chapter twenty one

Third Person's POV

Hobbs and Lindsey were able to capture both Shaw and his son Brett. They brought him back to the army base in Spain, where everyone else was currently in. Throughout that entire mess that Shaw's son Brett made everyone's fine. Letty and Dom reunited with Desiree which everyone is super thankful for.

"Why did he shoot your hand?" Brian asked as he is cleaning up Britney's wound on her hand.

"Because I shot at the window of the tank." Britney says as she looked down avoiding her father's gaze. "He broke my thoughts when he mentioned Desi, and that made me lose focus and yeah I basically almost died." She added as Brian nodded his head at her, with a small smile on his face that his daughter is okay.

"What about her?" One of the soldiers asked Hobbs, nodding over towards Desiree. Dom automatically stopped talking to Letty and turned to the soldier.

"Not her." He retorted in a stern voice. The rest of the crew stood up behind Dom ready to back him up no matter what if he needed it.

"She was working with Shaw." The soldier said putting a lot of emphasis on Shaw's name.

"Was. Also her name is Desiree, so use it." Letty seethed at the man as Dom stopped her by grabbing her hand as she stepped back towards Desiree.

"But she's always been one of us." Dom added to Letty's statement as Britney sent a quick smile his way before looking back at the soldier.

"Let's give 'em a minute." Hobbs told the soldier. The soldier glanced at Dom, and finally back at Hobbs before storming off clearly pissed.

Lindsey glared at the soldier that had stormed off before looking back at her father who was beside her. "Someone's pissed." Lindsey says to her father as he just smiled at his daughter as she wasn't wrong as he was clearly pissed.

"Yeah, he's worse than your attitude problem." Hobbs says to Lindsey as her mouth gaped open at what he said.

"I do not have an attitude problem. That's Sam." Lindsey says referring to her cousin Samantha. But Samantha caught on to sarcasm from her cousin Lindsey.

"Yeah and who caught onto her sarcasm? Hmm." Hobbs says making his daughter frown at what he said.

"I don't know who you're talking about." Lindsey says to her father as he just chuckled at his daughter.

"Okay, Lin." Hobbs says using the nickname that only he can use along with, Linz, Lovebug, Munchkin, Lazy Butt and Princess. But he knows that her favorite ones are all of them, but her top favorite is Lin.

"Fine. I suppose you're right." Lindsey says finally giving into her father as he leaned down a little and kissed her head which made her grin.

"Hey, imma go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." Britney told her father as she walked towards the bathroom. She did her business, then walked over to the sinks. She washed her hands as it was pretty hot in the bathroom, so she splashed her face with a little bit of cold water to cool her down.

As she looked up into the mirror over the sink, she saw a brunette man leaning against the stall door, with a smirk on his face. She noticed that he wore a hat and a pair of black sunglasses to cover his identity, but the smirk was on his face. "Um, can I help you?" He asked his in a thick British accent as she didn't know it was Brett. Britney dried her face off as she raised a brow at the male in the bathroom.

"Britney, right?" He asked his accent thick. Britney slowly nodded growing confused by the second that this continues. She opened her mouth to speak but before she had the chance to do anything, Brett whipped out a gun and smacked Britney across the face with it as Britney fell to the ground.



(Still third person's POV)

"Hey Toretto, you're gonna wanna hear this." Hobbs announced taking a step away from his daughter as she was going to say something. He brought out Shaw and his men, including his son, Brett- who were all handcuffed- along with a crew of soldiers behind him. Brian stood up, following Dom into the center of the room as did the rest of the crew.

"You guys really think you've won. This code you live by is the very reason that you weren't even in the game. I told you exactly, what was going to happen if you didn't walk away, Toretto. But you didn't listen. I told you I can reach out and break you...whenever I want, and I have." Shaw paused as a sick smile was plastered on his face along with his son's Brett's face.

"Maybe you should call Britney." Brett says taunting Brian as he was enjoying this as much as his father was.

The moment those words came out of his mouth, Brian's heart stopped. He quickly shot Dom and Letty a look as his heart was racing. He quickly grabbed his phone out of the pocket his hands were shaking with anger. If he touched his daughter, that's a side of Brian that no one wants to see, and unfortunately Dom knows what's going to happen to Brian if he finds out what happened to his daughter as Dom watched Brian dial Britney's number.

