"" I was standing there motionlessly
I didn't know.....where should I start from
Should I try to understand this creature Should I try to get out of this town Should I think about Soobin or should I think about Taehyung
Thousands of questions were running through my head but no answer was there
I kept staring at her dead body for a moment. Then I started walking
After reaching the room, I closed the door. I saw that Taehyung was still unconscious
I sat on the floor and looked at my wounded hands ""
Y/N: You are so.....useless Y/N
Taehyung: Y/N...are you there...
Y/N: Taeyung are you alright?
"" I sat beside him. He was looking at his bandage while getting up slowly ""
Taehyung: Yes I'm fine.....
"" His voice was barely coming ""
Y/N: Don't lie. It might hurt but it should be fine in some days. I'm not good at this
Taehyung: Sorry I was talking so weirdly
I never faced this kind of stressful situation before and was feeling really dizzy
Y/N: No I am sorry. I wasn't even moving when you needed me
Tahyung: That's a normal thing to happen. Even I wasn't able to think properly after seeing that strange creature
Y/N: It's normal for a normal person not for a cop who is there to protect others
Taehyung: ...........
Y/N: Just leave it. I will try calling Seokjin
"" I turned on the walkie-talkie ""
Taehyung: Y/N can I ask you something?
Y/N: Hmm
Taehyung: Why were you blaming yourself and why were you sitting like a statue when that creature was literally ripping you out !!
It didn't make any sense
"" I looked at him confusedly . I didn't remember properly what I was doing there ""
Y/N: I.... what I was doing....YES!!
When I first opened the door and looked at that creature something happened to me
Why was I blaming myself. I don't remember anything happening......
"" I could only sigh ""
Y/N: Let's not look into those creatures eyes
Oh Taehyung where were you ? I really thought you were in that washing machine
Taehyung: Maybe because I was in there
"" I didn't expect that answer at all ""
Y/N: ............
Taehyung: When I was alone in my room
Earlier In Taehyung's Room ________________________________
Taehyung: Grandma is calling me again and again. What should I do.....How can I tell her about the situation I'm in
Lovely Angry Grandma: Taehyung why don't you pick up my calls !? This child is going to have slippers as New Year Present 😡
I'm fine grandma
You know I don't like taking phone calls 🤷🏻
Lovely Angry Grandma: Don't you dare talk when your grandma is talking!!
Now why are you not replying!!
Why are you like this Taehyung. You really should make some friends !!
But I have already made friends!!
Lovely Angry Grandma: Don't lie to your Grandma!! I know everything 😒
No I have one friend
Lovely Angry Grandma: So you couldn't make one friend in 19 years and now you made it in just 1 day?
I mean just believe me 😩
Lovely Angry Grandma: So tell me something about your friend 🤨
she is a detective and she is helping me a lot and she is a very nice person
Lovely Angry Grandma : Oh my god so you have a girlfriend!!
Lovely Angry Grandma : I'm going to have a daughter-in-law soon !!
No grandma 🤦
She is much older than me and she is not my girlfriend !!
Lovely Angry Grandma : So what? This is modern age. Wow how my grandchildren will look like 😍
🙂 Srsly grandma
Lovely Angry Grandma : Look how cutely my Taehyung is smiling and saying srsly whatever type of love language is that
That's not a smiling emoji and that's not a love language !!!
Lovely Angry Grandma : This new age children!! Can't keep anything simple!! Just come home and see what I do to you !!!
Grandma's wait for me just a little more
I will come to you
Lovely Angry Grandma : Why are you suddenly saying that? Did something happen?
Nothing I'm just going to get a vacation
Lovely Angry Grandma : Taehyung are fine? You are not lying to me... are you ?
No grandma I just love you and missing you a lot that's it 😊
Lovely Angry Grandma : Has someone done something to you at university!? Just watch what I am going to do with them tell me the names !!!
No grandma nothing is wrong here
Lovely Angry Grandma : I'm not having a good feeling about this.........
Just take medicines
I'm coming
Lovely Angry Grandma : Grandma loves you and knows that you will overcome every problem Taehyung
I'm waiting for you 💜
Taehyung: Yes I'm coming. I'll go to you anyhow possible
""|| Suddenly Taehyung heard a creaking sound coming from behind ||""
Taehyung: What was that.....Wait it's already Night !?
""|| As he turned around, he saw his closest door slowly opening with a creaking sound.
He could hear light humming coming from inside
Black smoke was coming out ||""
Taehyung: What is that......
""|| That door burst open and something like a shadow started crawling towards him really fast
He ran out of the room and all the lights went out ||""
Taehyung: YYY////NNN!!!!
""|| He entered one room and saw blood coming out of the washing machine ||""
Taehyung: NO NOT HERE !!
