Invisible Brad

Bri's POV 

"Hey? Hey. Ri. Bri. Char." Henry walks out of the storage room and we glance at him.

Charlotte was typing on her computer and me and Ri were watching a movie that Ri picked out.  Charlotte was trying to figure out information on a motorcycle thief.

"Yeah what's up?" Me and Ri both simultaneously ask.

"Have you, uh, have you been noticing anything like, weird about Ray?" Henry questions and me and Ri giggle.

"Since the day we met him." Ri joked and Henry rolls his eyes.

"Everyday all the time." Charlotte remarks looking up from her computer. "Why."

"No, I mean he's been talking like when nobody else is around." Henry explains and we three both turn to him.

"You mean talking to yourself." Ri asked.

"Yeah." Henry nodded. "Like full on conversations with people who aren't even there."

"Well my uncle Roscoe talks to his food before he eats it." Charlotte mentions.

"What's he say?" Henry asks.

"Stuff like- Well, hello hamburger you're about to take a trip down to belly town!" Charlotte replies in a deep voice, rubbing her belly.

The sprocket opens and Dad walks out, talking to someone or something that wasn't even there. Henry gestures to this and we all slowly walk closer, listening to the conversation.

Charlotte makes noises and Stella comes towards her, and Charlotte picks up Stella, and starts rubbing her.

Dad sees us. "Hey guys. You find any more info on that motorcycle thief?" He slaps the air behind him. "Will you not stand so close to me?"

Henry, Charlotte, Ri, and I share a puzzled expression.

"I can feel you breathing on my neck!" Dad complains and sighs. "Thank you."

Dad looks at us and sees our confused faces.

"Why are you four guys looking at me." Dad wonders to us.

"Uh..." Charlotte and Ri trail off.

"Because you're talking to nobody!"

Charlotte and Ri shush Henry and he shushes us.

"It's got to be said!"

"Right, I haven't introduced you to  Brad." Dad chuckles and Ari and I smile.

"Oh." I laugh. "I know Brad."

"You do?" Charlotte, Ri ask Henry and I nod my head.

"Sort of." I grin.

"Brad this is Henry and Charlotte." Dad introduces. "Guys, this is invisible Brad. Brad you remember the twins, Brianna and Arianna."

Charlotte and Henry were still confused but went along with it.

Charlotte waved awkwardly. "Hi, Brad."

"Looking good  Brad!" Henry smiles awkwardly.

"Brad says hi." Dad nods towards us but he didn't respond. "Brad. Come on, Brad!"

Dad felt around and groans. "Hate it when he does this. Brad! Brad! Where are you? Come on, this isn't funny anymore man! Brad!"

Me and Ari know who Brad is, but watching Dad  haze around an invisible person is funny to watch.

"This is so sad." Charlotte whispers to us.

I go over to the Auto-Snacker and press my hand over it, and said, "Bowl of popcorn." "Bowl of popcorn." The machine responded back. I walked back to Henry, Charlotte and Ri.

"He's not okay." Henry adds and me and Ri chuckles at this. Henry and Charlotte take the bowl and passes it around then when he goes to Ri she passes it back to me.

"Shush he's not crazy." Ri assures us, them and they look at her weirdly. "He's not crazy about this.l

Eventually Dad caught Brad. "Ah! Gotcha!" He grunts and throws him to the side causing the cart to topple over and this shocks Henry and Charlotte. Dad picks up Brad. "Come here! Now say hello to those kids!"

"Hey guys I'm Brad." Brad introduces and this shocks Charlotte and Henry. "Arianna, Brianna it's nice to see you again! Been a while."

"Sure has." Ri grins.

"There's no such thing as an invisible person!" Charlotte exclaims.

"Okay what would make you believe Brad's real?" Dad questions.

"Let's see him slap Henry." Charlotte suggested with a s irk and Henry chuckles.

"Yeah. Come on, slap me, Brad." Henry taunts him and puts his cheek out. "Right here on my-Ah!"

