4 - journey to new york

[Journey to New York]

Third Person's POV

Journey Gianna Prescott is the youngest daughter of JW Prescott and his wife Vivian (not Jessie's mother but for the show she is). Jessie is the oldest girl and Journey is the youngest. She was really close to her sister even after she left for New York.

Your probably wondering why Journey wasn't with Jessie when she left. Well, she was already gone at a friend's house so she couldn't leave even if she wanted to.

Of course, her friend's house was on the Military Base. Her friend is now her boyfriend, so yeah. Luckily her father was alright with his daughter having a boyfriend, mostly because he trusted her that she wouldn't do anything stupid.

Unlike her older sister Jessie. Journey is the more responsible daughter of JW Prescott, but also being the youngest. She's more of a nerdie kid than a troublemaker.

JW is not as strict with Journey as he is with anyone else like the other privates and other people at the Military Base. Because those things can set her off, as she has really bad anxiety when that happens so he tries. But sometimes it'll slip out and he doesn't mean it.

Journey is really excited as she is finally getting to see her older sister again. She misses Jessie and is really excited to see the kids she's watching for. Jessie told Journey a couple things about Samira as she likes her already, from what her sister told her.

"Kids! Get down here!" Jessie says from the living room and as per usual Samira is eating ice cream for breakfast. Well not exactly for breakfast, as she had cereal and bacon.

Samira winced a little at hearing Jessie yelling for the kids as she was right next to her. Samira did one thing that shocked Jessie. She was offering Jessie a bite out of her ice cream.

"Jess want to finish it?" Samira asked Jessie as said Jessie looked at her and blinked confusedly. The red head nodded her head before grabbing the bowl and the spoon and took a bite out of the sweet treat.

The kids came down groaning and moaning ad kt was ten thirty on a Saturday. Emma, Ravi and Zuri looked like they got electrocuted by a light socket as their hair was messed up. Finally, Luke was on the last step sleeping. She was going to question Luke later.

"Jessie, it's too early. Can we go back to bed?" Emma says groaning as it ends in a nice long yawn.

"Yeah can we. I was in the middle of a good dream. I was on the stage with Miranda Lambert and we were going an encore." Zuri says as she huffed as she sat on the couch.

"So just cut to the chase, please." Ravi says as he yawned after he said that like Emma did as the ones that was awake agreed with Ravi. Jessie put the now finished bowl of Samira's ice cream on the table.

"Okay, so I have a younger sister who's the same age as Mira, and she's coming today. But later on as she is on your parents private jet." Jessie says as Luke rolled over and landed on the ground from the one step that he was using as a bed.

"Owie." Luke says as he gets up while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Wait who's coming today?" Luke asked as he wipes some crusties off of his eyes with his hands.

"My sister." Jessie says as Luke tilts his head to the side as his one brain cell was confused until it hit him.

"Wait you have a sister? Is she cute?" Luke asked as Samira bit the inside of her cheek. As she felt a ping of guilt as he sounded so happy saying that. But she'll let it slide for now.

Why is she having feels for her best friend? This should be illegal. Is it?

She rubbed her feelings off with a shake of her head.

"Hands off! I mean it." Jessie says pointing a finger at Luke as he frowned as he didn't want her to say that.

"Fine, but no promises." Luke says as he holds back a chuckle with a cheeky grin on his face that says otherwise of what he said. Jessie just shook her at his actions knowing that he'll try to get his hands on her.

"Whatever, so you four try to be nice to her, please. She's going through a rough time right now so the least thing I want is you four scaring her off." Jessie says as her face softened as that's what gotten everyone's attention including Bertram's.

"Please tell me there's not going to be another kid here." Bertram says annoyed as Samira bit the inside of her cheek. "Because if so, then I'm leaving."

Samira shook her head at Bertram as she took a sip from her coffee, smiling a little at the flavor. An iced vanilla latte with creamer.

