👻Mystery Meat👻

[It's been a few weeks after the trio came to Casper High School and them and Danny, Sam and Tucker have been good friends, but Danny, Sam and Tucker didn't tell them about Danny's powers but they knew cuz their from another universe, and right now the trio was walking around as Macaque in his bird form sitting on Angie's shoulder as Sun Wukong was in his bird form and sitting on Jay's shoulder]

Sun Wukong: Say it.

Jay: No. I telling you the 50th time I'm not calling you dad! I have a dad who is amazing.

Aims: Geez okay children no more fighting plus it's lunch time.

Angie: Oh right I wonder what's for lunch.

Macaque: Uh guys you wanna take a look.

[They entared the cafeteria and saw the "grass on buns"]

Angie + Jay: Shnasty!

Aims: Yuck! Oh I'm gonna puke.

Danny: Hey girls over here!

[Danny waved at the girls to sit next to them and they sat down]

Sam: Hey Jay-jay. Wow nice bird.

Jay: Thanks! I call him uh Sunny!

[Sun Wukong looked at Jay with a 'Are you kidding me' look and Jay chuckled]

Jay: He's a moody one.

Tucker: Oh (Sniffed Angie) Did you had burgers with nothing but just the meat on it with bacon bits?

Angie: Impressive!

Danny: Yeah heh and don't you think this is a little extreme, Sam?

[Sam smiles before someone puts a hand on her shoulder, revealing a bald, overweight middle-aged man with a light-blue shirt, black tie and gray pants, clearly the vice-principal.]

Mr. Lancer: Ah, Miss Manson. The school board wanted me to personally thank you for ushering in this welcome experiment to our cafeteria.

Tucker (Sniffs the air frantically) Meat. Near.

[Tucker looks up at Lancer and sniffs the air around him. Tucker glares at him while the man backs away.]

Lancer: No, no. The rumors about the new all-steak buffet in the teacher's lounge are completely untrue. (Pulls out a toothpick and uses it, then puts a hand on Sam's shoulder again.) Thanks again. (Leaves.)

Angie: Lies, the lies.

Tucker: Yeah, thanks again for making us eat garbage, Sam.

Sam It's not garbage. (Holds up the "grass on a bun".) It's recyclable organic matter.

Angie + Jay + Aims + Danny + Tucker: It's garbage.

[Cut to the lunch lady behind the counter. She gives a shifty-eyed glance around before pulling a hamburger out of her pocket and sneaking away in order to eat it. The Lunch Lady Ghost phases through the ceiling and looks at the "Ultra Recyclo Veggie Lunch Menu." She glares at it. Cut to Danny and Angie still holding the spoonful of "grass on a bun." They gasps as their ghost sense goes off.]

Danny: Uh, guys? I've got a problem. (A handful of mud suddenly lands on his head.) UGH!

Dash (Off-screen): FENTON!

Angie: Well make that two problems.

[Dash, a jock, storms over to Danny, a plate of mud in his hands.]

Dash (Angrily): I ordered three mud pies. Do you know what they gave me? Three mud pies. With mud. From the ground!

[Dash grabs Danny by his shirt and lifts him a few inches off the ground.]

Jay: What the hell?!

Aims: Hey!

Angie: Dash what the hell let him go!

Dash: These are the best years of my life! After high school, it's all downhill for me! How am I supposed to enjoy my glory days eating mud?!

Sam: Actually, it's topsoil.

[Dash tosses Danny at the table.]

Dash: Whatever! (Danny lands on the bench. Dash walks over and shoves the plate of mud towards Danny's face.) Eat it. All of it.

Angie: Oh no.. shnasty!

[Danny seems to be about to go through with eating the topsoil, but his ghost sense goes off again and he sees the Lunch Lady floating behind the lunch counter.]

Danny: Uh...uh... (Glances down at the plate and picks it up, preparing to toss it.) GARBAGE FIGHT!

