Misunderstood~Akira Kurusu
Title: Misunderstood
Game: Persona 5
This was requested by a user that didn't not want their name to be put on here which is kinda strange cuz like it's good clout?
But people are different so I won't judge~
I've been wanting to do this scenario for a while, so I'm glad someone requested this on the contrary. So exciting 🥰
Enjoy! (This is based on the First case with Kamoshida) Sorry it took so long to post~
And before anyone asks, yes I prefer this name than his canon Game name~
For as long as he has been enrolled into this school, Akira Kurusu has found a speck of interest among you, he never really knew why but I guess you seemed to always be on his mind.
There was only one problem.
His friends seemed to disagree.
"Hey, do you guys know anything about Nakamura-" Akira spoke up but was caught off by Ryuji Choking on his saliva. Ann spoke up automatically,
"She's Excruciatingly stubborn and when you try to talk to her She thinks as if she HAS to give an opinion to just about anyone." Ann hissed, "She also pushes everyone away! It makes no sense!"
"She's the most intimidating girl in this school that everyone's too scared to make a single 'effing comment about her!" Ryuji complained, "Which is why everybody talks about her when she's not around!" (#LetRyujiSayFuck 😂)
"She may seem normal around school but trust me, she is NOT someone you want to mess with."
"DO NOT! Get involved with that troubled girl!" Ann finished, walking through Kamoshida's palace.
"Hm.." Akira sighed shaking his head. He had yet to know if they were talking from experience or was this just from rumors they've heard.
"We're not just making this stuff up Joker. We're just trying to warn you so you won't get caught up with her manipulative ways."
"We've tried before. Trust us." Ann mumbled.
"You guys are off of the topic at hand." Morgana glared "we're supposed to be on the lookout."
"So no more questions about Nakamura-San. Got it, joker?" Ryuji said Akira opened his mouth to speak, but closed it quickly, sighing with a nod.
|~Next day, Shujin Acedemy~|
I walked into Shujin looking around, only to hear chatter as I walked through the hallway. I glanced around my eyes landing on the bulletin board where people were crowded with gasping and shouting.
I pushed into the crowd earning some glares, but only shook it off. To reveal the board covered in red cards. "They're after Kamoshida!" Somone called out. "The Phantom Thieves of hearts...?" I mumbled as my eyes began to sparkle, 'finally... Someone's going to handle that asshole.." I thought.
"It's Nakamura-San!"
"Is she mad?"
" she's interested in The Phantom Thieves?"
"Why is she even here?"
"We should get away before she speaks up to one of us!"
I snarled glaring at my classmates "It's like you guys don't understand I can hear you." I said and pushed away walking to my class, but not forgetting to glance at the sketchy group talking to one another that consisted of Ryuji, Ann and That new transfer student people make rumors about.
It's not like I WANTED to believe what was heard about him, but I couldn't help but tease about it.
"Hey," I spoke up walking toward the group intrigued by what they're talking about. "You're that new Transfer student, aren't you?" I walked to them.
"Lay off Nakamura-"
"Depends on who's asking." The male spoke up, slightly making me felt a bit tingly as if I'd melt on the spot, No ones talked back to me like that before.
I kept my composure, smirking.
"Kurusu Akira."
"Nice to finally meet the delinquent himself. So many people talk about you, I just had to make sure for myself." Whispers were heard throughout the hallway
"My name's Nakamura-"
"What's going on here?" The voice everyone feared yelled out, making me flinch as well. He glared at the bulletin board then growled, "Scram! There's nothing to see here!" Kamoshida yelled.
Students began to leave and I was about to leave when Kamoshida interrupted,"Nakamura. My office, now. We have to speak about the Volleyball game this Friday."
My eyes grew soft, then glared at the floor and stared back at Akira and his group. I turned around and began to walk off.
Kamoshida then 'scolded' Akira's group and left after the you, grabbing your arm forcefully.
"N... No 'effin way... You don't think he's going to-"
" Nakamura-san... But she's-"
"We have to act fast," Akira said to them, "we're doing it today." They nodded and Akira began to walk off.
"Akira, where are you-"
"I'll be fine. Just go to class." He simply said.
*Time skip brought to you by Mona Telling you to go TO FUCKING SLEEP*
"Please let me go. I don't have time for this Mr. Kamoshida. I'm busy-" I said but was cut off by a slap from Kamoshida.
