"And that–"
Aizawa is cut off by the door to his class opening. Everyone in the room looks to the door to find a tall guy with super super long black hair. He also has a katana strapped to his side.
"Ah! I thought I recognized that voice! Aizawa good to see you again!"
Aizawa looks at him a bit surprised but mainly annoyed from being cut off. "Noi–"
"Ah! Mashirao! I forgot that you went to school here!" the man grins, walking over and giving the boy a hug. "It's been a while since I've seen you! You've grown up a lot! You look good!"
"Heh, yeah... Thanks, Take senpai..." Ojiro murmurs.
Aizawa gets super annoyed, using his quirk on the man and glaring at him.
The man can feel his gaze and freezes stock still, turning to Aizawa. "Ah, no need to get angry! I was just looking for my imouto and got lost."
"Then message her."
"I have! She's not answering..." he huffs, slumping his shoulders.
"Who is he?" Mina whispers while Aizawa and the man talk. "He's hot! And tall!"
"Yeah! Super cute!" Hagakure squeaks.
"His hair is so long! How manly!" Kirishima huffs excitedly. "Hey, Ashido, you think I could pull off hair that long?"
She puckers her lips in thought. "You'd look pretty rad."
"He said he's looking for his imouto. I wonder who that is? Ribbit," Tsu questions. "He doesn't really look like anyone I'm familiar with. How does he know Aizawa sensei?"
Ojiro keeps silent, too flustered from Takeshi embarrassing him to answer their obvious questions.
Aizawa sighs. "She's probably still napping in the teacher's office. She's doesn't have class right now I believe. We were out fairly late last night. We didn't get back till 5."
"And what were you two doing out so late together?" Brother mode on.
Aizawa sighs again. "I'm too tired for this... Patrol. Your imouto is persistent in wanting to patrol together, so I finally caved." He pulls out his phone, pulling up Hizashi's number. "Mic should be able to wake your imouto."
"Ne, ne, Ojiro, who is he?" Kaminari asks.
"That's Takeshi, he's Echo sensei's nii-san. He specializes in weapons especially swordsmanship. He's never lost a sword fight."
Mina puffs her cheeks. "Aww, man, that means he's too old..."
"Ashido, he's already married," Ojiro sweatdrops.
"You're Echo sensei's older brother?!" Kirishima shouts shocked. "But you're so tall!"
Takeshi laughs. "Haha! We get that a lot! She's the smallest in our family. Even mom is a bit taller than her! It is strange to think about though, she's the only one in the family that can fully clone herself. You'd think she'd be bigger and grow smaller as she clones herself."
"Ah! What's your quirk and your parents?!" Midoriya excitedly asks, notebook and pencil at the ready.
Takeshi grins. "I have the same quirk as our mom's." He shows them by growing multiple arms from his body. "We call it Helping Hand. Dad is where imouto's sonic scream comes from. Ah, and our otouto is able to do what I can, but also send out sonic blasts from them." He slumps. "I got the short end of the stick."
"No! Your quirk is super cool!" Midoriya says, scribbling down everything in his notebook.
"Ah, you think so! I like you kid. You remind me of my oldest son! What's your name?"
"A-Ah! Mi-Midoriya Izuku!" he squeaks.
"You also look different from Echo sensei," Tsu comments. "Your eye and hair color are different."
"Ah, yeah, I got mom's eyes. She has dad's eyes so does my otouto. Mom and dad both have black hair, so it's strange that she has silver hair, right? Well, she does actually have black hair. You'll only see it when her guard is super let down though."
"Wait, are you Hideki and Ren's dad?" Jiro asks.
"Yeah! I forgot you guys got to know them!"
"AH!" Izuku suddenly shouts with eyes widened.
"That's was my ear you fucking nerd!" Bakugo shouts.
"Sorry, Kacchan! I just realized something! You're Noizu Takeshi, right?"
"That's me!" Takeshi grins.
"Wow, that's so cool! Can I have an autograph?! I've been watching your competitions for years!"
The door to the room is slammed open and in rushes Hibiki. "Nii-chan!"
"Ah! Imouto!" he spreads out his arms and engulfs her in a hug, lifting her up much to her embarrassment.
"You shouldn't be interrupting Aizawa's class!" she mumbles out, pushing herself out of his embrace. "Did you bring everything?"
"Yup, all loaded in the van."
"Then let's get to unloading it," she says, pushing her brother out the room. "I'll see you all next class!" She shuts the door behind them, and everyone can hear her fussing with her brother as they go down the hall.
