chapter five

Third Person's POV

Vince had a feeling that Brian was a cop, so Dom, Kiana, Jesse and Vince followed Brian from Harry's. When they caught up to him, they found him sneaking into Hector's garage. Vince, Dom, and Kiana are waiting in the shadows as Brian drops back down to the ground. Vince quickly knocks him out with his shotgun.

"Well, that's one way to do it." Kiana remark as Jesse smiles at her.

"He moans like a cop." Vince says as Brian wakes up causing Kiana to roll her eyes.

"Brian, this is one of these times you need to be clear about what you say. Nod if you understand me." Dom says as he glares at him.

"Nod!" Vince orders as he points the shotgun at Brian's face. Brian nods as Kiana let out a sigh, thinking this is absolute bullshit.

"Sit up." Dom orders. "Tell me what the fuck you're doing down here."

"Shit. What I'm doing?" Brian says as he sits up and holds his head. "Dom. I owe you a 10-second car, and what this is about, this is about Race Wars. I just went in there, and Hector is gonna be running three Honda Civics with Spoon engines, and on top of that, he just came into Harry's and he ordered three T6 turbos, with NOS and a MoTeC system exhaust."

"So, what are you saying? You're gonna check everybody's shit out, one garage after another?" Dom questions him.

"Yeah, because Dom, you know I can't lost again." Brian answers him.

"He's a cop." Vince says. "He's a cop!"

"You a cop?" Kiana asks Brian, who shakes his head no.

"Let's go for a little ride." Dom says.

"Walk!" Vince orders Brian as they head to Jesse's car.

"Okay, you stand watch." Dom tells Jesse as he drops them off outside of Tran's garage. Brian jumps over the fence before he climbs up on the roof and sneaks inside.

"Yo, Dominic. There's no engines." Vince says as they walk over to the cars. "What are they planning on racing with, hope and dreams?" Kiana asks sarcastically.

"I don't know, but they're sneaky as shit and they've got enough money to buy anything." Dom explains as his phone rings before he answers it.

They quickly hide behind the cars in the back of the garage. Vince pulls out a hand gun as Brian pulls Kiana down beside him.

"Let me ask you a question, Ted." Johnny asks as Lance walks Ted over to him at gun point. "Do you see anything wrong here?" Johnny asks Ted. "No." Ted answers before Johnny pushes Ted's head into the hole.

"We got no engines, do we?" Johnny asks him.

"No." Ted answers. "A couple of Nissan SR20 motors will pull a premium one week before Race Wars, huh?"

"Yeah, probably." Ted answers. "You're a smart fence, Ted. Maybe too smart." Johnny says as he takes off his jacket. "What are you feeling, Lance. A 40-weight? A 50-weight?"

"A 40-weight sounds nice." Lance answers before Johnny throws Ted to the ground. Johnny holds Ted on the ground while putting a hose near his mouth. Lance pumps oil through the hose causing it to pour all over Ted's face and in his mouth. Kiana glares at Johnny as she starts to rush forward, but Brian pulls her back while Dom gives her a warning glare.

"Where are they, Ted? Where are they?" Johnny questions Ted. "Enough!" Ted gets out. "Where are they?" Johnny asks again. "They're in a warehouse." Ted answers causing Johnny and Lance to stop with the oil. "They're in a warehouse, man!"

"Ted. Kiss my shoes?" Johnny asks as he wipes his hands off. Ted crawls over to Johnny only to be kicked in the face. "Let's go get our engines." They heave before Kiana, Dom, Vince and Brian sneak out the way they came in.


After all the sneaking around last night, Brian decided to check in with his boss. He brought Britney with him today. Mainly because she kept bugging Joe about seeing her dad again. She has separation anxiety with her father he doesn't blame her either. So he was a little happy that Britney would be joining him today.

"My superiors are flying in from DC, in two days. I want something to show. We've got a fence with a lube hose in his mouth automatic weapons, priors on every one of these Asian punks a garage full of DVD player and generally psychotic behavior." Bilkins explains. "Tell me why we shouldn't move on Tran now and figure it out later?"

"Because all we have is behavior. Let me get hard evidence, because what we have now is just..." Brian tries to explain as he is holding Brit's hand.

"What we have is probable cause. And truckers arming themselves for some good old-fashioned vigilante mayhem." Bilkins argues with him.

"Tell us about Hector, Brian." Tanner says trying to go another way.

"Latinos with spear guns. Give me a break." Muse says causing Brian to roll her eyes.

