👻Bitter Reunions👻
[Angie was in her room when a portel opened up]
Angie: AGAIN?! Alright let's see who is coming to this world.
[Then she heard two people screaming and then the two people came out the portel and groans as the portel closed]
Randy: H-hey Angie been awhile huh?
Howard: Sup.
Angie: JAY GET OVER HERE YOUR BOYFRIEND IS HERE! (Randy blushed) What it's true.
Jay: Randy! (She smiled and hugged Randy) Haha!
Randy: Wow haha hey Jay!
Howard: Now what the juice was that wonked up portel?
Angie: Welcome boys to Amity Park, where paranormal things happen.
Randy + Howard: Paranormal?
Jay: Oh yeah, Angie you know what to do!
[Angie smiled and took a deep breath and she goes Ghost making Randy and Howard mouth dropped to the ground]
Angie: Yep, I'm a halfa, Half human and half ghost.
Howard: Lucky! I wanna be a cool halfa as Cunningham is the ninja.
Jay: Well I think Randy is a cool ninja
Jay + Randy + Angie + Howard: Uh oh!
[Then Angie's door burst opened and came out was Monkey King as Macaque was standing there]
Macaque: Wukong, hey what did we say about breaking doors!
[Then the doorbell rings and Aims blinked and walked to the door and saw the Fenton's and smirked]
Aims: Angie, your boyfriend is here!
Danny: B-boyfriend?
Jazz: Heh, nice plus you do have a crush on her.
Angie: Coming! (Ran down and smiled) Hi Danny, Mr and Ms Fenton and Jazz don't mind the noise, what's up?
Jack: So you must be Angie that my son was talking about well it's lovely to meet you!
Maddie: Yes it's really is!
Angie: We met before but alright!
Danny: Look Angie, me and my family want to ask you and your family if you want to come to this reunion with me and my family?
Angie: Sure!
Randy: AAAAAHH!!!
Danny: Uh what was that?
Jack: Is it a ghost?
Angie: Ah just Monkey King trying to kill Jay's boyfriend.
Danny: Jay has a boyfriend?
Angie: Yeah plus he's like my brother figure. HEY RANDY! RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!
[After that, Macaque and Monkey were in their human form so nobody knows that their monkeys, and right now in the RV driving down the road. Angie is sitting next to Danny in the back of it as Jay, Randy, Aims, Jazz and Howard were playing a board game.]
Jazz: How does this happen? You goof up, and I have to spend four days jammed in the Fenton Ghost RV?
[Up front, Jack is driving and Maddie is reading a map as Macaque and Monkey King was looking out the window.]
Jack: That's the Fenton Family Ghost Assault Vehicle, folks. Every button in this baby is a ghost's worst nightmare.
Danny: Ugh. I need some air. (Goes to press a button.)
Angie: Don't press any buttons!
[Several weapons suddenly appear on the outside of the GAV. A laser shoots a chunk out of a tree, another weapon freezes a bird mid-air, causing it to fall, and another laser zaps a guy talking on his cell phone while driving, charring his face. A hose then waves around and once again shoots green goo on Angie's head. She glares at Danny.]
Angie: I'll get you for this.
Randy: Wow, feeling green Angie.
Angie: Ha ha...
Aims: LOL somebody is under the mood.
Howard: That's so wonked up haha!
Angie: Alright shut up, because theres a chicken in here!
Randy + Jay: CHICKEN?! (Hold each other as everybody laughed and they found out it's a prank) ANGIE!
[Fade to a truck stop where the GAV is parked for the night. The Fenton family is lined up together in sleeping bags in the back as Angie, Jay, Randy, Howard, Aims, Macaque and Monkey King was at the front asleep.]
Jack: Get some rest, everybody! I want the entire Fenton clan bright-eyed and bushy-tailed when we meet Masters tomorrow.
Jazz: Wait, wait. Masters? As in Vlad Masters? Who was named Affluence Magazine's billionaire of the year?
Jack: That's the guy! In college, he was my best friend. We were very popular guys. Roommates, lab partners, we did everything together. Until the thick fingers of fate stuck themselves right in Vlad's eyes. He was hospitalized with a horrible case of ecto-acne. It spoken since that day. But the good news is, I think after all these years, he's finally forgiven me.
