51, fake mission gone wrong

CHAPTER FIFTY-ONE, mission: mission creek high

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As the mission to build a new lab for the kids has now been completed, they thought it was about time for Donald to show them as he danced in the tunnels, singing. "I got a new lab, I got a new lab. I got a new lab."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Bree was quick to stop him before correcting. "I think you mean, we got a new lab."

Donald scoffed out a breath. "Excuse me. Did we play to rebuild it?" He questioned, emphasising on the 'we'.

"Do you sleep in a glass box?" Bree reminded the man who quickly corrected himself. "We got a new lab, we got a new lab. And here it is."

The doors finally opened, and all of them gasped upon seeing the new designs in the lab, which included of completely different capsules, new technology, upgrades and more.

"Guys, look at all these upgrades. Mr Davenport, this place is amazing." Chase complimented.

"Of course it is. I designed it." Donald smirked as he showed how big his ego was once again, which caused Emilia to roll her eyes, watching as he looked around the room before he pointed it all out to them. "Upgrades capsules, bam! Quantum processing super computer, bam! Four dimensional combat simulator, bam! This, my friends, is what a multi-million dollar makeover looks like."

"Is there a mini-fridge?"

"No." Donald answered Adam who looked over at Chase in disappointment. "I bet our real dad's lab has a mini-fridge." He grumbled.

"Hey, Leo, where's your work station?"

"This way, children." The Dooley boy smiled with his tablet in his hand before motioning them to follow him. To their surprise, with a sudden click of a button, a hole appeared in the floor and Leo's desk rose up from underground. "Floor in the lab is compartmentalised, meaning we can store things in it. May I? Bam!"

Chase looked around the room before he stopped and let out a gasp from what he saw. "Is that a nuclear magnetic resonant spectrometer?" He asked, rushing to the object. "I've never seen one in person before. It's so beautiful." Chase admired it as Emilia watched and dug her tongue against her cheek, amused by the sight.

"Should we leave you two alone?"

With a cheeky grin, Bree looked at her best friend and pointed out. "Looks like you've been replaced, Em."

Emilia shared the same smile before sending her a playful wink. "I guess me and you should just date then." She said, loud enough for Chase to hear, making them all laugh when he looked up almost instantly.

"Nope! No, no, no!" Chase protested as he walked back to the girls and pointed a finger towards his sister. "You are not stealing my girlfriend." He pulled Emilia away from the girl, which amused her more.

Bree shook her head, bringing her attention back to the lab as she turned to Donald with a question. "Mr Davenport, how did you afford all this?"

And then Donald answered. "Well, I used some of the money from the Jet Wing stunt, but the rest of it I got from a huge government contract I just signed." He moved to click into the new cyber-desk and continued explaining. "I am developing a rocket system that will protect the earth from Rogue Asteroids. Thanks to this little baby, I'm on my way back up rich man mountain, and whoo, the air smells better up here!"

"Oh, wait, there's one more thing I forgot to show you." Donald reminded himself, though before he could elaborate, Adam gasped and repeated his previous question. "Mini fridge?" He asked, and Donald turned to him. "There's no mini-fridge."

"But there is me!" They could easily recognise the familiar voice that belonged to Eddy, and they all groaned in response. "Hello, friends. And I use the term friends loosely because you're not my friends, and I hate you!"

"Did you really have to bring Eddy back?" Emilia questioned, not hiding how much she didn't miss him, which the others went along with. "Yeah, I don't know that I'm okay with that." Chase chimed in.

"Well, then you definitely won't be okay with this." Eddy said, and before they all knew it, the ground opened up from under Chase, sending him falling with a scream.

"Eddy!" Emilia scolded, with an angered look on her face.

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When they arrived at school, the team watched as someone drove into the parking lot like they were insane. "That jerk has been doing doughnuts in the school parking lot all morning." Bree stated the obvious.

Adam chuckled. "I know. Finally, a good reason to come to school." He said, making Emilia shake her head before widening her eyes. "Guys, look out!" She yelled, pushing them all to the sidewalk before they could get hit by the car. Once they were okay, the group looked over to see Perry as she tried to climb out the window before she gave up and stepped out of the car the normal way.

"What's up?" Perry greeted the team, followed by Leo stepping towards her with a question. "What are you doing?" He wondered.

"Pushin' the envelope on this little baby's rollover specs." Perry told him.

"How did you afford this?" Adam asked her with his eyebrows furrowed before listening to Perry's explanation. "Your daddy gave me my first payment for keeping your little bionic secret. So naturally, I went out and bought my dream car, a barrel of pudding, and a lifetime supply of kitty litter. The fancy kind that clumps."

With a grimace, Bree then mentioned. "I think we have different definitions of fancy." The group all walked inside the school as Perry continued to ask questions, non-stop.

"So, you guys are bionic. How's that work? Can you recharge my cell phones? Do you have vacuum attachments? Can Emilia control her screaming? Can you turn into wolves?"

"Not yet, but I did put that in the suggestion box." Adam told the woman.

