chapter fourteen
Third Person's POV
After some most definite time to cool off, Brian, Britney and Dom came up with a plan, with the help of the police, to take down Braga. They were going to meet up with Campos and returned the drugs they stole in exchange for seeing Braga. Brian also tried to work out a deal that if they got Braga, and Dom would be able to walk free. Dom didn't trust it. What they didn't realize until too late was that Campos was Braga all along. Braga had escaped. Brian and Britney were both taken off of active duty. Dom was still going after Braga.
"Everyone's lookin' for you." Brian said to Dom as Britney was mindlessly scrolling on her phone to even notice.
"I'm right here." Dom replied casually as he wasn't hiding anymore.
"It's nice to see you've gone with the times and switched to an electronic fuel injection. Looks good." Britney said finally looking up from her phone, as she got up to inspect the car, as she took a step closer to it.
"Mini O'Conner became a gearhead." Dom says smiling as he shook his head.
"I'm going with you." Brian says after a brief moment of silence, as Britney looked at her Dad like he was mentally crazy.
"What?" Britney said as her mouth gaped open.
"I don't plan on bringing anyone back." Dom replied lowly as he leaned against the car, drinking a Corona, as he looked down at the engine and the back at Brian.
"I know." Brian says keeping his gaze on the engine as Britney looked at Dom and then back at her father.
"Not bringing anyone back? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Britney asks irritated, as the adults didn't look at her, as she huffed. "Hello?! Tell me what's wrong?" Britney asks the two as she walked to her Dad. "Dad, what's going on? Just tell me, please." Britney says as she was begging for at least someone to tell her what's going on.
"Britney, this time you can't come. It is too dangerous." Brian says as Britney just blinked at her father as she narrowed her eyes at him.
"He doesn't want you to get hurt, that's why." Dom says as Britney whipped her head towards Dom.
"You two just don't trust me, saving Desiree, don't you. Is this what it is. Because I'm fucking capable of doing the fucking shit you two have been! I've gone up to this point of your shit Dominic! I'm not backing down!" Britney yelled at him silencing the two as they knew that she was right. They've came up to this point that they have to work together in order to get this done.
Before they could say anything she stormed off slamming the garage door in the process, as she broke it off it's hinges, as it fell down merely hitting the back of her in the process. Brian wanted to give her time to cool down before he even remotely even tries to talk to her.
The next morning
The sun was beginning to shine on the horizon, illuminating the sand that seemed to for miles and miles. The clouds were stained a light orange color, Britney didn't even smile at seeing that.
They were parked on cliff that overlooked the desert. Dom, Brian and Britney were right outside the Mexican border waiting for Gisele to meet up with them. Gisele was going to give them GPS trackers so they could maneuver their way through the tunnels to get to Mexico undetected like they did not too long ago. Brian had been throwing pebbles off the cliff growing bored with waiting as he leaned against the car. Britney was laying on the hood of the car taking a nap, as Brian said that she could until Gisele got here. When he saw that Gisele's car pulled up he moved Britney's foot which startled her, she groaned as her eyes were adjusting to the little sunlight.
"I'm up." Britney said as Brian helped her down from the car as it was a little dewy and slippery. Dom walked over to her as she exited her car.
"Thought you weren't going to show up." Dom told her as Gisele flashed a smile at her.
"You saved my life. I'm willing to return the favor." Gisele says simply as her voice was low and calm. When they tried making the trade with Braga, Gisele almost got hit by the car Braga had used to get away, but Dom had pulled her out of the way and saved her.
Gisele took the envelope filled with three GPS's from her pocket and handed it to Dom. "This will help you get to Braga. Dom....going in there is suicide." Gisele looked down at her feet, then back at Dom.
"I have no choice." Dom says to her as she nods her head. She was unhappy with his decision, but it was his life, not hers. She leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his cheek and then got back into her car.
"So this is where my jurisdiction ends?" Brian asks Dom as Gisele drove away. Dom held up the envelope, with a small smile spreading across his face.
"This is where it begins."
No more than thirty minutes later, the trio found Braga in a church. There he was, kneeling down in front of a statue, praying. Dom who had brought his shotgun, and quietly began to sneak up behind the man. Brian and Britney followed in suit, their pistols in hand and ready to fire if need be. Luckily, Braga didn't put up a fight. Britney handcuffed him and they escorted him to Brian's car, which Britney called. Brian would be riding with Dom, as Britney would be driving Braga.
