
It was a cold and winter night in new york it was just about christmas of 2012. The battle of New York has went down and everyone was getting ready to enjoy the holidays with their loved ones. Well except for one of those people. His name was Colonel James Rhodes, though people typically called him Rhodey, or Rhodes if you were his friend Tony.

Yes the famous Tony Stark who is Iron Man or now more known as the one who went into the wormhole. Yet survived. There was one person who honestly thought that Tony wouldn't survive.

That was the only girl at an adoption center, named Rylee. She was abandoned at the tender age of one as her parents were murdered right in front of her. So that lead her to go to an orphanage at first then when she was five she almost got adopted. Almost. Her new so-called adopted parents were shady and got arrested for abuse of their children that they had.

So she was back into the system where this story now takes place.

Five years later

"Get up you brats!" Was one of the girls who was in charge of waking up the kids including Rylee and her roommate. Who groaned as she got out of bed and then accidentally fell onto her roommate, Bella.

Bella was twelve years old as they were sisters in a way. They always did things together like all day and all night.

"We're coming don't get your panties in a bunch!" Bella shouts back to the girl who yelled some cuss words back as the two other girls just laughed and giggled before they got dressed and made their way down to breakfast.

"Morning girls." Miss Jackson the head at the adoption center in New York. She has a small smile on her face that made basically everyone else smile back. She was an amazing woman who had her heart broken a few times but none of her past relationships were serious.

Rylee has heard a lot of stories about them that she basically forgot how much she's heard in her life time. Miss Jackson was always that nice person that would do anything for anyone. She would basically drop everything that she's doing just to help you.

"Um, Miss Jackson?" Rylee asks as the older woman stopped in her tracks to turn to the girl and give her full attention.

"What's that sweetie?" Miss Jackson asked Rylee as she was a little curious of what the child wanted.

"Um, is it okay if me and Bella go out and get some presents. We both saved up enough money for it. If we did our math correctly." Rylee asks as the older woman thought about the question. "After breakfast of course, but please?"

After Miss Jackson thought of what she said, sbe nodded her head. Going into her pocket and gettimg something before handing it to the little girl.

"For some extra incase you girls don't have enough. Whatever it is, it'll be on me." Miss Jackson says as Bella was being the little eavesdropper that she was also because Bella has a gift. Super hearing, she got it shortly after an accident when she was younger.

So naturally she couldn't help it, as she could even hear a pin drop if the place is noisy as hell. Which it also comes in handy when one of the kids are out of bed, and she wants to rat someone out.

The two girls smile at each other before going to the woman to hug her for their thank you. After breakfast the two went out to a couple stores. What they didn't know was that they were being followed, by a man.

"Yeah I found the girls." The man said and the girls quickly turned around and the man was looking directly back them.

The two girls then turned back around with fear on their faces. "Run!" Bella shouted as the man got her and all Rylee heard was a single shot. Rylee ran as fast as she could obviously losing the man who just killed her best friend.

She eventually stopped running as she accidentally ran into a man. Rylee's little heart was beating like it was going to jump out of her chest.

"It's okay. I got you." The man says holding her for a couple moments making sure that everything is okay for him to release her.

"I'm scared. There was this man following me and my friend, and then he killed her." Rylee says ranting as she is also freaking out.

The man was rubbing her back to calm her down and by some miracle it worked. Huh?

After he got her to calm down he asked her a couple of questions which to his surprise. He found out what her name was. Where is lives even if it's basically an orphanage. Who her best friend name was? Facial features and a description of Bella's killer. She willingly answered all of the questions, with thorough answers.

He brought her back to the orphanage and before he left he gave her a hug, which he sadly hugged him back.

"Bye Rylee." The man said who she found out was Rhodey, she gave him a small sad smile.

"Bye, Mr. Rhodey." Rylee says as she opened the doors and Rhodey watched as she walked inside and immediately started crying when a woman walked to her. He's guessing that she is Miss Jackson, the woman that Rylee was talking about.


Back at the old Stark Tower, Rhodey walked in with a sad look on his face as he began doing his research of Bella's killer. The shockingly still working elevator opened up and it was the famous Tony Stark.

"Sup sourpuss?" Tony says using Rhodey's nickname as he has a smile on his face oblivious of Rhodes' facial expression.

"Not now Tones." Rhodey says a little bitter than he wanted, he's just busy and doesn't want to talk to anyone right now. Especially Tony.

His friend was taken back at Rhodey's sudden bitterness. "You good sourpatch?" Tony says as Rhodey rolled his eyes not being in the mood to talk. Typically he would talk with Tony but not now.

