seeing some old friends and getting kidnapped part 2

(Hi, just me I wanna say that I'm excited for this chapter as it's probably gonna be my favorite at least for this book. Unless a chapter changes my mind in the future. So Bri is going to have some help from a couple of her 'super-friends', can you guess who they are? Leave your guesses before they are revealed).


Previously on Henry Danger

Arianna was heading towards the Mall, and then she met up with two friends. Mila gave her a spell-like thing and Issac dragged her out and Mila set some bombs and destroyed parts of the Mall. Then when Henry and Ray got there Arianna was gone and so was Issac. They fight with Mila and the rest of her goons, and some are injured and dead while others' lives will be changed forever. Brianna goes on her mission to her Vengeance for the very people that hurt her sister and put her best friend in the hospital.

Charlotte got the call from Henry who was on his way back home as it was his turn to cook dinner for his family. She hoped that Bri would be alright doing this by herself as she knows how dangerous it is. But that's not stopping the youngest Manchester girl from getting her sister back and being a new hero in Swellview.

What she doesn't know is that Bri isn't doing this alone as she's going to have to help her friends. Bri just got done telling her friends where to meet her so that she could pick them up. Luckily her friends were in town when the Mall incident occurred so that made it easier for Bri. She picked up her friends and then she was back being off in the air.


"Thank you for telling us what happened. We're sorry for what happened to your sister." The girl says despite her mood of what happened, her lips turned into a tight smile. The brother of the sister put his hand over his mouth to keep himself from throwing up. Last time he was in the air he almost threw up. Well, not exactly the last time but the last time that he and his sister were in town.

Have any guesses who they are yet? Give you a hint: their family are superheroes).

"Anytime. Figured I could have some company while getting Ria back." Brianna says as the siblings smile at the girl despite the situation the brother hasn't thrown up yet. Key word: yet.

"Thanks.....Bri." The brother says as his sister dug in her bag that she brought, she handed her brother a paper bag and immediately after getting it from his sister he hurled the remains of the sushi they had for dinner before Bria called.

"Be glad that we aren't higher. Then you'd really be having fun." The sister says as Brianna and her shared a smirk as they fist bumped each other and then they got to their destination.

"Landing time." Brianna says as she harshly pointed down as the brother threw up again and soon the Copter smelled like puke.

"Man I shouldn't had brought Mr. Getting Sick." The sister says as Brianna made a little bumpy landing but safety nonetheless.

"Oh Thank God, we're here." The brother says as they get out of the Copter. They then get their weapons of choice, and then they were walking side-by-side in the cloudy night sky where the moon's light was shining on them.

"What's the plan?" The brother says as Brianna and his sister took off says saftey on their weapons.

"Follow us, don't get caught." The sister said to her brother as he gave her a look and before they could say anything they ducked as they almost got caught.

Who is out this late at night? All of them thought in their heads. They didn't know of the danger that they what they didn't know was that they shoulda brought more people with them. Because three against how many are in the building, all they can do is hope and pray to God that Bri's plan will work. She just needs to play her card's carefully and right then maybe just maybe her plan will work.

"Hope this works as we only have one shot, then if that doesn't work we're screwed." Brianna says as she takes a deep breath as she whispering to herself to calm her nerves, and hee anxiety. As this is technically her first ever mission that she's doing. Let alone without her father, sister and Henry.

"It's okay Bria. Just take a deep breath." The sister tells Brianna as she nods her head as she even is unsure of her own answer, but she has to be brave and strong. For her Dad, and everyone in Swellview. But also for her sister, as everyone is counting on her to succeed at this risky and dangerous mission. Even more dangerous than Drex; and that says something.

"Thanks, Phoebe." Brianna says as she looks over where she's hiding and she sees the coast is clear and when it is she gives the siblings the signal its clear.

Once the three of them walk back out like a badass trio of superheroes. With their weapons of choice ready and armed, and their blank faces. It was like a scene taken out of the MCU, or any superhero TV show or movie when the heroes are about to have fun defeating the villains.

(I keep forgetting that this is a kid show so of you hear the word badass it will ALWAYS be in Third Person's POV, nothing more nothing less).

"Let's split until we find a way in. Sound like a plan?" Max says as the two girls say yes in agreement. Before they split up and Brianna makes a waterslide with her powers, and she's now on the roof.

Max and Phoebe are on the west and east side respectively, as Brianna got to what looks like a hatch. Which means a secret entrance. Which also means a secret way to get to her sister.