[Danny looks away from Jack with a worried look on his face. The GAV pulling up to Vlad's mansion in Wisconsin the following day. The Fenton family and the rest walks up the front steps as Vlad steps out to greet them.]
Vlad: Jack...and Maddie! You've never looked lovelier, my dear. And I see you brings some friends. (Ushering Angie, Aims, Jay, Randy, Howard, Macaque, Monkey King, Maddie, Danny, and Jazz inside.) Please, please, come in.
[They go inside the mansion, leaving Jack outside.]
Jack: Vladdie, my man! It's good to-- (The door slams in his face, cutting him off.) Hello? Hello?!
[Cut to the others walking into Vlad's entrance hall, which is decorated in green-and-gold and filled with Green Bay Packers' football memorabilia.]
Randy: This shoob is giving me the creeps.
Danny: Shoob? Alright, I don't understand but I don't care.
Jazz: What's with the green and gold? You're a billionaire! Surely you could afford an interior designer.
Danny: Jazz, hello? Football helmets, jerseys, cheeseheads? He's a Packers fanatic.
Howard: Do have some snacks?
Aims: Howard, don't be rude, we are guest!
Jay: He never change always hungry for food.
Angie: Can't blame him.
Jack: (Still outside.) Hello?
Vlad: (Placing hand on Danny's hand.) Oh, "fanatic" is such a negative word. (Raises hand.) But, yes.
Jazz: I don't understand. You have billions of dollars! Instead of buying this stuff, why don't you just buy the team?
Vlad (Irritated): Because the Packers are owned by the city of Green Bay and they won't sell them to me! (Regains cool; looks at Maddie next to him.) One of two things my wealth has not as of yet... (Chuckles) been able to acquire.
[Maddie smiles innocently at him as Macaque and Monkey King gaged.]
Macaque: Does this man know that she's married?
Monkey King: I have no idea...
Randy: Shnasty...
Danny (To Jazz): Is he hitting on Mom?
Jazz: As long as he's got working toilets, and Mom says no, who cares? (Walks away.)
Maddie (Uncomfortably, still under Vlad's gaze): I'd, uh... (Points at door) better let Jack in.
[Maddie walks away. Danny, Randy, Jay and Angie notices an autographed football.]
Danny: Whoa, cool!
Randy: An atographed football, so bruce!
Angie: Eh I don't care about sports, they aint my thing.
Vlad: Indeed. (Picks up ball.) This ball was autographed by the legendary Ray Nitschke himself. (Hugs ball to face.) It's my prized possession.
Jack (Off-screen) Heads up, V-Man! (Barges in and tackles Vlad to ground; grabs football.) Ha! I see you've still got the old moves. (Stands up.)
Vlad (Stands and snatches football back. Angrily): Give me that! (Puts football back on pedestal.) I never had any old moves! All those years in the hospital robbed me of that!
[Everybody looks at Vlad silently, surprised and worried over his outburst. Vlad composes himself again.]
Vlad: Yes. Well, it gave me time to chart out a course for my life, didn't it? Make some decisions that helped to make me very wealthy, very quickly. And it never would have happened without you, Jack. (Smiles creepily.)
Maddie (Uncomfortable): Uh, yeah...maybe we should go.
Vlad No, no, you should stay with me! (Puts arm around Jack.) That's the whole reason I'm throwing the reunion here in my castle - previously home to the legendary Wisconsin Dairy King. (A portrait of the Dairy King is shown.) Just so I could...reconnect with you, Jack. I insist you stay.
Jack: Well, I don't know. We do have a really cool RV.
Jazz (Faking a cough): Let's stay here!
Danny + Angie: (Sliding hand through air.) Smooth.
Vlad: You know, Jack, the Dairy King's ghost could haunt these very halls...
Jack: I'll get the bags!
[Jack runs off while Vlad smiles sinisterly. Fade to a guest bedroom in Vlad's castle later that night when Angie woke up and she looked around the halls]
Angie: Mhm I looked everywhere but no Vlad's house. (Sees a glass box with a star necklace) It's here! I knew that it wasn't missing! (She used her ghost powers and turned her arm invisible and she went through the glass box then she grabbed the necklace and it also turned invisible and she took her arm out and it becomes visible with the necklace aswell) Haha! Oh I miss you my necklace. (Then her ghost sense goes off.) Crap Vlad! (She goes ghost and flys across the halls) Danny?