Aizawa sighs.
"Aizawa sensei! How do you know Echo sensei's brother?" Uraraka asks curiously.
"I sometimes train at the Noizu Dojo," Aizawa answers. "Now, let's get back to what we were doing."
1A changes into their gym clothes for Echo's class as they usually do. They chat excitedly on what they'll be doing today. The appearance of her brother was supposed to be a surprise for them, but it's a little late for that now.
The class gets to the grounds to find the whole area surrounded by different stands with various weapons on them.
"Hello class! It seems you've already met my nii-chan. This is Noizu Takeshi. He specializes in weapons. Most of you don't have range quirks, so I wanted everyone to learn to use weapons too. The two of us are going to help with this. I know your provisional license exam is in a few days, so we should be doing martial arts, but I figured we should switch it up a little. Let's get started then shall we?"
"Ooh!" Kaminari grins. "I've always wanted to have like an electric sword or something!"
The students chatter to each other as the two siblings go to each student.
"Yaoyorozu, I've noticed that you like to use a bo staff. I would recommend escrima sticks too. A gun might be another good idea for you as well. Especially since you are able to create them when needed. I've also noticed you don't have much training using a bo staff. We'll be helping with those first two weapons. If you want to use a gun, I'd recommend asking Snipe as he is better at that than the two of us. It would probably be good to be well performed in any other weapons you can make too."
"The bo staffs and escrima sticks are over in that section. Choose what you prefer," Takeshi says, pointing out where they set up the weapons.
"Thank you," Yaoyorozu bows and makes her way over there.
"Todoroki, you have range attacks, so a weapon would likely not help you as much as just martial arts would if they manage to get close to you," Echo says, thinking.
"I'd recommend small weapons. Daggers, throwing stars, sais," Takeshi says.
Todoroki nods and moves off to that section.
"Sato, you're brute strength, so you would need something to increase the power," Echo says. "I would get some kind of gauntlets that spring out long claw like blades or some spiked brass knuckles. That goes for you too, Kirishima."
"Sounds cool!" Kirishima cheers, racing over to the brass knuckles.
"Uraraka, I do think a tanto would suit you well. Daggers too," Echo says.
Uraraka grins and races over to choose a tanto.
"Sero..." Echo thinks. "Tonfa would likely compliment your quirk. Bladed or non, either would work. Also, makibishi like Aizawa. Suspending villains with your tape and attaching them to a light post would work too. Though you don't really have to learn how to use those."
"Bladed tonfa are cool. Heavier, but awesome," Takeshi tells him.
"Aoyama, since you like to be stylish and have a long range, I'd recommend a tessen. They're hard to learn how to properly use, but I believe that you'll be good with practice."
"Our mom is really good at the tessen," Takeshi says. "You should bring her here too."
"Ashido, spiked mace. Go." Echo says, turning to Ojiro. "You already know what you're strong with. Go. Hagakure, I'd go with Kirishima and Sato. You seem to wear only gloves and shoes, so those would be the best options. Maybe you can get some iron soles too. Won't have to teach you much. Jiro, daggers and tanto like Uraraka. Asui, kunais, sais, and shuriken. Tokoyami, we already talked before. For you remaining seven... I don't really know. Go around and choose whatever you're drawn to."
Iida, Shoji, Koda, Kaminari, Midoriya, Bakugo, and Mineta shuffle off.
"You know your students well," Takeshi says with a smile. "It's cool to witness this side of you."
She elbows him. "Thanks."
"Now, what's going on with you and Aizawa?"
She rolls her eyes. "Nothing. He's a good friend."
"Oof, friend zoned. That's gotta hurt."
"Takeshi! He isn't friend zoned."
"So, if he asked, would you date him?"
Her eyes widen. "I-I... I don't know?"
"You don't sound too sure of yourself."
"Takeshi!" She stomps her foot.
He laughs. "You're so cute when you're angry! Come on, come on. Hibi, you're 29 now. You gotta get with someone before it's too late. You're single. He's single. I think. I didn't see a ring."
"Just cause you found someone amazing so early in your life doesn't mean that I can!"
"Hibi, it's not the fact that you can't cause quiet simply you're stunningly beautiful, angelic, dollish, perfect, gorgeo–"
He laughs. "Anyway, it's because you're afraid of commitment. Not in the way of cheating but in the way of settling down with one person. You like keeping to yourself and having someone in your life like that is going to be out of your comfort zone. It's why you can never keep a relationship even if you didn't like them."