Brianna's POV

So there's a secret entrance, that's the first. At least that is the first that I've seen. Can't believe I'm breaking in a building. It feels so wrong, but it feels so right. Why do I sound like I'm crazy. So this is what people think when they're on their first mission? Yikes.

I tried to open the door to no avail, and I saw that where was a pin to open it. I put what I've learned from Schwoz about pin numbers and all that. As I'm the only one who understands everything like that.

After myself trying to guess the PIN number to no avail I hologrammed Schwoz. He didn't answer but there's JJ the next best thing. Like me she love's hacking into things, so she helped me guess the PIN number. Which was the dumbest thing because it was 01234 as it was a 5 digit code. Ugh people. If you are going to have something with a PIN don't be dumb and picking out the most guessed one.

I wasn't thinking about that one, though I did guess 1234 not realizing that it was a five digit number. But whatever at least I got in. I checked the time and I groaned as I wasted ten minutes just trying to open it and guess the code.

"Bria? Where are you?" I heard Phoebe whispering on the comm as I groaned as I had to jump down as there wasn't a ladder. Well I think as the light's are turned off, which makes it more creepier. Why am I scared of the dark all of a sudden? I love the dark. Why am I suddenly scared of it.

"I'm good, just had trouble getting in. Where are you two?" I ask her and then I heard a noise on her end. It sounded she's in trouble. Great. Just great.

"I'm also in a situation. Sorry Bria but you have to go alone." Max says before his end cuts off as I take a deep breath to calm myself down.

"It's okay, you've seen Marvel with your sister how many times? You got this. Imagine your with Steve and Nat." I tell myself hoping that I'd work, at least bring my confidence up. Because right now its low.

Third Person's POV

Before Brianna could do anything she was harshly injected with something and she fell to the ground with a quiet thud. The person who injected Brianna steps into the light as it's Mila. She smiles wickedly like she's proud of what happened. As she is. She got Brianna right where she wanted her in the first place, and her little friends.

"Come in Mila. Got the bait." Was the voice of her infamous father Wyatt Jones.

"Copy." Mila says as she puts Brianna in a sack and brings her towards her father and Max and Phoebe. When Mila brings Brianna towards everyone else she is immediately put in a chair and Wyatt strapped her in tightly incase Brianna tries to escape. Which she might when she regains consciousness.

A couple hours later
Man Cave

A mission that was supposed to take two hours, turned into three, then four, then five, then the sun was coming up. Still no sign or nothing from Brianna.

Everyone was aware what was happening and now its either wait until they hear something or go after Brianna. Henry and Ray are aware that Brianna is risking her life doing this mission. The last that anyone heard anything was when Brianna hologrammed Schwoz and she got JJ for help to open a door. But that was last night, and everyone is starting to lose hope about this.

"Should we do something? She shoulda been back." Henry says checking the time on his phone. When he sees that its seven in the morning he groans as he puts his phone back down. "A long time ago."

When they heard Henry say that they groan in agreement, as neither of them want to leave and basically get hurt again. Charlotte then turns to Schwoz as he's checking to see if Ray has any injuries from the machine.

"Anything on Ray?" Charlotte asks hoping that some positive thing will come out of this. The bald man stops what he's doing and looks up at the girl. He merely nods his head slightly as Charlotte took a deep breath.

"He's okay." Schwoz says in the voice of Ray's annoying saying everytime he gets hurt but not injured. She then silently cheers to herself. As everyone else doesn't have the courage to do anything.

Almost on cue the elevator doors opened and comes a happy and energetic Jasper. Who doesn't know a single clue about anything as he was at Six Poles Over Swellview with his cousin.

When Jasper comes in the Man Cave he sees that everyone is not okay. That's for sure. Or in this case an understatement.

JJ sees the boy as it made her jump a little as she wasn't expecting Jasper. Out of all people she wasn't expecting Jasper. At all.

"Whatever you do don't say anything stupid. Or don't say anything." JJ says as calmly as she can as she's feeling a little better from yesterday but she's not. It's like half and half. She is but she's not. JJ sees the confused look on Jasper's face as he only just got here and wanting to tell everyone about his trip. "Please, just don't." She says as the boy puts his hands up in surrender.

He bites his tongue not to say anything as he doesn't wanna make the girl mad. For the first time in a long time he listened. For once. Ari would be so happy that he's actually listening to simple instructions; that was another that he was starting to look for. But to no avail he sees no sign of his angry friend. Who sounds like she's been watching way too many Hulk videos. That might explain why she's always cranky. The more that he silently thinks about it the more that it makes sense.

