8 - make new friends but hide the old

[make new friends but hide the old]

Third Person's POV


The one thing that Mira hates other than her mother. She hates the environment and everything about it. She wishes that she could be homeschooled so she wouldn't have to leave the comfort of her bed. She tried to beg Bertram to homeschool her but he isn't qualified to do that, which sucked.

Mira is in seventh grade with Luke, and Journey, Zuri was going into third grade, Emma was in high school and Ravi was just starting middle school. For Mira seventh grade is the worst thing in all humanity, besides her mother.

"Bertram, you look so happy. Did your tease of the week come in?" Jessie joked noticing Bertram's unusual happy mood, that only happens when Mira is around. As he likes, Mira as he is slowly growing to like Journey as she isn't as bad as she thought she was going to be.

"Better! It's the day I've been waiting for since summer began!" Bertram smiles.

"The end of summer!" Him and Mira say in unison as she gets more cereal as she really isn't an egg eater, Bertram made her chocolate chip waffles which she happily ate.

Bertram served Luke an egg. "Try to contain yourself, Bertram. You're drooling in our eggs." Zuri says as Mira shakes her head as she sits back down, taking a bite out of her cereal as Journey is reading a harry potter book.

"My plan this year! Is to reduce my wedgie ratio to one per fortnight!" Ravi beams.

"Yeah, if you keep using words like 'fortnight' it's gonna be a long wedgiefic year!" Luke remarks as Mira kicks his leg softly.

"I just hope I don't have to sit next to Gross Gus again." Zuri says with a disgusted look. "He's always shoving stuff up his nose." Luke and I share a look of disgust as she talks. "He always claims he doesn't know what happened to my crayon. How does he explain that magenta snot?"

"That's enough breakfast for today." Bertram says walking over.

"Oh my! Look at the time! You don't want to be tardy on your first day back!" Bertram smiles picking up Luke and Emma's plates, as Mira finished her cereal and put the bowl in the sink.

"But I'm still eating!' Luke protested and followed Bertram to the trash. "Wait! Wait! Wait!"

Bertram began to dump the food into the trash can, but Luke put his face above it so he could catch the food before it could pour into the trash.

"Come on! Come on! Come on!" Jessie says hurrying them out the door and all of them went into the living room.

"There you go!" She gave Emma her bag.

"Love you." She gave Ravi his.

"Love you, Journ." She kissed her cheek handing her bag.

"Love you, Mira." She says giving Mira a quick hug.

"Have a good day! Be good!" She tells them as they walk into the elevator. She turns to them and put on a fake pout. "Bye guys! I miss you already!"

"Bye!" They all say as the doors shut as Journey folds her arms.

"I bet they're happy dancing right now." She says as Luke looked at her.

"Wanna go back and look?" Luke says as Mira nods her head as they made the elevator go back up to see them.

The door opened and they saw Bertram and Jessie dancing together happily as Journey snickered. Once, they saw us, they moved away awkwardly.

"Told you." Luke says.

"That's just cold." Zuri says shaking her head as the doors closed again.

Mira and Journey walked into the school with Luke and Ravi and Journey hated it already. Right off the bat a few boys winked at her and tried to talk to her but Mira and Luke came to her rescue and defended her.

They walked down the halls and Luke was taking something out of his backpack, but instead Kenny the Koala fell out.

"Kenny the Koala?" Mira asked in a hushed voice as Luke quickly picked up the bear and shoved it into his back inside his bag.

"First day, jitters, Luke?" Journey asked him.

"No! Jessie must've accidentally shoved him in with all my stuff!" Luke remarked, embarrassed.

"Whatever you have to tell yourself, bro." Ravi says with folded arms.

"First lesson, I learned, don't let Jessie pack your stuff." Journey advised, Luke went over to his locker and pulled out Kenny but was spotted.

"Hey, Little Lukey. Did you bring your teddy bear to school today?" Billy asked him and Mira and Journey both glared at him.

"Oh, Kenny?" Luke asked and immediately corrects himself. "I mean this random bear I've never saw before in my life." He held Kenny close, turning away. "I'm sorry, just go with it."