Danny: A-angie...
[Angie gasped and she saw Vlad standing over Danny who was unconscious]
Angie: You!
Vlad: And you must be sprirt girl or shall I say the Star Warrior?
Angie: Huh, how did you find out I was the Star Warrior? (Vlad pointed at the necklace and Angie slapped her forehead) Crap, why do I forget! (Turned back into her normal self and glared at Danny) I swear to god, hurt Danny then I will hurt you!
Vlad: Fine then child but I know that you and your friends are from another world, so you stay quite then I won't tell Daniel about your secret.
[Angie eyes widen and sighed and carryed Danny to the guest room and lay him down, where he woke up]
Danny: No! Get away! Huh? Where am I? What happened?
Angie: It's alright you just had a nightmare.
Danny: Angie, but I thought.
Vlad: (Appears in the doorway.) I was going to ask you the same question, young man. (Walks into room.)
Danny: I...must've been worn out from the long car trip. I-I'll be okay in the morning. I'm sorry for the scare.
Vlad: Oh, what's a little scare between friends, son, hmm? Sleep tight, little badger come on Angie, let me help you get back to your room.
[Danny goes back to sleep and Vlad closes the door on his way out as Angie rubbed her arm.]
Vlad: Yes, sleep tight. (Chuckles evilly.)
Danny: Jazz, Aims, Jay, Howard, Randy aren't you guys coming to the reunion?
Jazz: What? And watch a bunch of old fossils pogo to New Wave music? Pass. Did you know the Packers won the very first Super Bowl?
Howard: I'm here because they have snacks.
Randy: I just want to play gravepuncher.
Jay: Yeah sorry but I'm here to hang with Randy.
Aims: I was forced to come here.
Macaque: I'm here so Wukong won't attack Randy. (Hold Monkey King who was giving Randy death glares.)
Danny: Whatever.
Sports Announcer: On a snowy day at Lambeau, Bart Starr faces Butkus & the Bears.
Jack: Hey, Harry!
Harriet: Ugh. I'd know that voice anywhere. Jack! Maddie. How nice.
Jack: Angie, Danny, meet Harriet Chin. She's a big-shot reporter for the Milwaukee Journal now, but back in my college days she was just Harry. Harry Chin! Haha! (Grabs head.) Get it?!
Angie: That's rude to say that to somebody.
Maddie: I'm really sorry, Harriet.
Harriet: Sweetie, you married him. You should be.
[New wave music begins playing.]
Jack: Hey, my song! Come on, let's pogo!
[Jack begins to pogo while dragging Maddie along with him and runs into people.]
Danny: Okay, I'm officially mortified.
Angie: Yeah same..
Harriet: What took so long?
[Fade to later in the evening. Danny and Angie is sitting at a table looking bored. A party guest pogoes past him, then Vlad walks up to themand puts a hand on their shoulder.]
Vlad: Well, son, you're looking much better. I was wondering...if you could do me a huge favor.
Danny: Oh, sure, Mr. Masters. But call me Danny. "Son's" what my dad calls me.
Vlad: Oh, yes, yes, of course. Now, could you and your little girlfriend go to my lab, second door on the right upstairs? There's a present in there for your father that I'd like you both to bring down. (Chuckles.)
Danny (Gets up.): Okay! Come on Angie!
Angie: Coming..
[Angie and Danny leaves while Vlad has an evil smirk on his face. He turns and glares at Jack pogoing on the dance floor while Maddie and the other guests watch him. Vlad then focuses on Maddie.]
Vlad (To himself): Maddie... That lab accident cost me my youthful chance at you, but that's all about to change...
[Cut to Angie and Danny walking into Vlad's lab, looking around for the present.]
Danny: Present? I don't see a present.
Angie: Me to.
[Danny sees and picks up a framed picture of college-aged Vlad and Maddie on a table with the top-right corner teared off.]
Danny: Hey! Wait a minute.
Angie: What is it?