"You'll make it out a couple miles out, if you're lucky." Braga spoke trying to intimidate his female kidnapper. This man was indirectly responsible for Desiree's death
Britney slammed her foot down on the gas peddle, ignoring Braga's words. She moved the steering wheel, maneuvering the car in and out of traffic. Dom and her Dad was trailing not far behind the girl. They made it onto the dirt road that would eventually lead to the tunnels they had traveled through only days ago when they were working for Braga.
Braga looked at Britney. "You know where you're going? You wanna borrow my GPS?" Braga asked, letting out a small laugh, as Britney rolled her eyes.
"Where your boys at? They gonna show up or what?" Britney asked, as she wasn't phased by Braga's intimidation techniques. Britney was confident in her skills of completing whatever mission she was given. As soon as the words left Britney's mouth, there was the sound of gun shots in the distance. She mentally cursed at herself.
"Be careful what you ask for." Braga said, as he slumped down into her seat, as a smug smirk was plastered on his face. Several cars were gaining on them and each of them was firing guns it's hard to shoot a moving target unless you're a professional so very few of those bullets were making contact with the car. Britney remembered when she was the one who killed Johnny Tran years ago, when she was five. Also on the count that her father was driving away from them. "Just stop. Just stop the car."
A bullet flew and made contact with the back windshield, shattering some of the glass. "Ahh! Que hace!" Braga yelled loudly, as suddenly a car with an engine much louder than the others appeared behind Britney's car as he sped through the desert. Britney grabbed the walkie talkie form her jacket pocket.
"Fenix is here." Britney spoke into the walkie talkie. Dom wanted to make sure he got his hands on Fenix so he could give him what he deserved.
"Brit, we're right behind you." Brian said through his walkie. Britney quickly glanced over her shoulder and saw Dom's car inching closer to them. He was taking out some of the cars so that Britney could keep driving without any interruptions. When she turned forwards, she noticed they would soon be coming up the tunnels. "Heads up guys, tunnels ahead. Get in position for the tunnels."
"Roger that, baby." Brian says as Dom had given Brian his shotgun and Brian was shooting the other cars. Two cars drove up and positioned themselves on both sides of her Dad's car that she's driving. They began to close in, ramming into the car. Britney's claustrophobia started kicking in as this isn't helping that she has anxiety.
"You sure you know where the tunnels are? You sure?" Braga questioned as they rapidly approached the mountain where the tunnels were hidden in. Britney knew that Braga was trying to get into her head and psych her out.
"I'd hold on, this might be a little bumpy." Britney says as the car crashed through a thin, wooden pallet that blocked off the tunnel entrance from the rest of the world. The tunnel was just as claustrophobic as having two cars ramming into your sides.
The tunnel had widened into two roads instead of one and Fenix used this as an opportunity to speed up and drive side-by-side with Britney. He looed over at the blonde with a smirk, Braga laughed manically, as he thought this was funny. Britney reached over and slammed her gun at Braga's face, temporarily knocking him out. Fenix sped up and quickly moved the wheel so he was now in front of Britney's car. Britney pressed harder on the gas and rammed into the back of Fenix's car. Fenix rammed into one of the many pole that was keeping the tunnels from collapsing to the ground. It only slowed him down temporarily. Britney's car started to spin out, but she gained control quickly. She was now in front of Fenix.
Just as Britney went to turn down a different path in the tunnel, Fenix sped up and slammed into the side of Britney's car. It sent them flying out of the tunnel, breaking one of the wooden pallets. The car flipped over a few times before landing. Fenix continued to drive forward, pushing the smashed up car along. When the car had finally stopped, Britney didn't have enough time to react before everything felt numb and her vision slowly faded to black.
"Get me out of here!" Braga screamed, his hands were still handcuffed together and he was now flipped upside down. His yelling didn't bring Britney back from a conscious state as she was still unconscious.
Braga had gotten out of the car, as Britney was still in the car, as he was standing next to Fenix, but neither of them had noticed Britney not out of the car. The two men heard a noise coming from behind them, as it was Britney who finally crawled out of the car. Fenix's head shot in her direction, he aimed his gun at Britney, as she put her hands up in defense. She was trying to get up but Fenix kicked her across the face, sending her back down to the ground. Britney tried again to get back up but yet again got kicked back down to the ground. She didn't even try this time, Britney could feel that something had broken inside her body.