"I DON'T GIVE A DAMN!" I held my cheek glaring at him.
"Takamaki and her little friend aren't Available anymore-"
"It's Shiho." I growled, "one of your PLAYERS who you made Attempt to commit suicide because of you-"
"I don't Fucking care!" He grabbed onto my hair Making me wince . "All this talk about these imbeciles who call themselves the Phantom thieves have frustrated me enough."
"At least they're finally going to accomplish what no one else can do and beat your ass!" I yelled in reply, glaring at him head on. "Oh, sweetie. You really don't understand publicity do you? Always trapped up in that hospital with your sister aren't you?"
This outraged me more, I started throwing hands in return at least trying to hit him this once. "Don't you DARE talk about my sister you sick bastard!!" I almost did accomplish hitting him in the face when he suddenly went from grabbing my hair to both of my arms.
"It's just a stunt. To scare me. Which doesn't." Oh but it does.
He stared at me greedily, making me uncomfortable right away and try to struggle out of his grasp. "You're their replacement. Nakamura, congratulations. You've upgraded I your position." He growled throwing me to the ground.
I hit the floor then trembled, eyes widening. "N-no. I beg of you. P-please don't.." I began to back up as he towered over my small figure.
"Ha, what happened to the brave girl who took no for an Answer? Turns out you've always been this weak, scared little girl who everyone pities." I glared at him shakily as I backed up more, he simply inched closer to my face. "Come here kitten, make your sister proud." He grinned wickedly and that comment as it had me trying to squirm out of his grasp.
And just Before anything continued someone barged into the room.
How embarrassing.
"Excuse me, May I borrow Nakamura-San for a moment—?" It was Kurusu. I sighed in relief and began to stand up but Komoshida stopped me, dragging me back down into my seat, placing a hand on my shoulder which I glared at.
"I need her for more important reasons." He spat. "But, her teacher is asking for her. She has work to do." Kurusu said then Komoshida growled pushing me toward Kurusu making me bump into his chest. "Well hurry then! We're talking about important matters in regards to the volleyball team!"
"Y-yes sir.," I muttered through gritted teeth and walked out of the office, Kurusu following me.
The walk was silent. Only Akira making slight glances at the quiet girl, after a while he spoke up.
"was he going to—"
"Kurusu I swear if you tell anyone about what you've probably heard in there I swear you're going to regret coming—"
"I won't tell."
My eyes widened, "S-Seriously...?" I asked and Akira nodded and stopped, " I don't think it's right..." He caught me off guard by putting a hand on my shoulder, making I look up at him, staring into his eyes as he stared into mine.
"But I won't tell." A small smile graced his lips, I couldn't help but blush. 'W-what the hell?! Why am I- I just met him!'
I was able to fix my flustered features before Kurusu-kun (by what I assumed) noticed.
"Uhm. Thank you, Kurusu.." I said looking down at the floor. "Don't mention it, call me Akira."
"Alright then... 'Akira'..." I repeated, hearing the name roll off my tongue, an interesting name for such a mysterious boy. "Call me-"
"I know," He smile seemed to widen, "It's a beautiful name." I began to get flustered again as I averted my gaze, crossing my arms.
"I guess so.." I mumble, "where are you taking me anyway?" I asked
"Your class. It did start a few minutes ago." Akira said stopping in your classroom.
A sigh escaped my lips as I looked back at him once I regained my composure.
"Thanks, for.. Saving me back there."
"No problem. I just want a favor in return." He said bluntly making me look at him questioningly. "What kind of favor are we talking about..?" I said hesitantly.
"A date, of course. They say to win a girl over you've gotta take her to dinner first."
Why. Am I doing this.
Was it something he said? Did he slip something in my drink that made me agree to this stupid thing? I was starring into my mirror for almost half an hour fixing up little imperfections and arguing with myself on why I agreed to go on a date with the new delinquent student of Shujin Academy. I've even risked missing practice just to get ready for this 'get together'.
Everyone's going to talk about him now. The little amount of respect he somewhat had from other people is gone—
My thoughts were cut off when someone knocked my opened bedroom door, struggling while doing so and I already know who it was. "Hey squirt, someone's at the door asking for you.. Kurusu Akria?" Chloe wheeled herself into my room and a instantly panicked.
