chapter thirteen

Third Person's POV

Gun shots. The only thing that Britney could hear was gunshots. Her heart pounded against her chest, it really felt like she couldn't breathe. She didn't know where the bullets were coming from or who they were hitting. She just stayed there until the gunshots stopped as she continued to cry to herself, as she felt vulnerable, but she also knew that her father wouldn't let anything happen to her. Despite everything that they've been through for thirteen years, he'll drop whatever he is doing and save her.

Quickly, then her father jumped up. "C'mon, let's go. Hurry!" He ordered as he helped her up. He grabbed her hand tightly and led her to Campos' large hummer, bringing the weapon with him. Brian opened the door for her and she climbed in the back seat. She searched the area for Dom and let out a breath of relief, when she saw that he was okay. He was throwing punches at someone but Britney couldn't see who it was because they were on the ground. Brian got into the drivers seat and started the car, and he drove it over to Dom.

"DOM GET IN!" Brian yelled as always now, Dom ignored him, as Britney pursed her lips, as she rolled down the window.

"TORETTO GET YOUR FUCKING ARSE INTO THIS CAR, OR SO BE IT I'LL BRING YOU IN HERE!!!" Britney yelled to Dom, as Dom looked back at her and then threw another punch.

"DOMINIC FUCKING TORETTO GET YOUR FUCKING BITCHING ASS IN THIS MOTHERFUCKING CAR RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" Britney yelled again sounding like she wasn't to murder him, which she probably does. Dom started walking over to the car, taking his sweet time, as his eyes searched the area for Fenix but he couldn't find him.

"DON'T MAKE ME GET YOU, TORETTO!" Britney shouted for yet the third time, as Brian started getting a headache at the amount of yelling, as he finally reached the car and got inside. She ran a shaky hand through her hair as they sped off from the mess Dom had just created. She hit her hand on the back of her father's seat.

Can she go home now? No because this is starting to get good.


Britney lost how long they drove around for, when the vehicle came to a halt, the teenager quickly sat up in her seat. Brian parked the Hummer underneath an overpass bridge, giving them some cover and time to figure things out.

The trio exited the car. Dom walked over to the trunk while Brian walked away from the car. He pulled his phone out and dialed his boss' number. He took a deep breath before pressing the call button.

In the meantime Britney took her hair out of it's braid, as her now wavy blonde/brunette hair fell slightly past her shoulders. She leaned against the side of the car, with her arms folded over her chest. She could hear her father quietly talking to someone on the phone. She tried to listen in on what they were saying but she couldn't hear much. Britney looked down at her now scuffed boots, as she started untying them and then retying them because of how bored she was. If only she had Tyler and or Marilyn with her right now, she'd be much happier.

She froze when she spotted a small trail of blood leading to the back of the Hummer. Her eyes widened and she quickly started patting herself to see if it was her, but it wasn't, she then looked at her father, wanting to see if it was him, but it wasn't. She then looked at Dom, and then she went to Dom and then started inspecting him to see if it was him. She gasped when she saw a bullet hole in his jacket. Blood was slowly dripping down from it and onto the concrete beneath him. She turned towards her father and he was still on the phone with whoever. She grabbed a rock pebble and threw it at her father praying that it would hit him, and it hit the back of his head. He turned around and gave her a look but she wasn't joking when she mouthed 'Dom is bleeding'. He nodded as he immediately hung up with whoever he was on the phone with and got to where his daughter and Dom is.

"Dom! You got shot! You didn't say anything, you bloody idiot!" Britney says to Dom as he turned to face her and she slapped his arm, and huffed at him as Brian rubbed his neck where his daughter threw that rock at his head.

"Also, Brit, stop slapping my mouth and throwing rocks at my head." Brian says as Britney shook her head with an amused grin as Dom looked at her confused.

"It was only a pebble stop complaining." Britney said as Dom tilted his head confused. "I'll tell you the amazing story when we aren't on the run."

"Why'd you slap your father's mouth, in the first place, Mini O'Conner?" Dom asked her as she playfully pretended like she was going to punch him in the face.

"Because I was talking, and someone didn't want to get caught with Campos at a club. Long story." Brian says to Dom wanting to explain what happened later, as Dom finally nods his head.

"We gotta get you to a doctor, man." Brian tells Dom, taking another step forward as he is now standing beside his daughter. Britney turned her head at him and shook her head.

"No, no doctors. That's too dangerous, he could get caught. I can fix you up. Basically the only thing I can do is clean and stitch a wound. We need to do this somewhere that is semi-sterile and where I would have the right supplies." Britney says explaining as Dom nodded his head.

"We gotta find somewhere to hide this first." Dom says nodding towards the Hummer. Britney huffed in annoyance, as she needed to look at that wound as soon as possible.

"Fine, I got a spot."