"What he meant is, he's happy that your amazing sister is coming here." Samira says as Bertram couldn't help but smile a little at what she said. But if he was actually one of the Ross kids he'd glare at her for saying that.

"Yeah that." He says as he pats her shoulder a little as she smiles.


Samira was in the kitchen making herself a sandwich as she was getting hungry. She didn't hear her phone ringing as she had earbuds in her ear as it's on her iPod playing some Taylor Swift song as she was singing to the song as it was Fearless from her album a couple years ago.

A couple seconds later her phone stopped ringing as it's been her mother trying to call her for the past ten minutes. Jana's name on Samira's phone is 'potential spam' as Jana would sometimes literally spam her phone until she picked up. She'd say something stupid like 'hi' or 'do you wanna hang out today' either way Samira would ignore her mother and hang up.

She and her mother used to be somewhat close when she was younger but it wasn't the greatest relationship either. Jana was always gone with Brenna and her boyfriends at that time she had. None of the boyfriends even wanted anything to do with Samira. So she always found refuge to the Ross family as they liked her....for who she was.

It became like a second family but a family that is there for you. Granted yes, Morgan and Christina wasn't always around that much but she could see why. There famous with Morgan being a producer and Christina being a model.

She was so scared when she started hanging around with Luke because she didn't know if he actually wanted anything to do with her. Because she wasn't into the things that he was into. She doesn't dance, have any friends, and she thought she was out of his league.

She's more of that quiet kid that no one takes to, and or goes up to. She's came out of her shell a couple of times since knowing the Ross kids, bit nothing major. Mainly standing up to the bullies who pick on Luke and Ravi but that's about it.

She thinks it should be illegal to love your best friend so she's never said anything about it. Well at least to Luke himself. She is basically a deer in the headlights. Frozen staring at the car in front of it. She'd chicken out with things like that.

She always has little faith that he doesn't like her like that, because there both shy about that. What she doesn't know is that Luke likes her but he chickens out about talking to her like that.

What broke her out of her song jam was a tap on her shoulder that made her jump. She turned around to only see Bertram. She took her earbuds out of her ear.

"Your mom called fifteen times." He says handing her phone as she groaned of annoyance.

"What's so important now? She's going to want to magically spend time with me, or turn me down for her dumb boyfriends." Samira says as she goes to walk away as she's almost out of the kitchen before she stops dead in her tracks at what she sees.

Her mother is in the living room.

"Jana what a pleasure to see you today. What brings you here?" Bertram says as Samira refused to leave her spot where she's standing.

Jana turns around at hearing her voice as a sly smile appeared on her face that only grew faker by the second.

"I wanted to come here to see if my dear Samira wants to spend time with her papa today? If that's alright with her." Jana says in a fake sweet voice as Jessie was coming downstairs Samira wanted so desperately to run to Jessie but refused.

Samira didn't know what to say as she didn't want her mother here. She also most definitely didn't want to see her father. Because he isn't her father. He wasn't there for her when she needed him. Neither of them were in fact. Which is why she found refuge to the Ross family in the first place. Just so that she could escape her own family.

Samira walked quietly behind her with her hands behind her back so she doesn't knock anything over in the process. Her heart beat started beating faster as the next thing that was heard was shattered glass.

"Why would she want to spend time with you. You weren't there for her, and neither was her father." Jessie says protectively as Jana turned around in her fancy coat.

Jana raised an eyebrow at Jessie as she rolled her eyes at her. "Who are you again? Are you one of the older brat kids?" Jana says as Jessie was taken aback at what she said as this made the other kids come from the movie room to see what the commotion was about.

Emma, Luke, Ravi and Zuri's faces all darkened at seeing Jana in their living room as they all clenched their fists. Apparently their last stunt hadn't gotten to Jana's head.

"Jessie, their Nanny. Nice to meet you." Jessie says bitterly to the woman who continues to have her sly smirk on her face.