He does the next best thing that he can do without talking. Texting. He texted JJ, as he's technically not talking to her.

Jasper: what happened? Why does everyone look like someone died?

JJ's phone vibrated in her pocket and out of curiosity she checks it and without getting mad at Jasper and not answering. She does.

Angry mexican girl: a lot happened. Ari is missing, bria went to find her as it turned out to be longer than all of us anticipated.


JJ sighs at the message that Jasper sended as she could hear angry, worried, scared and all that just by reading his message.

Angry mexican girl: we don't know where neither of them are, sorry Jasper.

Jasper: I'm sorry for yelling at you. Can you forgive me?

He really is the sweetest guy. JJ thought in her head as she texted him back.

Angry mexican girl: sure thing, as i totally understand how you are feeling.

Jasper: you do? How?

Angry mexican girl: because of mi papa. I was the same way when I found out that he died. I wanted to know everything even if I was too young to understand what was happening. So yeah I understand.

Jasper: sorry about your Dad. didn't know that you were feeling the same way i am.

Angry Mexican girl: sure thing and it's not your fault for what happened.

Jasper: thanks, that made me feel better a little.

Angry mexican girl: sure thing.

Little later
Wayne's Fleet Farm

Neither the Twins even bother to do anything to get out, of their own restraints. As they've tried multiple times to no avail as per usual. At this point it was no use of trying to get out as it's not just any restrains its power restraints. So its useless of trying at this point.

The twins' sharp eyes now that they are awake are all alert and ready. They hear a noise coming from they don't know. As the room is dark. Completely dark. No light nothing.

The peculiar noise sounds like its near but they can't tell. Phoebe then has as an instant idea, as she taps her bracelet as she sends an SOS to her parents.


The Thunderman's are enjoying their peaceful dinner without the usual banter between the older set of twins. Barb and Hank aren't worried as they know where they are, in Swellview. So when the TV made a noise the mother immediately got up and walled to the living room.

The TV screen looked all statically and then the screen just looks like a map. Which confused the mother to say the least, as she zoomed out to where the map says where it is. Then big words say, SWELLVIEW.

"Hank." Barb calls for her husband who also had a shadow. Their youngest daughter Chloe. Who is about six.

"Daddy didn't do anything. I swear." Chloe says to her mother as said mother smiles before pointing to the TV.

"Why is it showing Swellview?" Barb asked Hank as said father now thinks and he gets nowhere so he shrugs his shoulders.

"What's Swellview?" Chloe asks as she never heard of such place. Barb looks at her youngest child.

"It's a city that Phoebe and Max went to a couple years ago but why is it showing it now?" Barb says as the last part of what she said sounded more like a question to herself. As she is trying to think of what's going on, and before anything can be said, Chloe disappears somewhere.

"Hey, look Chloe is gone." Billy says as Nora rolls her eyes at her twin brother.

"Yeah I think everyone noticed." Nora bites back to her brother as he has his hands up in surrender.

"Could something be wrong?" Nora asks her parents as Billy goes back to the dining room to finish eating his dinner.

"I don't know. I hope not." Barb says to her daughter in a sympathetic trying not to think on the bright side of the situation.

Before anyone could say anything Chloe came back as she took a deep breath. Everyone turns to her to see where she went as they thought she went to her room or something.

"They are in a building, called Wayne's Fleet Farm." Chloe says as Barb tries to find such place as it was in deed in Swellview. But it doesn't say why.

"Who?" Hank says as Chloe gave her father a look along with an annoyed huff as she crossed her arms. "My babies!" Hank says dramatically as his knees fell to the ground as Nora rolls her eyes at her father for being that dramatic.

"Really?" Nora says to her father as he continued to cry in despair, as Barb shakes her head as she used her powers and zapped him and he stopped crying.

"Owie." Hank says as Nora crosses her hands over her chest as she rolled her eyes.

"Let's go if you care about Max and Phoebe." Chloe says as she's in her supersuits.

"Chloe's right, we should go." Barb says as Hank nods his head at his wife as they then get in their supersuits, and then Chloe teleports them to Wayne's Fleet Farm.

They got right outside the building where there weren't any guards out guarding the premises. Barb then thinks of an idea of how to get in, as she is the somewhat smart one of planning their missions, especially when Max and or Phoebe aren't present.


Brianna is tied up with a piece of duct tape tightly around her mouth as Max and Phoebe are dozing off as their doing the head nods trying to stay awake which is hard especially since they haven't slept at all and the fact that they are somewhat sleeping while standing up.

