch on her wrist "What do we do?"
Derek sighed "We only have one option. Wheels up"
They landed quite quickly and went over to the fiancรฉs house, Valentina ringing Spencer on the way there but all she got was his voicemail just like Emily did.
"Everyone kept saying crime's gonna skyrocket after the relocation. You just never think it's gonna happen to you" The woman muttered.
"The report said that your fiancรฉ was bar-hopping for his bachelor party on the night he was killed" Emily told her.
"We were supposed to be married in October. He was just out celebrating that with friends" She replied.
"Was there anybody at Leonard's bachelor party that you didn't know?" Valentina asked.
"We all grew up together. They're like family to me. Whether they met somebody out that's a different story. They're a rowdy bunch. They partied with anybody" She told the three agents and soon after they said their goodbyes and left before getting back into the suv.
"Each of the last two victims was travelling in a group. Both were drinking, both in public areas, bar hopping. So how could their friends not see anything?" Emily spoke her thoughts from the back seat.
"It's like when a lion preys upon an antelope" Derek mumbled to himself.
Valentina frowned "I'm lost"
He let out a chuckle and looked over at Val "That's because you, Valentina Ortiz, have never been one of the antelope"
"Okay, scratch that. You've lost the both of us" Emily said.
"Okay, check this out. The antelope travel in packs. So the lion just sits and waits. Waits for just one of the antelope to break away from its herd. So when he's alone, vulnerable and completely unprotected, that's when the lioness strikes. That's when she makes her move" Derek explained.
"Omg, our unsubs a woman"
"Exactly Val, because there's only one thing that's gonna make a straight man leave his friends on a guys night out. And it'll make him leave every time" Derek then pulled out his phone to call JJ. They finally had something to work with.
"Hey, you guys back from Galveston?" Spencer asked, walking in and over to the three agents table like he didn't ignore every call and text they sent him yesterday.
"First light this morning. Where were you?" Derek asked, looking up from some papers.
"I was out with a friend. I already told you"
"I called you four times and Valentina left a bunch of messages" Emily said with an unamused expression on her face.
"I didn't have any cell phone reception so I didn't get your messages or calls until late" Spencer defended himself.
Val nodded and rolled her eyes "Whatever helps ya sleep at night"
It was silent for a couple minutes before Spencer asked "What's going on?"
"Our unsubs a woman" Derek filled him in before looking back down at the paper he was reading.
"They just found another body in the Quarter" Hotch came over to alert the four agents as they got back into the suvs.
"Throats been cut. He's been disembowelled, too" Derek informed them with the new information as he was crouched over the body.
"Reeks of booze. It's more than a pattern" Valentina said as she too crouched down next to the body and opposite Derek.
"Only this time, she cut off the earlobe" Derek added.
"She's sticking to the Ripper's paradigm" Spencer told everyone as he looked at the body.
"What do you mean?" Emily asked.
"In one letter of correspondence, Jack the ripper promised to cut the earlobe off of his next victim. He did. It was the day that he killed twice" Spencer continued as Derek and Valentina stood back up.
"Which means she's gonna kill again by the end of the day" Val spoke and Spencer nodded, pointing his finger at her.
"Okay, so what do we know about female serial killers?" Emily asked.
"Basically, you have two types. The Santa Kimes model. Cold, calculated, preys on men for money, takes their time building relationships" Derek started.
"It's more likely we're dealing with the Aileen Wournos archetype. Motivated by paranoia and fear, luring men with sex" Spencer finished off.
"Well from what we've got so far, I'd say our unsubs organised. She follows a routine and she sticks to that routine. She meets men in a bar, flirts with them over drinks, and then suggests that they consummate the evening in an alley" Val explained and Derek nodded.
"We need to be in those streets" He said and Valentina couldn't agree more.
"Officer just brought me this" It was William and he had an evidence bag in his hand. It was another letter, what a surprise.
"Dear Boss, by now I have rid the world of one more. So many men, so little time. I hope you don't mind the mess. They make it so easy, I just can't help myself "
-Yours Truly.
Music was playing in the quarter as the team were sprouted about in different spots keeping their eyes peeled for this woman.
Valentina was stood with Emily and Gideon wearing a black thigh-split dress{Pic up above}and her hair was actually down for once. Emily was also dressed up since they had to blend in with the crowd.
"So many men, so little time" Valentina repeated the words from the note as she looked out at all the people dancing and having fun "She says it like she's on a mission to wipe out the entire race"
"Or the father that molested her?" Emily suggested "Some people think Jack the Ripper mutilated women after his mother sexually abused him for years"
"Yet for someone so enraged, this unsub sounds oddly apologetic for leaving a bloody crime scene. Why?" Gideon wondered out loud as Emily shrugged.
"Well that might've been what Lamontagne figured out just before he died" Valentina said as she rejected the champagne that a waiter tried to hand to her.
"Did you give the newest letter to Reid?" Gideon asked Emily "He knows that Ripper case inside out. He may see something we're missing"
"I don't think. .uh" Emily was hesitant to reply and Valentina instantly knew why.
