Prince Charming~ Yoosung Kim

Title: My Prince Charming
Game: Mystic Messenger

Word count: 2,241

Two little kids in a room, a young little girl talking out loud and scrambling through her things. And A little boy with brown hair and violet hues, who waited patiently yet slightly terrified.

"Come on come on! It's gotta be here somewhere!" She screeched, making little Yoosung flinch in surprise. "I-it's okay maybe it's-" "Aha! I found it!!" She squealed taking out the book which was a bit too big for her liking. "Settle in girls,It's story time!" She giggled, "I-I'm not a girl Lee!" Yoosung shouted pouting slightly, She poked his nose laughing and opened the story book.

"There's a princess In a tower Oh my gosh, that's just like me!" She squealed hugging the book excitedly. "I-I don't think that's the same-"

"Poor Rapunzel, Needs a haircut But the witch won't set her free! She passes time by singing, Like someone else I know." She sighed dreamily before continuing to read.

"As years go by she sits and waits-" The girl's eyes widen, "As years go by? Uh oh.." She beginning flipping through the pages quickly as Yoosung watched with a worried face.

"A torturous existence. I don't remember this part! She wishes she were dead? Skip ahead! Skip ahead!" "L-Lee.. M-maybe your should finish the whole-" Yoosung stuttered nervously but The little girl ignored him when Finally, She reach the end of the story. A bright smile crept on her face.

"But.. in the end Rapunzel finds a millionaire The prince is good at climbing And braiding golden hair!" Suddenly, she closed the book and grabbed Yoosung's hand smiling, he tilted his head confused.

"So I know, he'll appear. Cause there are rules and there are strictures! I believe the storybooks I read, by candlelight." She opened the book back up pointing at the prince in the story, showing it to Yoosung. "My white knight, and his steed. Will look just like these pictures!" She handed the book to Yoosung and stood up twirling around.

"It won't be long now, I guarantee!" She patted Yoosung's head, who was reading the story with a small grumble. She turned around to the window of her bedroom, "Day number, Twenty three!" then stood on a pile of books looking out the window not realizing Yoosung. He was leaving the room with his bag, and looked back at the day dreaming little girl, rolling his eyes and pouted leaving the room.

"I know its today.. I know its today!"


"Oh here's a good one! It's a classic!" They were older now, Middle schoolers. Yet the Same thing still happened. She held up another story book to Yoosung, who simply sighed as he knew this was going to happen. "Go ahead.." He mumbled making her squeal and hug him, he began blushing furiously. "J-Just read it already!" He shouted causing her to giggle and open the book.

"There's a princess, In a coma. Glad its her instead of me." She nudged Yoosung with a smirk. "Pretty maiden, In a glass box. How I wonder does she pee?" The thought made her shake her head shivering. Once again, she started rushing through the pages making Yoosung sigh, "Lee-" "Blah blah blah, poison apple. Boring boring, evil queen. Filler filler, been there, read that! Seven shorties on the scene Skip ahead, skip ahead!"

Her eyes began to sparkle starting to read again. "But in the end the princess wakes up with a start. The prince is good at kissing And melting Snow White's heart!~" she closed the book grabbing Yoosung's hand and standing up with him. "W-What are we-" "So I know, he'll appear And his armor will be blinding!"

She began touching his face making Yoosung blush as she took a look at his teeth. "As shining as his perfect teeth And manly hose," Yoosung pushed her hands away in embarrassment only making her giggle and push him down to the floor.

Yoosung blinked for a minute then looked up, noticing he was kneeling on on knee. He'll propose, On one knee.!" Yoosung went full tomato face right there, "L-Lee! T-That's crazy-!" "And our pre-nup will be binding!" She glared at Yoosung thinking otherwise.

She then began twirling around, with a bright smile. "About time we set the wedding date!~"

Yoosung had gathered his stuff and was heading out the door, touching his face with a blush. "B-bye." He waved, "bye!~" she giggled looking back at him then out the window.

"Day number, nine hundred and fifty eight.." she pouted resting her head on her hand. Only to smile again looking up at the sky with determination.

"I know it's today.. He'll show up today!"


I walked down the streets holding a bunch of books for studying, She was now in college after all, let alone now helping out in the RFA, since Rika died. But that didn't stop my silly little dreams, I glanced around and saw a bunch of couples around the street.

"They're in the library." I glanced around in disgust,

"The park." My eye twitched.

"Even the stores!" I growled, "that's it." I huffed in annoyance, rushing to her dormitory as quickly as I could, gripping onto the child's story book.

Once I reached my home I slammed all my books on the table and grabbed the story book, flipping through the pages. "There's a princess! Any princess! Take your pick, they're all like me!" I growled pointing at myself childishly with a huff. "Not exactly, I'm still waiting! They're out living happily."

I began pacing around flipping through the story book in anger, "Ever after better get here, I want love in seconds flat! No one needs these middle bits-" suddenly I accidentally ripped a page from the book, My eyes widened. "O-Oops, did I do that..?" I moved some of my hair behind my ear and huffed in anger, beginning ripping all of the pages out of the book.

Cut the villains, cut the vamping.
Cut this fairy tale!
Cut the peril and the pitfalls,
Cut the puppet and the whale!"

She lost control of her own thoughts, "Cut the monsters! Cut the curses! Keep the intro! Cut the verses! And the waiting! The waiting! The waiting! The waiting!" After ripping them all out of anger I broke the book in half.

With my bare hands.

"The waiting!" I screamed out loud which probably most of my neighbors would hear. Did I care? No.

"But I know, he'll appear.." I whispered out of embarrassment.

"Though I seem a bit bipolar.. And I'm a vandal now as well, hope he won't mind" I winced picking up all of the papers I ripped. I then looked up with determination.