She groans. "I knowww... Could we not have this conversation right now? I have a class to teach."
As soon as Aizawa dismisses his class, he's off to the grounds where the Noizu siblings are after all the students are gone from the room. He lingers nearby, but hopefully enough out of the way that Hibiki won't hear him. He really concentrates on being extremely quiet. No. He wasn't spying on her. ...He just wanted to watch her teach class and see why her brother was here.
"Now, what's going on with you and Aizawa?" her brother asks.
Aizawa winces. Am I that obvious?
He tries to listen in on the conversation but finds himself unable to hear them. He is able to clearly hear her fuss with him about finding someone and his response about her scared of commitment. I really shouldn't be listening in on this conversation.
Hibiki clones out 20 clones each with a few personalities inside to be more normal and heads to each student.
"Yaoyorozu, you're not holding that correctly. You have a better grip and handle using it like this," Hibiki says, holding a bow staff. "There you go."
She's in her element. She's fits right in here with teaching.
Takeshi is currently with Tsu, teaching her the proper way to hold a kunai. "Kunai's are good for throwing especially if you know someone is spying on you." He flicks his arm out, the kunai embedding in the wall beside Aizawa's hiding spot. "That way they'll reveal themselves to you without you getting in contact with them where they might try to land a sneak attack."
Aizawa steps out from his hiding spot with an annoyed frown as Takeshi gives him a knowing smirk.
Takeshi arrives at UA, parking in the front of the school. He slips on a lanyard with a pass to get through the UA gates without problem. He messages his sister that he's arrived but doesn't get a response. He shrugs and gets out of the car, locking it behind him and heading into the school. All he knows is that he needs to get to the teacher's office. He quickly gets lost.
He manages to trek along till he's beside a large door with 1A plastered across it. A voice he recognizes is heard from the other side, so he decides to head inside.
He immediately spots Aizawa at the front, and a large smile spreads across his face. "Ah! I thought I recognized that voice! Aizawa good to see you again!"
Aizawa looks at him a bit surprised but mainly annoyed from being cut off. "Noi–"
He then spots Ojiro in the front row nearby. "Ah! Mashirao! I forgot that you went to school here!" Takeshi grins, walking over and giving the boy a hug. "It's been a while since I've seen you! You've grown up a lot! You look good!"
"Heh, yeah... Thanks, Take senpai..." Ojiro murmurs, returning the hug a bit embarrassed.
Aizawa gets super annoyed, using his quirk on the man and glaring at him.
Takeshi quickly can feel the pro's gaze and freezes stock still, turning to Aizawa. "Ah, no need to get angry! I was just looking for my imouto and got lost."
"Then message her."
"I have! She's not answering..." he huffs, slumping his shoulders.
The students begin to murmur to each other.
Aizawa sighs. "She didn't give you directions or anything?"
"She told me she was going to meet me once I messaged her that I'd arrived. If not to meet her in the teacher's office."
"I would give directions, but I have a feeling you would get lost anyway."
Aizawa sighs. "She's probably still napping in the teacher's office. She's doesn't have class right now I believe. We were out fairly late last night. We didn't get back till 5."
"And what were you two doing out so late together?" Brother mode on.
Aizawa sighs agitatedly. "I'm too tired for this... Patrol. Your sister is persistent in wanting to patrol together, so I finally caved." He pulls out his phone, pulling up Hizashi's number. "Mic should be able to wake your imouto."
"You're Echo sensei's older brother?!" a red haired boy shouts shocked. "But you're so tall!"
Takeshi laughs, turning to the students. "Haha! We get that a lot! She's the smallest in our family. Even mom is a bit taller than her! It is strange to think about though, she's the only one in the family that can fully clone herself. You'd think she'd be bigger and grow smaller as she clones herself."
"Ah! What's your quirk and your parents?!" a curly green haired boy excitedly asks, notebook and pencil at the ready.
Takeshi grins. "I have the same quirk as our mom's." He shows them by growing multiple arms from his body. "We call it Helping Hand. Dad is where imouto's sonic scream comes from. Ah, and our otouto is able to do what I can, but also send out sonic blasts from them." He slumps. "I got the short end of the stick."
"No! Your quirk is super cool!" greenet says, scribbling down everything in his notebook.
"Ah, you think so! I like you kid. You remind me of my oldest son! What's your name?"
"A-Ah! Mi-Midoriya Izuku!" he squeaks.
"You also look different from Echo sensei," greenette girl comments. "Your eye and hair color are different."