""|| When he turned around, he knew it was already too late
That thing was standing right before him
In the darkness
There was a really skinny looking figure
Taller than other creatures. A dark aura was emanating from within her. Her hair was weaving in the air as if she was underwater. She had very dark rotten skin and red burning eyes, also had needle like teeth
She was looking at him with a smile
Without having a way, he ran towards the washing machine and got inside it
He was sitting In pure darkness. By hearing the noises, he could guess that the creature was right above him
He could feel that he was sitting on something soft and smelly
As the light started flickering, he could see glimpse of a half eaten person's body
He closed his mouth and nose with his hands, praying to get out of that place quickly. He could only hear light humming sounds everywhere ||""
Present Time In Taehyung's Room ______________________________________
"" I could only imagine how scary it would have been for him
I lightly patted his shoulder ""
Y/N: Thank you Taehyung for helping me even after going through all of that
"" He gave a light smile looking at me ""
Y/N: You are a really good person. You keep helping me when you don't even know me properly
Taehyung: You also saved me many times
Y/N: Yes because that's my duty. I have been doing that for years but what you did was really strong
Taehyung: What you do doesn't become less significant if it is your duty. And....
"" He stopped midway and started scratching his neck ""
Taehyung: I don't like leaving anyone in trouble. It's not that I'm very strong. It's just that I wanted to help....
Y/N: You are trying to help knowing the risks means you are strong
By the way, do you always talk like that ?
"" He looked even more nervous after hearing my question ""
Taehyung: Why? Have I done something wrong......
Y/N: No not that. You look really nervous while talking
Taehyung: Oh yea.....No one talks with me for that long except my grandma I just don't have any experience. Sorry
Y/N: Why? Don't you have any friends?
Taehyung: No.......
"" He again stopped midway. It wasn't nervousness that was stopping him from talking. It was hesitation ""
Y/N: Don't worry. You can tell me. I won't judge you
Taehyung: Normally no one wants to talk with me.... specifically want to become friends with me because they say I'm too good and not fun to be around
I even became an outcast just because of my personality
I used to live in an orphanage. I was there for almost 13 years. But never really had a very strong bond with anyone
I was always an obedient child who was really good at studying. You know those calm type boys. But it wasn't that I didn't know how to talk with others or have fun. I was just a little less talkative with strangers
My grandma was the one who adopted me. But I never felt I was adopted Frankly saying she is my best friend to me......or should I say only friend
Even though many people thought I was weird and foolish for wasting my life by not enjoying like them
Grandma said to do it if it's not wrong. She was the only one who understood me. Others just judged me and kept saying things when they didn't know anything
In my previous school, they didn't take me as a friend because I didn't like late night parties, drinking, bunking etc etc and they found me weird as it was normal behaviour there
I came here so I could have different kinds of people around me........
But looks like I got something else instead
Maybe I was asking for too much
Y/N: You weren't asking for too much by wanting friends who would understand you. It's the basis of friendship and I don't think you have a weird personality or anything !!
Thank you Taehyung. I was feeling sad before and you made me feel better
"" He looked at me confusedly ""
Taehyung: Wait how ?
"" I gave a smile ""
Y/N: Nothing. You reminded me of my buddy
Taehyung: That's good that I could help. You can also tell me about yourself if you want
Y/N: Umm....some other day......
Anyway, that creature was inside your closet and you didn't know about it all this time. which might mean she entered yesterday. She is the one who killed that person and left it inside the washing machine. I don't know why....
Does your basement have any other way to get inside your house?
Taehyung: Yes there is one door on the other side
Y/N: That's why those creatures could get inside
"" I got up and started walking around ""
Y/N: Those creatures can't stay in sunlight that's why can't be seen during the day. They hide when it's day
One thing I know for sure is that the one we saw there wasn't the same creature we see normally
It was something stronger, more intelligent and more dangerous
"" I looked at Taehyung ""
Y/N: You are soaked in blood. You should change your outfit
"" He looked at himself and gave a nervous smile ""
Taehyung: Oh yea....I didn't notice
"" After some time, I saw light coming from the closed windows ""
Y/N: It's already morning
"" Taehyung came out of washroom while looking at his watch ""
Taehyung: That means I was right about this
Y/N: About what?
Taehyung: Time changes every 3 hours and 30 minutes. I was counting as it felt weird. It's always 3:30
Y/N: That explains the time thing
"" He heard loud sounds. As if someone was bombing us ""
Y/N: Is that.....
"" We looked outside and saw fireworks in the sky ""
Taehyung: In morning and this kind of situation....Why ?
Y/N: What kind of psycho is this
Near The Pond
Yoongi: Where.... am I......
""|| He slowly started moving his fingers and opened his eyes
He couldn't see anything properly ||""
Yoongi: My whole..... body is hurting so much. I feel everything is moving...... around me.......
Felix...... OH MY GOD FELIX!!!!
""|| Yoongi tried to get up but his whole body was feeling imbalance
He still did it and got inside the building as quickly as he could ||""
Please idiot answer me.....
You...you were trying to kill me or what!! You pushed me from that height !! ANSWER ME !!!
