After Ingrid got kidnapped by HYDRA she went under harsh training and torture and also testing. she was HYDRA's promising killer and murderer. she was ways second place with another killer and murderer. Yeah he was her father James Buchanan Barnes, or Bucky. She knew who he was as they never brainwashed her she had to not talk to him unless they were on missions. Which was once in a while, translation: once a year. Then after the Winter Soldier took the highest ranks and Ingrid was getting lower they put her under the cryostasis chamber to freeze their toy.
After their toy was frozen for decades they decided on letting her do one more mission before letting her go into the real world. Yes you heard that correct let a killer/murderer on open streets. It was their way of telling her to leave but while being discreet at doing it. So they did that and now it's Ingrid's new life of figuring out who she's supposed to be while also being a KNOWN KILLER AND MURDERER.
Life will get hectic that's for sure, so when Ingrid is brought into SHIELD Headquarters by Nicholas J. Fury himself, he instantly recognized her from myths of what his father told him as a child. He was shook that this myth was.....alive.
He grabs her off the streets and instantly started questioning her about her life. Which shockingly she obeyed and answered all of his questions. He asked her about her family or much better known as James Buchanan Barnes. She said he was a ghost story he didn't catch right on that she was lying at all. Of course she knew her father was alive that was the other training HYDRA manipulated her into saying. He knew who she was definitely Ingrid Rose Mason-Barnes aka the red witch.
A known killer and murderer of HYDRA, who used her like she was a toy on Christmas. She had extraordinary powers due to her years of being tested as a lab rat. She could move things with her mind and hands so that's telekinesis, she can give people nightmares and read their thoughts, she also has these orbs things with she's angry and or fighting on a mission.
he made a list of her powers on a paper:
telekinesis moving things with her mind and hands
energy manipulation for the orbs
neuroelectric interfacing that lets her read thoughts and give people nightmares
It made him wonder where she got all of her powers from he was piecing it together in his head while he continued to interrogate her for two months getting every known thing about this girl. Except for what he already knew from his father telling him when he was a kid.
"Thank you for your corporation." He said as he had her handcuffed not taking a risk of her using her powers as they were power cuffs which makes the body if the user not use their powers. It was a new thing that SHIELD was using for situations like this.
As SHIELD agents were escorting her to a cell which she sat perfectly still and her back was straight as if it was being sculpted. that made one of SHIELD'S greatest agent Natasha Romanoff wonder if she was in the red room because that's what they teach and or train the widows to do.
Natasha sneaked in the dark of where the cell is as no one is around she goes to the cell where Ingrid is as she is cautiously looking around the place. Natasha stops in front of the cell as the girl is dead silent not even blinking. Weird.
"могу я задать вам несколько вопросов?" Natasha asked already knowing the girl would be most fluent in. 'Can i ask you a few questions'. "какова твоя история? откуда ты? ГИДРА и Красная комната? или они оба." Natasha asked the girl as the continued to not blink as Natasha thought that was creepy. How can a person not blink? 'What's your story? Where did you come from? HYDRA and the Red Room? Or both?'
After a good solid minute Natasha didn't hear anything from the girl as she was going to walk away maybe she thought that she didn't want to talk about it. Which was fine she knew that ingrid has gone through hell and back. Literally.
That was until Ingrid opened her mouth in a clear thick russian accent made her stop into her tracks and slowly turn around to face the girl. "ГИДРА сначала в течение многих лет, а затем меня отправили в Красную комнату для дополнительного обучения, поскольку я был лучшим убийцей ГИДРЫ и убийцей, пока однажды меня не отправили в Америку." Ingrid said slowly as the words came out smoothly as fine wine. Natasha turned around to look at the girl who looked to be about thirteen or fourteen years old. 'HYDRA first for years and then I was sent to the Red Room, for the extra training as I was HYDRA'S best killer and murderer until one day i was sent to America'.
Natasha was shocked of what she heard come out of her mouth as SHIELD knew a lot about her file in the first place so it was a given that she too. Because SHIELD agents went around the world trying to look for a myth basically. It was weird looking for a myth but Natasha didn't want to question it. She was the one who found the girl in the first place. She was piecing her own theory about the girl especially since she was a widow.
Natasha knew enough about what the red room does to innocent little girls to know the torture, abuse and manipulation that they go through. Why? Because was there herself she was sold as her mother basically gave her to the red room. She went under the same training like Ingrid did, she felt her stomach turn in different directions. No child should ever go through that EVER it's wrong on so many levels. But unfortunately it shapes you into the person you are. It shaped Natasha to basically have eyes in the back of her head, and or looking over her shoulder.
"что-нибудь еще о твоей жизни, Ингрид. Кстати, меня зовут Наташа Романова, а этого пирата, похожего на чувака, зовут Николас Джей Фьюри, но мы зовем его Ник." Natasha says to the girl as she continues doing her no blinking thing but at the corner of her eye she saw something remarkable. She blinked not once but twice. 'Anything else in your life Ingrid. My name is Natasha Romanoff by the way, and that pirate looking dude is Nicholas J Fury but we call him Nick'.
