Chapter 1: Summer's Here At Last

'Puh-see! Puh-see! Wake up!' Yelled a small body which was jumping up and down on my bed.

I groaned and sat up, blinking until I got used to the bright sunlight that entered through my window, upon my face. I then realized that the small body was my younger half-sister, Estelle. Instantly my face lit up. I playfully tackled her and tickled her with a grin.

She broke out laughing and rolled, trying to get out of my grip. 'Puh-see, pweese stop. Too tickly!'

'You woke me up, so, no.'

'I'm sowey, Puh-see. Pweese stop.'

I stopped holding her hostage but only due to the confusion that had befallen me. As soon as I let her go she retreated the the other end of my bed and tried to catch her breath, far out of my hands' reach but I didn't think much about that. I was confused. What was she doing here? I'm supposed to be in my dorm room in New Rome University and she's supposed to be at home with mom and Paul. I looked around and finally noticed where exactly I was. I was on my bedroom back at my mom's house. I was back home. I smiled and pulled my sister into a hug who in turn returned the hug. Now that I was fully up, my recent memory had returned and once again began working. Late last night, my girlfriend, Annabeth and I had returned to my home to meet my family before we can head to camp today. After leaving New Rome we headed to her dad's house which is also within San Francisco. 

'How have you been, Estelle?' I asked the miniature female version of me.

She grinned. 'Good. You?'

'I've been good too,' I smiled back, 'Shall we go meet everyone yet?'

The light from her face suddenly diminished. She looked. . .sober? 'No, Puh-see.'

'What's wrong?'

'She scary. She not nice.'

'Who is?' I asked.

'Abeth.' She answered. "Abeth" is what she called Annabeth since she couldn't pronounce her name properly.

I looked at her confused. 'You're scared of Annabeth? My girlfriend, Annabeth?' She nodded. 'But why? I mean sure she can be scary at times but I've never seen her being scary in front of you.' 

'I one dream she try kill you. It bad dream. Very bad. Dark girl angel save you. She also scold bad. She no nice. She mean to me.'

I was flabbergasted. Estelle had a dream about Annabeth? I wonder why. So strange that she had a dream about Annabeth. In fact it was a nightmare that she had. I only hope that, that was all it was all it was. A nightmare. Honestly, it's really strange that she had a dream about Annebeth when I myself don't have any on her, unless it's a vision sent to me by the gods about her and the last time I had such a dream was back when we were seventeen, during our voyage  to Greece. The only one girl I've ever actually dreamed  about I cannot mention. It's wrong. It's. . .almost. . .forbidden. . .

'It  will be alright. Come, let's go.' I offered to carry. She finally relented. She wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my stomach and lower back. I carried her and walked in search of mom (Sally Blofis-Jackson), Annabeth (Chase) and Paul (Blofis).

I stood outside the kitchen door hearing laughter from inside. I smiled happily. Annabeth, mom and Paul are talking to each other. I love that she gets along so well with them. Paul may have only been married to my mom for four years now but still it feels like he's always been a part of this family.  I love him. He's like a second dad to me. My mortal dad. Despite being only Estelle's biological dad he tries his very best  to be a dad to me as well, which I totally appreciate. He's nothing like my  previous step-dad, Smelly Gabe (Gabriel Ugliano) who was a total jackass. And also since Paul also makes  her happy it makes me happy too. To this day I feel extremely guilty knowing that mom only endured the sucky relationship with that pig only due to me being a half-blood . If it weren't for me she'd have been unrestricted by and to him like she had been for eleven and a half years.

I opened the door and walked in. 'Good morning everyone.' I greeted as I went to first hug and kiss my mom on the cheek before doing the same to my girlfriend. 

All of us excluding Estelle smiled.

'Good morning, Percy.'  Paul said.

'Percy! Good morning!' Mom kissed my cheek and hugged me.

'Good morning, babe.' Annabeth hugged me and kissed my cheek.

'Did you sleep well?' Mom asked.

'Yes, I did. Like a baby. How about the rest of you?'

Annabeth said teasingly, 'You are a baby though, Seaweed Brain. But in all seriousness, I'm glad you slept well. I did too. Like Daedalus's laptop when it's in sleep mode.'

'It was alright.' Paul answered before taking a sip of his coffee.

'I slept contentedly after seeing my son for the first time in months.' Mom answered with a smile.

'I love you all so much.' I beamed at them.

All three said they loved me too.

'Me too?' Asked a small voice, in an almost whisper. I then realized that I was still carrying Estelle in my arms. All three of us felt and looked guilty for forgetting her. 

