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(Macaque chokes Mei, MK and Angie is weakened, Sandy and Pigsy encased in Bone Demon powers and Tang is horrified.)
Macaque: Do it. Finish the ritual!
Aims: Tang...
(Tang breaks down until he sees a golden cicada land on the map. He watches it fly above, before disappearing.)
Tang: Alright, you win.
Athena: NO!
Lorise: No no no.
(Tang uses his powers and completes the ritual. A brilliant light blasts up the mountain.)
Angie: Wow pretty!
MK: A-angie...
(Mei looks at the rings and remembers the vision she kept seeing.)
Mei: No! Please, I-I wanna get off this ride!
Macaque: Yes!
Monkey King: Stop! (The ritual is completed. Mei is completely engulfed in flames.) No!
(Macaque's Bone Demon powers are shattered from his body as Angie started to go back to normal.)
Macaque: It worked!
Angie: Ow my head, I'm good.
Lorise: Mei! (She covered her mouth) No...
Monkey King: I'm too late. Kid!
MK: What? Mei?! What's happening?! Don't worry, I'm coming for ya! Someone get some water. Stop, drop, and roll, Mei! (MK attempts to reach Mei when Angie pushes him to the side.)
Angie: MK don't!
Ne Zha: Mere water cannot extinguish the Samadhi Fire. Nothing can. The fire will destroy this girl and burn everything in its path. (Ne Zha frees Sandy and Pigsy.)
Mei: What?!
MK: Yeah, what?!
Angel: Oh this is bad!!!
Monkey King: You! You ruined everything! (Macaque tries to escape through a shadow portal. Monkey King grabs him at the last second.)
Macaque: I didn't do this!
Monkey King: Well, you weren't not involved! (Monkey King pulls back his fist to punch him.)
Tang: Stop! It was me! I mean, yeah Macaque forced me to do it, and I'm definitely starting to have second thoughts on the whole thing now but... I don't know how and I don't know why, I just felt like I had too... like it was... destiny.
Past Lady Bone Demon: Destiny cannot be undone, Sun Wukong...
(Monkey King lets go of Macaque.)
MK: I hate to interrupt but can someone explain what is going on?! What's happening to Mei?
Monkey King: Okay, this is going to sound really bad, but hear me out.
Ne Zha: Wukong, what have you done?
Angie: Well this monkey made a mistake. During the ritual, a piece of the Samadhi Fire got away from him. he's don't know what happened, but part of it was sealed away in the closest vessel that could contain it. one of Monkey King's loyal companion, the White Horse Dragon, Ao Lie.
Sandy: Mei's great, great, great, times a thousand great-grandfather!
MK: Making Mei the fourth ring!
Mei: You knew! All along you knew I had this thing inside of me!
Lorise: Oh no.
MK: Mei! Hang on a second.
Mei: And you hid it from all of us! Why?! What were you afraid of?! That you were going to have to tear me apart to get your precious Samadhi Fire?!
Athena: Oh this is bad!
Aims + Angel: FIRE FIRE!
Monkey King: This wasn't supposed to happen! I thought if I could get the Samadhi fire out of you, without hurting you of course. Then I could put it inside myself. Then I don't know, use it to burn up the Lady Bone Demon or something? I was kinda making this up as I went—
Ne Zha + Athena: That was your plan?!
MK + Angie: That's not a good plan!
Lorise: Mei...
Monkey King: Yeah, to be honest this is the first time I've said it out loud, so...
Mei: We trusted you! All of us! How could you lead us into this fight without a real plan?! Time and time again, I've watched you put MK and Angie in danger, leaving them to figure everything on their own! Don't you realize you're hurting the people who care about you the most?!
Macaque: She's completely out of control! If there's a time to go, it's now!
MK: No! Mei is my best friend. I'd never abandon her when she needs me! We're heroes, it's what we do!
(Mei continues to unleash her rage. Macaque leaves through a shadow portal.)
Ne Zha: Macaque is right. We must leave. There's no saving the girl! (Then Lorise runs towards Mei.)
Athena: LORISE!?
Aims: GIRL?!
Angie: Lorise?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?