God damnit. Why'd he get here so quickly!?
I drop everything and rush over to my sister, checking her to see if she's alright, She seemed paler than when I fed her earlier, "Shouldn't you be in bed right now?" She didn't reply and simply looked at me with a smug look, I sighed shaking my head.
"Get your mind out of the gutter, we're just hanging out." I turned back to the mirror, glancing at my attire once again before grabbing my phone. "Yeah, "hanging out"." She teased and I rolled my eyes in reply, "are you going to be okay on your own? Mom's coming home late today so you'll be alone for a few hours." I grab onto the handles of the wheelchair start to wheel her out, making sure to turn my phone on silent to ignore Kamoshida's texts of asking where the hell I was.
"I'll be fine! And if I ever need anything, I'll just get up and get it- oh wait- I mean roll off and get it. Eh? Eh?" She Laughs at her own dark joke and I sweatdrop with a sigh, was she always this humorous?
I'm made a quick beeline for my sisters room as she chatted about nonsense jokes I couldn't seem to understand. She's always been so energized, even in her current circumstances.
No wonder she loved Volleyball so much.
"Alright, try not to hurt yourself while I'm gone please?" I gently help her up and carry her into her bed, making sure to hook her up to her monitors in the process.
"Aye aye, captain!" She giggles, smiling sweetly which makes my stomach drop. She doesn't deserve this.
She deserves so much more. Than being tied to a monitor for the rest of her life.
I swiftly walked out of my sister's room and walked towards the entrance of my house. taking a peek at the front door, I eyed Kurusu for a good few minutes before opening the door. Somehow the way he smiled charmingly when I opened the door fully had made me a hundred times more nervous than I was before. "Come in, let me just get my shoes." I say casually before glancing at which pair of shoes I should wear.
He began staring at family photos curiously. Once I stood by him I brought out my most famous monotone face.
"Are you ready to go?" I spoke up, making him look down at me with another smile.
Damnit I can't do this—
"I didn't know you had a sister." He replied with, looking back at the family photo making me roll my eyes. "You don't know anything about me." I mumbled out, slipping the shoes I decided to wear gracefully.
"I know that everyone talks about you. Not the greatest things either." He stared at me now, making me grow uncomfortable by the minute.
"Whatever you hear is just rumors. People are just plain rude and don't bother getting to know the real me." I huffed, heading straight out the door before he stopped me.
"So then tell me." He said, pulling me back to face him. "The real you." He intertwined our hands continuing to smile, towering over my figure. I restrained the blush forcing its way to my cheeks before changing the subject.
"So. Where are you taking me?" I pulled my hand to my side and stepped back, clearing my throat. He seemed exhausted, and guilt was starting to rise up within me. "You know we don't have to go on with this right? You should probably get some rest."
"I was thinking of taking you to my place." He gently placed a hand on the small of my back, (ignoring my words of getting some rest as if it annoyed him) gesturing me out of my house with him following close behind. I immediately froze, words getting caught in my throat.
His place?! Isn't that like skipping first to third base?!
He chuckled at my expression making me avert my gaze, "Relax, Nakamura-San. There's a coffee shop below where I live. That's what I meant." I glared at him, clearly not amused by his comedic sense.
"It's not funny! I genuinely thought you were a pervert!"
By the end of the date we were both laughing at simple little things as he walked me back home from the cafe he lives under.
Apparently the person who owns the cafe let's him live up there, in exchange for working there. Of course I didn't press on about why he was there.
stepping onto the steps of the comfort of my home I sighed softly before facing him. "Uh, thanks for.. Taking me out." I mumbled, not really knowing how to show off my gratitude. "I just really needed it.. I've been so stressed for the passed month and I just needed a break." He Smiles in reply and wraps an arm around me which had me tensing up right away.
Suddenly the sound of a loud thump from inside my house had my heart dropping into the pit of my stomach.
"shit— Chloe?!"I rush inside, leaving Akira worried and confused.
Dashing towards my sisters room I opened the door to see her lone weak figure on the ground, just laying there still.
"Chloe! Oh god—!" Quickly kneeling down to her figure and shaking her. "I-I can't move.." she muttered quietly, tears streaming down her face, no emotion in her features.