Natasha wasn't so sure why she addressed Nick by his first name but she didn't think anything else about it. With a blink in Natasha's eyes ingrid stepped up and made her way towards her she didn't move at all. Ingrid spoke to Natasha of pure venom and hatred which she was used to but to someone like Ingrid surprised her.
"генерал дрейков много говорил о вас, это на самом деле раздражало. ты была его маленькой игрушкой, самой совершенной вещью на свете, и я всегда был вторым после всех, ну, кроме тебя. пока ты не перебиваешь меня и не докажешь, что мы должны быть хорошими наталья романова. теперь немедленно уходите." Ingrid says as she spat at Natasha with dark hatred and venom proving that she is powerful than her. Because a person like Natasha doesn't stand a chance against Ingrid even with their shared training at the red room. Ingrid as much more experience of training than Natasha will ever see in her life time. 'General Dreykov talked about you a lot, it was annoying actually. You were his little toy who was the most perfect thing ever and it was always me being second to everyone, well beside you. As long as you don't cross me and prove yourself we should be good Natalia Romanova. Now leave, immediately'.
Natasha was shocked at everything that Ingrid said. So Dreykov actually talked about me? It was true Natasha was his toy who was perfect in everything she did as she was a star. It was easy to know why Ingrid knew this information even her first name: Natalia. She obeyed Ingrid's wishes and she left the girl to herself without one last glance knowing this is enough she's going to get out of the girl before she snaps. Once Natasha left ingrid left to go back to her spot this time crossing her legs and closing her eyes as if she was trying to meditate.
Hours went by which felt like eternity before she heard someone coming and she opened her eyes without uncrossing her legs and she saw Nicholas - or nick. with a plate of food on it and a bag of some sorts of things in it.
"You pissed of Natasha, so that's a shocker. Last time she was this unhinged was two years ago when a man named Loki came and started rambling about her past." The voice said which Ingrid immediately recognized as nick but she will continue calling him Nicholas at least to piss him off as he hates it which she definitely got that hint.
Ingrid carefully watched as he slid her food under the bottom of the cell and also opened it wide enough so her mysterious bag can get in there. "Let me know if you need anything." With that he left the girl in her silence.
What brought her back to reality was smelling the food, she knew it was some sort of chicken and rice because that's what HYDRA often fed her. But something else caught her nose, it was definitely a fruit of some sort. It was this bright yellow definitely not what's the word she's looking for banana. It smelled stronger as she stuck out her tongue and touched the mysterious fruit and she made a face of disgust. Definitely not a fan of the fruit at all.
She grabbed the bag of sorts and went into a corner as she didn't know she was being watched as a camera was set in the far opposite corner of her.
The man who was watching the girl intently was America's golden boy himself, Steven Grant Rogers aka Captain America. Though people call him Steve, Captain, and or Spangles (tony stark), and different others too. The girl looked like someone he recognized from his life. He had been watching everything through the camera since she first got put in there. He wasn't sure why he was watching her but he just did. maybe she'd act differently when people aren't coming and going near her. Behind him Natasha Romanoff is pacing around as she is saying some words in probably a language he doesn't know, still obviously pissed about what ingrid had said to her.
"Nat." Was the voice of Steve Rogers as said Natasha stopped pacing around and looks at him as she rubs her hands through her hair. "What did she say to make you mad?" He asked the red haired woman as she sighed as Steve rolled her a chair and she caught it immediately and sat down.
"She said that the red room's general talked about me and all that and she said little more things about herself then she said that i was Dreykov's little perfect toy which wasn't wrong because I was. I guess I didn't expect her knowing that but when she said she was at the red room it didn't come as much of a surprise as that's where she was also from well except HYDRA." Natasha says to Steve as he nods his head before turning around to this show which is oddly interesting to watch.
Natasha peeked over Steve's broad shoulder to see what's so interesting about watching a girl that clearly insulted her. But she didn't want to question it as she moved her chair closer right behind him as she put her neck onto his shoulder as they both intensely watched the girl and her every move.
(in this book steve and natasha are a thing so don't get mad at me if you don't like them together romanogers4life y'all).
Steve wrapped his arm around Natasha's torso without taking his eyes off of the computer in front of him. They watched her eat the chicken individually one by one as she was probably too busy reading a book on English knowing she probably doesn't know any which she does but it's broken. She was halfway done with her chicken and some of her rice which was buttered and had a couple seasonings on it. She definitely tasted salt and pepper and a good decent butter flavor. The chicken was tender she didn't show it but that was definitely her favorite, probably liking HYDRA food than this.
She quickly got tired and bored of her English book so she grabbed a book which clearly said something in English which she didn't understand. It was a Lemony Snicket book something she never read before. It was interesting as she related to the three Baudelaire children were orphans when their house caught a mysterious fire and their parents perished into the fire and they were being sent to live with a man they never knew existed who posed as their uncle of some sort. At least that's what the description of the book was.