"What a shame. Hope you last." Jana says to Jessie as said Jessie rolls her eyes.

"What do you want with Mira anyway?" Jessie asks Jana wanting her to go back where she came from and never come back here anyway.

Jana winced a little but not for the reasons that Jessie hoped it would be for. But instead for something more stupid. "Her name is Samira not that poison." Jana says as she puts her fingers on the bridge of her nose in annoyance.

Samira comes walking through the movie room with her finger to her lips as Jessie understood the assignment. Samira had a contraption that Luke had for emergencies like this. Samira started painting her mother's expensive jacket with a paint brush immediately ruining it.

Jessie tried not to laugh when some the fake blood started going down her mother's arm. She wanted to get Jana's attention about it but it'll ruin the fun.

When Samira was satisfied with what she had done she tip toed back to the movie room where she gave Luke the fake blood and paint brush before she walked behind her mother's jacket.

"Hi, mom." Samira says as Jessie put he randomly over her mouth as the fake blood was going down her mother's leg. She glanced down at her mother's leg as she looked at Jessie with a raised eyebrow.

"You have something on your leg?" Jessie says addressing the blood-stained tights and now expensive shoes.

Jana was confused as she looked down and Samira could see her mother's eye sockets bulging at the sight of the blood. She screamed before heading to the elevator.

"Buh bye." Samira says with a cute laugh that was the laugh of a prankster something Jessie never seen and or heard before. Well at least not coming from Mira.

"That was bloody brilliant mate," Jessie says using a fake British accent that it more hilarious than it actually was.

Then the elevator dinged and a red head walked out of it. She looked around with wide eyes and a bright smile. Her smile widened when she saw her older sister.

"Jessie?" The voice said as the older redhead turned around and smiled at the girl.

"Journey!!" Jessie exclaimed as she brought the girl into a tight hug which was a bone crushing hug.

"Okay, can't breathe." Journey says as Bertram comes from the kitchen and Luke, Emma, Ravi and Zuri come from the movie room.

"Is that witch gone?" Luke asked as Samira nods her head as Nala jumps onto her shoulder.

"She went far far and away." Samira joked as Jessie laughed at her joke.

"I saw a crazy lady covered in blood when I walked in. Was that her?" Journey asked as the Ross kids, Bertram and Jessie and also Samira shook their heads no at her.

Even if they felt bad for lying to Journey they didn't want her to think it was Jana.

"Nope that was the person downstairs, she's crazy." Bertram says as Journey laughed a little.

"I'm Journey by the way. Jessie's little sister." Journey says with a small smile as Luke was staring at Journey like she was the last cookie on the plate.

Ravi saw him staring at her and he slapped him across the head even that didn't break his gaze from Journey.

"Luke!" Jessie exclaimed as Luke shook his head like he was under some type of trance. Well he was, it's called Journey's beauty.

Journey blushed a little at Luke as Samira has a small fake smile on her face as she had a ping of guilt at seeing Journey blushing.

Why is she feeling jealous that other girls have a crush on Luke? This isn't normal? Is it?

Just then the elevator dinged as Taylor walked out of it. "Hey Jessie." Taylor says as her hair is in two French braids.

Jessie smiled at seeing the blonde as Samira headed to the kitchen without anyone noticing but Taylor noticed.

"Sammy owes me money from yesterday that's why I'm here." Taylor says as Journey smiles at the girl.

"I'm Journey. Jessie's sister." Journey says as her hands out as Taylor shook her hand with a laugh.

"Jessie's talked about you....a lot. At this point I thought you were a celebrity. I'm Taylor." Taylor says as the two hug before Taylor excuses herself and walked to the kitchen.


"You good Sammy?" Taylor asked as Samira harshly opened the refrigerator door and grabbed a can of coffee before opening it almost breaking a nail as she angrily poured the coffee into a glass. "Hey, what's wrong?" Taylor asked as she put a hand on Samira's shoulder.