The three of them got back into the Hummer. Britney drove them to a police impound lot. Brian and Dom raised an eyebrow as they pulled up. Brian glanced at Dom, who shared the same concerned look. The car stopped at the entrance as a police officer walked up to the car, as Brian flashed his badge at the man.

"Five-oh-two wet reckless. I need a twenty-four hour hold." Brian says as Britney and Dom laid low, playing it casual. Dom avoided eye contact with the officer in case he recognized him.

"Out back. Any spot you can find." The officer spoke, as Brian nodded and pulled forward. It took him a few minutes to find an empty spot. Once he did, he parked it and the three of them got out.

"Dad are you sure about this?" Britney asked, as she still wasn't too comfortable with this idea, even if it was her idea in the first place.

"Yeah, I agree with Mini here, this isn't a good idea." Dom says looking at Brian.

"The last place they'll check? Their own impound yard. Trust me." Brian reassured with a small smirk. Britney shot him a look. She started walking away, the two men followed. They all walked in the same pace, as Britney shoved her hands in the pockets of her leather jacket as she was playing with the rings on her fingers.

"You know, I've been thinking...When you blew up my car back there, you blew up mine too." Brian says breaking the silence between the trio. Britney's Skyline had gotten blown up too, but she wasn't mad about it, but she will miss that car. As she has been working on it for years now, but she can also build a new one.

"Yeah?" Dom asked, glancing over at Brian, Britney looked at her father too, her gaze lasted a little longer, then she looked away as she continued playing with her rings on her fingers.

"Yeah." Brian repeated breaking his own train of thought. "Now you owe me a ten second car." He added with a smirk, as Britney smiled as she was in her own train of thought, as the trio continued walking together.

"Is that right?" Dom asked shooting a sideways glace at Brian who nodded.

"Yeah." Brian says again as his smirk widened.

A few moments later, Dom led the two over to a 2009 Subaru Impreza WRX. Dom put his arm in arm in his sleeve, and then broke the driver's side window with his elbow. The glass fell to the floor, as Britney was a good distance away from the two men. Dom opened the door up for Brian and then looked at him with a smug smile. "Now we're even."


It had been a very eventful few day and it seemed to only be getting chaotic and crazier. Britney sighed a few strands of her blonde/brunette hair fell in her face.

After she was done in the bathroom she walked downstairs, as she heard a sound in the kitchen as it meant that her father is back from the Chinese food. The bullet didn't do much damage to Dom so all Britney had to do was just clean it and stitch it back up, which she had done two hours ago. They were all starving so Dom and Britney sent Brian to get some food.

"How's he doing?" Brian asked his daughter, as he is taking the styrofoam boxes out of the brown bag he had carried them in.

"He's fine." Britney answered as she puts her hands in her pocket of her hoodie. She leaned against the wall, her eyes wandering around the room. She couldn't believe this was where Dom was hiding out. The place was tiny and cluttered with boxes as it was off the grid.

"And how are you doing babygirl." Brian asked, turning his attention towards his daughter, as she hesitated, as even she doesn't know what's wrong. She just merely shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm fine, thanks for picking up the food, by the way. Imma go and get Dom." Britney says as she left her father without giving him a chance to reply.

It was a small room with an uncomfortable looking twin bed and a few more boxes of junk. The room didn't have a door, so Britney gently knocked on the door frame before entering. Dom looked at the girl standing in the doorway.

Britney looked down at the box in his lap. It was full of Desi's things. He had been sitting there for half an hour trying to work up the courage to open it but he couldn't do it, as it was too painful.

"C'mon, food's here." Britney told him nodding towards the kitchen. "Dad's here again."

"You okay, B?" Dom asked looking intently at the girl, as he got off the bed.

"I'll let you know when dinner's over." Britney says sighing. She turned around and walked back to the kitchen with Dom following in suit. Brian had found two Corona's and some drink of soda for the drinks. Britney sat down and opened the first styrofoam box that she saw. It was some chicken and rice as Britney isn't that big of a fan of Chinese food, luckily her Dad knew what to get her. Dom picked up the fork full of food and ate it, as Britney looked at him with a tiny smile.

"Dude what are you doing? You ate first now you have to say Grace. Did you forget your own rule of somethin'?" Britney says as Dom looked at Brian with a smug smirk on his face. Brian shrugged as he then folded his hands together to pray.

"Technically it was my Dad's rule." Dom corrected the teenager, as a small laughed escaped his lips.

"Just shut up your mouth and pray, because some of us are hungry." Britney says as she pointed a finger at her father. "Hush, mister." Britney says as she knew what her father was going to say as she is always hungry.

Dom took a swig of his Corona, then bowed his head to pray. Brian bowed his head too, but he kept his eyes open. He used this as an opportunity to look at Britney, taking in her features. He noticed that she had slightly puffy eyes. Dom cleared this throat before speaking.

