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"I'm Not Even Going To Get Mad Anymore

I Just Have To Learn To Expect

The Lowest From People

Even The Ones I Thought Highest Of."


Angie watched from her desk as Emma took Mary Margaret's mugshots. Mary Margaret turned to the right as she spoke. "Emma, Angie, this is a mistake. I didn't kill Kathryn."

Emma sighed as she took the next picture. "Of course you didn't. But while I am your friend, I am also the sheriff, and I have to go where the evidence leads."

"Which points to me? Emma, yesterday it was David. There's something not right here."

"We know," Angie spoke up. "But your fingerprints were on that box and his are not. So now we have to deal with this situation."

Mary Margaret was incredulous. "Evidence that says I cut out Kathryn's heart and buried it in the woods? This is insane."

Emma took another picture before explaining. "If we don't book you, with all this evidence, it's gonna look like favoritism. And then Regina will have cause and she will fire me, and then Angie, and then you know what she'll do? She'll bring in someone who will railroad you. So please, just try to be patient and trust us."

"She's right," Angie told Mary Margaret, handing her a donut. "We can't even move forward till we verify the heart belonged to Kathryn, and we're waiting for the DNA test results. You'll have to bear with us until they do."

Mary Margaret shook her head in sadness. "This is crazy. I would never hurt anyone."

Once Emma finished with the pictures, she led Mary Margaret and Angie into the interrogation room, where Regina was waiting.

"Hello Miss Blanchard," Regina said with a thin smile.

"What is she doing here?" Mary Margaret hissed at Emma and Angie.

Emma folded her arms. "She asked to be here as a third party to make sure that we stay impartial. It can only help you."

She took a seat and Regina pulled out a chair for Mary Margaret to sit. Mary Margaret took a deep breath before giving Emma a small smile. "I have nothing to hide. Ask me anything."

Angie switched on the tape recorder as Emma began to talk. "The heart was found buried near the old Troll Bridge. It had been cut out by what appears to be a hunting knife. Have you ever been to that bridge before?"

"Yes, many times," Mary Margaret admitted. "It's where David and I liked to meet."

"Mr. Nolan?"


"And you met there for what purpose?" Emma asked as Angie put on some gloves and opened the evidence cabinet. She removed the jewelry box and placed it on the table as Mary Margaret answered Emma's question.

"We were having an affair. I'm not proud of what happened and I'm sorry. But that doesn't change the fact that I did not kill Kathryn."

Angie pushed the box towards Mary Margaret. "Have you seen this before?"

Mary Margaret furrowed her brows. "Yes, that's my jewelry box."

Emma and Angie shared a concerned look. "That's what we found the heart in." Emma told Mary Margaret.

"Don't you see what's happening here," Mary Margaret said loudly. "Someone stole that box and put the heart in it. I didn't have anything to do with it. I'm innocent."

Regina reached across the table and took Mary Margaret's hand. "Miss Blanchard, it's okay. I know what you're going through. I know what it's like to lose someone you love. To be publicly humiliated. It put me in a very dark place. Changed me. I can only imagine what losing David Nolan did to you."

Mary Margaret snatched her hand away. "But, I haven't changed. I'm still the same person I've always been-a good person. I did not do this."

"Madam Mayor," Angie spoke quickly. "Can I speak to you in the hallway?"

Regina stood up and Angie gripped her arm, leading her out of the interrogation room. Once they were out of earshot, she snapped at her. "Regina. We told you from the beginning. We do the questioning. It's not your job to intervene."

"How do you know she didn't do it? If that box was stolen from her as she claims, don't you think there'd be signs of a break in? Well, you're her roommate. Tell me, has there been a break in? She's a woman who's had her heart broken. And that can make you do unspeakable things."

Lilith and Rumplestiltskin examined the hair that the former had taken from Snow White. Rumplestiltskin smiled. "I believe we are halfway to true love, dear."

Lilith twiddled the hair between her thumb and pointer finger. "You really think what they have is true love?"

"The siren showed her face to the prince. She showed you the closest thing you had to love, which was family. You have to admit, Fishy was good."

"All we have to do is get some of his hair," Lilith said as she placed the hair in a jar. There was a knock at the door. Rumplestiltskin started to put his things away as Lilith headed to open the door.

The same red-headed woman from a few weeks ago was standing there. Lilith twirled her scepter. "Can I help you again?"

The woman lifted her sleeve to show a rash crawling up her arm. "The potion you gave me last time did this to me. I want some type of cure."

Lilith rolled her eyes at the woman's demanding nature. She tapped her scepter against the floor. A green bottle appeared in her hand. She held it out to the woman. The woman moved her hand out to take it, but Lilith drew her hand back. The woman sighed. "I still don't have any money to pay you."

Lilith pointed at the woman's glass ring. "That seems valuable-"

Before Lilith could finish, the woman shoved the ring into Lilith's hand. She snatched the potion and ran off. Lilith rolled her eyes and moved to close the door.


Lilith looked out to see a dwarf waiting with a woman. Snow White. "We need to talk," the dwarf told Lilith. "Now."