I could hear someone's footsteps slow into the bedroom but paid no mind to it, clutching onto my sister and rocking her in my arms. "I-It's okay. You're okay! Please stay awake—" the tears threaten and spill before my eyes.
"I'll call 911." Feeling an arm wrap around me Akira quietly comforts us both as he calls the police.
The hospital was cold and quiet, giving it an extremely eerie vibe which was ironic since they saved lives here.
She sat in the waiting room, biting her nails nervously and bouncing her leg that was proped over the other up and down.
This was who she was, this was the real her.
Akira sat in the seat next to her, the time ticking away with him knowing that he would get in trouble if he didn't get to the coffee shop on time. But he didn't care, all he seemed to care about was her safety.
"You should probably head home now, I don't want you to get in trouble because of me." She says in an antsy tone, her nerves acting up like never before.
"I'm not leaving you alone here, You don't seem stable enough." He speaks softly, brushing his messy hair out of his face. Not the action, but more of what he said had her blushing in return. Although she immediately discarded it and scoffed at her actions after.
Clearly, she was whipped and didn't want to believe it.
"You know, she wasn't always like this." She speaks softly, letting out a pitiful laugh. Akira glances at the girl, staying quiet as a sign of listening and reassurance.
"No no. She was this pure ball of energy at any time of the day. She could've easily ran a couple of laps around the block and still would've been energetic." she grimaced, holding back her tears in order to avoid the weakness.
"She loved volleyball. More than anything in this world and I for sure knew she was going to be this star volleyball player.. But then he. Happened.." Just by the simple use of he Akira knew she was talking about Kamoshida. Now knowing he was the cause of this poor family's pain and suffering had his blood starting to boil.
"He used and abused her. Pushed her to the breaking point at practices and when they lost a match; she, as team captain, would be the one to be punished and put the blame for." Her words went quieter as she started to shake quietly. Akira reacted quickly, putting an arm over her shoulder to calm her and although she flinched at the touch at first, the call of her name Akira quietly let out had her easing into his hold.
"S-She was still so happy after going through that horrible coach. That was— until he went as far as-" Nakamura choked up, covering her mouth in disgust at the thought and felt utterly disgusting thinking about it.
"S-She tried to kill herself after that." The tears started to pour out, and Akira could only comfort her quietly. "J-Just like Shiho— S-She almost didn't m-make it." She progressively got louder due to her emotions, "Her dream of being a volleyball star is now out of reach! She can't even walk or pick up a cup without assistance! If only I was there on time maybe she would've-!"
"No. Don't blame yourself for his inhumane actions." Akira spoke firmly, brushing her tears away with his thumb.
She didn't make eye contact, looking at the ground with no emotion, "he manipulated me into thinking it was my fault she got hurt, that I wasn't paying too much attention to her. And with that burden now on my shoulders, I felt the need to finish what she started as an apology..." she got quieter and voice started to break even more.
"I was going to become this volleyball star in her favor.. I joined the volleyball team prior to the incident. And after all the horrid practices and painful abuse, I had yet to know how cold and distant I became from the kids at school. I became very serious and angry at them. They were scared of me now, and I had push them all away." She paused before whispering quietly, "Ann and Shiho stopped being my friends.. And as a result, I'd become the team captain."
Akira stiffened at those words, tightening his hold on her. He was pissed, that disgusting old man couldn't have assaulted her in such a way, he swore to himself that if he ever laid another hand on his girl he was for sure going
"I-If it wasn't for you I would've been next." She started crying again, Hiding her face in her hands. "The boy, who I barely even knew and was already pushing away, had saved me from getting rapped by that man." She scoffed at her words, crying at the thought.
"Why am I even telling you this..? I basically just met you!" She started getting angry and began pushing Akira away.
"This is my fault! If it wasn't for me, this all would have been prevented. M-Maybe even Chloe would've been okay! Maybe, I would've still had friends and not push everyone away! Maybe, Just maybe! I would've have actually had a chance with you—!"
Just before she finish her sentence Akira silenced her with a kiss, one that he was waiting to put upon her since they stood at her doorstep. Her heart fluttered in her chest, causing tears to fall even more and all the anger relinquished back into the scared, small girl she simply was.
Akira has understood this, and in the span of two days, managed to break her walls down.
They understood each other more than they seemed too.
Because they were both just Misunderstood.
Being the girlfriend of one of the most wanted people in Japan; The Phantom Thieves, has its ups and downs.
