(The Monkie Kids arrive in another chapter, where Tang falls into the swamp. Aims, Angie, Lorise, Athena, Angel MK and Mei look over the edge of the dock and immediately scream at the sight of an alligator beating up Tang and later when they realize another alligator is screaming along with them. They recover off to the side and Mei wraps bandages around Tang's head.)
MK: Dang, I had a really good feeling about this chapter! I mean pigs love mud puddles.
Mei: And snuffling for truffles.
Angel: This was crazy
Tang: That's it! This Tang has had it! We've been through a bajillion chapters from Monkey King's Journey to the West and I feel like we're no closer to finding Pigsy, Sandy, or Monkey King. I'm tired, my feet hurt, and I've had this thing (He reveals a snake under his sleeve.) attached to me since we've been to the chapter with the snake village!
MK: Ah, don't be like that Mr. Tang. It wasn't so bad. Those Snake Lady Demons were actually pretty friendly.
Angie: MK you dummy.
Tang + Angel + Athena + Aims: They tried to eat me!
Mei: It's not our fault you four look so sweet.
Aims: I am gonna lose myself sooner or later!
Lorise: We got a mad Aims.
Tang: I just wish we could find our friends and go home.
Mk: Okay, so I'm totally hearing your concerns and look, I get it! Learning to use your new powers is hard. Trust me, I know. I just think that maybe — and don't be offended by what I'm about to say — maybe if you spent a little less time complaining and a little more time thinky thinking, then we might have found our friends by now? Maybe?
(Angie and Aims eye twitched as Lorise was in her cat form and Mei was petting her)
Mei: I love having a girlfriend that can transform into a cat that means I can watch you do silly stuff.
Lorise: Don't do the pickle prank again!
Aims: Oh haha yeah Mei send me a video of it!
Tang: Hey! I'm following these vague instructions from this mysterious Azure Lion perfectly! We should have found someone by now. What did Azure Lion tell you, exactly?
Angie: Yeah, I wanna know.
(MK recalls what Azure Lion told them.)
Past Azure Lion: And you believe your friend is mystically powerful, comparable to the Great Monk Tang Sanzang?
Past MK: Yeah! I mean, probably.
Past Azure Lion: Well, if he's learned in the mystical arts, then these instructions should suffice. It's fairly advanced, but it was said the Great Monk had the ability of sight beyond sight.
Past MK: What?
Past Azure Lion: The past. (He hands MK the instructions.) He can experience it as though he were really there.
MK: And then he said something like, "If your bonds of friendship are strong, then you will always find your way back to one another."
Angel: Yep that what he told us!
(Athena, Lorise, Aims, MK and Mei all nodded as Angie sighed)
Angie: I need a drink after this. I AM GETTING SO THIRSTY!
Tang: What? But-But I'm not learned in the mystic arts. I'm a cram-before-the-exam kinda guy. I can't really even use my powers when I want to.
Mei: Well, might wanna get cramming then, cram boy. Eh? (Tang glares at her and gets up to leave.)
MK + Lorise: Hey! Where do you think you're going, young man?!
Tang: To get cramming, apparently! Hah!
MK: Sheesh. Why's he so cranky?
Mei: He's probably just Tangry. You know, when your Tang is so hungry, he gets—
MK: Angry, yeah. Tang, Hungry, Angry. Makes sense. (He sighs.) We should probably follow him, right?
Mei: Oh, hundred percent.
(Then Angie bonked MK on the head as Lorise transformed into her normal self and followed Tang)
(Tang has walked on ahead as Lorise.)
Tang: "If your bonds of friendship are strong, then you will always find your way back to one another." Here comes Tangy Kid! (He uses his khakkhara and a golden cicada appears.) That's not what I was trying to do. Oh, stupid powers. I'll never get the hang of this. Oh, Pigsy, where are you? (The golden cicada lands on a rope, triggering a trap.) I really should have seen this coming. (Someone approaches.)
Lorise + Tang: Athena? Aims? Angel? Angie? Mei? MK? We sure hope it's you guys. (They screams as they sees a giant demon swing his rake at them.)
(Tang and Lorise wakes up in a pot.)
Tang: What?! Where am I?! Oh, Pigsy. I've never been happier to... (His face drops as he sees the figure.) see you?