"Brit?" Brian asked through clenched teeth into the phone once Brit had picked up. The grip on his phone increased as he felt his blood boil at what he heard next. Tears of anger and worry filled his eyes.

"Dad!" He heard her yell in distress, as Brian threw his phone to the ground and ran over to Brett, punching him as hard as he possibly could right in the cheek sending him falling to the ground. Brian continued to throw punches at Brett, but Roman and Dom tried pulling Brian off of Brett.

Their attempts were failing until Roman and Dom finally dragged Brian off from Brett. He angrily paced as so many thoughts going through his mind right now. He tried taking deep breaths to calm him down, but it wasn't doing anything. If anything happens to his babygirl, his Princess, Brett and his father will wish they were never born.

"So this is how it's gonna go down; you're gonna cut me loose from these cuffs, you're gonna hand me the chip, and I'm going to walk out of here and you're not going to follow." Brett instructed spitting out blood from his mouth, as Brian's fists were clenched at his sides.

"You must be joking." The soldier from earlier spoke up, almost letting out a sarcastic laugh, as Brian could feel himself begin to shake out of anger.

"Look at his face." Brett paused, taking a step towards Dom who hadn't said a word since Britney's name was brought up. "Ask him if I'm joking."

"One hostage does not outweigh the threat to millions. I'm sorry, but this changes nothing!" The soldier angrily said, as Brian almost punched him in the face, but Lindsey pulled out her gun and aimed it at the soldier before Brian could even think about doing so. Her father also did the same as his daughter as he was aiming his gun at the soldier too.

"It does change everything." Hobbs says sternly. "You tell your father's men to stand down." Hobbs warned as him and Lindsey don't even bother to lower their guns at the man.

"Stand down." He hesitantly told them, glancing at Dom and Letty then back at Hobbs as the soldiers finally lowered their weapons.

"Thank you, much appreciated." Lindsey says sarcastically as she wasn't afraid to shoot at the man, but she did lower her gun.

"Toretto, I need you to know the moment we let them walk out that door with that chip, words like amnesty and pardon walk out with him." Hobbs says, as Brian clenched his jaw.

"Those words worn out the day we were born." Dom responded simply. Lindsey took the keys and unlocked the handcuffs on Shaw's wrists and then proceed to do the same with the rest of his men.

Brian had noticed the brunette that he was chasing around London was no longer there. As Brett wasn't there anymore. Sneaky bitch. Brian thought in his head. He glared at the back of Owen Shaw as he walked away, it taking everything in him not to whip out his gun and put a hole in the back of is head.

"Comin'?" Shaw says to Desi, as everyone looked at her waiting for her response, as she shifted uncomfortably.

"Of course, boss." Desi answered to everyone's surprise as both Hobbs and Lindsey walked over to Shaw. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Like I said." Shaw paused dramatically. "You were never in the game." He shook his head and turned back around. The two left walking away. "If I see you on the horizon, I'll make the call, and your daughter's dead, O'Conner." Shaw said loudly as he walked away.

Brian's fists clenched again, as he took deep breaths in hopes to calm him down, but just like the first time, it did nothing. "If anything happens to her...I swear to God." Brian says as anger was definitely present in his voice, as Dom and Letty looked over at him.

"Nothin's gonna happen to her." Dom told him as he turned to the rest of the group. "Now, let's go get Mini, and take Shaw down, once and for all." He says as everyone knew who Dom meant when he said Mini.



Britney's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache, as I groaned but winced as the noise made my headache worse. I went to move my arm, but I couldn't. I could feel the rope tied around my waist, as I took a look at my surroundings like Dad taught me.

I feel as if I'm in a car but it also doesn't feel like a car. Then I remembered a plane before blacking out after Brett took me away from the army base. As my vision got clear, I saw there was a ton of boxes surrounding me. I look to my left to see that there was in fact more boxes.

My cheek ache, as I know there's for sure a bruise, if not already. There was no one here with me, as with my hands behind my back, I tried breaking the rope, but of course it was a failure. As all I could think about was my Dad. I wanted my Dad.

"Damn it." I mumbled in frustration, as it struck me as I have the car keys that Gisele gave me for the Skyline from earlier in my back pocket. I lifted up a bit, attempting to reach my back pocket, I could feel part of the key, as I grabbed it and sat back down.