[He tosses the plate and hits Dash in the face. The other students begin throwing food as well and chaos ensues. Sam peeks out from behind a table.]

Sam: It's not garbage! It's- (Danny's hand suddenly grabs Sam and pulls her back down towards the floor.)

Jay: Oh DUCK! (She, Aims and Angie ducked) Okay let's go before we're gonna get dirt in our face!

Angie: Alright! (When they left the cafeteria) Okay, Sun Wukong, Dad the cost is clear.

[Then Macaque and Sun Wukong transformed into their real formed and Angie ghost sense goes off.]

Jay: Ghost sense goes off?

Angie: Yep, time to get that ghost!? (Then an ghost came out of nowhere and spins around before it got inside her body and then her body flouted and she outfit changed into a black and white suit with white gloves and boots, then her hair turned snow white and her eyes was now neon green and she got back down) Let's go!

[As Angie, Jay, Aims, Macaque and Sun Wukong looked around they saw the lunch lady taking Sam into the meat storage room]

Sun Wukong: That ghost got Jay's girlfriend!

Jay: (Blushes) Not my girlfriend Da- (Sees Sun Wukong making a happy face because shes was about to call him dad) Monkey King!

Aims: Heh you almost called Monkey King dad.

Macaque: Okay, Jay, Aims, Wukong and I will find Ghost boy and his friend as Angie will find Sam.

Angie: Alright LE-GOO! (She phases though the meat storage room) Wow, so much meat..

[Her eyes widen as they hear cackling nearby. Angie peer around the corner of a stack of boxes and see the Lunch Lady, who is floating in front of Sam who is trapped neck-deep in a large pile of meat.]

Lunch Lady: My dear child...meat is good for kids! It helps them grow and makes them smile! Why won't you eat it? (Offers Sam a chicken leg.)

Sam: We don't need meat. That's fact!

[The Lunch Lady suddenly reverts to her evil lunch lady form, with wind blowing around her.]

Lunch Lady: SILENCE! (Points at Sam.) You need discipline, manners, respect! You know where that comes from? MEAT! (The wind stops suddenly, and the Lunch Lady reverts back again. Politely) Chicken? Or fish?

Angie: I think I wanna hae some fired ghost! (Then Angie used her ghost sonic scream and the Lunch Lady flys off by Angie's sonic scream) Don't worry Sam, Danny and the rest are on their way!

Sam: Do I know you?

Angie: It's me Angie!


Angie: Yep!

[Then Danny flies off to punch the Lunch Lady, who turns around surprised, but notices Danny too late. She is sent flying and crashes into a nearby wall before collapsing to the ground. Danny lands in front of her and she glares at him. Cut to Sam and Angie. They stops looking in Danny's direction and then looks at Tucker, Aims, Jay, Macaque and Sun Wukong, as Tucker, who is cutting away pieces of the meat with his knife.]

Tucker (Enthusiastically): I'll have you free in no time, Sam!

Sam (Frowns in disbelief.): You've gotta be kidding me.

Angie: Alright you guys wait I'm helping Ghost boy!

[Angie and Danny crouched on the ground. They jumps up and somersaults in the air before preparing to kick the ghost. The Lunch Lady catches their foot in her hand right before they hits her, then dangles a surprised Danny and Angie upside-down by their foot.]

Lunch Lady: Don't you see? This is why you need meat! You both are skin and (Tosses Danny and Angoe off-screen) bones!

[As Danny and Angie is sent flying through the air they turns intangible, phasing halfway through a nearby wall up to his waist before falling to the ground. Cut to the Lunch Lady as she summons shish-kebabs from a box, their pointed ends heading straight for Danny and Angie. Danny, who is now out of the wall, sees this and splits his body in two as Angie was invisible. The meat passes through the stretched intangible area of Danny body he created. They smiles at Danny's new power but the smile quickly fades as they sees what the ghost is up to now. The Lunch Lady yells and summons meat out of all of the boxes onscreen. Danny pieces himself together again and watches the meat go flying towards the ghost. Meanwhile, Tucker is about to take a bite of meat but the piece as well as the meat pile that was covering Sam goes flying off towards the ghost. The meat soars around and attaches to the Lunch Lady to form the meat monster she was earlier. She fires a meat fist at Danny and Angie, capturing them in her grasp.]

