𝟎𝟑⦂ 𝓕𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓑𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓔𝔂𝓮𝓼

A/N: I had changed Lolly's original face-claim from Melanie Martinez to Sofia Carson.

03⦂ Fake Black Eyes

Lolly Valentine
I got adopted by a cat.
Cat named her Stormcloud.
Mood = Happy 😊

Caspian had gotten a black eye from being hit in the face with a rubber ball, which irritated Lolly to no end.

Lolly walked down the stairs with André and Cat.

Cat was saying, "So I'm smiling like this, right..." She trailed off when they spotted Tori trying to shove a French horn into her locker.

Lolly wasn't sure if Tori was trying to make the French horn bleed via locker or make her locker bleed via French horn.

"Tori," André called out to her. 

"What's up?" asked Cat, as they walked up to Tori.

"I'm having a horn problem," Tori stated.

"You're having a what problem?" asked Lolly, mishearing Tori.

"Horn," repeated Tori in a very frazzled manner.

Cat yelled, "Don't yell at my sister!"

"I didn't mean to," Tori replied. Cat seemed appeased. "Why do I have to play an instrument, anyway?"

"Everyone at Hollywood Arts has to play an instrument," Cat explained.

"Okay, I sing," Tori stated. She put her hand to her throat, "My throat is my instrument. I'm a throat player."

"Doesn't count," André stated.

"And it sounds kinda gross," Cat added.

Lolly nodded, "It really does."

Tori seemed to think about it and made a face like she agreed with Cat.

 André asked, "Why'd you pick the French horn?"

Tori held up her French horn, "I don't know. I like French fries, French toast."

Cat gasped because that brought up a memory, "One time, when my siblings and I were eating French toast at a resturant, I started laughing and then I started choking, so the lady who ran the resturant made us leave."

"And then I threw a brick through the window and she called the cops on us, so we took off," Lolly said, remembering that incident very clearly. 

That was before she dyed her hair blue and before Cas dyed his hair white. Cat had already dyed her hair a red velvet color.

André and Tori were looking at them weirdly.

"So let's hear your horn," Cat said, excitedly.

"Yeah, play that funky music white girl," André told Tori.

Tori said, "You know I'm half-Latina."

"Then hit it muchacha," André corrected himself.

Tori then proceeded to play the French horn...badly.

Cat looked horrified and Lolly reached over, taking the instrument from Tori. 

"As your friend, I'm obligated to say that when André said to 'hit it', I don't think he meant for you to beat it to death like this," Lolly told her.

Caspian came up to them, "Where's the beached whale?" 

"That was the French horn," Tori told him. "I think it's broken."

"I'll fix it," André said, taking the French horn from Lolly and proceeded to play it beautifully, even though Lolly was pretty sure that the French horn doesn't play like that.

"It's not broken," Cat told Tori, who looked upset because she couldn't play the French horn like that.

Cat led Lolly and Caspian in the Black Box Theatre to see Tori clinging to the back of a man's back.

Of course, Caspian had gotten a black-eye from when Sikowitz hit him in the face with a rubber ball, so that was fun.

The man demanded, "Who is this chick?"

Beck, André, and a teacher had to pull Tori off of the man.

The teacher asked Tori, "What are you doing?"

Tori exclaimed, "That guy was beating up Beck!"

"Oh, you poor thing," Jade mocked.

"We were practicing," Beck told Tori.

"This is Russ," the teacher introduced to the class.

"I'm Russ!" yelled the stuntman, making Caspian recoil slightly at being yelled at. It reminded Lolly of the times their parents yelled at him to get over 'it'; 'it' being his depression, which made him sink farther into it. Cat patted Caspian on the shoulder.

"He's a professional stuntman," the teacher explained. "I invited him here to teach the class about stage fighting."

Jade mocked, "And this is the part where Tori asks 'what's stage fighting?'" She used a dopey voice when she said 'what's stage fighting.' Lolly actually held back a laugh.

"I wasn't going to say that," Tori replied. Then she proceeded to ask André what stage fighting was, who had to explain it to her.

Stage fighting was fighting that looked real, but no got hurt. 

"I took a class with him last summer," Beck explained, motioning to Russ.

"Well it looked like he was hurting you," Tori defended.

Jade asked, "Why do you care?"

"Because I figured that he suffers enough pain dating you," Tori said.

Lolly had to admit, that was a good retort.

"You wanna see pain?" Jade threatened, stepping towards Tori.