"Tony just don't. Okay." Rhodey says snapping a little as Tony gives his friend a look before leaving. After he heard Tony leave Rhodey took a deep breath of relief. He honestly thought that he wouldn't leave for a bit.

Rhodey managed to find nothing about Bella's killer but one thing that struck his attention. All the files of Rylee's adoptions over the years. How one year when she was five she almost got adopted but her adopted father was a child abuser, and she was immediately taken out of that and brought back into the system.

He saw that she almost got adopted a while ago after the whole incident when she was five but she refused. Her adopted parents didn't refuse. She did.

He had an idea but he thought that he waa going crazy, but he didn't know what to do. But he knew one thing. He was going to get Rylee off of the street so that she won't get killed by some dude. It was like he cared about her even if he didn't adopt her. He had a plan and hopefully it would work. Obviously he won't tell Tony because he'd freak out of having a child here, and think that Rylee was from one of his one night stands a while ago. Yeah no.

He called Happy and wanted to talk about possibly adopting Rylee and he also had Happy get Pepper too. At least these two won't think he's crazy or something like that.

When Happy and Pepper came he was relieved that Tony didn't follow them wanting to know what they're doing. If he does, it's none of his business to know what they're doing in the first place.

"So you plan on getting this girl, and adopting this little girl? Is that what we're hearing? Not like there is a problem?" Pepper asks as she sits beside Happy on the couch, as she is wanting some more information about this situation.

"I mean she witnessed her best friend getting murdered by this crazy dude. What do you expect? I at least want to get her away from all of that." Rhodey says to Pepper, growing a little adgated by the questions. But tries to keep his composure especially right now.

"That's a good idea, Rhodes. I think she'd love being away from all of that. I mean your not married, don't have any kids and all that. So this is your one chance of all this. Its a great idea." Happy says as he still has his bruise on his eye but it is dying down a little. It still hurts a little but not as bad as it was after he got out of the hospital.

"Yeah, just so that she doesn't become a victim like her best friend." Rhodey says as he thinks he gathered up enough information about this. "I know I'm taking a risk of getting her, and everything. Because there will be zero way to keep her out of the spotlight. Because of Tony and the Avengers."

Both Happy and Pepper nodded their head agreeing with Rhodey about this situation of Rylee living with them and getting her off of the streets. At least if she lives with them, she'll be happy, maybe a little. It will take her a while to get over Bella's death and all that.

"When do you want to go and get her?" Happy asks Rhodey as he sorta didn't think of that question. When was she going to go and get her?

"I at at least wanna give her a week, because of everything that happened recently to her. I want to give her time to get a little sorted out." Rhodey says as Pepper and Happy nod their heads understanding why Rhodey wants to wait to get Rylee. To give her time to get her sorted out and all that.

He can't wait until he has her into his arms forever. Is it bad enough that he love's her already. He wants to tell her 'i love you', and basically raise her the way that she shoulda been raised like. In a loving home with tons of Aunties and Uncles and maybe get an education of some sorts.

"In a couple days I'd go down to the orphanage and talk with whatever her name is." Happy says forgetting what Miss Jackson's name was. Also because Rhodey hadn't told them that part.

"Miss Jackson." Pepper corrects without looking at Happy as she is looking at what Rhodey was looking at a bit ago before Tony came and interrupted him.

"Okay her." Happy says narrowing his eyes a little at Pepper before turning back to Rhodey. "And get more information about Rylee." Both Pepper and Rhodes shook their heads at the man, as they both pointed to the information that's aready there as Rhodes had JARVIS do a thorough scan of everything little thing about Rylee.

"I already had JARVIS do a thorough scan of everything little thing about Rylee. So we're good." Rhodey says to the man as he makes his way to the elevator and leaves Pepper and Rhodey in silence.

After a beat Pepper was the one who spoke up. "I'm glad you're doing this, for Rylee. She'd love it, I promise. She'll love you and Hap and Me, and not really Tony. But that will be fine." Pepper says as she and Rhodey exchanged hugs as he has a hopeful look on his face.

Time to go and get Rylee.


A week's time and Rhodey is almost set of getting everything ready for his soon-to-be daughter. With the help of Pepper and Happy and Tony pestering the three of them with a million questions of what the helm there doing. Granted, none of them answered anyone of them. Because he was the one being an ass a week prior.

A week has come and Rhodey is going with Pepper because she wants to meet the famous Rylee that Rhodes keeps talking about. Which he didn't mind. As long as it wasn't Tony he was fine. He didn't want to deal with him today.

