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___๐•ฌ๐’ ๐•ฟ๐‡๐„ ๐•พ๐€๐‹๐“๐˜ ๐•ญ๐‘๐„๐„๐™๐„ from Blackwater Bay drifts through her silver locks, a young princess of five summers lies on her belly upon a soft patch of grass midst the Royal Gardens. With a book written all about the Warrior Queen and her mighty she-dragon, Queen Visenya and Vhagar, beneath her, Vhaehra Velaryon munches on a peach that she'd plucked from the tree providing her shade from the blazing sun above. Turning page after page, violet eyes with pale blue flecks skim across the black words of history.

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A sudden gust of wind sent from the Merling King tousles her starlit hair, tickling her pale cheeks, yet the blood of the sea rushing through the Velaryon girl only relishes in the cool breeze and the salty scent of the bay. The birth of the Prince Jacaerys only few moons past brought forth the inklings of doubt amidst royal court; a Velaryon, brown of hair and eyes. Few even began to whisper the Pearl of the Tides, mayhaps, had been fortunate to favor her mother in physical appearance. . . but those doubts were soon to be squashed.

Before long, the echo of approaching footsteps along the gravel pathways brings Vhaehra's gaze from the book unto whomever approached. Seeing whom it were, the smile that curves her bright pink lips were brighter and warmer than the sun. Discarding the half eaten fruit aside, Vhaehra springs to her bare feet and sprints toward her twin born from another mother, Aemond.

The Prince huffs as the girl born the same night as he all but rams into him for an embrace of greeting, even if they had only last seen each another in the morrow to break their fast together.

     It were early midday.

     But the Prince folds his arms around her waist nonetheless, a bright giggle erupting from the radiant smile stretching her lips. In that moment as her scent wafts through his nose, Aemond breathes Vhaehra. Her heavenly scent; the vanilla oils in her lustrous hair and the twinge of a sweet fruity air accompanied by the salty sea.

With her chin rested atop his shoulder, Vhaehra giggles, once again, then steps back as she releases Aemond from her embrace; embraces to him that always felt. . . warm, and secure.

"What were you reading?" Aemond questions, jutting his chin toward the book laid open still atop the gently swaying grass. The smile gracing her lips widens, pearly white teeth glowing as the corners of her perfectly rounded eyes crinkle. "All about Visenya! Oh, she was truly amazing, Aemmy. I want to be like her when I grow." Aemond gently snickers at his twin.

     A warrior princess, indeed.

Vhaehra Velaryon would not become some maiden sat upon a windowsill awaiting her knight to save her from the dragon, no, she was the dragon.

With another giggle from her dazzling smile,

Vhae weaves her hand through his then skips over to the book she'd brought down from the library. Giving his hand a gentle tug, the younglings lay on their bellies beside one another atop the soft grass.

     Flipping through the pages, fingers drifting across the ink written words, Vhaehra's silken voice reads aloud what the maesters of old wrote long ago.

     The pair smile and giggle between one another all while Ser Willis Fell and Ser Rickard Thorne, Kingsguard sworn to the daughter of the Princess and son of the Queen, observe from afar, wary of any sudden threats.

"Here!" Speaking the words aloud, Vhaehra's nimble finger swept across the ink. "Vhagar's breath is so hot that it melts a knight's armor and cooks him inside."

     Another page turn.

     Aemond's indigo eyes with green ripples and swirls roam across the page worn from decades of reading until they catch something of his interest. "Vhae." Her own purple eyes flick to the words and skim along the sentence as he reads it aloud. "Her roar so powerful that it shakes the very foundations of Storm's End."

๐‘Šโ„Ž๐‘’๐‘› ๐’ฆ๐‘–๐‘›๐‘” ๐’œ๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ฆ๐‘  ๐ผ ๐’ฏ๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘”๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘ฆ๐‘’๐‘› ๐‘›๐‘Ž๐‘š๐‘’๐‘‘ โ„Ž๐‘–๐‘  ๐‘’๐‘™๐‘‘๐‘’๐‘ ๐‘ก ๐‘ ๐‘œ๐‘›, ๐’ซ๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘›๐‘๐‘’ ๐’œ๐‘’๐‘”๐‘œ๐‘›, ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘ƒ๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘›๐‘๐‘’ ๐‘œ๐‘“ ๐ท๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘”๐‘œ๐‘›๐‘ ๐‘ก๐‘œ๐‘›๐‘’, ๐’ฑ๐‘–๐‘ ๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ฆ๐‘Ž โ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘‘ ๐‘Ž๐‘š๐‘”๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘™๐‘ฆ ๐‘™๐‘’๐‘“๐‘ก ๐‘“๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘‰๐‘Ž๐‘™๐‘ฆ๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘Ž๐‘› ๐‘˜๐‘’๐‘’๐‘. "It was said that the moon turned red as blood when Vhagar passed it."