Lorise: Mei! You have to stop! I know you're upset, and that's okay! I know what it's like to have a power you don't know how to control. To feel like the fate of the world is in your hands and you have no idea what to do! But you always have my back and helped me through it. We... will figure this out together!
(Lorise then kissed Mei and the fire is extinguished and Mei closed her eyes and kissed back as tears fell down.)
Sandy: (Simultaneously.) Go Mei!
Tang: (Simultaneously.) You did it!
Ne Zha: She controlled the fire? This is impossible.
(Then the duo pulled away)
Lorise: Mei I love you.
Mei: I-i.. I love you to.
(The duo hugged each other as Angie smirked as Aims covered her eyes)
Aims: Nope!
Angel: Thats so cute!
(Mei cries before pushing Lorise away.)
Mei: I can't! I don't wanna hurt you. Any of you. I'm sorry.
Lorise: Mei, wait! (Mei blasts away in a ball of flame, along with the rings.) Mei! (Sandy catches Lorise, and the others gather around to comfort him.) We have to go after Mei!
Pigsy: Lorise. You're in no state to be going anywhere!
Angel: Guys
MK: But the Samadhi Fire—
Ne Zha: Should've burned the Dragon Girl to ash by now. And yet it hasn't, which is curious.
Sandy: What do you mean? You know, for people not paying attention.
Ne Zha: It means... that perhaps there was method to Sun Wukong's madness after all. If she can learn to control the fire, then perhaps its power truly could be used to defeat the Lady Bone Demon.
MK: So all we gotta do is get Mei some fire training? That's easy! All the more reason to go after her!
Athena: Yeah!
Lorise: Mhm!
Angel: Yep!
Angie: There's no time for that. Now that the Samadhi Fire is forged, the Lady Bone Demon will stop at nothing to obtain it! If we show up unprepared, we might as well hand Mei over to her right now! No, I'm gonna do what I should've done originally. Stop the Lady Bone Demon... alone.
(Then Angie turned into her monkey form and grabbed her staff)
MK: What?! But Monkey King said the Samadhi Fire was the only way that could stop her.
Angie: I know what he said, but he'll beaten her before I'll do it! Mei was right, I also need to stop dragging you into my fights. All of you. I'm sorry, MK, I need you to sit this one out.
Aims: Wait Angie!
Lorise: What is she doing?!
Angel: Shes gonna...
(Angie opened a portel and looked at the gang and she ran into the portel.)
MK: If one more of my friends flies off today, I'm gonna lose it! The only way we win is together, that's Monkie Kid 101!
Ne Zha: If Angie fights the Lady Bone Demon alone, the chances of her surviving are slim.
MK: And what are the chances of Mei not destroying the world with the Samadhi Fire?
Ne Zha: Less? Slim?
MK: Then it's settled. We gotta go bring Angie back.
Monkey King: Yeah plus this fight isn't for her, it's for me!
Angel: Monkey king she saved you from being possessed!
Athena: Oh right, the posseesed thing.
Lorise: Yeah.
Tang: You three go. We'll only slow you down.
Sandy: Yeah! The seven of us will fire up the old T.E.A. and track down Mei!
Pigsy: You show them what you're made of, kid!
Sandy: I just love you guys so much.
Aims: Uh guys where Athena and Lorise?!
Angel: I don't know?!
Monkey King: Well they must gotten an head start come on gang we gotta move.
(Angel, Ne Zha and MK head off in the Fire Ring.)
MK: Don't worry Angie we'll find you.
(Mei lands in a river, drying it up instantly. She hears someone behind her.)
Mei: No! Stay back, I-I don't wanna hurt you!
(The figure throws a dragon plushie at Mei and she catches it.)
Red Son: Dragon Horse Girl! Heh, looks like you could use some fire training!
Athena: And we'll be helping!
(Lorise smiled and hugged Mei)
Lorise: Togther we'll help you control the Samadhai Fire
Mei: Okay so when does this start?
(Meanwhile Angie was in her fighting outfit and she put on her necklace as Yin and Yang looked at her and Angie saw a picture of her and MK and sighed)
Angie: Sorry MK, but I need to protect you. (Then she opened a portel and she stepped right in with Yin and Yang) It's time to end this demon.
Next: This Imperfect World
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