Angie: Oh come on!

Tucker: (Strikes a determined pose, fork and knife handy.) Help's on the way, buddy!

Jay + Aims: Tucker wait!

[The Lunch Lady sends both Danny and Angie flying off-screen. They yells and turns intangible, passing through a wall. The Lunch Lady looms over Aims, Jay, Sun Wukong, Macaque, Sam and Tucker and growls at them loudly. Jay, Aims, Sam and Tucker look scared.]

Tucker + Aims: Run?

Sam + Jay: Run!


Macaque: But what about them!?

[Jay, Aims, Sam and Tucker yell as they head for the door, but the ghost sends a pile of meat that blocks their exit, knocking them both off-screen. Danny and Angie holds the back of their head as they phases partly back into the room. They sees Jay, Aims, Sun Wukong, Macaque, Sam and Tucker yelling as they run past them, and they determinedly goes flying after them. The Lunch Lady makes fists with her hands and prepares to slam down on Jay, Aims, Sun Wukong, Macaque, Sam and Tucker, but Danny and Angie quickly flies down and grabs them in their arms before turning all of them intangible and flying through a wall. The Lunch Lady is surprised and can't stop herself in time before the meat splatters all against the wall. Cut to Angie, Jay, Aims, Sun Wukong, Macaque, Danny, Sam, and Tucker phasing through the wall outside and floating, turning tangible again. Danny and Angie both looks tired.]

Sam: Gee, Danny. Fighting meat monsters, flying through walls...You and Angie must be exhausted.

Danny: (Defensively) What? Of course not! What would give you that idea? (Trails off.) Wait Angie! She was helping us...

[The trio falls to the ground as Danny passes out from exhaustion. He returns back to his human self, and Sam and Tucker look at each other.]

Angie: Ouch, okay Sam, Tucker you get Danny home, I'm gonna take me friends and my dad back home!

Sam: Alright see you tomorrow!

Jay: Hey Sam wanna call soon?

Sam: Sure.

[The next day Casper High where a few students are looking at something. Danny, Jay, Angie, Aims, walks up, a look of disbelief on their face.]

Danny: Or not. Maybe it'll be worse.

Angie: Oh suger apples, this is crazy.

Jay + Aims: You could say that again.

[Pan over a bunch of meat lovers decked out in meat merchandise. On a stage, some girls are dancing in hot dog outfits. The girls dance offstage and Tucker appears carrying a microphone in his hand.]

Tucker: (Shouting into the mic) What do we want?

Meat Lovers: MEAT!

Tucker: When do we want it?

Meat Lovers: NOW!

[Danny, Angie, Jay, Aims looks over at the other side of the protest. Pan over the vegetarian equivalent of the meat-protest side full of hippies, laid-back people, and goths. Sam is standing on top of a school bus yelling into a microphone while carrying a sign that reads "NOW!"]


Jay: Wow this is a new low.

[Sam and Tucker come to stand on opposite sides of Danny, Angie, Jay and Aims, glaring at each other.]

Danny (With disbelief): You guys put together two protests in one night?

Tucker: Meat-eaters, Danny. Always ready to fight. And our high-protein diets give us the energy we need to do it quickly.

Sam: Ultra recyclo-vegetarians are always ready to protest. And because we don't have to waste time cooking our food, we can move even faster.

Angie: Don't you guys think this is a little extreme?

Tucker: (Continuing to glare.) No choice, girl. You're either with me!

Sam (Glaring.) Or you're against him!