     The Velaryon Princess finishes and turns the page to another that continued to write of Visenya and her mighty dragon's deeds.

The sun shimmers from his highest peek within the vast domain of dragons above, kissing the dragon blooded below with his warmth. The sea sends forth it's salty breeze, a relief from the, dreadful to most, heat of the southern kingdoms' summers.

     The echoes of buoyant life within the streets of the capital, the leaves and flowers from their branches playful in a dance throughout the gardens, with even the culling of seagulls from the bay beyond the red walls fill the ambiance of the Royal Gardens.

Once bored from the familiar book, the Targaryens rolled unto their backs to gaze upon the glorious sky high above the ground. A fair amount of pure white clouds for such a heated day drift across the bright blue sky, and Vhaehra extends her arm to point towards a certain cloud that'd caught her eye.

"That one looks like a hound!" The Princess giggles, the sound he never tired of hearing lifting the Prince's lips into a soft grin.

Catching sight of a peculiar cloud amongst the only true home for dragons, Aemond points toward it. "That one looks like a ship."

Vhaehra giggles while nodding in agreement. "It does. Perhaps it was once one my ๐‘˜๐‘’ฬ„๐‘๐‘œ๐‘ ' ships when he fought in the Stepstones!" ( grandfather ) Something within her eyes glimmers with a certain excitement when Vhaehra spoke those words.

     The young Velaryon did love hearing tales like those from her ๐‘˜๐‘’ฬ„๐‘๐‘œ๐‘  Viserys, even Ser Harwin Strong.

     Not the stories of maidens loving a man as dashing as he was daring, or some knight rescuing a princess from a great evil. No, Vhaehra adored the stories where her father, ๐‘˜๐‘’ฬ„๐‘๐‘œ๐‘  Corlys and ๐‘˜๐‘’ฬ„๐‘๐‘ข๐‘  Daemon battled against the Crab Feeder in the Stepstones with the fierce dragons, Seasmoke and Caraxes. ( uncle )

     The violet of her irises light up like a star when they spot another shape in the clouds. "That one looks like a dragon!" Indeed the cloud did, Aemond notices.

     But while Vhaehra's smile remains, Aemond's fades into a frown. Neither of the eggs laid in their cradles hatched, nor Helaena's either, only Aegon's.

     Something the eldest prince never missed an opportune moment to boast about as of late, always going on about his beloved Sunfyre the Golden.

     "I wish our eggs had hatched."

     His near incoherent mumble on his sorrow of the matter of their cold eggs has Vhaehra turning her head to look at Aemond with a part-lipped frown. Like it were a mere instinct to soothe him, Vhaehra lifts her hand from where it once lay on her belly and, like the thread of a cloth, her fingers weave through his.

     She once mourned the loss of the hatchling within the egg she had shared a cradle with for many moons as well, but her mother had told her something that washed away those sorrows like salve to a burn.

     With a gentle squeeze to his hand engulfed by the warmth emitting from her porcelain skin, a silent demand for his eyes to acknowledge her, Vhaehra spoke, "๐‘€๐‘ข๐‘›ฬƒ๐‘Ž said there is more than one way to bind yourself to a dragon. We will have a harder rode, but if we wish to be riders.. then, we must claim that right."

     The once dejected prince now determinedly smirks, responding to her words with a nod.

     Vhaehra then sprouts from the ground like a flower in fresh spring, Aemond with her, smiling so widely as she continues on to say, "๐‘€๐‘ข๐‘›ฬƒ๐‘ข๐‘  Laena's egg did not hatch and she rides the largest dragon in the world! Visenya's dragon! My egg did not hatch, neither did yours, it must mean something. A Targaryen with an egg that didn't hatch, claiming and riding the mightiest dragon known! The Gods have something waiting for us, I can feel it." ( aunt )

     "All I can feel is your knee on my toe, Vhae." She only slaps his shoulder with a giggle, earning a snicker from him as she leant back, sitting on her haunches. "We may not ride dragons now, but we will. And they will be two of the mightiest and most fearsome of dragons."

     Aemond nods once with a smirk, Vhaehra giggles then leans forward to press a kiss to his cheek before she pulls him unto his feet whilst hopping to her own.