"Really? Then whose Teddy-Weddy is he?" Billy asked and Luke looked embarrassed and humiliated.

Mira stepped up before anyone else could. "Kenny is my teddy weddy." Mira admitted grabbing, Kenny. "Or to be more precise, my Koala Woala."

Billy and the other bullies laughed. "We got ourselves a bear lover guys." Billy says as they walked away from them, which was a good thing because Journey was really close of going all Texas on their butts.

Luke looked relieved and hugged Mira before pulling away. "Thanks, M. I can't believe you took a bear for me."

"Well you are my friend, and you have your reputation to uphold as big man on campus, or whatever Ravi calls you." Mira says.

Mira walked over to her locker and put her stuff inside, she made sure no one was looking and checked her bag to make sure Ellie the Elephant was inside. She zipped up her bag and closed her locker only to see Billy standing there.

"Hey, Mira." He greeted with a smirk.

"Hi." She deadpanned and tried her best to ignore him.

"You know I couldn't help but notice that you're quite attractive." He says moving closer and she stepped back.

"Okay, and?" She questions, hoping that this would end but she knew that it wasn't.

"Hey jerkwad, leave her alone. Or I will go Texas on your butt!" Journey says coming to Mira's rescue of Billy.

"Whatcha gonna do about it, anyway?" Billy asked as Journey kicked him where the sun don't shine. He got up and then he ran away.

"Thanks, Journ." Mira says as Journey nods her head.

"Of course, you're my best friend, besides red." Journey says as her and Mira call Jessie, 'Red', because of her red hair.

The following day, Mira was at school with Luke, Ravi and Journey. Mira was hiding in the trash can because she was afraid of the bullies. Journey felt bad for Mira, as people shouldn't bully others just because they have a stuffed animal. Luke thinks it's really cure that Mira has a stuffed animal.

"You can come out now, Mira. People will have moved on to teasing someone else." Luke tells Mira, who opens the door to the trash can.

"Ehh, it's actually quite homey in here. I even dug myself a panic room." Mira remarks as she saw Billy and the others walk over. "Which I will now utilize?"

Billy flipped off the lid and Mira climbed out. "Well, hey, little Mira." Billy greets. "Where's your teddy bear today? Did you drop him off at daycare on the way to school?"

"If I did that would be none of your business." Mira comments back crossing her arms.

"You're making this way to easy." Billy says and he whistled, backing up. Right then three kids came out of the lockers and some appeared behind Billy.

Journey gasped lightly when they all shot spit balls at her. Journey and Luke rushed over to Mira and she was smothered in spit balls.

"Mira are you okay?" Luke asked her worriedly.

"The joke is on them." Mira says. "They missed a spot."

As of on cue, a spit ball landed on her nose. "Oh shame on you, Mary Beth!" Luke scolds the Hall Monitor. "Hall monitors are supposed to protect and serve."

"I'm sorry, Mira." Journey says hugging Mira.

"It is alright, it's not your fault." Mira says.

After school, Luke, Ravi, Mira and Journey got home and went into the kitchen to see Jessie. She'll tell Luke to stand up for Mira, like she did for him.

"Mira! What happened to you!" Jessie asked, pulling her over worriedly.

"A spitball ambush." Mira mutters.

"Well, that looks like this needs your undivided attention." Zuri says and mutters to Mira. "Thank you for being you." She says before running out after that.

Bertram pulled out a chair and Mira sat down. "Mira who did this?" He asked her.

"Before you or Jess asked, it wasn't Luke's fault." Mira says.

"Luke, what did you do to my favorite kid?!" Bertram asked as Journey didn't take it to heart as she knows that he wasn't talking about her.

"It wasn't me!" Luke protests.

"Some kids at school have been giving Mira a hard time because I may have sorta, kinda been seen at school with Kenny, and then, sorta, kinda let Mira take the heat for it." Luke explained with a face full of guilt.

"Luke that is sorta, kinda despicable." Jessie tells him.

"What? I can't hear you." Mira asked.

Jessie looked down at Mira. "Not talking to you, sweetie."