Angie was dangled almost halfway out Mary Margaret's bedroom window. Regina's words had gotten to her, which is likely what she had wanted. Angie had already checked the main room for break-in signs. She ran her fingers across the window frame, looking for any damage. There was a tap on her foot, causing Angie to almost lose her balance. Angie glanced inside the bedroom and groaned.

"Henry. What are you doing here?"

"We have to help Miss Blanchard," Henry said desperately.

"Yeah," Angie said with a grunt as she slid back into the bedroom. "That's what I'm trying to do. If you want to be here, just stay out of the way."

Henry nodded as Angie moved to the door to check the hinges. "So, what are we looking for?" he asked.

"I'm trying to see if someone broke in. I'm looking for broken glass or busted hinges. Something like that." She couldn't find anything on the door and moved to the closet.

"So, you think someone's setting her up?"

"It's the only thing that makes sense," Angie admitted. "The only problem is, nobody's got a motive."

"My mom does. She hates Snow White." Angie gave him a look. He shrugged. "Hey, you wanted a motive." He perked up a little. "Did you get any more flashbacks by the way?"

"Nope. And I don't think 'She hates Snow White' will hold up in court, Henry." Suddenly, a rumbling noise erupted from somewhere in the room. Confused, Angie moved away from the closet and searched for the source of the noise. It was coming from the floor. She bent down and removed the rug to reveal the cover of a vent.

"Did you find something?" Henry asked.

Angie did. She removed an object wrapped in a cloth from the vent. Carefully, she removed the cloth, revealing a small hunting knife.

Mary Margaret was shocked. "The heating vent? Angie, I don't even know where the heating vent in my bedroom is."

"Well, someone did and they put a hunting knife in there. I checked for signs of a break in, but there weren't any," Angie said, handing Emma the bag with the knife.

Mary Margaret looked back and forth between the girls. "You don't believe me."

Emma placed the bag on the table "Of course we do. But, what we think doesn't matter. Evidence is piling up by the hour."

"Okay, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying you should think about hiring a lawyer."

"An excellent idea," Mr. Gold said, entering the room.

Angie groaned. "What are you doing here?"

Mr. Gold smirked. "Offering my legal services."

"You're a lawyer?" Emma asked.

"Of course he is," Angie muttered under his breath.

Mr. Gold looked at Mary Margaret. "Ever wondered why I'm so adept at contracts? I've been following the details of your case, Miss Blanchard. And I think you'd be well advised to bring me on as your counsel, as the sheriff had me arrested for nearly beating a man to death and I managed to persuade the judge to drop the charges."

"Asserting your influence isn't what's needed here. We need to find the truth," Emma told him.

"Asserting influence may be exactly what's needed here. I'm only here to help."

"Enough. Please go," Mary Margaret spoke up.

"You heard her," Angie looked at Mr. Gold.

"No, I was talking to you two. He's right. I need help. And you need to do your job or else I'm screwed. So, just please do your job the best you can and you'll prove me innocent. Until you do, I need some practical help."

"This is in Miss Blanchard's best interests," Mr. Gold assured them.

Annoyed, Emma left instantly. Angie moved to leave but stopped briefly at the door. "I hope your best interests are what he's looking out for."

Lilith sat down as the dwarf, Grumpy, led Snow White into the room. "The potion you gave Snow. It changed her. She's not the same."

Lilith let out a sigh as she leaned her scepter against the fireplace. "Of course it changed her. It took away her love."

Rumplestiltskin appeared behind Grumpy, startling him. "There's no cure for what she's got. The person she was, there's no way to bring her back. No potion can bring back true love. Love is the most powerful magic of all. The only magic I haven't been able to bottle. If you can bottle love, you can do anything." He looked at Snow White. "But you don't care about that, do you? Now, what is it you really want?""

Snow smirked in a way that was all too familiar to Lilith. "I want your help. To kill the Queen."

Lilith smiled. "Now we're talking." She snapped her fingers and produced a bow with a golden string.

"Now, what is this?" Snow asked as she examined the bow.

"This is how you kill the Queen."

"How will that help me get into the castle?" Snow asked.

Rumpelstiltskin stopped her. "No, no, no. That's impossible. You'll have to kill her when she's on the move. When she's on her way to the summer palace." Lilith produced a map next and handed it to Rumplestiltskin so he could explain. "Fire the arrow from this spot here and you'll be hidden from sight. An arrow fired from this bow will get you exactly what you need. It always finds its target."

Grumpy turned towards Snow. "I can't stand by. If you take that weapon, you do it alone."

Snow giggled and took the bow. "That was always my plan. So, what do I have to do in return?"

Rumplestiltskin cocked his head. "Do? You don't have to do anything, dearie."

Snow, learning from her previous experience, furrowed her brows. "Everything comes with a price with you two. Last time you took a strand of my hair. What's in it for you this time?"

Lilith climbed onto the table, sat down, and crossed her legs. "Let's just say, we're invested in your future."

About an hour after Grumpy and Snow left, a man that Lilith had hoped to never see again stormed into the castle.

"Rumplestiltskin," David hollered. "Show yourself."