[Danny reaches into his jacket and pulls out the torn picture of younger Jack the vultures had and realizes it's the missing corner from the picture.]
Danny: Oh, no. (Backing up.) No way.
[Angie and Danny's ghost sense goes off and they transforms into Phantom an Spirit. They looks around defensively, but the two ectopuses from "Mystery Meat" suddenly reach down and grab Danny arms, pulling him up into the air.]
Angie: Danny!
Danny: (Kicking one ectopus away.) Let go!
[Danny pulls the other ectopus down and slams it into the floor.]
Danny: Those ghosts... They were two of the first ghosts I fought!
Angie: Uh oh, Danny wait!
Skulker (Off-screen): And they're not alone, pup.
[Skulker traps Danny and Angie in one of his nets and shocks him through it, then steps out of the shadows to reveal himself.]
Danny + Angie: Skulker?!
[Danny and Angie breaks free from the net and kicks Skulker into some large tank-like units.]
Danny: How did you get back in your ecto-skeleton? What are you doing here?
Angie: Yeah what the hell?
Skulker: All excellent questions. Catch!
[Skulker rolls out a small black cube towards Danny and Angie which grows and traps them both inside a large glowing box.]
Danny: Huh? Hey! I can't phase out of this. It's disrupting my powers!
Angie: Same with mine!
Skulker: And that's not all it does.
[Skulker presses a button on his wrist and the box shocks Danny and Angie, causing them to scream in pain and transform back into their human self. In a daze, both their head falls forward on the box, but Skulker picks it back up and holds out a glowing green blade from his wrist to Danny's and Angie's neck.]
Danny: (Chuckles nervously.) Uh, the glowing blade is new.
Angie: Wow now that's cool!
Skulker (Casually): You like it? I've had some upgrades! (Evilly again) Now...
Vlad: Enough! (Standing near the lab door.) I didn't free you to kill them, Skulker! Your work is done.
[Angie, Skulker and Danny share a confused look before Skulker retracts the blade.]
Skulker: Yes, well, I... (Reading from the PDA on his wrist that beeps and starts typing) I've gotta go to the library and check out a book on a gorilla. Again!
[Skulker's jetpack activates and he flies up, phasing through the ceiling as Angie chuckled.]
Angie: Bye Skulker see you next time.
Danny: Skulker? The ectopuses? I don't understand!
Vlad: Of course not. You both are like, what, fourteen? (Walking around Danny's and Angie's box.) Too young to drive and not in college yet? I sent those ghosts, and others, to test your father's skills. Imagine my surprise when I find you, the second and third ghost hybrid his foolishness created.
Danny + Angie: Second? Third?
[Vlad transforms into his ghost self.]
Danny You! I'm going ghost! (Nothing happens.) Going ghost! (Nothing happens again.) Why can't I go ghost?
Angie: GOTTA CATCH THAT GHOST! (Nothing happened) DAMN IT! I also can't go ghost...
Vlad: You both have a battle cry, hilarious. I, on the other hand... (Pats the box Danny's in.) have this! A spectral energy neutralizer, designed by Skulker, paid for by me. And as long as you're contained within that box, you're as human as your idiot father.
Angie: Yinks...
Danny: Let us out of here!
Vlad: Why? So you can go back to stumbling through your adolescence, desperately trying to get control of your powers? Powers, by the way, that I've had for twenty years. (While demonstrating powers, including ghost shields, duplication, and invisibility) I have experience, children. And the money and power attained through using those powers for personal gain, you see. (Splits into three Vlads.) I could train you, teach you everything I know. (Combines back into one.) And all you'd have to do, is renounce your idiot father.
Danny + Angie: Dude, you are one seriously crazed-up fruit loop. That is never going to happen.
Vlad: Yes, well, once your father is out of the way, we'll see how you feel.
[Vlad laughs and teleports away. as Angie eyes widen]
Angie: We need to get of here and FAST!
[After a few minutes, Angie and Danny still in the lab struggling to break free of the box. As they does so, the Dairy King floats in.]
Dairy King: Well, gosh and golly, it looks like you and your little girlfriend could use a speck of help there, dontcha know?
Angie: Haha Dairy King!