"Hey, why don't we go sit over there?" Beck said, pointing. He led Jade to a spot.

Tori dragged André away, "Why does she hate me?"

André joked, "Maybe she heard you play the French horn."

"Maybe it's because you kissed her boyfriend as revenge," Lolly reminded her. "You don't get to try and act innocent over it."

After everyone showed up and taken a seat, Russ explained some basics and used Cat as a demonstration.

"Now, if I throw a punch at Cat like this," Russ demonstrated by punching the air an inch from Cat's face, making her gasp loudly. "It's easy to see that my fist didn't connect with her face."

"Thank you," Cat told him.

Russ looked at her, looking like he was internally regretting using Cat as a demonstration. He continued, "But if we stage it from a different angle..." He moved Cat over a bit, "Then..." He whispered something to Cat, "Sound effect ready?"

"All set," the teacher replied.

"To the audience of camera, it'll look like this..." Russ threw another fake punch at Cat, who gasped and covered her face.

Lolly felt a little worried, even though she knew it was fake. Even Caspian sat up a little straighter.

"I'm okay, everyone!" Cat assured her classmates. "I'm fine, Cas and Lolly."

Russ helped up Cat's arm and they clapped for her.

"All right, I'm gonna pair you guys up and each team will work with Russ this weekend to prepare a fight scene," the teacher instructed.

"I thought his name was Steve," André said.

"I thought so to," Lolly agreed with him.

"He does look like a Steve," Tori agreed.

Everyone started agreeing.

"My name is Russ!" the stuntman yelled clearly flustered at being misnamed.

"Okay!" the teacher yelled. In a normal tone, he said, "And on Friday, you will all perform your fight scenes here in front of the class." He consulted his clipboard, "Now, the pairs will be...Beck and Cat, André and Charlotte—"

André, confused, asked, "Whose Charlotte?"

Caspian turned in his seat to look at him.

Lolly looked at André, "Me. It's my full name."

"Okay, continuing with the pairs: Gwen and Caspian, Darren and Jess, Tori and Jade..." the teacher

"Tori and who?" yelled Tori.

Jade smirked at Tori.

The teacher finished pairing them up and the bell rang.

Lolly went to André and grinned, "I have an idea for our fight scene."

Jade went to Tori.

André looked a little worried, "What do you have in mind?"

"It's going to be bloody brilliant," Lolly said, smiling wickedly.

Now André looked really worried.

Lolly Valentine

I can't wait for mine and André's fight scene.
It's going to be fun.
Mood = Excited 🤩

André Harris: It's brilliant.

Lolly got her club sandwich from the Grub Truck and went over to André, who was sitting with Cat and Tori. Cat was looking at herself in a compact mirror. Caspian's fight scene partner wanted to go over their scene during lunch so he wasn't going to join them.

It looked like Tori was stabbing her salad and watching Beck and Jade who were at their own table, engrossed in a conversation with each other.

Lolly sat down and opened her messenger, taking out a small plastic bag that had packets of fake blood in it. "Here you go. I got fake blood." She handed it to André because Frankie would see the gel packs and probably eat them, thinking it was jelly or something.

Tori asked, "What do you need fake blood for?"

"It's for our fight scene," Lolly explained.

"Yeah," André agreed, putting the fake blood in his backpack.

Tori looked at Jade and Beck once again before asking, "Why does you fight scene involve fake blood?"

"Don't worry about it," Lolly told her with a grin.

"Yeah," André agreed.

"I wonder if mirrors work in outer space," Cat said.

Tori and André looked at her weirdly.

"They do, Cat," Lolly said. "They work the same way as they do on land. The only difference is that the surface shape might change slightly in space because they're in free fall." She only knew that because she a brief space thing when she was younger. She had wanted to be an astronaut when she grew up before it changed.

"Oh," Cat said.

Tori asked, "So, fake blood?" She was looking at Beck and Jade again.

"We wanted to use chocolate syrup but it would've been too much of a mess to clean up, and the teacher didn't want to build two walls, so we agreed on doing a different scene," Lolly explained to Tori. It didn't help that the teacher looked to be in distress when she and André brought up the scene that they wanted to do.

Tori was staring at Jade and Beck, "What am I going to do if she actually hits me?"

Lolly asked, "Get on your hands and knees, begging for forgiveness for kissing her boyfriend?" 

André added, "Bleed? Burst into tears?" 

"I'm serious," Tori told them.

"It's stage fighting," explained André. "No one really hits anybody."