"Ah, yeah, I got mom's eyes. She has dad's eyes so does my otouto. Mom and dad both have black hair, so it's strange that she has silver hair, right? Well, she does actually have black hair. You'll only see it when her guard is super let down though."
"Wait, are you Hideki and Ren's dad?" long earlobes asks.
"Yeah! I forgot you guys got to know them!"
"AH!" Izuku suddenly shouts with eyes widened.
"That's was my ear you fucking nerd!" the blond in front of him shouts.
"Sorry, Kacchan! I just realized something! You're Noizu Takeshi, right?"
"That's me!" Takeshi grins.
"Wow, that's so cool! Can I have an autograph?! I've been watching your competitions for years!"
The door to the room is slammed open and in rushes Hibiki. "Nii-chan!"
Takeshi takes notice to Aizawa's flinch then turns away from looking at her. "Ah! Imouto!" he spreads out his arms and engulfs her in a hug, lifting her up much to her embarrassment.
"You shouldn't be interrupting Aizawa's class!" she mumbles out, pushing herself out of his embrace. "Did you bring everything?"
"Yup, all loaded in the van."
"Then let's get to unloading it," she says, pushing her brother out the room. "I'll see you all next class!" She shuts the door behind them and begins fussing with her brother as they go down the hall.
He laughs. "It's not my fault you didn't answer your phone! You shouldn't stay out so late with your boyfriend."
"He's not my boyfriend!"
They get to the van, driving it to the grounds to bring out all the equipment to use for her period with Class 1A.
The bell rings, meaning it's time for her class.
Takeshi's eyes manage to catch Aizawa sneak into a spot he wouldn't be seen but could still observe. He's so obvious...
After she assigns each student a weapon, Takeshi looks to her. "Now, what's going on with you and Aizawa?"
She rolls her eyes. "Nothing. He's a good friend."
She's so... oblivious... "Oof, friend zoned. That's gotta hurt."
"Takeshi! He isn't friend zoned."
"So, if he asked, would you date him?"
Her eyes widen. "I-I... I don't know?"
"You don't sound too sure of yourself."
"Takeshi!" She stomps her foot.
He laughs. "You're so cute when you're angry! Come on, come on. Hibi, you're 29 now. You gotta get with someone before it's too late. You're single. He's single. I think. I didn't see a ring."
"Just cause you found someone amazing so early in your life doesn't mean that I can!"
"Hibi, it's not the fact that you can't cause quiet simply you're stunningly beautiful, angelic, dollish, perfect, gorgeo–"
He laughs. "Anyway, it's because you're afraid of commitment. Not in the way of cheating but in the way of settling down with one person. You like keeping to yourself and having someone in your life like that is going to be out of your comfort zone. It's why you can never keep a relationship even if you didn't like them."
She groans. "I knowww... Could we not have this conversation right now? I have a class to teach."
He watches her clone herself and begin to teach. "Oh, imouto, you are so blind. Sometimes I wish I could just punch some sense into you." He moves to help.
He moves over to the greenette to teach her the proper way to hold a kunai. "Kunai's are good for throwing especially if you know someone is spying on you." He flicks his arm out, the kunai embedding in the wall beside Aizawa's hiding spot. "That way they'll reveal themselves to you without you getting in contact with them where they might try to land a sneak attack."
Aizawa steps out from his hiding spot with an annoyed frown as Takeshi gives him a knowing smirk.
"Aizawa sensei?" Tsu tilts her head. "What is he doing over there?"
"Spying on us."
"Because, he thinks he isn't obvious."
Tsu tilts her head a little farther, not understanding what he means. "Ribbit..."
Takeshi stays for dinner in the teacher dorms. He thoroughly enjoys Lunchrush's cooking. "This food is amazing!"
"You say that about every food except your own cause you can't cook to save your life," Hibiki comments.
"Hey! That's not true," he pouts, crossing his arms.
"I think it's the truest statement that I've ever said in my life. You almost blew up the whole estate a few times."
Hizashi laughs. "SERiously?!"
"It was one time!"
"One too many times."
"You know it's true!"
Dinner ends, and it's time for Takeshi to go home.
Takeshi manages to get a private chat with Aizawa before he leaves. "I know you have a thing for my imouto."
Aizawa looks at him with what could only be disgust. "You're delusional."
"I know what I saw," Takeshi grins. "You might want to hurry and ask her out or someone else is going to get there first."
"There's no reason to as I don't have a thing for your sister."
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