Danny (Relieved): Hey, you're the Dairy King! (Worried again) Oh, great. What are you gonna do? Suffocate us with Limburger? Strangle us with Swiss?! Or--
Dairy King: Ha ha!
[The Dairy King uses his scepter to press the "Open" button on the side of the box, freeing Danny and Angie and returning the box to its smaller cube state.]
Danny: Let us go? (Kicks cube out of the way.) Well, thank you! But, why?
Dairy King: Well, not all ghosts are evil, right? Some of us just want to be left alone there, dontcha know?
Angie: Well thank you so much your royal highness.
Danny: Hey, will you help us fight Plasmius?
Dairy King: I'm the Dairy King, kiddo. Kings don't fight. They send other people to fight for 'em. That's Royalty 101 there, dontcha know? (While phasing up out of the lab) Try the Gouda! It's dairy fresh!
Angie: Gouah? Goudra? Am I saying it right? (Danny chuckled as she tryed to say "Gouda") Man I can't say it.
Maddie: Jack!
Danny + Angie (Alarmed): Dad/Mr Fenton! (Goes ghost and flies off.)
[The GAV straight into Vlad's mansion, passing shocked guests and running into some items. She passes by the screening room, and Jazz, Jay, Aims, Randy, Howard, Monkey King and Macaque peeks their head out the door.]
Jazz: (Sighs.) I'm guessing we won't be invited back.
Randy: What the Juice is happening?!
Jay: I have no idea.
Howard: Well I'm going to eat some bruce snacks
[Cut back to the dance floor. Several guests are running out of the room, screaming, and one man jumps out of a window. Jack (overshadowed by Vlad) is throwing tables around, flying, and scaring people.]
Vlad: (Overshadowing Jack) If you live to tell the tale, remember that big, fat (Hits man) Jack Fenton did this to you!
Danny + Angie: Guess again, cheesehead.
[Danny and Angie flies in, turns intangible, and flies through Jack's body, knocking a screaming Vlad out of Jack and phasing them both through a wall. Meanwhile, Jack falls to the floor.]
Jack (Angrily): Nobody uses Jack Fenton as a human meat puppet!
[Cut to Vlad and Danny phasing into Vlad's library as Danny knocks him in there. Danny and Anie then tries to punch Vlad, but Vlad kicks them away.]
Vlad: Daniel, stop. Think about the things I could show you, the doors I could open for you. You, Danny Phantom, Angie, Sprirt Girl, and I, Vlad Plasmius. Together, we could rule.
Angie: And be a villain yeah right.
Danny: Forget it, pal. Your money can't buy my mom, it can't buy the Packers, and it can't buy me or my Angie!
[Danny fires an ecto-blast at Vlad who absorbs it with one hand and shoots it back at Danny with the other hand. Danny creates a shield around himself and Angie to block the attack.]
Danny: (Pointing.) I know who you are. I'll tell my father. I'll tell everyone.
Angie: Yeah!
Vlad: And so will I. Honestly, if you expose me, you expose yourself and Angie didn't you forget that you're from another-.
Angie: I KNOW ALRIGHT JUST SHUT UP! (Then Angie uses her ghost wail and she covered her mouth) Wow...
[Honking from the GAV is heard and Danny and Angie turns towards the noise.]
Danny: Huh?
[The GAV bursts through the wall of the library, with Jack driving now, and Angie, Danny and Vlad fly out of its path.]
Vlad: Mind if I cut in?
[An intangible Vlad phases his hands down through the top of the GAV and pulls Maddie out of the middle seat.]
Maddie: Let go of me! (They both turn tangible again.)
Vlad: Never again, woman.
[Danny looks up at the scene to see Jack get out of the GAV and chase after Vlad who flies away with Maddie in his grasp.]
Jack: Maddie!
Angie: Danny, find the others make sure their safe, I do it.
Danny: B-but I don't want you getting hurt..
Angie: (Hugged him) I promise you I won't get hurt plus I'm no dansel in destrest.
[Danny nodded and turned into his human self and ran out as Angie turns intangible and phases into the GAV to sit in the driver's seat. She tries messing around with the gear shift.]
Angie: Oh, great. It's a stick.
[Harriet only sees the gear shift moving.]