Brad slaps Henry and he falls to the floor. Henry stands up out of shock and he and Charlotte were almost speechless 

"Hey Brad." They both greeted with uneasiness.


Ari's POV
I was sitting next to Henry, Henry was sitting next to Charlotte, Bri was sitting next to Dad and he was sitting next to Brad.

"Hey, pass the ketchup?" Henry asked Brad.

"Sure. Here you go." Brad passes the ketchup to Henry. Me and Bri have known Brad for five years and it still creeps us out to see floating objects in the air.

"So Brad, I have a question? Did something make you become invisible or were you just born this way." Charlotte asks Brad.

"Nah nobody's born invisible." Brad denies but he wasn't in his seat because his voice came from behind us.

"Wait, I thought you were sitting right here." Charlotte points out.

"I was, but... my leg was cramping up so I'm walking around." Brad explains and we hear footsteps walk by us.

"How do we talk to a guy we can't see?" Henry asks Dad.

"Here Brad." Dad said pulling out sunglasses. "Put these on and sit down."

"Yeah okay." Brad agreed and he took the glasses before sitting down.

"So you turned invisible like when?" Henry asked.

"Five years ago." Brad explains. "It was all Captain Man's fault!"

I roll my eyes at him. "Oh boy..."

"Here we go again." Bri sighs and leans on to Dad's shoulder.

"Well what happened?" Charlotte wonders.

"Okay,  see I was being chased by this insane criminal who wantwd to turn me invisible." Dad begins.

"Why?" Henry asked Brad, and Dad kissed Bri's head.

"I don't know." Dad shrugs. "Becase he hated me and I guess he knew how much I enjoy being visible.

"Yeah like I used to be!" Brad says bitterly.

"It wasn't his fault." Bri proteats.

"Yes it was!" Brad quickly replies.

"Just tell us what happened." Henry eagerly says.

"Okay, so this evil dude was firing at me with his invisiblaster, right?" Dad begins.

"I was just riding my bike, minding my own business." Brad cuts in with bitterness.

"When I dodge out of the way, the Invisiblaster's beam miss me and-"

"Hit me!" Brad exclaims. "And thats how Captain Man ruined my life!"

"How was I supposed to know you were riding yohr bike right behind me?" Dad reasons with Brad.

"You owe me!"

Dad throws his chicken leg. "Look, didn't I lend you 4,000 bucks so you could buy that hot tub? Didn't I let you stay here in the Man Cave for two months after your girlfriend dumped you? And who paid for thag nose job huh? This guy."

"Great. Now I have a beautiful nose that no one will ever see!" Brad grits through his teeth or whatever he has.

"Their relationship is really complicated." Charlotte mentions to Henry, Bri and I.

"What do you want from me Brad?" Dad asked.

Brad tosses off the sunglasses.

"I want to be your sidekick!"

This shocks Henry and I.



"Hey, hey whoa whoa hey!" Henry cuts in defensively. "Ray's already got sidekicks. Me and Ri." 

"You're just kids. Who's visible." Brad says.

"Oh, so you're better than us just because we're visible and you not?" I questios.

"All right, guys come on." Charlotte interferes. "Let's not play the visibility card."

"Wait." Brad stops him and theu stand up. "Think about what a great sidekick I'd be. I could sneak up on bad guys and then-"

"Ahhh!" Dad yells as Brad punches him in the face. Ow!" He looks at us for a moment. "I'm okay."

"See? You never saw thag punch coming." Brad remarks.

"Look, I already have two excellent sidekicks, and that's Henry and Arianna." Dad clarifies.

"Thank you!" Henry says.

"Yeah, thanks Daddy." I said smirking a little.

"Alright, what if they quit?" Brad asked.

"We aren't going to quit." Henry scoffs.

"They aren't quitting." Dad repeats.

"But what if they do?" Brad reasoned. "Then what?"