"What is it?"
Emily sighed, shaking her head "Nothing"
"Come on, you think I'm not aware something's going on with him?" Gideon asked before walking through the crowd, the two female agents close behind him.
"Glad I'm not the only one who noticed" Valentina let out.
Spencer and Derek navigated there way through the crowds before getting to where Gideon, Valentina and Emily stood "Hey, we got nothing" Derek told them and Gideon looked down to his watch.
"Well, the days almost over. So, if you're right we just ran out of time"
"Fuck" Valentina cursed as her eyes scanned the people around her. Gideon was right, they had ran out of time. By now, she could have already chose her next victim.
Unsurprisingly, there was another murder which JJ, Spencer, Gideon and Emily went to where they found another letter and more of a backstory on this woman. She was in fact raped before so they brought a man in for questioning that was involved in a disturbance.
And right now it was JJ and Valentina who were interviewing him while the others watched through the two-way mirror.
"Mr. Tibideaux, we need you to answer a few questions about a disturbance you were involved with in 1998" JJ started.
"I don't what you're talking about" He had a smug look on his face when he spoke.
"It was at a bar called Jones" JJ continued "It was Mardi Gras"
He chuckled slightly "You know, then I must've been drinking or something. Cause I don't remember a thing"
Valentina was stood up while JJ was sat down as she leant her hands on the table and leaned over slightly "Look, we just need to know the name of your accuser" Val spoke in a polite manner when really she wanted to smack this guy around just a little bit.
"And I told you, I don't know what you're talking about" He denied again.
"The status of limitations is up. We just need a name" You could tell by JJ's voice she was getting just as annoyed as Valentina was.
"Because if someone accuses me of rape, I'm gonna remember her name" Valentina took a seat as she looked at the man.
"Well, what can I tell you, Cher? I guess she didn't make that good of an impression" He snapped.
Valentina bit her lip as she tried to keep her cool "Unlike yourself right now"
"You know, I'm guessing if someone did do something to that girl that night," He spoke as he got slightly closer to Valentina "Then she was probably asking for it. Maybe even liked it"
"Watch your damn mouth" Valentina was started to get angry but she still managed to keep her cool as JJ got up from her seat to grab the crime scene photos.
"She murdered these men" JJ said as she laid out the photos in front of him "And I'm guessing it's only a matter of time before she works her way back to the one she really wants to kill" And that got his attention.
"She make an impression now?" Valentina asked and that's when he gave them a name.
"Sarah Danlin"
"That wasn't that hard now was it?" Val asked sarcastically before leaving the room while JJ went to call Garcia.
"Hey, you good Val?" It was Derek coming out of the observation room "Saw you getting a bit riled up in there" He nodded to the interrogation room.
"You profiling me Derek?" She asked with a smirk as they both chuckled "But seriously, I'm fine. He just got under my skin that's all" The things Valentina has seen on her tours in Afghanistan, Nigeria, Iraq and the things that have happened to the children and women there. It's shit so people like Ronnie Tibideaux really piss her off.
Derek nodded "Yeah, I know what you mean" They then got an address and headed over only to found out she wasn't home and she had actually rented out a room in a hotel. It wasn't long before the woman was walking out in handcuffs and her victim was going to be okay.
"Hey arseholes" Valentina spoke to the tablet in her hands. The team were now on the jet and on their way back to Quantico so Val decided to call Noah to check in.
"Hey who you calling arsehole, arsehole" Noah smiled at her as she chuckled.
"How are things over there? The lads, Ophelia? You?" She asked while playing with her dog tags.
"I'm okay and everyone else is too. We all miss you though, it's not the same without you here"
"Yeah it was weird saying goodbye to you all in the airport and I wasn't going with. So, where are the rest of the guys?"
"Give me a sec and I'll find them" The screen went dark for a few seconds before three faces popped up. Ophelia, Owen and Matthew as they all smiled and waved at her.
"Val!!" Ophelia smiled as she called her name "We miss you girl oh and guess who also came to say hello" The screen moved to the side a bit to show Captain James flipping off Owen after something he said.
Val smirked "You surviving over there without me, boss?"
Captain James smiled "With these bastards?" He joked "I think we both know the answer to that Val"
"Fucking rude if I do say so myself" Valentina heard Owen say in the background.
She talked to them for a bit more before they had to go "Army duties" Matt smiled.
"Alright stay safe you lot, I love you all"
"We love you too Val" They all chorused at the same time while moving out the frame to put the rest of their kit on.
"You stay safe out there Valentina, and call us if you need anything" Captain James told her and she sent him a nod "Now get some sleep, you look like shit"
Valentina smiled slightly "Will do, boss" The camera then went back onto Noah.
"I love you Vee" She watched as Noah put on his combat helmet before blowing her a kiss and Valentina smiled, pretending to catch it. That was there thing "I love you too Noah"
After saying goodbye to everyone, she sighed leaning back in her seat and closing her eyes. Her earbuds in and playing some music to drown the noises out around her. Maybe she could just take a little nap.
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