[Sam and Tucker lean over Danny and Angie and they ducks a little but they didn't know their held hands and Jay smirked as Aims chuckled.]

Sam + Tucker: So whose side are you on?

[A wind suddenly starts blowing and the sky turns gray. Jay, Aims, Sam and Tucker's eyes widen. Cackling is heard and both Angie's and Danny's ghost sense goes off. The crowd looks bewildered and confused. A voice yells angrily as the contents of a meat truck fly out in various directions. The meat swirls around and eventually forms a gigantic version of the meat monster the Lunch Lady Ghost was the previous day.]

Lunch Lady: It's lunchtime!

[Both groups of protesters run away while screaming in terror.]

Angie: Great her again!

Tucker: Meat! Why have you betrayed me?!

Danny: (Looks around.) Guys, time to makeup. Now!

[Sam and Tucker hug as Danny transforms beneath their cover. They break their hug to reveal Danny Phantom, who flies off-screen.]

Angie: Alright my turn, time to catch that ghost! (Then she transformed into Spirit Girl) Okay let's go!

Aims: You go bestie!

[Cut to Angie and Danny looking alarmed in front of the meat-covered Lunch Lady. The ghost yells ferociously before attempting to punch Danny and Angie, who flies out of the way. The ghost then tries slapping them with the other hand, but they both dodges again. She then tries an uppercut which he also dodges. Danny and Angie then kicks the ghost hard and knocks her over. Sam and Tucker smile as Jay and Aims record as they watch this.]

Tucker: They are really is getting better.

Jay: Monkey King and Macaque will love this!

[Danny and Angie looks down and smiles, then frowns as they turns back to the ghost. The ghost punches him and he goes sailing off-screen. Sam and Jay runs forward as they watches.]

Sam: I sure hope they can take a punch!

Jay: I hope so.

[Cut to a jet airplane flying overhead. Danny and Angie is sent flying upward toward it. Inside the plane, a businessman and a flight attendant are shown.]

Flight Attendant: There's your water, sir!

[Their eyes widen as Danny and Angie suddenly phases through and up out of the ceiling. They then phases back down through the floor again, Danny grabbing the businessman's water cup out of his hand.]

Danny (While phasing through.): Thanks!

Angie (While phasing through.): Sorry sir!

[Angie andDanny flies back towards the ghost, splashing the cup of water on their face before throwing the cup aside Danny slams into the ghost sending meat flying everywhere. The meat explosion lets off orange smoke in the distance behind Jazz, Jack, and Maddie. Danny weakly pulls himself out of a crater the explosion created.]

Lunch Lady: (Standing before Danny and Angie.) Oh, dear! What a mess! Are you and your girlfriend okay?

[Danny and Angie finally pulls themself out of the crater and rubs his left arm a bit.]

Danny Yeah. I think so.

Angie: Wait did you think I'm Danny's girlfriend!?

[The ghost has a small smile on her face, but suddenly reverts back to evil lunch lady mode.]


[Meat suddenly pours out of the crater forming five small piles in front of Danny, which turn into little meat monsters. Danny and Angie flies off-screen, with the meat monsters jumping after them. They both does a flying kick that slices through all of the monsters before landing back on the ground. They looks up only to see the meat monsters form themselves again.]

Danny Wasn't expecting that. (Suddenly turns human again.) Or that.

Angie: Uh oh. (Suddenly turns human again aswell) Double uh on!

[The meat monsters grab Danny and Angie. They tries fighting them off but they keep their hold and fly up with them. Two of the monsters let go of them while three dangle Danny and Angie upside down by his legs. Danny and Angie yells. The thermos suddenly whacks the still-dangling Danny and Angie in the face and they catches it.]

Danny: The Fenton Thermos! But how am we going to get it to work?

[The three meat monsters dangling Danny and Angie suddenly let go of them and toss them toward the ground. Danny and Angie both yells as they plummets toward the ground.]

