
(MK watches as the distance between Angie's fist gets closer but Macaque and Monkey Kint leaps in and holds off Angie.)

Macaque: Alright, MK. I hope that staff is worth it!

Monkey King: Get the staff bud!

(MK takes one last look as their fight explodes above before running up to the staff.)

Lady Bone Demon: No matter what you do, you cannot change the path of destiny.

MK: I don't know if all this happened because it was destined to. But I have to believe that I found the staff so I could use it for good: To help people. So that's exactly what I'm gonna do. I'm going to take my staff and protect! This! World and say sorry to Angie! (He grabs his staff but can't pull it out.) Come on! (He tries to pull it from the ground.)

Lady Bone Demon: Oh, sweet child. Can't you see? Angie the Star Warrior couldn't best me. What can you hope to accomplish when she has failed? (In the corner of his eye, MK sees Macaque and Monkey King has been thrown to the ground in defeat and Angie is coming for him.) Cast aside your stubbornness and face your demise with honor.

MK: If you really believe that destiny can't be changed, you wouldn't be using every ounce of power you have to keep her contained! (Up close, Lady Bone Demon is revealed to be breaking under her control). Angie I know will never stop fighting you. And neither will I.

(Angie leaps at him to deliver the final blow but then when MK pulled the staff out  and he heared something behind him his staff gotten longer and he turned and saw Angie inpailed by his staff and tears formed as Macaque and Monkey King eyes widen in horror.)

Angie: M-MK.... (The Staff turned back to normal making Angie fall onto the ground and he dropped the staff and came up to her)

MK: Oh no no ANGIE! (Tears formed) Angie stay with me okay justed keep your eyes open!

Angie: (Groans) I'll try- augh.

Macaque: Uh, guys? Now that Angie's not under her control.

MK: Oh, no!

Lady Bone Demon: Predictably unpredictable fools! I'm not one to rush destiny but I won't be undone by a troop of headstrong simians! (She summons her Bone Demon powers, freeing the Little girl in the process. Macaque catches her as MK picked up Angie carefuly.) If the Dragon Girl will not give me the Samadhi Fire willingly, then I will rip it from her!

(Mei screams as the Lady Bone Demon's force unexpectedly comes through her and she loses control. MK and Monkey King are thrown off the mech.)

MK: Mei!

Lorise: Go! I'll get through to her! Somehow but don't worry about me!. (Pigsy grabs Angel, Aims, Red Son, Athena Sandy and Tang and they join the fall with the others. They land and watch her activate the Bone mech.) Okay, here we go. (She rubbed her hand before used her full power to meld though the crystal)

(When they got down they saw Angie and their eyes widen and MK placed Angie down and teared up and tryed to do CPR over and over again)

MK: Angie wake up please! (Then Pigsy came to him as everybody tears up) She isn't. Is she?

Pigsy: Kid, I'm sorry but she's gone...

Aims: No no no! (She covered her mouth and started to sobbed and everbody broke down and then Angie body glowed and she disappered into mini stars)

Lady Bone Demon: You're right, MK. If you had never found that staff, none of this would have been possible. A delivery boy to the end. (MK walks up to the mech.)

Angel: MK?!

Athena: This is bad.

Pigsy: Kid— (Monkey King stops them.)

Lady Bone Demon: Now watch as I fulfill my destiny and begin this world anew! No Monkey King, no Monkie Kid! EVEN NO STAR WARRIOR! Nothing! (She laughs but then gasps as she sees that MK had created his Monkey Mech to block the fire.) No!

Tang: MK!

Pigsy: That's my boy!

Athena: Go MK!

Angel: Haha nice!

Aims: YES!

Lady Bone Demon: No. No! I will not be stopped by a foul, insignificant creature! You would allow this world to continue to fester and rot, the eternal misery of countless souls because of your sentimentally for mortal pleasures?!

MK: You can't judge things by their worst qualities!

Tang + Angel: This world might not be perfect but it's still worth fighting for!

Pigsy: Yeah! Sometimes it's that little bit of char that makes for a more flavorful meat, even if it is a bit tangy.

Mo: (Meows)

Sandy: You said it, Mo.

Aims: The world may be full of darkness but to let the light shine, all we need to do is stand together!

(The team has tapped into their powers and joins in to create a celestial mech.)

MK: The perfect world is what we make it. So as long as I have my friends and my Angie by my side, this world! Is! Perfect!

Lady Bone Demon: A child's notion! I will not indulge it!

(Down below, Lorise broken into the crystal.)

Red Son: Don't you give up on me! The Samadhi Fire is not her power! It's yours! Bend it to your will! Don't use the flame, Mei!

Mei (Voice): Be the flame. (She breaks out of Lady Bone Demon's hold and spirals down her mech towards MK.)

Lady Bone Demon: What?!

Mei: Hey, Monkey Man! Ya miss me?

MK: Huh? Mei?!

Lorise: Yeah, We're here too, by the way.

Athena: Hey!

Angel: We ain't going down even if Angie is gone. But we know what to do.

Aims: You guys thinking what I'm thinking

Mei and MK: Let's end this!