"Come on, there's gotta be more you're not telling me." Perry huffed and continued to bother them as she poked Adam repeatedly. "Spill! Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme."

"She's not gonna stop, is she?" Bree questioned, already knowing the answer before Emilia pursed her lips and mimicked Perry's action by poking Bree on the arm while mocking the repetition through her answer. "What do you think? What do you think? What do you think?"

"Okay, okay!" Adam interrupted, stopping Perry as he blurted out through his annoyance. "We use our bionics to go on missions." This caused them all to give him a 'what the hell?' look as Perry let out a gasp. "Missions! I would be so good on missions. I can see it now." They all looked away, thinking of Perry's version of how she would be on missions.

"Please make it stop!"

"She's driving me crazy!" Emilia chimed in along with Leo as they both looked afraid of what might happen if Perry were on their missions. Everyone went to walk away but Perry didn't stop as she poked at Emilia and Bree's backs. "So when do we go on our first mission? Do I get nunchucks? I want nunchucks."

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Seeing as Perry kept bugging them all day, the bionics siblings and Emilia decided to take Perry on a fake mission to help get her to stop bugging them. However, that didn't go according to plan as Perry had accidentally activated Davenport's defense program, firing a rocket at Mission Creek High, along with Chase putting them all on lockdown.

A banging noise was heard from the elevator, making them widen their eyes. "What's going on in there?" Donald questioned, pounding on the door, making Bree look back at Chase and Emilia with a sigh of relief. "Finally! Mr Davenport's here."

"Wait! It could be a trap." Adam warned, but they ignored him and rushed towards the elevator with Chase the first to call out, hesitantly. "Hey, Mr. Davenport. Don't worry. Everything is fine."

"Of course it is. That's why I got an alert on my phone that the lab is on lockdown!" Donald yelled. "What's going on?"

"Well, remember your rocket program?" Chase asked before they heard Donald answer from inside the elevator. "Yes!"

"Perry may have accidentally..." Chase started off before Emilia interjected in order to finish his sentence. "sent one to hit our high school."

Donald widened his eyes at the mention of her name. "Perry?!" He practically screamed.

"Hi, Don." The woman nervously called out, making gestures to the teens.

"Nobody touch anything. I'm gonna try and hack my way into my own security program. It's not accepting my override command. Why did I have to design it so perfectly?"

Emilia scoffed. "Wow, even in a crisis, that ego does not quit." She said, causing everyone to nod in agreement.

Through his anger, Donald then asked the eldest sibling from inside the elevator. "Adam, would you mind using your strength to destroy my brand-new lab doors?" However, before the boy could do anything, Perry came running in with a weapon in her hands.

"Back up, jumbo. I got this." At this point, Emilia, Chase and Bree all yelled in protest, excluding Adam who exactly wanted to see it. Perry ignored the others and shot the doors, sending her stumbling back and slam herself against the cyber-desk. Thankfully, the doors soon opened and Donald came rushing in.

"Wow, she opened it. Maybe we should add her to the team." Adam chuckled before they all followed Donald into the lab.

Donald clicked into the cyberdesk. "I should be able to shut down the rocket remotely from here. I just have to switch everything to the satellite feed." He explained, making Perry giggle.

"Satellite feed." She laughed, holding the ice pack to her head and Emilia looked at her. Furrowing her brows, Emilia asked the woman. "Are you okay?" It seemed that Bree noticed it too as she pointed out. "Yeah, you look weird...der than normal."

"Course, I'm okay." Perry reassured them and put down her ice pack before she looked at Donald with a gasp. "Mr Whiskers. Come to mama." She went to hug Donald who was pushing her arms away, begging the others to help him.

Looking back at the computer, Donald informed them. "The rocket's too close to it's target. I can't stop it from here." Bree looked at her younger brother before questioning. "Chase, can't you slow it down with your molecular kinesis?"

Chase sighed. "Not something that but travelling that fast."

Donald looked at the computer before telling the group. "It's only three minutes from it's target. We have to evacuate that school. Adam, Bree, go!"

"Is it too much to ask for a please?" Adam asked the man. "Go!" Donald responded with a shout before Bree grabbed her brother and they super speeded out of the lab.

"You think they can do it?" Emilia asked Donald who responded with. "They're our only hope."

"Mr Whiskers, time for a rubby-rub-rub on your tummy-tum-tum." Perry came walking back, running after Donald who tried to escape, while the couple stood alone, watching them go before bursting into laughter.

"Oh, that poor guy." Emilia snickered, bending over as she continued to laugh with Chase, and a few minutes later, Donald and Perry returned to watch what happens from the computer. "Look, something's hurtling towards the rocket." Donald observed.

"Huh. That looks like my new car." Perry thought out loud before getting close to the computer and screamed when she realised. "That is my new car!"

They watched as the car hit the rocket, making it blow up before hitting the school. "Yes!" Donald, Emilia and Chase cheered, while Perry continued to sulk over her new car.

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i hope you enjoyed reading this
chapter!! i didn't know how to write
this one but i promise there will be
more chaos and chemilia moments to
come!! thanks for reading, i love you all!! <33

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