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[Sonic and Mika both is being carried by Tails as Sage, Laz, Angie, Unknown and Lorise were flying on the hover board as they fly across the sky over the Himalayas]

Sonic: Hoo-hoo! Today's forecast calls for clear, sunny skies and a one-hundred percent chance of adventure.

Mika: And also cold snowy Himalayas!

Sage: Oh man Mika is on fire!

Laz: Tails the reading?

Tails: I pinpointed the coordinates. It's right up ahead.

[Angie, Unknown, Lorise, Mika, Laz, Sage, Sonic and Tails spot one particular mountain and they land at the entrance]

Sonic: Wow. Hey, guys. Wait up.

Angie: Opps Sorry Blue.

Sonic: Really.

Mika: Ha Blue thats a great nickname.

Unknown: Come on guys no sillyness today.

Lorise: Boo.

[Angie, Unknown, Lorise, Mika, Laz, Sage, Sonic and Tails start to walk forward as they look up to an entrance in the shape of a giant owl warrior]

Angie: Ooookay, we got a giant owl door. Seems encouraging.

Laz: Come on guys!

[Angie, Unknown, Lorise, Mika, Laz, Sage, Sonic and Tails push the door open and walk in. Eventually, they see a wall of cave carvings]

Tails: Whoa. Ohh, check this out.

Sonic + Mika: Can you guys translate that?

Tails: Uh, yeah.

Angie: Tell us the story!

Lorise: Yeah!

Unknown: Huh I gonna like this.

[A flashback occurs as it shows the cave paintings come alive with seven echidnas each holding one of the 7 Chaos Emeralds.]

Tails: Ages ago, a fearsome group of warriors, known as the Echidnas, forged the 7 Chaos Emeralds into the most unstoppable weapon ever created.

[The 7 Chaos Emeralds circle very swiftly before fusing into the Master Emerald]

Sonic + Mika: The Master Emerald.

[A single echidna is shown standing on top of a cliff facing off an entire army of monsters. Green energy forms on him as he holds the Master Emerald]

Sage: With it, a single warrior could defeat entire armies.

[The Echidnas roar as a green wave wipes out the entire army. The sky lights up as the owls swoop down from a hole in the clouds]

Laz: Believing no one should have such power, an order of heroes recovered the Emerald and swore to protect it from evil.

[The Echidnas and Owls fight one another until the Owls take the Master Emerald and fly away with the Echidnas watching them. The flashback ends]

Tails: Sounds like the Owls and the Echidnas have been fighting each other for centuries.

Sonic: Like Vin Diesel and The Rock. Whoa, wait for us!

[The eight walk through the doorway to be met by an enormous owl statue]

Sonic: Okay, giant owl door, giant owl. Makes sense.

Mika: Whats next an giant owl coin?

Laz: Huh now I gonna see an giant owl coin!

Sage: Same!!

[Sonic and Mika looks to the plate the statue is on and sees four slots with four symbols on it]

Sonic: Wait a second. We have seen these symbols before.

[Sonic and Mika looks to the map to see four symbols on it and looks to the slots]

Mika: Here we go.

[Sonic and Mika proceeds to walk forward and changes the slots to match those on the map. The statue starts to shake]

Sonic: Well, that did something.

[Angie smiled as Lorise jumpped and hugged Unknown tightly as Sage hugged Tails as Laz chuckled then the statue spreads it's wings and its eyes glow green. A slot in front of the plate opens up to reveal an orb that opens to reveal the compass]

Sonic: Whoa. The compass!

Tails: This will lead us to the Emerald!

Angie: It's so pretty!!

Mika: Wow look at the colours.

[Sonic notices a red dot right above Tails' forehead]

Sonic: Hey, you got a little something on your...

[The dots spread until they are covering Tails' whole body]

Sonic: Oh, no. Tails, get back.

[Reveal a group of Badniks surrounding the two and locking on their weapons at them]

Sonic: Run!

Angie: OH, COME ON!

Unknown: Okay, I'll beat the heck for the eggman and make sure to him into an omelet!

[An explosion erupts on one of the walls, revealing Dr. Robotnik and Knuckles hovering above them in the Egg Mobile with several Badniks flying around them.]

Dr. Robotnik: [Yodeling] Oh-de-lay-hee, Oh-de-lay-hee, Oh-de-lay-hee-hooo!

Laz: Oh, that guy again?

Dr. Robotnik: Heads up, my little stalagmites. Someone call an Uber? Hey, thanks for doing all the hard stuff.

[Knuckles leaps off of the Egg Mobile and lands right in front of the eight]

Knuckles: But we'll take it from here.

Mika: Okay, we really gotta talk about your new look. It's like Professor X meets the Monopoly Man. And what kind of genius shows up to Siberia in a convertible?

Dr. Robotnik: The kind of genius that can turn up the heat... with a flick of a switch.

[With the press of a few buttons Dr. Robotnik launches a rocket at Sonic and Mika who leaps up, grabs it, and throws it at Knuckles, only for him to dodge it and make it hit a wall. Rocks fall, shaking Dr. Robotnik and his Egg Mobile, and Knuckles holds up rocks that fall on him]

Dr. Robotnik: Good one! I'm sure that wasn't important.

[The owl statue proceeds to fall towards a wall, shattering it]

Sonic: Guys, that's our exit. Come on.

[Angie, Unknown, Lorise, Mika, Laz, Sage, Sonic and Tails head up the statue with the Badniks hot on their tails. Sonic slams into one of them, destroying it. They stop at the edge and sees the way down]

Sonic: Uh-huh. Let's split up. You guys go high, me and Mikago low.