Samira grabbed one of the straws that she has and stirs the coffee of course angrily.

"I'm fine." Samira says as she went to take a sip from the coffee but Taylor took it from her. Clearly knowing that her friend isn't okay, as this isn't like her at all.

"Samira Jade Walker, answer me right now. What . Is. Wrong?" Taylor says as she puts the glass on the table.

"This might be the most stupidity thing I've ever said." Samira says to Taylor sighs at least they're going somewhere.

"I've heard and seen it all. It can't be that bad, Mira." Taylor says softly to her friend as she turns Samira around sot hat they can face each other.

"Would it ... be possibly wrong...." Samira says trailing off as Taylor scrunched her eyebrows together as she is confused and curious of what she has to say.

"What could be wrong?" Taylor asked as this conversation got intriguing.

"To...um....like..." Samira takes a deep breath before she continues as Taylor listened to what she has to say. "Your best friend." Samira says as it took Taya couple of seconds to comprehend what she said.

Does she like me? Or someone else? Taylor thought in her head.

"Wait like, or like like? I'm confused here." Taylor says as Samira shook her head no at her answer.

"Like like." Samira says as she looked down as she doesn't have anyone else to talk to of a thing like that.

Well she does Taylor but even Samira doesn't tell her everything. She does but not this. When Taylor comprehend what she had said she looked at Samira wide eyed.

"Me, or...." Taylor says before she starts rambling. "If you like me like that it's fine, but if you...." Taylor says rambling to Samira as said Samira tries not to laugh at what's happening.

"Taylor." Samira says her name but she continues to ramble. "Taylor!" Samira says louder as Taylor stops as she looks at Samira as she gives her a blinking confused look.

"Don't worry it's not you, no offense." Samira says as Taylor smiles at hearing that, if it was it's fine, but she's even more glad that it wasn't her. She isn't sure that she likes Samira like that.

Taylor took a deep breath that ended in a sigh as Samira has a huge grin on her face.

"It's Luke." Samira says as that makes Taylor more confused as she just gives her a blinking look.

"What? Why?" Taylor asks rapidly as she is confused that Samira would say that.

"I- I- I don't know. It just happened." Samira says as she gave Taylor a nervous look. "What if he doesn't like me that way." Samira says as Taylor didn't answer. "Taylor! Answer me." Samira says shaking Taylor's shoulders like she was crazy.

"What? Stop doing that. I'm getting dizzy." Taylor says as Samira stopped shaking her shoulders as said Samira reaches for her coffee that she had forgotten that Taylor took it.

"I don't know what to do? What do I do? Tell me?" Samira says as she took a long sip from her drink that she had forgotten but luckily it still tastes good.

"Let's start of what not to do? Lesson one." Taylor says as Samira grabs a random notepad and pencil to take the notes. "Your desperate aren't ya?" Taylor says with a raised brow with a smirk forming on her lips as Samira gives her friend a look.

"Less doing that and more giving me advice-y." Samira says as Taylor shakes her head.

After Taylor's lesson of what not to do, Samira felt confident to tell Luke how she felt that was before he walked into he kitchen and took that confidence as he was wearing a sleeveless shirt and shorts.

"Yeah I can't do this." Samira whispered to Taylor who was happily eating a snack with a smile.

"Can't do what?" Luke asked as Samira froze at what he said. As she felt her heartbeat getting faster as she gulped. Luke wasn't really paying attention just overheard the conversation between the two girls.

"Nothing." Samira says as she ran upstairs away from Luke. When Luke realized that Samira wasn't there he turned to Taylor who as as confused as he was. She mindlessly shrugged her shoulders.

"Don't look at me." Taylor said as Luke laughed before grabbing his water bottle and walked out of the kitchen.


"How was your flight?" Jessie asks Journey as they are going to have a slumber party in her room because Bertram is cleaning the sheets because the guest bed didn't have any and they were dirty.