When they got to the orphanage Rhodey took a deep breath to remain calm as Pepper gave his shoulder a small squeeze of comfort, before they walked in. Immediately after they walked inside some of the littles went to Rhodey and Pepper and gave them a hug which the adults didn't mind. Because there kids.

Once the littles got their hugs the adults walked around the place getting a good look. The floors were clean and there was zero dust in sight alk around.

"Wow this place is clean?" Rhodey thought in his head as he looked for someone. He didn't find who he was looking for. But what broke him out of his thoughts was a little padder of footsteps.

"Mr. Rhodey?" The soft whisper says the man jumped a little at hearing the voice and he turned around and saw Rylee. He carefully walked up to the girl not wanting to scare her. After a couple of seconds later she nodded her head and he bent down on a knee and she didn't hesitate to give the man a tight hug. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his back and waist as she didn't want to let go of the man that sorta saved her.

"Hey, sunshine." He says as Rylee had a bright smile on her face at the nickname as she likes it. When he saw her smile it made him smile. God she's adorable. He thought in his head.

What broke Rhodey out of his thoughts was the sound of Pepper's heels she was wearing. Rylee nuzzled her head deeper into Rhodey's shoulder in an effort to hide from the woman. She had a soft smile at seeing the little girl that Rhodey hadn't shut up about for the past week.

"Hi, sweetie. My name is Pepper, I'm a friend of Rhodey." Pepper says introducing herself to the little girl noticing that she has a tight grip on his shoulder. Clearly not wanting to let go. "Your the famous Rylee I have been hearing, huh." Rylee lifted her head a little at what Pepper said as she has light brown eyes and her hair in a french braid that Miss Jackson did that morning.

"He talks about me?" Rylee asks out loud to the two adults well mostly Pepper as Rhodey nods his head.

"Yeah Rhodey hasn't stopped talking about you. He has this huge smile even ever he brings you up." Pepper says with a small smile of her own as she sits beside Rylee as she is hesitate to rub her back. Not knowing how she'd react, because she doesn't know Pepper. Except for Rhodey for obvious reasons.

"Is it okay if Pepper rubs your back, sunshine?" Rhodey asks as he hears a little mumble of a yes, and Rhodey confirms what Rylee said. Pepper nodded his head as she gently rubbed her back as Rylee smiled a little. As she hasn't let go of Rhodey and she sorta doesn't plan on it too.

"Are there any nicknames we can call you sweetie?" Pepper asks as Rylee shrugged her shoulders at the question.

"I was thinking, sunshine. If you want, you can come and live with me and Pepper and you'll have tons of Aunties and Uncles who will love you. If you want." Rhodey says to Rylee as she thought about it before giving him a little kiss on the cheek to confirm her answer that he and Pepper took as a yes.

They both tried to contain their excitement at least for a little bit. It obviously peaked Rylee's interest as he lifted her head up before sliding off and practically dragging Rhodey to what used to be her and Bella's room. Bella was into fairy lights and all that. She loved her fairies, and princesses, even if she was what most would call 'to old' she didn't care what they thought.

"Oh this is nice. You two were bunk mates." Pepper says as she receives a yeah from Rylee. Rhodey smiles as he looks around the room.

"Which side is yours?" Rhodey asks as Rylee points to her side as Rhodey looks into the closet for a duffle bag and starts packing Rylee's belongings in their too. There wasn't much anyway so it didn't take long to get her all packed. "Want Bella's fairy lights too?" He asked as he saw her nod her head as she was also packing her toiletries stuff in a separate bag.

Once they had everything that Rylee wanted to bring the three of them walked out of the room. Miss Jackson turned around and saw the three of them.

After talking to Miss Jackson about the whole thing about the adoption of Rylee. To say at the end of it that Miss Jackson was emotional. Because she practically raised Rylee and grew a connection with the girl over the years.

"I'm going to miss you, remember that Bella is going to be with you all the time okay. Your little partner in crime." Miss Jackson says as she saw that Rylee had tears welling up in her eyes at the mention of her best friend. Rylee nodded her head at the woman who was basically her mother at the orphanage.

"I will miss you too." Rylee says as she put down her things and hugged Miss Jackson as tight as she possibly could. Pepper and Rhodey started to cry a little at seeing the woman and his now daughter saying goodbye to each other.

"My little nugget." Miss Jackson says as she kissed her head before they both released from the hug. The three of them made their way to the front as the rest of the kids made a path for Rylee, Pepper and Rhodey. Once they got to the door Rylee stopped and turned around as if saying goodbye to the place where she grew up for the first ten years of her life.