"Hector's still working on the engines, but the tires don't match." Brian explains as he's getting frustrated. "Will somebody just give me a cigarette?"

"Get him a cigarette." Bilkins orders Muse. "Don't give him one. I thought you quit." Tanner says as he turns to face Brian. "I did. Just give me one."

"Get him a cigarette." Bilkins says again. "No!" Tanner says before changing the subject. "Tell me about your buddy, Dominic."

"I told you, he's too controlled for this. Going suicidal on semi-trucks? No way." Brian explains as he thinks about the team. "Maybe Vince. But he's too dumb to do it."

"I think Mia is blurring your vision." Muse says with a smirk. "What did you say?" Brian asks him with a glare. "I don't blame you. I'd get off on her surveillance photos, too." Muse tells them before Brian let's go of Britney's hand and lunges at Muse. Tanner pulls Brian back while Bilkins pushes Muse to the ground.

"Knock it off!" Bilkins says as he glares at Muse. "What? Are you going native on me, Brian?" Tanner questions Brian. "Have you read Toretto's file and his exes file lately?" Tanner says as Brian turns to him at mentioning Kiana. He doesn't remember reading Kiana's file.

"Yeah, I memorized Dom's file." Brian answers him as he glares at Muse. "Read it again. No, better skill, take a look at these." Tanner says before showing them some pictures. "Remember I told you about the guy he nearly beat to death? Toretto did this with a three-quarter-inch torque wrench. He's a model of self-control."

"I need a few more days." Brian tells Tanner before turning to Bilkins. "I need a few more days."


The next day, everyone besides Vince and Kiana is at the garage working on the new car. While the adults are doing that Desireè is playing with Britney in her Uncle's office at the garage. They are pretending that they are racing each other, as Mia couldn't help but glance at the two little girls playing with each other and smiling as she looked back at the boys in cause they needed her to get something.

"Got a TR7 here, with a ball-bearing upgrade. What it's going to do is, it's going to spool up really quick." Jesse explains as he, Leon and Letty work on the engine.

"I got this set up for 24 PSI." Letty tells Jesse. "Got it." Jesse says with a nod.

"You got big plans tonight?" Dom asks Brian as they work on the car and glance at Mia who is looking at paperwork.

"Yeah, we're going out to dinner." Brian answers him. "You break her heart, I'll break your neck." Dom tells him with a slight glare.

"That's not gonna happen." Brian lies as he glances at Mia. "I want to show you something." Dom says as he wipes his hands off before handing the rag to Brian. Desireè looks up and sees Brian and her Uncle leaving the garage as she motions Britney to follow as she doesn't hesitate.

Dom takes him back tot he Toretto household and then leads them to the garage, he opens it to reveal two 1970 Dodge Chargers. "Wow." Brian says causing Desireè to smile as they walk up to the cars where the two men are.

"Me and dad built them. Nine hundred horses of Detroit muscle." Dom explains as he points to the chargers. "They're beasts." Brian says causing Desi to smile. "You know what they ran in Palmdale?" Dom asks him with a smirk as Desireè and Brit walks over to a charger and sits on the hood with Brit right next to her.

"No, what?" Brian answers him. "Nine seconds flat." Dom explains as Desireè smirks as she looks at the cars. "God." Brian says in amazement. "My dad and his friend were driving. So much torque, the chassis twisted coming off the line. Barely kept her on the track." Dom explains with a smile at the memory.

"So, what's your best time?" Brian asks as he looks at Dom. "We've never driven them." Dom answers as Desireè frowns slightly. "Why not, Dom?" Britney asks as Dom turns to look at the girl.

"They scared the hell out of us." Dom answers before turning and pointing at a picture on the wall "That's our dad. He was coming up in the pro stock-car circuit." Dom trails off as rarely tears prick his eyes as he remembers the day.

"It was the last race of the season. A guy named Kenny Linder came up from inside, in the final turn. He clipped his bumper and put him into the wall at 120. He watched him burn to death. Dom and mom remembers hearing him screaming. But the people that he died before the tanks blew. They said it was Dom and mom who were screaming." Desireè explains as she walks around the Charger, as her Uncle Dom has explained it to her so many times that she almost quotes it to this day.

"I saw Linder about a week later. I had a wrench, and I hit him. And I didn't intend to keep hitting him, but when I finished, I couldn't lift my arm." Dom says as Britney and Brian sit down as they take in all the information while Desireè shakes her head.

"He's a janitor at a high school. He has to take the bus to work every day. And they banned Dom from the tracks for life. He lives his life a quarter-mile at a time. Nothing else matters. Not for the mortgage, not the store, not his team and all their BS. For those 10 second or less, he's free." Desireè says her Uncle smiles at her.