Vhaehra began to frolic about on the bright green grass, hopping like a hare and twirling like a bird as she does so, giggles falling from her buoyant smile. Her blue dress like the sky above with gold threading shimmers beneath the sunlight as Aemond's indigo irises gaze upon her, a fondness within those dragon eyes. Her infectious joy brought forth a smile to his lips, accompanied with a laugh that bubbled with affection for his twin from another mother.

The tender sound of endearment rang through the princess' ears, therefore, she pranced towards Aemond to enclose her hands around his, beginning to spin them atop the grass.

The Kingsguard in silver armor with white cloaks baring witnessing to the innocence of youth, and the twitches of soft grins tug at their lips.

Though, the younglings trip, neither knew what over, tumbling to the grass below yet laughing as they fell. Aemond encloses Vhaehra within his arms
then began to roll them along the smooth ground, staining their royal clothes with smudges of dirt and strands of grass as laughs that would brighten the blackest of hearts tumble from blissful smiles.

     But once they stopped rolling across the dirt with Vhaehra atop Aemond, the clear of a throat has Vhaehra looking up at the owner of the humanoid shadow blocking out the sun while Aemond tilts his head back, palms flattened on her petite waist.

The smiles stretched across their lips to the point an ache began to settle in their muscles slowly vanish at the sight of none other than Septa Talana. Her older features dotted with wrinkles of age not displaying an expression of amusement, hands cupped before her stomach.

The children swiftly stand when the Septa raises an expectant brow, unaware to Ser Rickard's and Ser Willis' approach.

     "Rolling around in the dirt is unbecoming of a Prince and Princess of the Realm." Talana scolds with a stern tone, staring down her nose at the children.

     Vhaehra tucks her head between her shoulders while turning her submissive gaze unto her bare feet, curling her toes within the strands of the soft grass below, but Aemond merely lifts his eyes roll, piqued. An act of improper manners Septa Talana had taken notice to. The Septa had only huffed at the ill-tempered boy. Though before she reprimands the Prince, she remembers why she were there and returns her gaze unto the Princess.

"Your mother has returned from Driftmark, my Princess. She wishes to see you, though I believe you should bathe beforehand."

Upon hearing the news that her mother had returned from her trip to Driftmark to visit with Laena and Daemon, Vhaehra's once gloomy features had in an instant brightened like a shimmering star. Gifting her twin with a farewell kiss on the cheek, Vhaehra then bounds off for her mother's chamber, earning a huff of disapproval from the Septa yet a snicker from Aemond.

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     ๐”—he doors into the Crowned Princess' chambers are thrown open by the Princess' daughter. Rhaenyra Targaryen were not privy to whomever burst into her private quarters until she saw her darling girl, her firstborn, rushing towards her with a smile brighter than all the stars, moon, and sun combined.

     "๐‘€๐‘ข๐‘›ฬƒ๐‘Ž!" ( mother )

     Young Vhaehra pounces unto her mother, latching her arms around her neck, all while Rhaenyra smiles, spinning her sweetling held in her arms. The mother breathed easily now.

     Giggles of glee fall from the lounging as she tucks her face into her mother's neck, breathing her in. The daughter breathed easily now.

     After allowing themselves a moment to simply breathe one another in, to embrace the comfort of a mother's arms and a daughter's warmth, Vhaehra leans back to look into her mother's dark violet eyes, still held within Rhaenyra's arms, beginning to bombard her mother with questions.

     Such as how were her Velaryon family fairing, did ๐‘˜๐‘’ฬ„๐‘๐‘œ๐‘  Corlys or ๐‘˜๐‘’ฬ„๐‘๐‘ข๐‘  Daemon tell her any new stories, how big had Vhagar gotten. Rhaenyra only chuckles at her enthusiastic daughter, whispering sweet hushes to her girl before telling Vhaehra that their Velaryon kin were fairing quite well and that Vhagar only grew larger and older by the years coming and going.

     Setting Vhaehra upon her bare feet, once again, Rhaenyra lovingly strokes stray strands of silver hair, brighter than any silver-gold she'd ever seen amongst her Valyrian kin aside from her half-brother's, Vhae's twin people declared, from her pale cheeks. "Could we fly with Syrax after supper, ๐‘š๐‘ข๐‘›ฬƒ๐‘Ž?" Rhaenyra gently chuckles. "If you eat your proper food before your sweets then yes, sweetling, we will."

     The young girl's shoulders slump as she huffs yet she agrees nonetheless. There was nothing more the Targaryen girl craved than flying ever since Rhaenyra took her to visit her father's family a few moons ago, just after Jacaerys' birth and the festivities that had followed. Vhaehra even met her cousin, Baelys, just two summers younger than herself. Another dragonless Targaryen.