Rylee and Miss Jackson mad eye contact and they both waved to each other as the older woman blew Rylee a kiss and she pretended to catch it, and holding it to her heart. After a heartfelt goodbye the three of them made their way to the car with Happy in the driver's seat as Pepper sat in the passenger seat. Rhodey vouched to sit in the backseat with Rylee because she doesn't really know Pepper and Happy. Definitely not Happy at all.

On the way back to the Tower Rylee fell asleep on Rhodey's shoulder. Pepper turned around when she heard snoring and she saw that it was coming from Rylee. Happy went too honk the horn because of some ding dong not driving properly and he didn't do it because of Rylee sleeping. He wanted to be respectful and not wake her up. Not knowing when the last time she actually fell asleep, knowing of the events that happened a week prior. The three of them came to a conclusion that she hadn't slept in a week.

When they got to the tower, Rhodey had to think how he was going to get Rylee up without waking her. Also not knowing if she's a light sleeper and will wake up when the car stopped. But apparently she hadn't. It also makes sense if she is a hard sleeper because she was raised in an orphanage.

After he unbuckled Rylee and got her out of the car and she groaned as she got up after hearing moving. Rhodey, Pepper and even Happy smiled at the girl.

"Morning sunshine." Rhodey says with a little laugh as Rylee mumbled something under her breath. Not even getting them a chance to get into the Tower. The famous Tony Stark walked out and he immediately stopped directly into his tracks.

"Why is there a child here? Who is she?" What's she doing here?" Tony asks as Rylee glared a little at the man and his questions.

"Oh right you don't know. Rhodey adopted a girl. Her name is Rylee, and she's going to be living here." Pepper says to Tony as he gives her a look as he has to plan on moving.

"Move it or lose it buster." Rylee says as she pushes her way through the Stark almost making him knock over his bottle of whiskey in the process.

"Rude." Tony says as he took another swig of his drink as Pepper, Rhodey and Happy made their way around the billionaire.

A year later

A year of living with Rhodey at the now Avengers Compound she has learned some of their names. There is Natasha Romanoff who is the famous Black Widow, she is probably Rylee's favorite Aunt. Well at the moment her only Aunt. Rylee love's Natasha's red hair as she had braided it a couple of times.

There is Steve Rogers aka Captain America which was a guy that Rylee knew that she would like, as he likes her too. Rylee especially likes Steve's shield as she thinks its cool.

One of her favorites is Clint Barton aka Hawkeye. Rylee love's Clint's arrow as said Hawkeye will teach her how to use it. Rylee has even met Clint's kids, Cooper and Lila, as they love the girl. Obviously with Rhodey's permission.

Then on what would have been Bella's birthday thirteenth to be exact Rylee asked if they could do a funeral for her since she never got one well a proper one to be exact. It was a simple funeral since no one really knew who Bella was but Rhodey, Pepper, and Happy gave then intel of who the girl was. Rylee wanted everyone to wear something like Bella's favorite colors. Tony wasn't happy because he had to wear purple, but he got over it.

Rylee still hadn't talked about Bella that much since she moved in. No one has pushed her about talking about Bella well Tony tried but all she did was basically try to beat the shit out of him. He eventually learned not to push her limits and buttons.

Rylee still can't believe that she found a weird disfunctional family of a band of superheroes, which she now is one too. Frostbite.

How? Well it all starts like this.

Noy too long ago there was a mysterious storm that came out of nowhere, and hit New York with dangerously low air and wind. It was down to -85 degrees, and the heating unfortunately went down at the Compound. Everyone was in layers including Rylee, but no matter how much layers she put on she was still cold.

Somehow the wind went inside her body and started changing it to where she had frostbite all over her skin. Once the peculiar storm went away and everything was back to normal, well not precisely to the Avengers.

No matter how hot now the Compound was Rylee was still cold like freezing. Basically if the Antarctic was in New York inside the Compound that's how cold Rylee was.

So she basically became immune to the coldness as it didn't bother her. It could be the muddle of winter and she'd be sweating like a waterfall and not freeze. So everyone gave her the nickname of Frostbite. It sorta stuck like that.

So that's what her superhero name was frostbite. The storm also strangely gave her the power of ice and snow manipulation much like a certain Disney princess in Arendelle.

That's where this story ends and a new chapter begins. Welcome to the strange and peculiar world of Rylee Serena Rhodes. Aka FROSTBITE.


hope you like this prologue!


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