"Thank you Lord for blessing this table." Dom says dryly, as Britney frown as she didn't look at her father, as she stared at the bald man.

"Thank you for blessing this table with food, for blessing us with family and friendship, and making sure my Dad doesn't do anything stupid and kills himself." Britney added as Brian shook his head with a grin at what she said.


After they had finished eating, Dom went back to his room to rest. He needed it. They all did. Britney felt a little weird being along with her father. It was sorta awkward, but at the same time, though, she didn't mind it. They made casual conversation which basically was Britney cleverly lying through her teeth at her father, to avoid the elephant in the room.

"Mia asked me why I let Dom go that day." Brian spoke gaining Britney's attention, she looked at him, their matching blue eyes meeting. "I think it's because in that moment...I respected him more than I did myself. One thing I learned from Dom is that nothing really matters unless you have a code." Brian explained.

"So, Officer, what's your code?" Britney joked a little without cracking one single smile, as Brian smiled back at his daughter.

"I'm working on it, okay Brit." Brian replied to his daughter.

"Well, you'll just have to let her know what it is whenever you two see each other." Britney says to her father as he nodded his head at her. He looked at her and she has an unreadable expression. Great, it was Dom and now it's Britney.

"Is there anything wrong?" Brian asks his daughter as he furrowed her eyebrows at her as he is curious about why she's been like this. As now that Dom isn't in the room he can question her as he's been waiting for a little bit until the right time to ask her what's bothering her. "Is it because a lot of things are happening at once, like they have been?"

"Wow, how'd you know that?" Britney asks sarcastically as Brian finished his Corona, and side-eyed his daughter.

"Is it?" Brian asks her as she looked back down to her rings on her hand.

"Maybe, I don't know either." Britney says to her father as she debated of saying some lie to him, but decided against it, because that would just create more question and she doesn't want to deal with that tonight.

Brian nodded his head as he leaned back on the worn out couch, as he put his empty bottle of his beer on the ground as Britney took a deep breath and sighed, as she wonders what Tyler and Mari have been up to in the four years that they haven't seen each other. Probably Tyler was with her Dad, Tej and Suki in Miami, and Marilyn was probably with Rome racing or something at the racetrack at Barstow, because that was the main reason why Marilyn would want to go back to Barstow, just for that reason. Because that's where she, Brian and her dad grew up at as Brit grew up in LA.

She misses the two girls as they were like sisters, and they still are, she hadn't been making in the efforts of trying to call them because they are both busy in their own lives. Also with Britney getting involved with the FBI when her father became an agent for them. They've been living their own separate lives with their respective fathers. She hopes that she can see them again, as she misses the two so much.

"Well, what do you think it is?" Brian asks his daughter as he grabbed a random magazine that was on the little table in front of the couch. He opened it and it was a magazine about Skylines. Maybe he can ask Dom and see if he can give this to Britney, he knows that she'd love it.

"I don't know, but either way I don't like it." Britney says as she laid her head down so that she is laying next to her father as she just stared up at the ceiling, and folded her hands over her chest, as her breathing slowed down to a normal rate as for some reason it was beating really fast.

"Well, I'm here for you either way, babygirl." Brian says to her as he put his hand on top of her folded hands that's currently on her chest. He wants her to know that if anything changes that he is going to be there for her, every step of the way and be there if she needs him to protect her and or save her. Like those boring fairytale books he used to read to her when she was younger, where the princess would be the damsel and the prince would save her.

"Am I the only one who misses Mama, because you don't talk about her anymore." Britney asks as she looks up at her father from where she's laying down at. He sighed as the flipped the page of the magazine that he was reading. It's been a hot minute since he has read one, and it felt good to read one.

"Brit, baby." Brian says as he saw a stray tear that's on the brink of going down her cheek, well sorta because of the angle that she's laying in. He wiped the tear that was forming without trying to poke her eye, and really have tears welling up in her eyes. She looked at him with a slightly puffy eyes. "I have always missed your Mama, since she died, babygirl. I have not gone one day without missing her, despite everything that's been happening lately. She'd be really happy of how much you've grown, and how much of me you look like."

"I guess I do look like you." Britney says with a small smile forming on her lips as she has a lot of thoughts now about her Mom. Would her Dad and Mia still be together even if they aren't dating? What would her Mom have done, during all this?

Meanwhile, Dom was sitting back on the bed, staring at the box again. He took a deep breath before opening it. There was a picture frame with a picture of Desiree sitting on Dom's lap as she was asleep. He kissed Desi's head, as his hands were on her back as he was rubbing her back when Mia had taken the picture. He stared at it for a moment longer before setting it down on the bed next to him. He spotted a yellow envelope and grabbed it. It was a folded up evidence envelope from the police.