Zhu Ganglie: Pigsy? Yeah, real original, Monk. You're baskin' in the presence of none other than Zhu Ganglie. Celestial swine and greatest chef in all of China.
Lorise: Oh shit he's even scarier then the show!!
Demon 1: Oi, you open yet? (He screams as Zhu Ganglie throws his cleaver knife at him. Zhu Ganglie stomps over to him.)
Tang: Zhu Ganglie, Monkey King's piggy companion. If we're really connected to the ancient warriors through our past lives, then maybe Pigsy is inside this big hog waiting to be awakened. Oh, if I could just reach my gold jangly stick.
Lorise: We are both tied up we gonna DIEEEEE!!!!
Zhu Ganglie: What?!
Demon 1: Ey, Zhu Ganglie, mate. How's it comin' along in there? 'Cause uh me and the boys, we were getting pretty hungry and—
Zhu Ganglie: Dinner will be served when I says it'll be served.
Demon 1: So, call it a soft five? (Zhu Ganglie slams the windows on him.) Hey, it's a soft five, everyone!
Demons: (Cheering.) Yeah! Soft five! Soft five! Soft five!
Tang + Lorise: Dinner, you say? Oh, I'm famished. What's on the menu? (Zhu Ganglie evilly grins at them.) Ah, us! We are the dinner. Excellent.
(Outside, the demons are lined up.)
Demon 2: Can't wait for it to open.
Demon 3: Oi, did you hear? Zhu Ganglie is serving fresh monk meat tonight. (She laughs.)
Demon 4: (He groans.) He always cooks out the flavor.
Demon 3: Meh. Monk meat's monk meat.
MK: So, "monk meat" means Tang meat, right?
Angie: Eww!
Mei: I'm tellin' ya, it's 'cause the guy looks so sweet. Okay, so looks like... Yep, yep, yep, everyone in this town is definitely a demon. How are we gonna sneak past them and save Tang and my sweet lovely girlfriend?
Angel: Mhm. I got nothing.
Aims: Same.
Athena: Yeah I got nothing plus I bet Lorise is panicing right now.
Angie: Yep she is.
MK: I'll use my most powerful ability of all. Creativity. (He dons them with new demon disguises.)
Mei: Great disguises, MK! Thanks again for not using your 72 transformations just so you could include me, Athena, Aims and Angel.
MK: Yeah. No problem. Didn't just forget I had that ability or anything. (Picks up some mud and walked to Angie) Okay Angie you're turn!
Angie: No no get that mud away from me! (She hissed at MK and Athena, Aims and Angel all laughed)
MK: But all of us need to be disguised.
Athena: MK she has the monkey form!
(Angie smiled and transformed into her monkey form and she found out she was wearing the same kimono and crown after she came back to life)
Angie: Huh looks nice.
MK: Heh~ beautiful okay back to our mission. (They cut through the line.) Oops. Pardon me. Coming through.
Mei: (Simultaneously.) Excuse me.
MK: (He crashes into another demon, who turns and looks at them.) Uh, is this the line for the sweet, sweet monk meat? I'm ever so hungry. (A glop of goop drips off him.)
Angie: Me and my mate were travling far and we need some food because we are starving!
Demon 5: Sure is, fellow demon. (Winked at Angie) And demoness.
(Angie, Aims, Athena and Angel eyes widen and they were about to throw up as MK glared at the demon and pulled Angie near him)
Angie: Somebody getting jealous.
MK: Huh, awesome. Can we get cutsies? (All the demons behind them immediately turn hostile and physically move them to the back.)
Demons: Get to the back of the line! You want cutsies, I'll give you cutsies!
Mei: Ugh! By the time we get through this line, there won't be any sweet, sweet Tang or Lorise left.
MK: (He looks up and spots the chimney.) I've never missed a meal before. I'm not gonna start now.
(Meanwhile, Zhu Ganglie is tossing in ingredients to cook Tang and Lorise with.)
Tang: Uh, Pig— Zhu Ganglie, I'm your Tangy. You have to remember.
Zhu Ganglie: Tangy, huh? Eh, it's okay. We'll boil that right out of you.
Lorise: Hehhe, Freenoodles. Wait no Lorise you're gonna be cooked alive?!
Tang: Wait! I-I mean, sure, you could just boil us, but we have sampled delicacies from East to West. And though you truly are a chef of... (He looks at his dishes and nearly gags.) great renown, there is one greater still.