"Yeah, but accidents happen," Tori said. "And what if she makes an accident on purpose?" She stabbed at her salad and picked up a giant piece of lettuce. She made a face at it and started waving her fork to get it off.

Cat asked, "You know the word mirror has only six letters and half of them are r's?"

André and Tori looked at Cat weirdly.

Lolly nodded at Cat, "Very interesting."

André asked Tori, "Haven't you and Jade been rehearsing?" 

"Yeah," Tori said. "Yesterday after school and this morning during study hall."

"And did she hit you for real?" asked André.

"Come on," Lolly said. "I doubt Jade would actually hit someone without a good reason for it."

"She probably wants to do it for real in front of the whole class to humilate me," Tori replied.

"Well if she does, she loses half a letter grade," André explained.

"Oh great," Tori said. "She gets an A- and I get a broken eye and a black nose."

André started, "I think you meant—"

"I know what I meant," Tori said.

"Actually, you can get a broken orbital socket," Lolly said. "It's technically a broken eye."

"Lolly and I have a dog that has a black nose. It's so cute, " Cat said, excitedly as she touched her nose. "It's like a baby meatball."

"Meatballs are brown," André pointed out.

"You're so mean to me!" yelled Cat, grabbing her stuff and leaving.

Tori asked, "Do either of you want half her sandwich?"

"No, thanks," Lolly said. "I probably should go calm Cat down."

"Hey baby sister," Trina said, coming up to them. "Andy. Lacey."

"André," he corrected Trina in a exasparated tone.

"Lolly," the blue-haired girl corrected.

Tori asked Trina, "Wanna sit with us?" 

"No," Trina said.

Thank god for that, even though Lolly had to get up and go find Cat to tell her that no, André wasn't being mean to her.

Russ had instructed them to wear joggers' outfits because it was comfortable and easier to move around in when it came to stage fighting.

Lolly wore black jogging pants, a dark pink tee-shirt with a black zip-up hoodie, something that she didn't care about getting a little...messy.

Russ came over to the stage wearing a sweatband with his name on it. Lolly giggled, because the sweatband literally had RUSS on it, probably to remind people that his name was Russ and not Steve.

They went through a few pairs. Caspian and Gwen's stage fighting was short, with Caspian making a 'pass' at Gwen, who responded by punching him in the face. Apparently Gwen had taken Caspian's stage-fright in account and kept it short.

After they were done the teacher called out, "Okay, next up, we have André and Lolly."

They went up onstage.

"For our scene, we're going to reenact a scene from one of my favorite movies," Lolly stated.

"I'm going to be the masked killer," André added.

"And I'm going to be the helpless victim," Lolly said with a wicked grin.

These people weren't going to see the twist coming.

"Okay, be careful, and if anything goes wrong, just yell the safe word, which is 'butternut'," Russ instructed them.

Lolly and André took to the opposite sides of the stage.

The teacher asked, "Okay, guys, are you ready?"

"Yeah," Lolly said, pulling her blue hair into a ponytail.

André nodded, "Yeah."

"And action," the teacher said.

André pretended to call a number on a prop cell phone and the teacher played a stock phone ringing sound effect while Lolly walked to the middle of the stage.

She took out her own prop cell phone out of her jacket pocket and pretended to answer it, "Hello?"

"Hello there," André replied.

Lolly asked, "Who is this?"

"Tell me your name and I'll tell you mine," André replied. He moved up the stage to stand a little behind her.

"My name?" asked Lolly, "But why?"

André moved slowly up the stage to 'sneak up' on Lolly, as he spoke, "I want to know who I'm looking at."

He tossed his prop cell phone to the side and grabbed Lolly around her waist. She 'struggled' and got loose, before she pretended to kick André, the teacher played a sound effect.

Lolly appreciated that André listened when she told him to be a little rough, because it was supposed to be a 'life and death' scenario and Lolly wanted it to be as realistic as possible, so they 'struggled' with one another on the ground, even with the prop knife, a replica from the Scream franchise.

They pretended to hit each other while André pretended to punch her a few times, angling his body so he can hide Lolly putting on the fake blood. Lolly 'managed' to get the upper hand, pretending to hit André who took out the fake knife, knocking it to the side. She 'scrambled' for it and grabbed it, but André grabbed her and she pretended to stab André with the knife, causing him to stumble backwards. She kept pretending to stab him as he applied fake blood to himself and she proceeded to throw him through a break-away table, breaking it in half, which was good because she pretended to viciously stab André, who was spraying fake blood around and on Lolly's face. For bonus points, Lolly pretended to slit André's throat, while the teacher played a sound effect for that.