"I'm a find, I'm a catch And a very gifted bowler!
It won't be long now, I guarantee! Day number....." I stopped myself for a moment, glancing outside the window with a sigh.

"Are you there god?
It's me-"

I was cut off by a text from her phone which made me flinch a little. Running over to the table I fished for my phone in my bag taking it out. It was from Seven, "Yoosung needs help? What happened?!" I shouted out loud to no one in particular.

'Be right there.' I texted back, grabbing my bag and walking out the door.

|~~ Time skip brought to you by Elizabeth the 3rd~~|

After what seemed like forever I arrived at Yoosung's Dorm, knocking on the door. "Uh.. Seven? Yoosung? It's Me..." I mumbled. After hearing shuffling in the room and quite arguments Seven had opened the door with a grin. "Hey Lee!" He said. "Hey- Is Yoosung okay? I got your text." I said waving my phone.

"Huh?- Oh! Right. He's locked up in his room playing LOLOL. Something about how 'he thinks he's sick so he refuses to see anyone.'"

I tilted my head, he's always playing LOLOL. I don't see much of a problem.
I shrugged, "okay.. I'll go see what's up."

"W-Wait! Lee!-" I ignored him and made my way toward Yoosung's room, worry growing by the minute. I softly knock on the door

"Yoo...? Are you alright?"

"Go away Seven! I'm not done yet!"

"Yoosung, it's Lee.."

"Lee-San?!" He stammered, it sounded as if he was rushing in a way. I playfully roll my eyes and twist the door nob, only for the door not to open. "Come on Yoo, open up!"

"No!" He said stubbornly. I sighed, looking around the area. "Right!" I whispered and stood on my tippy toes to reach the top of the door (if your tall then forget I put this) grabbing a spare key from the top of it. I snickered playfully and unlocked the door barging in.

"YOOSUNG KIM!" I glared around in search for the Blonde haired boy. "SEVEN! YOU FORGOT TO GET RID OF THE KEY!" Was the last thing I heard before I was practically covered in darkness so I couldn't see anything. "WHAT'S GOING ON?!" I shouted but was only replied with faint whispers of argument.

"I-I'm.. S-so sorry Lee-san... This is a disaster.." I hear Yoosung mumble, slowly brightness was shown again as Yoosung had taken off the blindfold, he was in a what looked like a prince costume.

"What..." I breathed out and looked over Yoosung where it seemed he had been studying in a way, but it didn't look like school textbooks. More like...


".. Is this?" I glanced away spotting a shiny object. "W-wait!-"

"A tiara?" I said picking up the headpiece. "Yoosung, can you please explain to me what's the meaning of this?" I asked walking back over to him with the tiara.

"Well...." He laughed nervously, a blush appeared on his cheeks making me feel a tug at my chest. How cute..- w-what am I thinking?!

I averted his gaze and sat down on his bed with my arms crossed. "You remember.. When we were little and how you'd fantasize over fairy tales? Y-you always said you wanted to find your prince! And.. How you wanted to live happily ever after with him..." His face got redder by the minute when he sighed and grabbed a hold of my hand, lifting me up. "Y-Yoo-!" I stammered my face beginning to flush red.

"Now I know, he'll appear.." Yoosung began to mumble the words I repeated before.
"Cause there are rules and there are strictures. I believe the storybooks I read by candlelight. My white knight, my knight and his steed Will look just like these pictures.." He took the tiara out of my hands and placing it on my head.

"I always got angry, when you talked about it. Seven told me it was called jealousy? I guess I felt upset... Because if you had gotten your Prince Charming then.... What would happen to me?" He muttered then hugged me.

"W-what I'm trying to say is... I-I love you." He blurted out making my eyes widen.

"So please.... Let me be your Prince Charming for once...?" He asked in a small childish manner, letting me go and looking into my eyes for an answer.

I stared, shocked by what I was hearing right now. I've been searching all this time for one.... But.. He was in front of me the whole time?

A small giggle escaped my lips which turned into a small laugh fit for myself which left Yoosung utterly confused.


"You forgot a part." I smiled grabbing a hold of his hand, guiding him as a slowly turned around. "It won't be long now, I guarantee...!" I giggled looking at him.

"Day number twenty three." Yoosung chimed in with a chuckle.

"Day number nine fifty-eight.." I added.

"Day number..." Our faces were almost inches apart.

"eight thousand..."

four hundred and...."

"twenty three." I said quickly before the gap closed and before I knew It our lips were locked, I suddenly felt this desire I long for my whole life. And I had gotten it from the boy who stuck around to hear my little fantasies.

"I know it's today, ooh!"

"I know it's today, ooh!"

"I know it's today, ooh!"

"I know it's today.

I know it's today!"


The rest of the RFA watched the new couple from afar. "It is quite cute.." Jaehee said dabbing her eyes with a tissue.

"I can't believe Yoosung got a girl before I did!" Zen whined in annoyance, "I'm a shocked as you are." Jumin rolled his eyes.

"I thought she was gonna go for Elly." 707 blurted out, making the rest turn to him in confusion.

"OH COME ON! We were all thinking it!" He repeated crossing his arms. After a moment they all nodded in agreement and suddenly Zen sneezed.


Late night Re-updates! Whoooo!

I like this one! And I'm in a really good mood so! Double yay!

I don't feel like I need to point it out but people call Reader by her last name, only because I don't like putting (Y/n) because I know when I read (Y/n) all I think about is (Y/n)!

So from now on I choose random last names and that's your last name in the oneshot! Makes it more realistic no?

And so I don't get attacked I got this idea from everlovingdeer I loovvveee her books ❤️ I'm gonna be very embarrassed if she looks at this book cause I @'ed her and I suck at writing 😂

Anyway hope you enjoyed as much as I did making it!


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