"God my neck hurts." Max says annoyed as Phoebe gives him a look and he sheepishly looks around like nothing happened as he's awkwardly whistling.

"No crap, but at least you don't see me complaining and or Brianna. She's not complaining so be more like her." Phoebe snapped at her brother as he rolled his eyes even though Brianna can't see them because its pitch dark and even if she did hear then she can't say anything. Because of the tape on her mouth.

But you could hear a faint groan of exhaustion from the girl as Phoebe feels bad for bringing Brianna into this situation as she's just a kid and doesn't belong here. They know that she doesn't have any training of being a superhero.

"We shouldn't had brought Bria in this situation, I feel so bad." Max says as Phoebe was just going to say that, as she nods her head as the two twins sigh as they think of an idea. What they didn't know was that Brianna was listening to them.

"Yeah but she needed help and that's what friends are for." Phoebe says as Max nods his head as they hear footsteps coming towards one of the double doors as there could be Mila and or her father and or one of the goons. Then they see lasers as they jump at seeing it.

"Hey look, the twins and the brat are up." Mila says with a smirk as the twins rolls their eyes, and Brianna. "Wow nice attitude."

"What do you want with us?" Phoebe asks the blonde girl as she has a smirk on her face as the two twins roll their eyes again.

"Just give us Arianna!" Max yells as Mila as he has pure rage in him. As he possibly has never been this angry before as he deeply cares about Brianna and Arianna, like they are apart of his family. Even if he only met them once before he believes that something happened to Arianna in the meantime of all this.

"How about!" Mila says to the twin boy as he groans as he feels the restraints are getting tighter around his wrists. He feels the circulation leaving his wrists.

"Losing circulation here." Max says as Mila just flat out ignores him like he is a pesty ghost. Which he is but not a ghost.

"Will you shut up, already. Good Lord." Mila says to Max as her eyes glow a bright red and Max isn't fazed by it at all. He has seen a lot of glowing eyes in his lifetime that he isn't fazed by it anymore.

"Nice glowing eyes. Is that a new thing you have or what?" Max says as Phoebe shakes her head at her brother as she has a smile on her face. As she knows what her brother is doing. He's making Mila mad. She has to admit that it works wonders.

"Do you ever shut up?!" Mila shouted at Max and he smirked at Mila because he felt something happening that she hadn't. A hole was being made in the door, he knew exactly who it was.


Apparently Phoebe saw what Max saw as a huge smile grew onto her face. Even if Bria did that a couple days ago their help finally arrived. She couldn't been happier for it. To finally leave and get the heck outta here. And eat.

She hasn't eaten in a while, well also Max and Arianna, and Brianna, too. She's the one who really wants to get out of here the most. Well everyone wants to get out of here for that matter.

"Leave them alone you scum face." Chloe says as Mila turns around and sees the little girl.

"Hey, look it's a brat. Just what the world needs." Mila says to Chloe who stuck out her tongue before she teleported away.

Max looks groggily at the scene between the two and when Mila went looking for Chloe. Max suddenly felt a sharp pain in his bottom. Which meant one thing. Nora.

"Will you stop that?!" Max says trying to be quiet but it ends up waking up Bria as she yawns.

"Well that woke you up." Nora says as just then Max fell to the ground with a thud. Phoebe was next.

"Don't zap me. If anything get Bria out." Phoebe says as Nora nods her head as she felt for Brianna. Then she started thrashing around as she suddenly felt hands on her.

"I found her." Nora says as Brianna then kicked Nora square in the face with her foot and said Nora fell to the ground. "Ow."

When Max sat up on the ground he yawned again. "Nora what are you doing on the ground?" Max asks with a laugh.

"I just got kicked in the face, thank you for noticing." Nora says sarcastically to her brother as she slowly got back to her feet. Nora then turned to the general area where Brianna was. "Bri it's me Nora. It's been a hot minute since the two of us as seen each other."

"Oh hey." Brianna says groggily as her head is everywhere and it's not a good feeling.

"Let me help you. But please don't kick me, okay." Nora says as even though she couldn't see it but Brianna nodded her head at her. So she took the silence as an answer.

After struggling to get Brianna out of the rope, as she was hung up, then she fell as she couldn't feel herself. Her entire body felt numb as she groaned as Nora somewhat tried helping Brianna to get back to her feet.

"I'll let go when your not going to fall." Nora says to Brianna as she nodded her head.