She thought the book looked intriguing to her that's for sure. She wasn't given any books at all during her time in HYDRA and the red room that's for sure. For the red room they were forced to do everything synchronized like watching american television shows and movies to help them with their English and different languages of shows and movies for their other languages that they were taught. At least when they weren't trained to basically kill the other person they were fighting.
After she was done reading her book she took her hair out of the very tight braid that it was in and her long curly dirty blonde hair fell to her mid back. Steve continued to picture who this girl was as a shadowy figure came into the girls direction and it was the same person who brought her food: Nick.
Ingrid slides her food tray towards the man and as if it is sliding towards him she sits back down crossing her legs and looking directly at the man as she is not blinking again. Something she doesn't realize is a habit of her's.
"I will take this." Nick says to the girl as he grabs the plate which is halfly eaten as he took that as a sign that she wasn't that hungry. he also looked at the pineapple which was untouched as another sign that she definitely didn't like that. "What foods do you like?" He asks her wanting to get her food that she'll actually eat.
"plums, strawberries, apples, blueberries, grapes, dragon fruit." The girl said in a shockingly clear English accent as she said that without blinking. The man nods his head as he made a mental note of giving her those foods at least she'll eat more. "Also more chicken." She said with a rare smile that felt foreign on her face even it shocked Steve and Natasha to say the least.
"Sure thing, want some more books i see you like the Lemony Snicket ones. Is that correct?" He asked her clearly seeing the book into her hand halfway read as she looked down at the book and then back up at him as she nodded once as he took that as an answer. He also made a mental note about talking about her favorite things as that's one way to get her to talk.
"Также я слышу твои мысли в уме, Николас." Ingrid said switching over to her thick russian accent to nick with an even bigger smile that looked like a creepy smirk. One that was all too familiar to him. Loki. 'also i can hear your mental notes, Nicholas'. He cursed Natasha for telling her his first name most likely Natasha told ingrid his full name: Nicholas J. Fury.
He turned around without giving her another word clearly pissed at Natasha for saying that to the girl as he hates when people call him Nicholas and Nick and not Fury. He dropped the metal plate into the kitchen and then walked to where Steve and Natasha was.
They were intently watching the girl as Ingrid opened her book more and then smirked at herself as she knew that she was being watched but didn't want to cause a scene of easily destroying it with her powers. She continued reading her book in peace hoping that no one would come and see her again at least for a while. Though she wouldn't mind pissing off Natasha even more though. She thought that was entertaining to herself as she chuckled bitterly at the thought which made Natasha have goosebumps on her entire body. Which was rare for her for that to happen but something about that bitter chuckle made her scared?
Nick got to where his greatest agent and Mr. Golden Boy were at and stopped right behind them. clearly pissed at Natasha for telling Ingrid about his full name. "So, Natasha you decided on being a blabber about me huh," Nick said as Natasha held in her yelp at nick for scaring her. Even her senses didn't sense him coming towards them. She turned around in her chair with a small smile on face.
"Hello to you too nick." She said crossing her left leg over her right and crossing her arms over each other. Nick glared heavily at her though his eye patch over his eye that he lost. He was surprised Natasha didn't tell Ingrid that too. Ingrid would definitely get a laugh out of that for a while.
"Fury." America's Golden Boy says catching the pairs attention and pointing to ingrid who appears to be doing something with her powers. Natasha turns back towards Steve to see what he's rambling about now. Then she sees it too. She's moving things with her telekinesis and energy manipulation powers. It looked almost fascinating to see a bright red color of her orbs things moving things around. She made it look like a bedroom type. She seemed to be in her own world as she is talking but to herself. Which is inaudible to hear to the trio watching her.
"What are you three so intrigued about now? The newest SHIELD catch?" A voice that now suddenly made Natasha yelp and Steve instantly moving her behind him. When the trio see it's only Tony Stark they roll their eyes as they go back watching Ingrid intensely.
"Yes she's the newest catch, Stark." Nick says harshly to the man who only raised his hands up in surrender before swiftly walking towards Golden Boy and Natasha. Tony rolls his eyes at the pirate man wondering what got him unhinged so easily but yet again it doesn't take him long to get unhinged. He thought that was his job but he hasn't talked to pirate all day, so it obviously was the him. He looked at the girl standing over Natasha as she looked to have dirty blonde hair and she definitely had powers by all means. Then it clicked into his head: Ingrid Rose Mason.
The girl who was a myth was actually .... alive. Was definitely shocking to see on the billionaire's face as he started watching her intensely like Golden Boy and Natasha. He wondered what was so interesting about watching the girl like she is the prize at the end of a race or whatever. He didn't want to question it and the girl considering what he already heard from Clint. The horror stories about Ingrid and being a myth.
don't be a silent reader!
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