"It's a ride or die life." Dom says as Brian nods his head as he has his chin on top of Britney's head.

Brian and Britney leave the Toretto's house so that Brian could go home and get ready for his date with Mia that night. He is nervous as this is the first date that he's gone on since him and Spencer's first date. He wants to move on from Spencer, as he doesn't want to be single forever. He's also moving on so that Brit could maybe and hopefully get a new mom in the future.


"So how, is it, anyways, that the gang came to be?" Brian asks Mia as they finish eating.

"What?" Mia asks slightly confused.

"The gang?" Brian asks shyly. "The gang? No, they don't call themselves a gang." Mia says with a laugh as she shakes her head. "What do they call themselves?" Brian asks genuinely curious.

"They're a team. They call themselves a team." Mia says with a giggle.

"All right. How did the team come to be?" Brian asks wanting to get any information that he can as he hasn't told Mia that he's a cop.

"Well, that's a whole lot of history." Mia answers him with a smile. "I've got time." Brian says with a smile.

"Okay. Vince grew up with Dom and my sister Marinda. Actually, he didn't ever actually grow up, as you can tell. But they were friends as kids. Then you have Kiana and Dom dating which only lasted four years. Letty, just lived down the street from us. Always into cars, though. Ever since she was, like, 10 years old. So, naturally, you know, Dom always had her attention. Then she turned 16...." Mia explains as Brian nods his head.

"And then she had Dom's attention." Brian finishes for her, putting it together. "Yeah. It's funny how that works, isn't it? Yeah." Mia says with a smile.

"How does Jesse fit into the whole thing?" Brian asks as they stare at each other.

"Jesse. Well, Jesse and Leon just sort of showed up one night and never left. It's just the way Dom is, you know. Dom's like...he's like gravity. Everything just gets pulled to him. Even you." Mia explains causing Brian to shake his head at the last part.

"No." Brian says with a smile to hide the fact that he has to lie. He doesn't want to lie to Mia but he has to because he's a cop. "No. The only thing that pulled me in was you. Being friends with Dom is just a bonus."

"That's good." Mia says with a smirk. "That's good. It's nice to come first every once in a while Want to go for a drive?" Mia asks Brian with a wide grin on her face, that he matches.

She speeds down the highway before pulling a quick u-turn. Brian looks at her in surprise causing her to laugh. Mia drops Brian off at his place before heading back home. Joe is dead asleep as Britney is in her room sound asleep. Shockingly Brit didn't have a tantrum about going to bed this night, and she didn't have any nightmares.

When Brian opened the front door to get in he quietly took off his boots that he was wearing just as Britney walked downstairs with her red and blue water-bottle as she was walking sleepily with a big yawn. Brian walked towards her and picked her up and she squealed a little as he kissed her cheek.

"Got thirsty, Princess." Brian says to her as he twirled around in circles which woke Joe up at hearing Britney squealing.

"Britney would you just go back to sleep." Joe says yawning as Brian positioned Brit on his hip, as they walked to the refrigerator and clicked a button as Brian grabbed Brit's water-bottle and put it where the water comes out and like almost magic water comes out of it, relieving the little girl's dry tastebuds to satisfy her mouth.

Britney drunk it twice before she was satisfied that she wasn't thirsty anymore. Brian kissed her head as she smiled as she poked his cheek. He started kissing all over her face as she laughed.

"Brian anymore doing that, she won't be sleeping anymore. She'll be your problem, not mine." Joe says grabbing his blanket and wrapping it around him and laying down on the bed getting re-comfortable.

"He loves being my problem so buzz off." Britney says as Brian kissed her face one last time, as the two made their way to her room so that she can grab her blanket and the two of them are going to be having a slumber party in his room. Because why not? Who doesn't love father-daughter slumber parties? There fun as heck.

After they got the essentials they made their way to Brian's bedroom which is right across from Brit's room. Said Britney climbs onto Brian's bed, and gets all comfy, as Brian tucks her in before quickly getting changed and then getting in the bed right next to her. When he is in the bed Brit scoots towards her father and he brings her into his arms, and they almost instantly fall asleep in each other's arms, with them breathing on each other.


I love this chapter, so much. Maybe I'm saying that because I love writing Brian and Britney, my two favorite duo.

I love all of you who have been voting on the book, and adding it to your 'fast and furious' reading lists of some kind. I appreciate it.

Hope you enjoy!!! <3

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