I fumbled with the key and started to rub the key against the rope, trying to cut it loose. This was going to take a while as I tried to quicken my pace not knowing when someone would show up and if anyone would even show up.

When I heard footsteps heading my way, I started to panic. I quickly put my keys back into my pocket, hoping the rope had been untied enough. I tried pulling my arms apart. The rope felt a lot looser than before, and all I had to do was tug really hard and it would break.

"Look who's up." I heard someone say with a thick accent say as I quickly put the pieces together that it was Brett. I looked up to see Brett, along with a guy the size of three Hobbs put together accompanying him. He smirked at me as I clenched my jaw. "Get up." He ordered.

I slowly stood up obeying his orders as Dad told me whenever I would get kidnapped. As long as I listened to their orders whatever they may be I know that I would be fine. He also told me if and when I get kidnapped do not use my big mouth, which I knew what he meant by that. Luckily those talks really came handy when I'm actually fucking kidnapped on a plane.

The huge guys grabbed my arm as Brett began leading us somewhere. He followed in suit, dragging me along with him. We walked into a clearing similar to the place where I had just came from, boxes everywhere. The only difference was that there's like three cars and Owen Shaw.

Before anything could happen, a car flew up the ramp and didn't stop, hitting Owen. The car stopped after they had done so. The car stopped after they had done so. My eyes widened, as I could see through the windshield that it was Dom and Dad. Fucking finally. I tugged hard at the rope and it broke.

The huge guy no longer had a grip on me as I punched Brett in the face as hard as I could, then made a run for it. I heard gun shots and picked up the pace. With all these fucking boxes, it felt like I was running through a maze.

I knew Brett would be following somewhere behind me, so I didn't bother looking back. Not too far back, I could hear someone cocking their gun as I swallowed hard and hid behind some boxes. Once I heard footsteps, coming my way, I snuck away, running the opposite way.

I kept hearing gunshots not knowing where they were coming from or if someone was actually getting shot. It made me really nervous. I looked behind me to see Brett running my way.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed, then started to make my way through the maze of cargo on this fucking plane. I felt my heart pound against my chest.

"Tell him to take off!" I heard Shaw yell, as it was either Owen or Brett. I assumed he was talking to Brett since he was traveling close behind. I ran faster as I heard Shaw's footsteps grow closer and closer.

Out of nowhere, I heard the sound of someone fighting. Then I heard it again. I stopped and turned around, feeling relief wash over me to see Dad punching the shit out of Brett. They continued fighting until Brett knocked Dad down. Brett grabbed a metal pipe that was leaning against the wall, as my heart stopped.

"NO!" I screamed at Brett as he drew his arm back, ready to strike at Dad at any given moment. Suddenly the large man from earlier gets thrown through some empty crates, running into Brett and making them both fall to the ground. I looked over and saw Dom. Dad had crawled out of the way as I put my arms around him to help him get up.

"GO!" Dom shouted to us as I helped Dad to his feet. I shook my head at Dom, wanting him to come with us. He needs to leave just as much as we do.

"C'mon!" Dad exclaimed, grabbing my hand and running away from Brett. I followed in suit, even though I wanted to go get Dom. We had ran until we got into the clear that lead to the ramp which was still down. We stopped unsure of what to do next. Dad spotted a red car and gave me a look.

"C'mon." I tell him nodding, I rushed to the driver's seat and quickly put the car in reverse and backed off the ramp.

I slammed on the gas peddle, following the plane. I could see about four other cars on either side of the plane. I had assured Tej, Roman, Hobbs and Gisele were somewhere in there.

I could see one of those questionable metal cars from earlier on the trip speed out the ramp just like I have done moments before. I could see faint brunette hair, he was heading right towards us. To our left, there was small concrete things to signal when to stop the plane. I waited the right moment before taking a quick right.

Brett didn't have time to react as he sped through, hitting every piece of concrete, as his car began to flip over. I sped back towards the plane. "Fucker." I muttered as he couldn't hear me for obvious reasons.

As we approached the plane one of Shaw's cars was flipping over and over heading towards us. I turned quickly moving out of the way so it wouldn't hit us. Once it passed, I moved back to the original spot. I saw that Mari had shot one of the guns that Tej had modified to make sweeter at the plane.

It hit part of it, and their car began lifting off the ground slightly, due to the fact that the plane is trying to take off. Gisele and Han did the same thing. In the backseat of the car, Dad and myself are in, there's one of the guns. He grabbed it and showed it to me.