Tails: Right.

Sonic: Quick little stretch and here we go.

[Sonic took Mika hand and the two rides the remains of the Badnik as a snowboard and slides through the snow. A barrage of aerial Badniks and Buzz Bombers chase after him]

Sonic: Oh, so you want to play?

[Sonic continues to snowboard as the Buzz Bombers shoot lasers at him from their stingers]

Mika: Well that's new.

[Sonic is tossed into the air and being chased by the Badniks, with Angie, Unknown, Lorise, Laz, Sage and, Tails taking notice]

Everyone: Sonic! Mika!

[The six goes in to try and help but is kept away by the explosions and lasers, especially the ones being fired by Dr. Robotnik. With Knuckles, he scowls. He then punches a Badnik and uses its remains as a snowboard as well and follows Sonic and Mika. Speaking of which, Sonic and Mika is still being chased by Badniks shooting lasers at him until he gets a handful of snow]

Sonic + Mika: Snowball fight!

[Sonic and Mika throws dozens of snowballs at the Badniks, making them all crash]

Sonic: [Laughs] It's too easy. Come on, challenge us!

[As Sonic says that, he heads straight toward an enormous army of Badniks in front of him that shoot lasers at him. He then leaps off his snowboard with time slowing down as he leaps through the lasers while blowing Badniks up]

Sonic: We are talking style and pizzazz.

Mika: Okay Sonic mine turn!

[Mika lands on a Buzz Bomber and fires its artillery - making shooting noises - at several other Badniks until she eventually gets back onto her and Sonic snowboard]

Sonic: Yeah! We make this look good!

[Through the debris, Knuckles reveals himself as he heads straight toward Sonic and Mika]

Sonic: [Annoyed] Oh, great. The Winter Soldier.

[Knuckles is right beside Sonic and Mika, trying to shove them off and makes them collide with a curved rock. Sonic and Mika looks around to see Knuckles bursts out of the forest on his right and dodges, making them hit the trees on the left]

Sonic: For a guy named Knuckles, you are really bad at punching.

Knuckles: You bo5h are no match for me. I've been training for this my entire life.

Mika: And we had no training at all, yet here we are ahead of you. That's gotta be embarrassing.

[Sonic and Mika slides off a ledge, only for Knuckles to pound it to pieces and making Sonic lose his balance. Sonic then slips to the edge of a cliff, dropping his pouch and all his Rings]

Sonic: Our Rings!

[Mika helps Sonic climbs onto the top of the ledge, only to be met by Knuckles]

Sonic: Has anyone ever told you you've got serious anger issues?

Knuckles: You mock me with your weak jokes, but you know nothing about me, Hedgehog.

Mika: Well, I know you Echidnas have a habit of showing up uninvited and ruining our life.

Knuckles: Ruining your both life? Another bad joke. I lost everything because of you two. My tribe was on the verge of its greatest victory. The last of the Owl warriors had been located. Soon Longclaw's Emerald secrets would be ours. But my father stopped me from joining the fight. He said my moment to honor our tribe would come, but it was not this moment. Those were the last words he spoke to me. I never saw him again.

Sonic + Mika: We both lost everything that day.

[A flashback begins]

[Sonic is forced leave as the Echidnas attack and sees Longclaw on the other side of a Ring portal as the Echidnas charge]

Longclaw: Goodbye, Sonic and Mika.

Young Sonic: No! Longclaw!

[Then Sonic looking around for Mika]

Young Sonic: Mika... Mika where are you!

[The flashback ends]

[Young Sonic's cry echoes, revealing a sad Sonic and Mika. Knuckles softens before getting tied up by Tails, Sage, Laz, Angie, Unknown and Lorise with electric wire ropes]

Tails: Sonic! Mika! Are you guys okay?

Knuckles: DECEIVER! [Struggles to get out]

Sonic: No-no-no, it wasn't a trick! Guys, take the compass and get out of here!

[Sonic gets the compass out and tosses it to Tails, only for Dr. Robotnik to get in front of him and grab it before him]

Dr. Robotnik: [Slow-motion] Yeah! [Normally] Later, haters!

[Dr. Robotnik shoots a rocket from his Egg Mobile that is aimed right at the six. The rocket blows up behind the six. Tails and Sage is thrown off course and falls]

Sonic: Tails!

Mika: Sage!

[Sonic and Mika zooms toward Tails + Sage and finds them in the snow, unconscious, while Knuckles launches himself back on the Egg Mobile as Angie, Unknown, Lorise and Laz all came down to see the unconscious Tails and Sage]

Sonic: Tails, come on. Wake up.

Knuckles: They chose helping the fox and green heagehog over pursuing the compass.

Dr. Robotnik: Of course they did. New friend, same pathetic weakness.

[Knuckles looks at Dr. Robotnik sternly. Suddenly, the ground shakes as they look to see a massive avalanche head right toward them]

Sonic: [Despairing] Oh, no. No, no, no. Okay, we're in real trouble here. Come on, Tails. I need you to fly us out of here. Time to wake up.

[The avalanche starts to pick up speed]

Dr. Robotnik: See ya, kids. Enjoy the fresh powder!

[Knuckles and Dr. Robotnik fly off as Sonic mounts Tails over his shoulder as Mika carryed Sage and Sonic gets on his snowboard as Laz gave Mika her own hover board and the gang were now trying outrun the avalanche]

Unknown: Lets go!



NEXT CHAPTER - Chapter 9 - Wedding crash


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