"Okay, thanks." Brianna says to Nora as she smiles as Nora got Brianna back up to her feet.

"Not as heavy as Max." Nora says as Max looks at her offended.

"I am not heavy." Max says very much offended that Nora would say that.

"Okay children, we have other things to worry about than, whatever is going on." Phoebe says addressing the matter at hand as Nora and Max nod their heads.

Nora got Max and Phoebe out of the rope and they managed to sneak out before anyone notices that Brianna is missing.


Later on

They all got back to Swellview, where a nervous Ray was standing by the counter at Junk 'N' Stuff. "Dude chill out." Charlotte snapped and Ray has been pacing around the store for six hours.

"If you don't know where your daughter's are at, then you'll be worried." Ray says in the same tone of voice as Charlotte.

"Speaking of them." Charlotte says as for once Ray turned around and listened to Charlotte as Henry was asleep as he got tired as he hadn't slept since they've been gone.

"Hi, Dad." Both Arianna and Brianna say as Phoebe is holding them so they don't fall. Charlotte threw something at Henry which woke him up with a thud as he fell from wherever he was sleeping on.

"Ari, omg your back." Henry says as he rushes towards his girlfriend and picks up and spins her around.

"Um, girlfriend in pain." Arianna says with a smile as she's missed her boyfriend so much.

"Hey, Banana." Ray says as he's holding back tears as out of Arianna, Brianna always has a special place in his heart as she's his little girl. Well youngest. He loves them equally.

Ray was careful of hugging her knowing that she's in pain as Jasper was patiently waiting for his turn. He smiles as his girlfriend is finally back as he was worried about her but then understand why she went after Arianna She cares about her sister, as they're sisters and that's what they do. They go out and help each other out.

Ray kisses her head as he breaks the hug so that Jasper can hug his girlfriend. "I missed you, Bri." Jasper says as Brianna smiles at him.

"I missed you too." She says as he leans his head onto her shoulder and rubs her back to comfort her knowing that she needs it.

Arianna looks at her father knowing that she'd get a scolding of a lifetime, as it was her fault that everything happened in the first place.

"Listen, I--" Arianna went to apologize but he stopped her by bringing her into a hug as she wasted no time of hugging him back. Everyone was grateful that the girls are all back, especially in one piece.

"It's okay. All that matters is that your both back, all in one piece." He says as Arianna looked down, she looked up at him before nodding her head not wanting to say anything.

"So you're not mad of what happened?" She asks him as she fiddles with her fingers behind her back as it's a habit that she has.

Ray looked at her as it looked like he was thinking. "Yes and no, but as long as your alright that's all that matters." He says as he hugged her again as Henry smiles as he's glad that she's back and everything is somewhat back to normal.

If anything get going to ask her what happened but from what Charlotte and the news said what happened well the first thing he knew. Then after she went missing her sister went after her and saved her (well tried until she got kidnapped also) then Phoebe and Max saved both of them and they too got kidnapped so the rest of the Thunderman's fame and rescued everyone and brought them here. At least that's what Henry knows what happened but there could be another reason and story but that's a story for another day. All he wants to do is sleep all day and night as since all of this happened he hasn't slept any of the days. He stayed up until his body shut down as that's what everyone did (the ones that didn't get kidnapped), they stayed up until they got a lead or clue of where the girls were.

This was a first for everyone but Henry, Ray, Charlotte and Jasper also Schwoz are all glad that the girls are all back in one piece as that's all what mattered.

"Well, see you guys eventually. We should all get together and talk about life." Phoebe says as Ray turns around as he recognized the girls voice he smiled at what she said.

"Yeah we should sometime. Thank you all for everything." Ray says as Barb and Hank nod their heads.

"Yeah sure thing. If the same thing happened to our kids we'd do the same thing. So it's all good." Barb says as she too is glad that the girls are okay and back home. Hank and Barb would do the same thing if it happened to their kids.

"Thanks, again." Ray says as Henry brought Arianna into a hug which she returned it.

"I'm glad your back and okay, also in one piece."

"Yeah, knowing me, I probably wouldn't be in one piece."

"Not wrong on that level." Henry says as he broke the hug as Charlotte hugged her best friend, as the hug lingered a little bit longer than the others. Charlotte means a lot to Arianna, as they've sworn that if Arianna wasn't with Henry that her and Arianna would be dating but they're not into that sort of thing.ย 

Everyone was glad that the girls were all back, let alone in one piece, as they had a celebratory dinner, including the Thundermans.ย 

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here is the long overdo chapter for this book, love you all <3.

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