"I got the wheel." Dad said as I nodded as I took off my seat belt off. He put his left hand on the wheel to steady the car, taking my seat belt off with the other hand. I rolled my window down all the way and climbed through it taking the large gun with me. Dad climbed over to the driver's side of the car making sure to keep the car in line with the wing of the plane so I could have a clear shot.

The fact that Dom was still on the plane scared me. How does he plan on getting out of there? I don't think he can drive a car off a plane that's already lifted at least twenty-five feet off the ground.

"Yeah!" I yelled from on top of the car knowing I had made the shot. Dad shifted the gear as I climbed back through the window, this time on the passenger seat. Dad turned right a bit so he was no longer driving directly under the plane. He shifted gears yet again, speeding the car up so it was going faster than the plane.

Dad glanced at me to make sure I was okay, as I simply nodded. He sent a quick smile before turning his attention back to the road in front of us. I could see Hobbs and Desi jump out of the plane and land into Tej and Roman's car. I heard a loud crash behind me, following a bright flash of light. I looked in the rear view mirror, and my heart was pounding against my chest. Dom had to have gotten out of the plane, I just didn't see him jump.

The large plane had started to catch fire, and half of it was still in the air, while the other half was dragging against the ground. I heard a few more loud booms. I assumed it was part of the plane exploding. I couldn't bring myself to look back, so I brought my knees to my chest and covered my ears, in attempts to cover my ears of the noise. As it was starting to become too much for me.

Brian's POV

"Brit I need you to do me a favor, okay." I tell her as I had unbuckled already as she slowly lifted her head and looked at me. "When I say jump, jump, okay?" I tell her as she nodded her head.. I opened my car door. "NOW!" I yell as I jumped and rolled a little before I stopped. I turned around in hopes to see that she jumped, but I didn't see her. "BRITNEY!" I yelled as I then saw a figure out of the car and it was Britney, though she fell down.

I ran to her and quickly picked her up before her head could make contact with the ground. Me and Brit just stared at it in awe. I looked over at Tej's car to see if Dom had been with them. My heart sank when I saw that it was only Hobbs, Letty, Desi, Rome and Tej in the car. I felt my hands grow shaky as Desi jumped out of the car, and stared at the fiery plane like she was waiting. My eyes began to water, Brit took a step and wrapped her arm around me, as we waited.

"C'mon, Dommy." I hear Brit say using the nickname that she has of Dom as her voice was shaky. A tear slipped down my cheek. When I saw the outline of a person within the midst of all the smoke and fire, I felt myself grow happier. Tears of joy fell from my eyes as I could see Dom slowly walking through the mess. I felt Brit tighten her hand around me. I turned to face her and leaned down and kissed her head. She hugged me and I hugged her back. It felt really good to be with Brit again, after everything that happened today.

However when I pulled away from mine and Brit's hug and looked over at Han's car, expecting to see him and Gisele hugging the familiar sadness returned. I glanced at Han's face and it made my stomach churn. Gisele is gone.

"Where's Gisele?" Brit asked me quietly. I could see that Han's eyes were red and puffy. Me and Brit walked over to him. "Where's Gisele?" Brit asked him again.

When he didn't answer and a look of pure sadness washed over his face, I knew the answer. Gisele is dead. My heart sank again today, as I instantly pull Han into a hug feeling the tears fill my eyes once more. I felt Brit joining us in the hug too.

I can't imagine what Han is going through right now, and I refuse to believe that Gisele is gone. I'm just going to keep telling myself that till it stops hurting. A few moments later, Dom, Letty and Desi had walked back over to the rest of us hand-in-hand. That made me smile as we broke the hug. Dom held up the briefcase he held in his hands, as I assumed that's the chip that Shaw had wanted.

"So this is worth billions, huh?" Dom asked Hobbs holding the briefcase up.

"Yes it is." Lindsey says as Dom handed him the briefcase. Hobbs looked down at it, then back at Dom. "Name your price, Dominic." Lindsey added as Dom smirked as he looked down at both Letty and Desiree, then back at Hobbs.

"1327." He said as we're going back to the house that gave us all these amazing lives we live. We're going back to the place where Brit had the nightmare from when she was five.

We're going home.


Thought I could end it here, and then do the next chapter. So yeah.

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