(Tang uses chi to free everyone from Lady Bone Demon's hold. The powers from various demons come together and the size of the celestial mech grows. MK creates a celestial staff. Ne Zha attaches Fire Wheels to the celestial mech.)

MK: Here! Comes!

Everyone: Monkie!

Lady Bone Demon: No! (She creates a barrier.) You will not take my destiny from me!

Angie (voice in MK mind): Time is now MK. Lets end her.

Everyone: Kid! (They smash through her barrier, destroying her and the mech.)

(MK and Lady bone Demon was in a white void)

Lady Bone Demon: Save your hero speech, child. I've existed long enough to know when it's over.

MK: You still think the universe really wants anything from any of us?

Lady Bone Demon: Don't you?

MK: I try not to think too hard.

Lady Bone Demon: So it would seem. Know this, Monkey. You and I are not so different. We both fight for what we think is right. That pursuit only leads to one thing.

MK: Mhm. To destiny, right?

Lady Bone Demon: No. To pain. As Angie is still alive somewhere.

(She fades away and MK ponders on what she meant.)

(The gang has regrouped around a fire somewhere on a mountain.)

Sandy: A hearty meal rich in macro-nutrients is just what the body needs to refuel after battle.

Ne Zha: Couldn't have said it better myself.


Red Son: Clover Girl, you had three bowls of noodles.

Lorise: LOL, plus Angie will like this if...

Aims: Yeah.. (She sighed before she looked at the sky and smiled) But shes still here in our hearts.

Angel: Yeah, Oh hey boys!

MK: Hey Angel.

Monkey King: Hey peaches!

(Angel pecked Monkey King on the lips and he giggled with his tail currled up to a heart)

Monkey King: I love you!

Angel: And I love you as well Sun.

Macaque: (He appears behind MK.) You were done with that, right?

MK: Well, actually I—

Monkey King: (He grabs the bowl.) He was saving that for me, 'cause you know, I'm his mentor! (He speedily gobbles up the noodles.)

Angel: No MK was about it eat it.

Macaque: Still the same Wukong, doing whatever he wants with no regard for others.

Monkey King: Mm, yeah! I'll keep that in mind next time you scheme with the enemy and almost get us all D-E-D!

MK: Uh, you know you two are the same, right?

Macaque and Monkey King: I'm nothing like him!

Monkey King: Hey! Where do you think you're going?

Macaque: Don't know. Somewhere where I can do a bit of scheming, probably. See you around, MK. (He was about to teleport awya though the portal Angel pulled up and the duo laughed.)

Monkey King: I hate that guy so much! Always acting like he's so cool! (He gobbles up the rest of the noodles.) I know I can never make it up to you. Honestly, I-I never thought I'd live as long as I have, let alone be someone's mentor. Turns out, I'm not very good at it. I guess what I'm trying to say is... I'm sorry, MK. For all of it.

MK: It's okay. I can always get another bowl of noodles.

Monkey King: What?! No! Not the noodles! I mean I'm sorry for being a bad mentor and making you clean up after my mess.

MK: I know. Sometimes I just play dumb to lighten the mood.

Monkey King: (He laughs.) Me too, bud. Me too.

MK: I justed wish I said sorry to Angie but shes died and I don't think I'll ever see her again...

Monkey King: It's okay kid, you love her I get it, it's hard to lose somebody you loved, me and Mac know but we found Angel. Kid you'll find somebody else just take some time.

MK: Yeah... Takes some time...

(Then Angie woke up in a void and she groans in pain and she stood up)

Angie: MK? Monkey King? Dad? Anybody?!


(Angie jumpped and she looked around and she took an deep breath and smirked)

Angie: I hear you, and I'm coming.

Every inch of me is trembling

But not from the cold...

Something is familiar

Like a dream I can reach but not quite hold

I can sense you there.

(Angie saw a star making her following the star)

Like a friend I've always known...

(Then she arrived at a cave of Flower Fruit Mountain and she slowly walked in and saw the star again go awaying faster so she ran faster)

I'm arriving

And it feels like I am home

(She stopped at a dead end before she put her hand on the star on the wall making it opening and she went in)

I have always been a fortress

Cold secrets deep inside

You have secrets, too

But you don't have to hide

(She kelted walking the cave and saw statues of the Pilgrims and then she saw a statue of a white monkey standing there with a star in her hand)

Show yourself

I'm dying to meet you

Show yourself

It's your turn

Are you the one I've been looking for

All of my life?

Show yourself

I'm ready to learn

Ah-ah, ah-ah

Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah

(Angie turned and saw spirits of Ao Lie, Tang Sanzang, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing before they disappered and the star was flouting again so Angie rolled her eyes and followed the star again)

I've never felt so certain

All my life I've been torn

But I'm here for a reason

Could it be the reason I was born?

(Then Angie saw the spirts of her friends and she saw in the middle was MK with his friendly smile and she smiled back)

I have always been so different

Normal rules did not apply

Is this the day?

Are you the way

I finally find out why?