Firstly, you have the fact of having this being kept a secret to you for nearly a year since you started dating the leader and the only way of finding out is to stealthily follow after the group when they would go off on their own.
Secondly, knowing their whereabouts, you watch in utter amusement as you constantly ask the group where they go without you and they stammer in reply completely embarrassing themselves until your own boyfriend Cooly make something up like having a 'club'.
Thirdly, you have your boyfriend coming to you or you coming to him all bartered up and exhausted only for you to patch him up without question. Deep down, I'm sure he had a feeling I knew too. He just didn't want to say anything Incase he was wrong.
Today was no different.
Just as I finished up putting my chatty sister into bed, and I was just about ready to invite myself into my own covers when I heard a sudden pattern of knocking on the glass window of my room that I knew all too well. I crossed the space between me and the window and slid it open, revealing a very exhausted Akira in desperate need of patching up.
"You could've called me instead of straining yourself on climbing the tree next to my window." I rolled my eyes gently helping him inside. He simply gave his charming smile which made my face heat up by the minute.
"This is more romantic, wouldn't you think so?" Saying that alone had me smacking the back of his head. "Not when you could've fallen and gotten hurt even more." I instantly regretted my actions when i heard him wince under his breath, rubbing his sore head. "Sorry. Uh.. Let me patch you up." I gently set him down on my bed sheets and quickly sought out to find the med kit I usually had in my room In case Chloe had another accident.
Once I achieved said Med kit I walked back over to him and gestured for him to take off his shirt. After giving me a smug look and then me hitting his arm he proceeded to do just that.
Over the next half hour I patched up his wounds in complete silence. This always seemed to happen when he came over for a checkup and honestly I didn't like it. I should be told why he's always coming to my house covered in bumps and bruises, But instead I'm greeted with silence. Is he not supposed to tell me? Maybe I should just tell him that I know?
"Babe." He spoke softly making me revert my eyes to him. "What?" I hum, closing up the Med kit and setting it on the ground, kicking it back underneath my bed for shade keeping.
"It's just you know, where I live right? It's not really.. The safest place to be. Sometimes some guys enjoy roughing up a few kids and I just couldn't stand and watch—"
I breathed out through my nose, clearly sick of the bullshit excuse he was giving me. "I know you and your friends are the Phantom Thieves." I spoke out flatly, narrowing my eyes at him.
He looked at me Calmly, not giving away the reaction I was expecting him to give. "And I know you won't really listen to what I have to say but please, be more careful! I don't like that your risking your life by "changing people's hearts" whatever the hell that means! I can't stand being brushed off like nothing and being left in the dark about these things! You know that! I Just Wish— Mph!" And anger quickly disappeared when Akira pressed his lips against mine as a way to silence me. And damn did it work.
Once he was almost positive that I wasn't gonna continue talking he pulled away, gently cupping my cheeks in a sweet and loving gesture.
"I had a feeling you already knew, I was just waiting for you to burst." He chuckled softly, a smile creeping onto his lips which made me melt into his hold as is.
"But Just So you know, we didn't go infiltrating today." He kissed my temple and those words had me back in my current state, all riled up and hitting his arm.
He continued to laugh wholeheartedly as he went to grab my hands to stop hitting him.
"Sorry Babe, it's not my fault you Missunderstood what happened."
Hi. (:
I told you I was almost done didn't I?
Did you like the extra? It was slightly inspired by all the Spider-Man oneshots I see out there that are so cute so I added it in here giving it a persona 5 vibe. 🙃
I was so scared to upload this Because I didn't know if it was gonna be good enough for my lovely followers but here it is~
I'm very proud of it actually, it's pretty different compared to all the other Persona oneshots out there isn't it?
I'm not sure if I have any persona fans here 😅 but oh well, you should check out the game it's really fun.
Also, on a serious note, do you guys think I should bring back up the Truth or Dare segments? I've had plenty of different ideas to add in fandoms into the Truth or Dare segment and you all really seemed to enjoy those. I'll gladly give the people what they want if Truth or Dare segments are that something~
School (another reason why this was delayed) is kicking my ass, DE classes suck. But they're so helpful for college. Sigh. 😤
Okay. Rant over. Byeeeee!
*~Truedisneyfan01 has left the chat room~*
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