"Well, it is your fault." Luke fires back.

"How is that even remotely possible?" Jessie asked.

"You're the one who put Kenny in my backpack!" Luke reasons.

"Okay, so that is not so remote." Jessie remarks. "But how could you just stand by and let Mira get wallpapered?"

"If it makes you better, I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine." Journey tells Jessie.

"That's my sister." Jessie says praising Journey.

"I didn't ask her to do this." Luke protests. "She volunteered, she's fine with it."

"If I may interject..." Mira says standing up but wobbling at first but she caught her balance, as Bertram helped her.

"Mira, not now!" Jessie says as Mira sinks down as she got her hearing back as Bertram took the spit balls out of her ears, which helped a lot. "Clearly she's not fine. She's covered in saliva and shame." Jessie says as she gagged when she realized she was touching one of the spitballs.

"Is anyone else concerned that if I do not take a shower soon, I may harden into a giant paper-mache garden gnome?" Mira asked them with her voice getting higher. They didn't respond. "So, just me?"

"Luke I am so disappointed in you." Jessie admits and walked over to the drawers and got a towel. "The best part of having siblings is having someone to stick up to you, you know? Now it's your turn."

"But I can't! You just don't get it!" Luke exclaims and walks away.

"Listen, I understand how hard it is to stick up for someone in school. But you have the possibility of being humiliated." Journey tells him. "But if you really cared about Mira, you would do it. I stuck up for Mira when Billy wouldn't leave her alone." Journey says.

"But that was different." Luke reasons.

"That shouldn't matter." Journey says. "Mira is your best friend and right now, you're being a terrible best friend."

Journey walked past Luke and headed up stairs. "Journey wait." Journey stopped midway and turned to Luke. "I do care about Mira, but this--"

"You do care?" She scoffed. "Then start acting like it and w hen you do, come talk to me, because I have no interest in speaking to you until you do." She then continued up the stairs without another word.

The next day, Journey still haven't talked to Luke, it drove him crazy but she didn't care, in her defense he deserved the silent treatment that she was giving him. "Journ, please talk to me." He kept begging her and she turned up her music all the way and 'Story of Us' by Taylor Swift was playing.

"Journ." Luke repeats as he sighs. "It's killing me knowing you're upset with me."

She shut her locker and leaned against it, looking away. He hurt Mira, and now Journey is hurting him by giving him the silent treatment.

"Hey, Little Mira, wanna play some dodge-bear?" Mira heard Billy say and him and the other kids threw stuffed animal bears at him. Journey clenched her fist at this and hit her locker, causing a few people to jump. Billy saw this and he backed up with wide eyes.

"Hey, everyone!" Luke called out and he stood on top of a bench with Kenny in his hands. "Listen up, Kenny doesn't belong to Mira. He's mine."

Everyone gasped as Journey folded her arms, listening to Luke speaking as Mira came out from around the corner as she's wearing a hoodie, nearly covering her entire face.

"Luke, you don't have to do this." Mira says, pulling him down.

"Yes, I do, M." He says as a small smile slips onto Journey's face. "Kenny's been with me since I was a baby. He hands out on my bed. Sometimes I bring him to the dentist when I'm nervous because I haven't flossed and the fact that dentists scare me in general. But we're not gonna confess that."

"In fact, the only person who's been a better friend to me than Kenny, is Mira. So quit making fun of my best friend!" Luke exclaims as Mira and Journey smiles brightly as some girls said 'Aw!'

Luke hopped down and a bunch of girls surround him. "Woah, hey." Luke smiles as Mira watched him walk off. "You know, Kenny and I have matching sweaters."

Billy and the other bullies watch in disbelief as Mira was happy.

"They think this is cute?" Billy asked gesturing to the girls.

"Classic Luke." Mira mutters under her breath.

"With those freckles, and that charisma, he makes it work." Journey says as Mira couldn't agree more to her.

"Yeah he could."

✺✳ β”… β‘… β”… ✳✺

Hey, it's me. Figured I'd stop in here and say hope you like this chapter.
This is one of my favorite episodes only because I can relate to it so much.

Please vote and comment thanks!

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