'Of course we love you, sweetie.' Paul said.

'I love you, Estelle. You're my precious lil sis.' I said.

'Mommy and daddy both love you a lot, Estelle.' Mom said.

Estelle smiled due to our words.

'Yes, you too.' Annabeth said sweetly to Estelle with a smile.

Estelle recoiled and tried hiding from Annabeth by burying her head in my chest. For a moment there I caught the look of hurt and confusion in her eyes which was quickly replaced with a smile and what appeared to be a casual shrug. It may appear to mom and Paul and basically on the outside that she's feeling alright but she has been my girlfriend ever since we were sixteen. That's almost four years now. And way before that, since we were twelve we have been best friends. In total we have known each other for almost eight years. That's a very long time to know someone. I think it's safe to say I trust her more than anyone and that I know her better than anyone and also better than anyone knows her. I love her. She's my girlfriend as well as my best friend. And even though knowing someone for eight years is a lot it isn't enough for me and Annabeth. We want to share a very long time knowing one another. I sometimes smile and imagine what our future would be together, y'know?

Us, graduating from NRU, finally settling in New York. Buying an apartment and moving in it together. Her becoming a great and well known architect and me being there to celebrate with her when she achieves it with either champagne or sparkling water for her and coke for me. Me becoming a marine zoologist and looking after sea creatures. Both our jobs help in some aspect using an ability of our's inherited by our godly parents. Mine is communicating and having knowledge of the sea and it's creatures, inherited from my dad, the Greek god of the sea, Poseidon. Her's is knowledge and wisdom, inherited from her mom,  the Greek goddess of wisdom, and battle strategy. After some time we could even have a family of our own. I like the idea of three daughters, one son and a bunch of sea creatures that can fit in our apartment. We could also visit camp every summer with the kids. They can have fun with the other kids while Annabeth and I assist Chiron. It would be awesome! I could teach sword fighting and Annabeth  could teach battle strategy. Both my children as well  as the campers who wish to learn. Annabeth and I will be together  until we're grey and old. We'll have our  grandkids way before we breathe our last breaths. If one leaves before the other we'll wait for each other so we can spend the after life together. The two of us in Elysium, along with our other friends and hopefully our families make it in too.


We spent an entire day at home before it was time for us to head to camp. After we exchanged goodbyes, I love yous, I'll miss yous and we'll meet soons, Annabeth and I headed to a dark alleyway. It was a quarter to seven.  I saw her take out a drachma. A drachma is a gold coin and is the currency of Mount Olympus. It has the god of the sky, Zeus's image on it on one side and the Empire State's Building on the other. 

'Anakoche,'  she shouted in Ancient Greek. 'Harma epitribeios!'

 Which translates to, 'Stop, Chariot of Damnation!'  Seriously, I'm not kidding. It truly is that in English.

I felt goosebumps. I hated this mode of transport but being  the good boyfriend that I am I did as she required of me instead of arguing with her. Besides, this is Annabeth Chase we're talking about. No one can win an argument with her unless it's her mom.

 She threw her coin into the street, but instead of clattering into the ground, it defied physics (like things often did in Ancient Greece) and the drachma sank right through the ground and disappeared. 

At first nothing happened.Then, just where the coin had fallen, the ground darkened. It melted into a rectangular pool about the size of a parking space. It was bubbling red liquid which resembled blood. Then a car erupted from the ooze.

 It was a taxi but wasn't the usual color of yellow that taxis had here in New York. It was smoky grey. I mean it literally looked as if it was woven out of smoke, like you could walk right through it. There were words printed on the door of the taxi. It looked like GAYR  SSSTEIR. But I knew that was just my dyslexia acting up. Having traveled in this before I knew it actually said, "Grey Sisters.'

The passenger window rolled down, and an old woman stuck her head out. She had a mop of grizzled hair covering her eyes, and she spoke in a weird mumbling way, like she'd just had a shot of Novocain. 

'Passage? Passage?' 

'Two  to Camp Half-Blood,' Annabeth said to her. Then to me she said, 'After you.' She opened the cab's back door. I took my seat and she took her place next to me.

I wish I could say that I know that the ride to camp will be nice and that it was why we travel this way but that would be a lie. Having had traveled this way a couple of times before I know how sucky it will be. Not at all smooth and totally in a rush with no proper seat belts. Only chains in the place of where the seat belts were supposed to be. I closed my eyes deciding to keep them shut until we reach Half-Blood Hill.

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