     When the wooden doors are pushed open, once again, Rhaenyra glances towards whomever it were only to soften her gaze upon the sight of one of her maidens with babe Jacaerys in her arms.

     A smile soft as a flower blooms across Rhaenyra's plump lips as her secondborn child yet eldest son is laid within her awaiting arms, thanking her maiden before dismissing her.

     The mother of two then sits upon the settee across the blazing hearth, her firstborn joining her. Nestling against her mother-dragon's side with her cheek resting on her mother's arm and legs curled beside her, feet dangling over the edge of the cushion mother and daughter occupy, young Vhaehra's violet eyes gleam with wonder as they gaze upon her brother only a few moons old.

     The babe had not the inhumanly beautiful Valyrian features his sister, mother, and father all shared, instead tufts of brown hair dotted his head with even browner eyes, chubby skin far more tan than the pale facade of the Valyrians. Vhaehra had kept her questions, her doubts, silent within the confines of her mind ever since she laid eyes upon her brother, but as she and her mother were alone now with only the red walls as witness, the young girl could not contain her curiosity any longer.

     "๐‘€๐‘ข๐‘›ฬƒ๐‘Ž?" Her mother gifts her a soft hum of acknowledgment, violet eyes remaining fixated on her beautiful boy, love shimmering within those irises. "Why does Jacaerys not look like you or father?"

     The young girl were mayhaps too entranced with the different features of her brother's to hers to feel the tension spreading across her mother's body nor hear the hitch of her breath at those few words she truly had not expected that day. Beneath her breath, not to the notice of her sweet girl either, Rhaenyra clears her throat, beautiful long lashes fluttering.

     Then, like an echo promising light within the dark, Rhaenyra remembers her father's words when she had presented the brown haired Velaryon to him.

     "Your grandfather once had a black mare; black like a raven. One day, she escaped her pasture and the neighboring stallion sired a foal within her. He said the stallion was as silver as the moon on a winter's night, and the foal, when it was born.. chestnut. Just the most unremarkable brown horse he'd ever saw. "Nature is a thing of mysterious works", I believe he told me."

     It had been Viserys Targaryen's own way of telling his darling daughter without speaking it deliberately that he would accept this 'accident'.

     Vhaehra's dark brows only furrow, blinking as she lifts her cheek from her mother's arm to look at her. "I don't understand, ๐‘š๐‘ข๐‘›ฬƒ๐‘Ž." Rhaenyra just lifts her lips into a soft grin, planting a loving kiss to her sweetling's silver hair.

     "Do you and ๐‘˜๐‘’๐‘๐‘Ž still love each other?" ( father )

     Rhaenyra just blinks, stunned by her sweet girl's words, though, swiftly morphs her flustered expression into a soft yet reassuring grin before young Vhaehra could notice. "Of course we do, sweetling."

     But Vhaehra's brows only further bend, her youthful features desperate as she pitifully whines, "Then why does he stay on Driftmark for so long?" It is then her eyes, her father's eyes, gloss over with unshed tears of anguish at the torturous thought that drifts through the sea of her mind.

     "Does he not love me? D-Did I do something wrong?"

     The firm grip of sorrow snakes itself around Rhaenyra's heart and squeezes it fiercely at her Vhaehra's words, spoken with such pain. A frown of her own anguish drags down the corners of her lips.

     Rhaenyra lifts a hand, still cradling the slumbering Jacaerys, and smoothes it down her darling girl's hair before pressing her gentle lips against her soft locks. Shaking her head in denial, Rhaenyra responds, "You did nothing wrong, my sweetling, your father.." A breath, her shoulders rise and fall, ".. just misses his family. He's spent his entire life with them before he came here to King's Landing, he just needs time to adjust."

     The Realm's Delight kisses her daughter's head, once more. "He still loves you, just as I do."

     Young Vhaehra Velaryon, the Realm's Jewel, only nods in response with a pitiful sniffle as a tear escapes her violet eye and rolls down her cheek, only for her dear mother to dotingly stroke it away with a grin that lifts the weight of sorrow from her daughter's heart.

     "๐ด๐‘ฃ๐‘ฆ ๐‘—๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ÿ๐‘Žฬ„๐‘’๐‘™๐‘Ž๐‘› ๐‘ก๐‘œ๐‘™๐‘–ฬ„, ๐‘š๐‘ข๐‘›ฬƒ๐‘Ž." ( i love you too, mother )


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it's here! finally ;P
vhae's bond with aemond and her mother are everything to me :')
the new re-written part one will be leading up to episode six therefore you will notice for the most part of these beginning chapters that vhae and the other young characters will have childish aspects because they are children... for now ;)

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