The teacher, Russ, and everyone else (minus Jade and Beck) looked thoroughly traumatized. Good because what's life without a little trauma?

She got up and said, "And scene." She helped André up. There was hesitate applause, while Cat, Caspian, Jade, and Beck were the ones who were more enthusiastic with their applause.

"Thank you for that...scene," the teacher stated, looking disgruntled.

"I enjoyed it," Jade defended. "I like that the girl turned around and killed the killer."

"Jade and Tori, your turn," the teacher said quickly.

André had taken a gray wig and a cane to hand to Tori while Jade and Tori came onto the stage.

Lolly sat down next to Beck.

Jade put on a black beanie while Tori nervously spoke, "Um, okay, for our scene, I'm gonna be playin an old lady who's walking home from a Bingo game."

"And I'm going to be a brutual mugger," Jade said, smiling widely.

"Yes, a brutal mugger. Who mugs me. Without actually hurting me," Tori stated nervously.

"Be careful. If anything goes wrong, just yell the safe word 'butternut'," Russ told them.

The teacher asked, "Okay, guys, ready?"

Jade crouched down.

The teacher slowly said, "And—"

"Butternut!" yelled Tori.

Jade jumped up, exclaiming, "What?"

Lolly looked at Tori confused.

"Tori," started the teacher. "What's the problem?"

"I was testing the safe word," Tori explained. "It works." She paused and added, "Okay, I'm ready."

She hunched over and Jade crouched down.

"And...action," the teacher said.

Tori hobbled forward a step and said in an 'elderly' voice, "Oh, I certainly enjoyed the bingo. Although I do miss Bob Hope."

Jade ran over and grabbed Tori's shoulders, and in a New Yorker accent, demanded, "Give me your money."

"What?" shrieked Tori, still using the fake 'elderly' voice.

"I ain't playing, give me your money," Jade said and added, "And your watch."

"Wouldn't you rather have this?" asked Tori. She turned and swung her cane at Jade.

The teacher played the sound effect as the cane 'hit' Jade.

Jade fell to the ground, yelling, "Ow!"

Lolly sat up in her seat because that sounded a little too real for her liking.

"Butternut!" yelled Jade. She got off the ground, ripping off the beanie. She repeated, "Butternut!"

Lolly and Beck ran forward to check on her, along with the rest of their class.

"She's bleeding," Cat announced.

"Cut!" yelled the teacher, running to check.

"Let me see, let me see," Russ ordered.

Lolly guessed that he may have some basic first-aid training because of his stunt work.

Beck asked, "Are you okay?"

"No," Jade replied. "Tori hit me in the face with the cane for real."

"No, I didn't," Tori responded.

"Tell that to my bloody eye!" Jade exclaimed, "Ow!"

"All right, you better sit down," Russ told Jade.

"Someone get her a chair," the teacher ordered someone.

Tori grabbed a chair from the stage, "Here. Here."

Jade sat in the chair, proceeding to fall through it, yelling in pain.

Russ yelled at Tori, "That was a break-away chair!"

"Aw, butternut," Tori replied, angry.

Beck moved Jade to a sturdier chair while someone found her an ice-pack, and everyone gathered around her to console her.

In an accusatory tone, Cat said to Tori, "Why'd you hit Jade in the face with a cane?"

"I didn't!" exclaimed Tori.

Cat shouted, "Okay, I believe you! Don't hit me!"

Tori asked André, "Will you back me up here?"

"Okay, look, I'm sure Tori didn't mean to whack Jade in the face with the cane," André told Cat.

It was a little awkward, because Lolly and André were still covered in fake blood.

Tori stormed over to Jade, saying, "Jade, you know I didn't hit you. I swung but I missed."

Jade stood up, and in a shaky voice, started, "Look, Tori—" She fell and Beck caught her.

"We gotta get her to the nurse," the teacher said, concerned.

"But I didn't hit her," Tori defended herself.

Jade asked, "Can someone call my mom?" while getting led away.

"I'll call your mom," Beck said, grabbing Jade's bag.

"She doesn't need her mom," Tori said. She pointed at Beck, "Don't bother her mom!"

"I gotta call her mom," Beck told her.

Jade stopped by the door to tell Tori, "And I thought we were just starting to be friends."

Lolly lagged a little because the blood wasn't even running down her face...