"Alright Brad." Dad sighs. "If Henry and Arianna quit you can be my sidekick okay? Anything else?"

"Yeah. I want your shirt." Bead says.

"You can't have my shirt." Dad denies but his shirt was ripped off leaving him shirtless. "Hey!"

Brad was holding his shirt and Dad tried to snatch it back. "Brad! Give me my shirt back! Brad! Kids l, don't look at this!"

Charlotte, Henry, Bri and I avert our eyes from Dad and I clear my throat.

Dad approaches Brad. "Seriously though, its not funny anymore, so-" Brad moves away as Dad reaches for his shirt. "Okay!" Dad got a hold of the shirt and they both tugged on it. "Ah! I'm not playing with you, man! Brad! Brad!"

Brad got the shirt back and ran off with Dad chasing him.

"You don't wear clothes anyway!" Dad calls and Charlotte, Henry, Bri and I awkwardly sat there.

Bri's POV
"So what happened?" I ask Henry.

"So, I'm sound asleep in my bed and Brad sneaks in to my housr and flips my bed over!" Henry rambles as he explains what Brad did to hin him earlier today and last night. Dad wasn't listening completely because he wad playing a gane that involved ants and trousers.

"This game is impossible!" Dad groans. "I can't get all these ants in this little pair of pants, Banana help me will ya."

"Here." I offer snd Dad let's me have a go. I take an ant and successfully fling it into the pants. "See? Easy."

Dad frowns at me. "Show off."

"I feel like you two aren't listening to me." Henry mentions and we turn to him.

"Look. I know Brad's kind of obnoxious." I start.

"Kind of?" Henry scoffs.  "He snuck into my school, put a bucket on my teachers head, splashed water on my area! And then he spanked my teacher with a mop!"

"That's Brad." Ri chuckles.

"And everytime before he runs away, he goes-" Henry leans in close to us. "Quit yoir job!"

"Hey!" Dad chuckles ad he successfully flings an ant into the pants. "Another ant in the pants!"

"I made the first ant." I mention to him.

"Well, I made the second one so shush." Dad remarks, putting a finger to my lips and I remove his hand.

"Hey what is that?" I ask and we see a floating steel pipe.

"I don't know." Dad says.

"Looks like a steel pipe." Henry tells us. "But what would it-"

"Brad!" I gasp.

"What are you-"

Before we could react, Brad came over and smacked Henry in thr leg with a pipe and he falls over, yelling in pain.

"Henry!" I gasp and and help him up to hos feet.

"Brad!" Dad glares.

"Quit your job!" Brad!" Brad snarls.

"This has to stop, Brad!" I yell in anger and turn to Henry, who was yelling out in agony.

"Oh, why, why, why!"

"Want some ice water, for the pain?" I ask Henry who nods his head.

"Okay go with the girls in Bri's bathroom and she can ice your leg." Dad said and me and Ri helped Henry to my bathroom.

"Thanks Bri." Henry said as he rolled his pant leg for the ice water.

I used my water powers and water started coming out of me, and into the tub.

"Just put your leg in the water." I instructed and went to grab a towel, so Henry could dry off his foot. I left Ri and Henry in the bathroom.

Ari's POV

So I have a problem me and Henry have been secretly dating, don't know when to tell everyone. Nothing serious, really. Just small stuff like Henry flirting which is adorable.

We haven't had our first kiss though, because I'd be a nervous wreck. We only went on our date just as friends, which was good in the end, because Henry made up for turning into a Man Beast, which was creepy too.

After about a couple of minutes Bri came back, there was a whole lot of nervousness in the room.

"Hey I'm back." Bri said as she handed Henry he towel that she got.

"Thanks." Henry said, rubbing the water from his leg.

Bri's POV

Dad and I were going over to Henry's house to see what happened, and how we can stop Brad from pestering Henry. Stella is in her cat bag, that Dad is holding. To get her out of the Man Cave, which hasn't been in a while, at least since the whole Toddler thing. I'm worried about Henry, but I'm happy that Dad isn't making me stay in the Man Cave.