""|| Yoongi's eyes started to become teary. He forced his body to run ||""
Yoongi: Answer me !! You are not fired Lee Felix I'm still your boss
""|| Everything was destroyed there. He could see dead bodies on the top of desks, windows and ground
Lights, desks, tables, machines, mirrors everything was badly destroyed. Blood stains were everywhere
Suddenly he stepped on tonnes of blood
His eyes were fixed on the person lying on the floor,beside the doorway. That person's eyes were wide-open and blood was all over his body
Yoongi could only see his half body from this side of the room but he could see stretch marks everywhere and blood coming out of them ||""
Yoongi: Felix......
""|| Yoongi wanted to touch his body one last time but his whole hand was shaking badly
He couldn't even understand what he was feeling at that moment ||""
Yoongi: Yo...you can't die
No.... no You... can't die
You... can't die please..... please
Brother.... You can't die.....
""|| He screamed his lungs out. Tears were rolling on his face
He broke everything he got in his hands His eyes and face turned blood red. His heart was tearing apart but he couldn't stop the pain
At one point, his body had no strength to cry or move anymore. Words weren't coming out of his mouth. He fell to the floor motionlessly
He started talking calmly in a really low voice ||""
Yoongi: It's all because of me
I asked you too leave my office
I couldn't save any of my employees
I made this town
Yes I made this hell
I made Achlys
""|| He saw a broken glass beside him He picked it up and saw his own reflection in it
He was feeling pity looking at himself
He was thinking about the things he could do with that one broken glass
But he stopped thinking. He kept staring at that glass without blinking or moving for a few minutes ||""
Yoongi: Yes.... you are right
""|| He dropped that glass ||""
Achlys Border
Sergeant Hajoon: How long have we been driving
Sergeant Yuri: Maybe few HOURS !!
Seokjin: It wasn't supposed to be such a long route or was it ?
Sergeant Hajoon: As far as I remember it was a small route. I don't even know where we are right now.....
Sergeant Yuri: We will lose all our fuel in this way
""|| The tunnel was blocked by walls in many places. They were taking turns again and again. It felt like it was an endless tunnel
They couldn't even understand if they were going in the right direction or were moving in the same place ||""
Seokjin: Keep going
""|| They finally came out of that tunnel. They happily got outside the car ||''
Sergeant Yuri : Finally!! We did... wait......
""|| That happiness didn't last long ||""
Sergeant Hajoon: ................
Seokjin: We are trapped here. This town is a maze
Unknown woman: What are we going to do now sir !!
Seokjin: For now...... your kid is injured and many of us are also injured. Let's find a hospital first
""|| After searching for some time, they reached a hospital. Seokjin looked at the signboard ||""
Seokjin: Smile of Angel
""|| They got inside and saw a few people there. Some doctors and nurses were treating them
All people had a lifeless expression on them. As if they had already lost all their hopes
Seokjin started finding a doctor for them ||""
Seokjin: Can someone help us please
Unknown Doctor: Yes I can help. Come with me
""|| They entered one room with him. That room looked like a doctor's cabin. A desk, some cabinets, one bed and some medical equipment were inside the shelf
He started treating them ||""
Unknown: I'm doctor Jeon Jungkook
Are you guys soldiers ? How is the situation outside now?
Sergeant Hajoon: Not good at all.....
"" Jungkook sighed after hearing Hajoon's Answer ""
Jungkook: This town name really suits it
Seokjin: I should tell Y/N about this
I will come back in some time
""|| Seokjin was about to leave but a little girl held Seokjin's hand ||""
Unknown kid: Thank you for saving me and my mom. You are a HERO !!
""|| Seeing her innocent smile Seokjin gave her a light smile while patting her head. He leaves the room
After finishing treating everyone Jungkook was talking on the phone ||""
Jungkook: What happened now ?
Unknown: Your mother again ran away from hospital
""|| Instead of being worried, a smirk appeared on his face ||""
Jungkook: You guys are really useless
""|| Jungkook ended the call, seeing the kid running towards him
That kid looked really scared and out of breath ||""
Unknown kid: Doctor !! so...some kind of.... sounds are co...coming from outside!!
Jungkook: Really? In that case......
Unknown House
Hoseok: Experiment 3:30 is the hidden secret of this town
I know little about this because I was assigned as a guard for Smile of Angel hospital before.
They might have killed me if I wasn't lucky enough to run away from there.....
Anyway they were doing some kind of experiment with people. They made this town for that experiment
""|| Namjoon and Jimin's faces turned pale hearing that information ||""
Jimin: Those creatures....are humans?
Hoseok: Yes. This town is a maze and there is a time loop of 3 hours and 30 minutes
It is like this because those creatures can't go out in the morning when there is sunlight as radiation burns their bodies but they can't even live long without food either
Namjoon: And are we their food?
Hoseok: Yes
""|| Hoseok's straightforward statement scared them even more ||""
Namjoon: How are we going to get out of here. Won't anyone do anything about this?
Shouldn't we call someone for help ?
Hoseok: Devices are useless here. It's already been hacked by them
And I don't know if anyone will help us anyway
Namjoon: Why? This is so messed up.....
Hoseok: It actually might be even more messed up than we think it is......
Namjoon: What do you mean?
Hoseok: Someone told me that those mindless human eating creatures aren't the experiment.......
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