Lolly had black eyes before, because someone needed to pin Frankie down while someone else forced pills down his throat when he refused to take them when the pills weren't in his favorite ice cream, Funky Nut Blast, and she got hit in the face a few times.

She had seen Caspian's black eyes and getting hit in the face doesn't hurt that bad. Sure, it'll hurt for a while, but not the way Jade was protraying.

Even Caspian seemed confused. 

On one hand, Lolly wantede to believe Jade, but the evidence seemed to be stacked against her.

"But I-I didn't," Tori stuttered.

The door closed. 

Lolly looked at Tori, "It's okay, Tori. Cas and I believe you." She looked at Caspian, who nodded in agreement. 

Tori seemed relieved to hear that.

Lolly Valentine
Stop Slapping me in those "cursed" videos.
They're fake and you're not getting rid of me that easily.

Cat Valentine: If the grocery store video isn't real,
then why did Cas and I die after watching it?
Lolly Valentine: Damn, you got me there.

Lolly sat at her own table but Jade and Beck joined her. It was pretty weird. 

Lolly easily noticed that Jade's black eye wasn't real. At certain angles, it looked real, but it wasn't, considering hers and Caspian's previous black eyes, especially with Caspian black eye from Sikowitz hitting him in the face with the rubber ball. She also spotted Robbie and Trina sitting at a table together.

Lolly had seen Trina once knock a man over when the man whistled at Tori and Trina strangely went in overprotective mode and knocked him unconscious.

"Hey," Beck said, coming up to them, "How you feeling?"

"My eye hurts," Jade stated.

Beck teased, "Oh, yeah, which one?"

Jade gave Beck a look, "Cute." She sighed, "I want coffee."

Beck asked, "What's the magic word?"

"Get me some coffee," Jade told him. In a softer voice, she added, "Please?"

"Actually the magic word was 'lotion', but I'll accept your please because you got a boo-boo eye," Beck said. He looked at Lolly, "You want coffee?"

"No, thanks," Lolly replied, confused why Beck acknowledged her. Or why Jade didn't seem to mind why Beck asked her.

Beck got up and Jade said, "Two sugars."

"I know what to do," Beck told her as he walked away.

Lolly watched as Robbie basically got rejected by Trina.

Cat went over to him and Lolly focused on eating her club sandwich. She turned when she heard a gasp coming from the girl in the blue shirt that was at the table right behind Jade.

"You guys," the girl said. "You're so dead." She took off the lid to her cup and threw the liquid at a guy but it missed, hitting Jade right in the face.

"Oh, my god, Jade," the girl said horrified. "Please don't destroy me socially. I didn't mean—"

"Just forget it," Jade snapped at her, before grabbing her bag and taking off.

Lolly grabbed her bag to go after Jade out of concern.

She caught up to Jade, who had her eye covered with one hand.

"Oh, hey, Lolly, Jade," André greeted, running up to them. "Wait up."

"Can't talk," Jade responded, heading for the restroom.

André kept repeating their names until Jade snapped, "What?"

André stopped and looked at Jade. "Uh, what's wrong with your eye?"

Jade said, "Tori hit me with a cane, remember?"

"Yeah, but I've never seen a black eye—" André touched a spot on Jade's face, "Drip before." He looked at his finger, "This is make up. Tori never hit you, did she? Fake black eye, fake blood."

Jade removed her hand to show the dripping make up. "Look, you and Lolly cannot tell anyone about this, especially Tori."

"I won't," André lied.

Lolly knew that because he, unlike them, was a good person and he deserved the world.

Jade started walking away and then André started shouting, "Tori!" He started running around, with the two girls chasing him.

Lolly pleaded, "Please be quiet, André!"

André called out, "Tori, where are you?"

Jade yelled, "Will you please stop?"

André asked "Anybody seen Tori?"

"Nobody bother Tori," Jade said. "False alarm. He ate a bad taco."

André told Tori about the fake black eye, just like Lolly knew he would, judging from a cryptic Slap update Tori posted. 

Lolly and Caspian were heading for their therapy appointments which their mother drove them to.

"I'm not going!" yelled Frankie.

"It's not for you," Cat replied. "It's for Cas and Lolly."

"I'm still not going!" yelled Frankie.

"It's not for you," replied Caspian, sounding exasparated. 

Then Frankie proceeded to throw himself out of the moving car. Again.

Lolly just sighed and looked out the window while her mom struggled with getting Frankie into the car.

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