We get to Henry's house and ring the doorbell. The door opens and we see Henry limping and holding a chicken leg to his eye.

"Are your parents here?" I asked and Dad got Stella from the cat bag, and handed her to me. I quickly scanned the house.

"No just come in." Henry groand and he shuts the door.

"Are you okay?" I asked Henry with concern and he shows me his black eye. My eyes grow and I slowly cover it up again.

"So what happened now?" Dad asked as Charlotte came over.

"This!" Henry shows Dad his black eye shd he yells. I sit down next to Charlotte, who grabd Stella and starts petting her.

"Who gave you the black eye?" Dad asked.

"Who do you think?" Henry snaps at us.

"Brad?" Dad asked.

"He punched you!" I exclaim.

"Worse! I was in gym class today and I was standing behind Mitch Bilsky."

"So what did Invisible Brad do?" Dad asked.

"He pinches Mitch Bilsky in the butt!" Henry yells in anger. "To make Mitch think I did it."

"Ooh yeah, guys don't like that." Dad mentions.

"No they don't!" Henry snaps.

"We got to do something about Brad." Henry sighs.

"Don't worry. We're going to get him." Dad assures Henry as they sit down.

"I doubt it!"

"Quit your job!"

Suddenly, Henry is thrown into the purple chair and he falls to the floor; the door opens.

"You have a beautiful home!"

Henry stands up and runs to the door, slamming his hands on it in anger. He turns to us with anger and irritation.

"How can we beat a guy we can't see?" Henry sighs and I walk up to him.

"We fix it so we can see him." Charlotte mentions.

I gasp when I caught on. "Paint!" Charlotte smirks at me when I say that.

"Why paint?"

"Yeah why?"

"We can dump paint on him, so we can see him." I said to Dad and Henry. Must I explain everything to these idiots. They are slow as heck.

Ari's POV

"Okay is the trip wire set?" Henry asks Charlotte and I as we were setting up the booby trap for Brad  to fall into.

As soon as Brad and Dad walk through this elevator, Brad will get covered in paint and we can catch him.

"Just about." Bri tells Henry as I stand up and let Charlotte finish the last part.

I chuckle as I pour the red paint in the bucket above the elevator doors.

"Oh, this is going to be so great. Invisible Brad's going to get covered with red paint, so we'll be able to see him, and then we're going to kick him about 50 times right in his invisible—"

"Okay!" I exclaim, making Bri pause and I laugh.

"We get it." Charlotte grins softly and the alarm blared meaning someone is coming down from the tube.


I descend from the ladder as we see Dad get shot down the tube.

This isn't good.

"Daddy/Ray?" Henry and Bri both gasp.

"Why did you come down the tube?" Charlotte asks in surprise.

"You were supposed to walk out of the elevator with Brad." Bri informs him and I notice Dad's dazed and horrified expression.

"I...I need to sit down." He says and sits on the couch.

"Daddy what's wrong?" Bri asks and grabs his shoulders.

"Yeah, are you okay?" Charlotte asked.

"What's wrong?" Henry asked. "Is Brad in here with us now?l

The four of us look around cautiously and alarmed.

"I wish he was..." Dad replies with sorrow.

"Well what happened." Charlotte asks.

"Everything was going according to plan." Dad begins. "I told Invisible Brad that Henry and Ri quit and he could be my new sidekick."

"And did he buy it?" Bri asks.

"Oh he bought it." Dad nods with uncertainty.

"What does that mean?" Charlotte asked.

"Well...we were finishing our root beers, we took a selfie, k paid the check and then we were walking across the street together on our way here." Dad explains.

"And?" I continue.

"Brad got hit by a bus."

All three of us gawked at that.

"I guess the driver just didn't see him." Dad adds.

Bri puts her hand on Dad's shoulder and sigh. 

Three episodes left until we all meet Sofia. Can't wait love you.

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