Braga her roughly by the neck with both hands and lifted her up into the air. Her eyes went wide as she struggled for oxygen. She kicked and punched but he didn't let go.
"You stupid puta!" Fenix said with a growl, squeezing tighter, as there was a faint sound of an engine.
Fenix located where the noise was coming from and frowned. Dom was speeding towards him, as Brian looked at Britney was she was struggling against Fenix, it made him rage of fury of him doing that to his daughter. Oh yeah he was going to be dead.
Brian never cared what you said and or did to him, but if you ever lay a hand on his daughter in anyway shape or form, he will kill you. Right before Dom hit Fenix with the car he threw Britney like she was a ragdoll, as she plummeted face first on the ground. She rolled until she hit a rock, as she felt a lot more bones breaking. Fenix's body was sandwiched between Britney's wrecked car and Dom's car. He had died instantly from the impact. The first thing Brian did had spotted when he exited Dom's car was Britney him and Dom ran to her.
"I got you baby." Brian says gently snaking arm his arm around her as he has her in his arms. Dom is checking for a heart beat, he felt everything go numb.
"She's not breathing, Brian!!!" Dom yelled even if Brian is right in front of him, he didn't care. Brian laid Britney down and began doing CPR on her, he wasn't going to lose his daughter. Not here, not now.
Brian continued giving his daughter CPR. Not once as a parent did Brian expect that he'd be doing CPR to his child, in her entire thirteen years did he ever imagine that. He never had to in the past, but obviously not now either. He didn't want to lose his daughter as the only other person in his life is Joe and he doesn't want to explain that his niece is dead.
What felt like seconds, turned into minutes and after three minutes of giving Britney CPR, Dom checked again and luckily she started breathing as her chest was moving up and down. With both Dom and Brian's help they started stripping Britney out of her jacket, revealing her tank top that she's wearing.
It was a struggle getting the jacket off but they managed to do so, Brian continued having his daughter in his arms as his own heart beat was getting faster. Dom wouldn't know what to do if he lost Britney. His Mini O'Conner, to her Dommy.
The two men heard a noise as they turned to see the sound of police sirens getting closer and closer. Brian looked at Dom with wide eyes.
"You gotta get out of here." Brian told his friend.
"Take Fenix's car and leave before they get here first. Please." Brian says almost begging for Dom to leave, but he also knew that Dom didn't want to run anymore.
"I ain't runnin' anymore." Dom answered, shocking the blonde man. The police helicopter was inching towards him, as a trial of police cars weren't too far from the helicopter. It was a matter of minutes before they would arrive. Dom went willingly with the authorities.
Four days later was Dom's court date. His trial went by quickly by the hour that they had to wait to hear the jury's decision, felt like the longest hour of Britney's life. For the most part her wounds have healed as she just has a halo brace on her head as she did break her skull open but didn't damage the brain.
Brian still had a couple more days until his own wounds healed, but other than that he's back to his usual self.
"All rise." The bailiff spoke, as everyone in the court room stood up. "Please be seated." Everyone obeyed. Brian wrapped an arm around Britney and began rubbing small circles on her arm with his fingers. He knew how much the court gave her anxiety, as she scooted as much as she could to her father, even if she had already done that since they've sat down.
"Please rise, Mr. Toretto." The judge instructed folding his hands and setting them atop the large podium in front of him. "After listening to the testimony I've taken into special consideration of Agent O'Conner's appeal of tendency on behalf of Mr. Toretto...That his actions directly resulted in the apprehension of known drug trafficker Arturo Braga. However, this judiciary finds that one right does not make up for a life time worth of wrongs. And as such, I find that I am forced to level the maximum sentence under California law.
Brian and Britney stood up and walked away, clearly disappointed in the judge's decision.
"Dominic Toretto, you are hereby sentenced to serve twenty-five years to life in the Lompoc maximum security system without the possibility of early parole. This court is adjourned." The judge finished.
Britney pressed harder on the gas peddle, jerking the car forward as the speed increaded dramatically. She caught up to her father, Brian who was driving Dom's charger. The father-and-daughter shared a smile as Britney licked her lips as they drove side-by-side. Rico and Tego, friends of Dom's, were trailing close behind Britney and Brian. Britney and her father approached the bus that was transporting a group of prisoners to a prison in Lompoc. Dom was one of those prisoners. But he wouldn't he for long.
"I hope Dommy likes a dramatic exit."
Well this is the final chapter, sorry.
Nope, this is not the end of Britney Olivia O'Conner.
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