Harriet (Excitedly): And I wasn't going to come to this thing! Ha!
Angie: And Bingo alright first driving let's see if I getting my driver license earily.
[Angie finally gets the GAV to move and drives it towards Jack, who is looking up at Maddie who is being dangled by her foot by Vlad up in the air.]
Maddie: Jack, look out! The RV!
[Jack dives out of the way of the GAV.]
Angie: Sorry, Mr. Fenton. I've got one shot at this.
[Angie swerves the GAV to a stop almost just below Vlad and Maddie. A laser cannon appears out of the top of the GAV while the steering wheel converts into a weapons-tracker battle mode for Angie to use. Angie first fires an "energy beam" option at Vlad, who knocks it away. He then shoots "lightning" at him, but Vlad lets it phase through him. Finally, Angie fires the "ectoplasmic goo" option, which does hit Vlad as he recoils in disgust and it knocks him back, causing him to drop Maddie. Angie quickly phases out of the GAV and overshadows Jack, then uses him to catch Maddie.]
Maddie: Jack! You did it!
Angie (Overshadowing Jack): It was nothing, Maddie. You make sure Harry's okay (Sets Maddie down) while I finish this.
[Maddie runs towards the GAV while Angie, still overshadowing Jack, lifts a goo-covered Vlad up off the ground.]
Angie: How's it going, V-Man?
Vlad (Mocking): Ooh, you've overshadowed Jack. Ooh, I'm so scared. Now what's next? A card trick?
Angie: Listen to me. I swear I'll walk out of Danny's dad right now and expose us both, unless you agree to a truce.
Vlad: You're bluffing.
Angie: (Lowers Vlad a bit.) No, I'm not. Danny's parents will accept him and me I think, no matter what. But if I expose you...well, what would Maddie think of you?
(Vlad makes a worried face at the thought of Maddie's reaction. Angie sets Vlad down.)
Angie: You'll be miserable and alone for the rest of your life, unless you call a truce.
Vlad: Using your opponent's weaknesses against him. I am teaching you something after all. Very well. Truce. Eventually, you will join me by choice, you, Daniel and Maddie. But for now... (Clears throat and floats up dramatically in the air.) Curse you, Jack Fenton! Your world-renowned expertise of all things ghost has defeated me! ...Until next time, daughter-in-law.
[Vlad dramatically screams as he dissipates into a green mist until he disappears. Angie then phases out of Jack's body and flies off, while Maddie and Harriet come up to Jack's side.]
Harriet (Speaking into recorder): World-renowned expertise! Outstanding!
Maddie: Jack! I have never seen you like this! You beat that ghost all the way to Kenosha!
Jack: I did? Aw, heck, I'm just doing my job.
[Maddie hugs Jack as they smile.]
Harriet: And mine! Jack, for all the years I thought you were a crackpot, I sort of apologize.
[Angie, now human, joins Maddie and Jack at their side.]
Harriet: Ghosts! This story will make your career - and mine!
[Cut to the GAV driving away from Vlad's mansion later that night. Danny is sitting in the passenger seat with Angiewhile Jack drives. Jazz, Jay, Aims, Randy, Howard, Macaque, Monkey King is lying on a bed each in the back while Maddie sleeps in another bed across from them.]
Danny: I can't believe they fired Harry.
Jazz: Of course they fired her. She tried to file some crackpot story about ghosts. It's the Milwaukee Journal, not the National Enquirer. (Turns over to go to sleep.)
Jack: I can't believe Harry blames me. And Vlad was so mad, he didn't even say goodbye. (Depressed) And we were all such great chums in college.
Danny: Oh, whatever. Who cares what you were when you were younger? It's who you grew into that makes you who you are.
Jack: You think?
Danny: Hey, if you can cause that much damage in college, and still turn out to be this cool, ghost-butt-kicking adult, well... maybe there's hope for me yet.
Jack: Thanks, son. But your curfew's still 10:00.
Danny: Oh man!
[Angie chuckled and rested her head on Danny's shoulder making him smile and wrapped around her shoulder he turned around and saw Randy]
Randy: Hurt my sister then I will hurt you.
Danny: Heh alright.
NEXT UP: Fanning the Flames (MY FAV EPISODE!)
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