Danny + Angie: Change back! CHANGE BACK! (A light flash and they turns ghost again.)

[The meat monsters look surprised, then become furious before chasing after them. Danny and Angie falls and phases through the ground between Jazz and their parents.]

Danny (While phasing through): Thanks for the thermos!

Angie (While phasing through.): Hello Mr and Mrs Fenton and Jazz!

[Cut to the Lunch Lady. Danny and Angie phases out from the ground, the Fenton Thermos in their hand.]

Lunch Lady (Angrily): NO! Soup's not on today's menu!

Danny: We're changing the menu, permanently! (Grabs the top of the thermos. Small voice) Please work.

[Angie and Danny pulls the top off of the thermos and aims it towards the Lunch Lady.]

Danny: I hope I'm right!

Angie: Okay in three two ONE!

[A blue aura surrounds Danny and Angie and then the thermos, which powers up before releasing a stream of energy. The energy forms a net that surrounds the surprised Lunch Lady and traps her.]

Lunch Lady (Struggling): NOOOO!

[The energy swirls and sucks the Lunch Lady into the thermos and Danny and Angie (who has turned human again) puts the lid back on the thermos. They smiles and both hi-5 each other and looks up, then goes over to Jay, Aims, Sam and Tucker, who were trapped under one of the protest balloons. Danny helps Sam up.]

Sam: What happened? Where's the ghost?

Danny: (Smiles down at the thermos.) My parents have their moments.

[Danny and Angie suddenly hears a faint beeping noise and they hides the thermos behind them.]

Fenton Finder: (Off-screen) Two ghost directly ahead.

[The meat-covered Jack and Maddie walk up to the trio, Jack holding the Fenton Finder in front of Danny and Angie.]

Fenton Finder: You would have to be some sort of moron to not notice the ghost directly ahead.

[Danny, standing right in front of the device, smiles weakly. Jack and Maddie look up from the Fenton Finder towards him.]

Danny: Oh, sorry, Dad. (Points behind him with his thumb.) You just missed him.

Jack: We got a runner!

[Jack and Maddie run off-screen revealing Jazz with her arms crossed.]

Jazz (Irritated): Great. (Walks off-screen.) Back to square one.

Jay: Oh boy.

Aims: Heh well that was an nice ghost fight.

Tucker: So, you're not gonna tell 'em?

Danny: Nah. I think I might've finally figured out what these powers are for. They make us-

[A hand suddenly grabs Danny by the shoulder. His eyes widen and he glances upward at Mr. Lancer, who looks furious.]

Lancer: In a world of trouble.

[Fade to outside Casper High at nighttime. Mr. Lancer appears with a megaphone in his hand.]

Lancer: Manson! (Cut to Angie, Aims, Jay, Danny, Sam, and Tucker, who are cleaning up the mess from the protests and ghost fight.) Pick up that T-bone!

Sam (Disgusted): With my hands?

Lancer: Foley! Pick up that Turfwich!

Tucker (Equally disgusted): With my hands? (Holds the Turfwich by its corner.)

[Mr. Lancer seems pleased and takes a bite out of a turkey leg before turning around and walking away.]

[Cut to Danny and Angie sweeping up some meat. Dash is watching them sweep, looking pleased while leaning on the dumpster where the meat is being collected. He laughs. Danny looks over at Dash before looking at Angie, who nodded, and then goes to the side of the dumpster. He grabs it, turning it intangible. The dumpster's contents phase out and fall on Dash, who gets trapped under a huge pile of meat.]

Dash: (Pokes head out from meat pile.) FENTON! A little help?

Danny: (Looking pleased.) Whatever you say, Dash. (Looks at Angie.) Whatever you say.

[Angie and Danny laughed as their eyes glow green]

Jay: Thats what I call an Happy ending!

Aims: See you all next time!

NEXT UP: Parental Bonding

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