Zhu Ganglie: Oh, yeah? And who might that be?
Lorise: A swine not unlike yourself. A culinary genius whose skills are unrivaled. They say Dan Hua Tang courses through his veins, and he walks this mortal plane with one sole purpose: to follow "the code"!
Zhu Ganglie: Wait, wait a minute. What code?
Tang + Lorise: The chef's code: Always leave your customers satisfied. We have devoted my life to this man and observed his great culinary wisdom. Allow us to share this knowledge with you and make you, truly, the greatest chef in all of China!
Zhu Ganglie: Huh. Yeah, alright then. It's a deal. And afterwards, I get to eat you both.
Tang + Lorise: Sure. Let's go with that.
(Tang and Lorise teaches Zhu Ganglie how to cook one of Pigsy's recipes. Meanwhile, Angie, Athena, Aims, Angel MK and Mei are sneaking up to the chimney.)
Demon 1: Oi, hurry up in there, swine! We're starving out here!
(Zhu Ganglie adds the soup.)
Tang: There. Now all that's left is the taste test.
Lorise: Yep we can't eat it unless it's taste by the one who made it.
Zhu Ganglie: So, you both really think this is gonna make me the greatest chef in China?
Tang: May our life depend on it.
(Zhu Ganglie scoops up a spoonful of soup while Tang sweats profusely. Zhu Ganglie takes a sip and gains flashbacks of his momentary times with the Monkie Kids. Tang and Lorise watches as his form is changed into Pigsy.)
Pigsy: Tang? Lorise!
Tang: Hmm? (He leaps at him in a hug.) Pigsy! Oh, I'm so happy you're back!
Pigsy: Oh, Tang. Oh, I'm so sorry I was about to cook you both. Badly. Oh, so badly.
Tang: And by the way we our now parents to Lorise and MK.
Pigsy: Wait what!?
(Outside, Angie, Athena, Aims, Angel MK and Mei have made it to the roof, keeping in check that nobody's watching. MK takes a step and accidentally pops a brick loose, which drops to the ground.)
Angie: Damn it MK!
Demon 6: Oi, those demons is cutting the line!
Angie Athena + Angel + Aims + MK and Mei: Uh oh. (They suddenly fall through the roof, crashing into Lorise, Pigsy and Tang, who lands right back in the pot.)
Mei: Oh! Hi, Piggy! I didn't know you were here.
MK: Uh, guys, we got a problem! (The demons start breaking in.)
Demon 7: Give us something to eat!
Demon 1: Oi. We're sick of waiting, swine. We want that sweet, sweet monk meat! (MK slaps Tang out of the pot and carries him.)
Angie: This is so so bad!!!
Athena: I agreed!
Mei: Yo, there's a back door. LEGGO!
MK: Pigsy, come on!
Pigsy: No. I can't leave yet, it's the code.
Mei: The code? What code?
Pigsy: The chef's code. "Always leave your customers satisfied." (He grabs his rake.)
MK: (Simultaneously.) You're kidding, right?!
Mei: (Simultaneously.) What?!
Athena: (Simultaneously) CAN IT WAIT UNTIL WE GET OUT OF HERE?!
(Pigsy uses his rake to cook up a huge meal.)
Tang + Lorise + Aims: It's beautiful.
Monkey King: (Voice.) MK. MK.
MK: Monkey King? (He looks behind him and sees a shadow of Monkey King before a brilliant flash reveals him in a vision.) MK. MK. (The scene changes as MK is taken to the site of Flower Fruit Mountain.) MK. MK. MK. MK. MK. (The scene changes as MK is taken in an unknowned world and he saw Angie running into the pillar.) MK. MK. MK. MK. MK! (The vision disappears as he's drawn back to the present.)
Mei: MK! Tell Pigsy to stop cooking!
(Pigsy finishes and brings his rake down. All the demons are knocked back by a slosh of noodles and soup.)
Pigsy: Another satisfied customer.
Past Monkey King: (Echoing.) MK. MK. MK.
(MK looks away, thinking about the vision.)
Angie: MK? (She put her hand on his shoulder and then MK hugged him) Oh... (She hugged him back and he knew he starting to get the visions) I'll promise to protect you...
Next: Finding our friends
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