Rumplestiltskin appeared behind him, causing David to jump. "Still dressing like a prince I see. Even though you ran away from the life I gave you. How's that for gratitude?"

"You gave me a prison sentence."

"Yeah, one that you've now skirted. Careful dearie, King George is a vengeful man."

David let out a stressed noise and looked Rumplestiltskin in the eyes. "I'm here about Snow. Rumor has it, she's after the Queen and she came to you for help. What did you do to her?"

"She came to us," Lilith said as she appeared sitting on the table. David instinctively drew his sword. Lilith adjusted her crown. "Relax, Davie. My days of cursing you for what you did are over. What did we do to her? You mean, what did you do to her? The same thing you did to me. You caused her pain. Without that pain she would never have drank my potion to forget about you. That's what changed her."

"Undo the potion," David ordered. "All magic can be broken."

"Oh, yes. With true love," Lilith said mockingly.

"So, that's it then? True love's kiss will awaken her?"

Rumplestiltskin laughed from his spot by the door. "Most certainly, but it's gonna be hard to kiss her, when you don't know where she is."

With a grimace, David sheathed his sword. "Name your price."

"How about your cloak?" Rumplestiltskin suggested.

David was confused. "My cloak? Why would you want my cloak?"

"It's drafty in here." David looked to Lilith for confirmation. She simply shrugged.

David took off his cloak and tossed it to Rumplestiltskin. "Where is she?"

Lilith produced the same map that she had shown Snow. "On her way to the Queen's highway. This is the route she's taking. But you'd better be quick, because, if she kills the Queen, she becomes as evil as the woman whose life she takes."

"She could never become that evil," David said as he put the map into his pocket.

"Evil isn't born, darling. It's made. I'm living proof of it. If Snow starts down the same road as me, one that dooms you into being a demon, you'll never get her back."

Angie and Emma climbed back up the stairs to the apartment to find Henry waiting for them. "I have proof!" He removed a ring of keys from his pocket. "This is how my mom got into your apartment. This is how she framed Miss Blanchard."

"Did you steal these from her office?" Emma asked as she took the ring from him.

"Yeah. The book said they could open any door."

Angie took a look at the keys before squinting at the lock on the door. "They won't fit in the lock."

"We have to try," Henry said as he took the keys back. He walked up to the door and unsuccessfully tried to open the door with one of the keys. He had the same result with a second.

Emma sighed. "See, what did I tell you? Come on, Henry. I know you wanna think the answer to everything is in Operation Cobra."

"It is. Just try one more. Please."

"One more," Angie told Henry. "We'll humor you."

"You do it," Henry said to Emma. He chose a key with an apple pattern. "This one."

"Okay," Emma said as she took the key. She stuck the key into the lock and turned it clockwise. Everyone was shocked as there was a creak of hinges opening. Emma pushed the door open.

"Do you believe me now?" Henry asked.

Angie and Emma arrived at the station to drop off some food and coffee for Mary Margaret. Emma used this time to fill Mary Margaret in on what they had learned. "I know Mr. Gold doesn't want us to talk, but we thought you should hear this from us. The test results came back on the heart and the DNA was a match for Kathryn. She is dead. I'm sorry-for a lot of things. But, now that we have proof of the death, we have enough evidence to move forward with a case against you. It's going to happen. You know we do believe you, right? All this evidence tells us one thing for certain. That you are being framed. And I think Regina is behind it."

Mary Margaret took a sip from her coffee. "Then why am I still in here? Why don't you confront her?"

Angie leaned back in her chair. "Because, unfortunately, belief is not proof."

"If we don't do this right, things will end up worse for you," Emma explained. "Every time me or Angie have gone up against Regina, she's seen it coming, and we've lost."

"So, what makes this time any different?" Mary Margaret questioned.

Angie slid her coffee off to the side. "She doesn't know we're onto her yet?"

"Why would she do this to me?" Mary Margaret asked, sitting on her bed in the cell.

"We don't know, but we're going to find out," Emma assured her. "And I promise, I won't stop until I expose what she's up to."

"We," Angie corrected Emma. "Neither of us will stop. You know that."

"And how are you going to do that? This is her town."

Emma and Angie got up to look Mary Margaret properly in the eyes. Emma grabbed her hand through the bars. "We're working on it. We have faith in you. And now, we need you to have faith in us. Can you do that?

Mary Margaret nodded. "Of course."

Lilith retrieved the bottle that was filled with Snow's hair as Rumplestiltskin peered at David's cloak with a magnifying glass. Using a pair of tweezers, he removed a hair belonging to David from the cloak. Lilith opened the bottle with Snow's hair and Rumplestiltskin placed the hair inside. The two watched as the hairs merged with each other and started to glow. Lilith smiled as she put a drop of true love essence into her curse. A plume of violet erupted from the curse. Signifying that it was finally ready.

Who wants to play a game?

At the bottom of this chapter is a group of riddles that must be solved.

The first letter of each answer shall be a letter in the title of the sequel of this book.

Ex. If the question was "a round orange fruit," the answer would be orange.  So the first letter in the title would be o.

Here are your clues:

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