Dom unfolded it and then reached inside, pulling out the contents of the envelope. It was a cell phone. He pressed a button, turning it on. It beeped. Dom clicked on the dial option and dialed the last caller. He wasn't expecting to hear a phone in the kitchen ring. Quickly, Brian picked his phone up from the table to see who was calling. When he saw it was Letty's phone, his stomach dropped.

"Oh shit." Brian mumbled standing up, as Britney shot a confused look at him. She got up from beside her father and saw Dom angrily walking this way towards them. "Hey, Dom..."

"Dom, what's wrong?" Britney asked as she noticed his enraged demeanor. She furrowed her brows. She could see the steam coming off of the bald man. If there was smoke coming out of his ears, she could definitely see it.

"When were you going to tell me?" Dom asked, ignoring the girl. She took a few steps towards the two, wanting to diffuse the situation.

"Dom, talk to me. What's wrong?" Britney asked again, as her Dad took another step closer to Dom.

"When were you gonna tell me you were running Desiree?" Dom asked angrily, as Britney knitted her eyebrows together in confusion. Desiree was working for the cops? Before Britney had anytime to think, Dom grabbed Brian by the shirt and slammed him into a nearby shelf, knocking all of it's contents to the ground.

"Dom, stop it!" Britney yelled as she watched Dom pick her Dad back up and wrap a large hand around his neck. He shoved Brian against the wall. Brian reached his hands out, trying to escape Dom's grip, as Britney felt her heart race.

"You don't understand." Brian managed to say struggling against Dom. Britney felt useless as she didn't know what to do when Dom got this mad, she didn't want to interfer with this and get hurt from Dom. Of course she knew that Dom wouldn't hurt her. Right?

"I don't understand?" Dom asked as Britney grabbed the only thing that she could possibly do, as she grabbed her gun and shot at the ceiling.

"I'm going to tell you this once, better remember this for life. If you ever put a fucking hand on my father one more time, I will kill you. Now calm the fuck down." Britney said as she had a tight grip on her gun as she pointed it at the ceiling again.

Brian threw a quick punch to the side of Dom's face, as Dom's grip loosened and Brian was able to breathe for a moment. Dom then threw Brian to the ground.

"Make your decision. I shot you once, I'm not afraid to do it again. Pick and choose, your next decision wisely." Britney says as Brian quickly got his own gun and aimed it at Dom.

Dom went to punch Brian but Britney shot his hand before it even made contact with his face. "She did it for you, Dom. She did it for you." Brian said in a frustrated tone, breathing heavily with his gun still aimed at Dom. Dom froze, as Brian continued, but as per usual Britney beat him to it.

"Desiree came to Dad to clear your name in exchange for bringing down Braga. She just wanted you to come home!" Dom's hand slowly fell to his side. The Toretto stood there, shocked. Dom felt a pang in his chest at Brian's words. The anger he was feeling had turned into sadness. Dom just turned away and went to the first aid kit for his hand wound. Brian angrily kicked one of the boxes that had fallen when they were fighting.

"I'm sorry, Dom! I'M SORRY!" Brian yelled. Frustrated wasn't even the right word to explain what he was feeling. The tone of his voice made Britney's stomach turn. Her Dad rested his forearms on top of his forehead. He tried to ignore the pain that was radiating all over his body. Slowly he sat up, he went to look for Britney but she wasn't there.

He looked around and saw a shadowy figure outside in the pouring rain, just standing there. As the figure sat down on the front steps, Brian then knew that it was Britney because he squinted his eyes and saw the hair color of the figure.

He opened the door, and Britney didn't even turn around to look at her father as the sound of thunder and lightning was all what Britney heard. But when she then felt a hand on her shoulder she didn't even have to know it was her Dad.

Britney still had her gun in her hand even though Dom is in the house, she needed some type of comfort at the moment and this was the closest thing that she could get her hands on. "Hey, you okay?" Brian asked her as he sat down beside her on the steps. He inspected her face as he tried to read her facial expression, as she swears that her and Dom have the same stone cold look.

Brian didn't know that Britney didn't want to talk as she got up, and walked back inside the house to dry herself off and go to bed. Brian watched her walk back inside as the next thing that he heard was glass breaking and he turned his head and saw that Britney had punched the window as he saw the glass flying in the air before landing on the ground.

After Britney punched the window she walked away like nothing was wrong and acted like she didn't do it. As she was walking she side-eyed her father who was looking right at her, and she was hesitating of going back outside, but she turned her back and walked to the bathroom to dry herself off.


HOLY SHIT!!!!!! That was long but it's nothing like my 'demons' book with Ingrid in Civil War or Act Two if you want to be technical.

But a lot of things have been said.

Yes, if you want to know I almost keep writing Letty for Desi, because I changed it for just this book, idk if I'll do it for my other books, but there still in the first movie in the first place. So they don't really count.

But hope you all like this chapter, and what I have so far of the 4th Fast and Furious.


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