(Then she took an deep breath and she kelted following the star with a smile)

Show yourself

I'm no longer trembling

Here I am

I've come so far

You are the answer I've waited for

All of my life

Oh, show yourself

Let me see who you are

(Then Angie stopped at a dead end so she smirked and she punched the wall and opened a black void with diffrent colors of stars and she went inside)

Come to me now

(Then she saw a orange glow of Monkey King and the glow turned into a star)

Open your door

(Then she saw a purple glow of Macaque and the glow turned into a star)

Don't make me wait

(Then she saw a yellow glow of MK that the glow turned into a star and she saw a pink/white glow and she smiled)

One moment more

Oh, come to me now

Open your door

Don't make me wait

One moment more!

(Then she took the pink and white glow and she saw the orange, purple and yellow star spinning around her and she clapped and saw the past of her past life and her real life)

Where the north wind meets the sea

Ah-ah, ah-ah

There's a river

Ah-ah, ah-ah

Full of memory

(Then she turned and saw Xīng Guāng standing there with a proud smile)

Come, my darling, homeward bound

I am found

(Then the duo hugged each other and Xīng Guāng put a crown on her)

Show yourself

Step into your power

Grow yourself

Into something new

(Then her outfit started to glow into a kimono and Angie smiled and she spins around)

You are the one you've been waiting for

All of my life

All of your life

Oh, show yourself

Ah-ah, ah-ah (ah-ah, ah-ah)

Ah-ah, ah-ah (ah-ah, ah-ah)

Ah-ah, ah-ah!!

(Then Angie woke up and saw she's was in Macaque's dojo and she smiled and then Macaque returned back and he saw Angie)

Macaque: K-kid?!

Angie: DAD! (She ran and hugged and tears formed) Dad...

Macaque: I thought you?! How?!

Angie: Well it's along story. Oh get the gang not MK though I wanna surpised him!

Macaque: Kay kid. Plus new look.

(Angie smiled as she still wore the crown and the kimono)

Angie: Thanks! (After some time everybody was here and their were happy that Angie was alive again after some time they were thinking of a plan)

Angel: Huh got any plans to surpised MK?

Aims: I got nothing.

Lorise: Same.

Athena: Nothing for me.

Mei: Oh oh! Maybe when MK taking a break, Angie will sneak behind him and hugged him!

Monkey King: Huh, the kid needs something amazing and cool-


(The gang turned around and saw MK with tears forming and Angie smiled)

Angie: MK! (The duo smiled and hugged eached other and the duo laughed and tears fell down)

MK: H-how!?

Angie: Long story again. And I'm sorry I didn't want to tell you, I just don't want to lose you.

MK: It's okay I forgive you. I just got so mad that I just avoided you. I know you don't to lose me.

(He brushed off Angie's hair to the side)

You've already done so much. 

So many lives you've changed.

So many souls you've touched

(Angie chuckled and she hugged MK and he hugged her back)

And in the end, if it's only me you've saved

(MK placed his hand on Angie's cheek and she blushed)

There's something I've been dying to say

More than anything, more than anything.

Need you to know I love you more than anything

(They blushed as they head pressed together)

More than anything~

(Then the two kissed and Angie wrapped her arms around MK neck before they pulled away)

Angie: Wow...


Angel: DAMN IT!


Macaque: MK?! OH YOU'RE SO DEAD!!

Monkey King: When is the wedding?


Pigsy + Tang: Our son is growing up!

Sandy: Good job you both.

(Angie and MK both blushed and the duo chuckled and they hugged each other)

Angie: I love you MK.

MK: And I love you..

(A few months later another day at Pigsy's Noodles.)

Angie: (She rings a bell.) MK! Order up!

MK: On it, honey-pie! (He steals a dumpling out of Tang's hand.)

Tang: What?! H-Hey!

Angie: Oh MK, I'm joinin'!

Athena: Bye Angie!

Aims: Bye Bestie!

Lorise: See ya!

Angel: Great and tell the mokey men I said hi!

Angie: You got it!

(MK and Angie delivers noodles.)

The curious thing about legends is the way we continue to be moved by the same stories.
(Angie and MK kissed as Yin and Yang was asleep on the Tuk-Tuk then Mei and Lorise got on and they begin to drive to Sandy's boat)

 We're comforted by familiar tales of friendship, courage, redemption.

(Then next is Athena and Red Son was watching an movie together and the both smiled and kissed each other, as next was Aims who was walking around with a smile as she ate some noodles)

At times, the path of the hero might seem unclear and the story's chaotic and directionless. 

(Then next was Angel, Monkey King and Macaque watching some shows and Angel smirked and made the two monkey kissed and they blushed alot and they looked at Angel and chased her around, as Angie and MK was watching the sunsetting with pure awe)

Sometimes it may seem as though we've ended up back where we began but it's clear to see how much we've grown on the journey.

(Then Angie and MK ran and got to Flower Fruit Mountian and the broke the wall to reveal Monkey King and Macaque)

For although the story is over, there's always room on the shelf for another. 

(Then they slipt the dumplings into four pices making each one got into their mouths and they watched the sun set)

The End. Pretty good. I think that's pretty good.

(Out of view from Angie, Macaque, MK and Monkey King, a mysterious scroll opens.)




Next: Familiar Tales


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