Bertram actually didn't mind Journey, she was like another copy of Samira. She also had good jokes, especially of Jessie's ex boyfriends, and her relationships growing up. So its safe to say that Bertram likes the girl.

"It wasn't that bad, until Logan did a thing." Journey says with a slight frown on her face as Logan was her boyfriend. Well now ex-boyfriend.

He cheated on her as Journey was heading home from school and found Logan kissing a girl named Bethany who is Darla's younger sister. Which is Jessie's childhood rival for obvious reasons. Logan tried to explain that it was a mistake and that he didn't mean it, obviously Journey didn't believe him one bit.

"Why what happened? I thought you were dating him?" Jessie says as she finished with fluffing the pillows as that's what Journey likes.

"It was fine until I came home from school and found him, um..." Journey says with baby tears starting to form in her eyes as Jessie stopped when Journey stopped talking.

"What did he do?" Jessie says taking her sister's shoulders and giving them a slight reassuring squeeze.

"He kissed another girl." Journey says as she grabbed her phone and unlocked it and showed Jessie the video.

I'm going to use [ and ] for the italics because my phone is stupid.

[It was a normal day for Journey at the middle school everything was going good that was until she got off of the bus from school that day. It was good until her friend Evelyn filmed something on her phone. Journey asked her friend what she was filming and then stopped just when Journey got beside her and then showed her the video]

Evelyn: you need to watch this J.
She says as she showed Journey the video.

Journey: why?
Journey says confused as she clicked play and daw what was on the other side of the bush where Evelyn was standing.

Journey was shocked to see what happened, Logan was kissing another girl as they had their hands going everywhere on each other as it was sickening to watch to say the least. She was mentally gagging at the sight of it.

Journey: what. wait is that Bethany?
Journey says zooming in at the girl as she recognized it as Bethany who was Darla's younger sister.

Evelyn: I'm sorry J.
She says with a lot of sympathy at the friend as Journey tried not to cry at the sight of the video.

[End of video]

"That's what happened." Journey says to her sister as she puts her phone back into her shorts pocket as she wears shorts for he pajamas.

"I'm so sorry, J. I really am." Jessie says bringing her sister into the hug as she sniffed her nose as she grabbed the tissue that Jessie offered her.

"Thanks. Now you know why I wanted to leave." Journey says as she blows her nose which makes her voice sounds weird as Jessie offers her a sad smile.

"Well he was a loser anyway. Besides he doesn't know how an amazing, kind-hearted, funny girl you are. He wasted your time." Jessie says as Journey made herself laugh at what she said.

"Just like your previous relationships?" Journey says as Jessie playfully hit her sister with a pillow as she shook her head with a grin on her face.

"Heh watch it! Those don't count." Jessie says to her sister which makes her laugh as she looks at her sister's playful glare and tries to stop herself but she went back to laughing.

"S-sorry." Journey says to her sister once she actually stopped laughing, but she smiled instead.

"Good night J." Jessie says kissing her sister's head as she laid down on her side of the bed which is the front side as had the other side.

"Night." Journey says as she sighs a little as Jessie turned around as she knows that something is up. Her senses is going off. Not her 'Nanny Powers' but her 'older sister powers'.

"What's wrong?" Jessie asks her sister as she is now facing her in their shared bed.

"Will it get better?" Journey asks as Jessie knew what she meant.

"Yes it will." Jessie says to her sister as she kissed her head after she brought her into her arms and Journey hugged her sister.


Here is an update.

Journey is finally introduced in the book! I was planning on waiting until G.I. Jessie when they go to Texas but that was too late for me. So I went with now.

Samira spilled her feelings for Luke to Taylor (which we got a little bit more of).

I have an important question for you guys. Who are your guesses of who her father is (as she doesn't have a mother). It's a male who is an actual character in the show? It's not Tony. He was one of Jessie's boyfriends but later on?

I'll leave you guys guessing. Love you all!!

All I'm going to tell you is that you won't expect who it is.

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