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The car fell into the branches hard and Rosalyn, Harry and Ron all started screaming. They fell head first into the tree but eventually straightened out. Ron was still in shock.
"My wand," he said, he looked like he was about to cry. "Look at my wand..."
Rosalyn scoffed. "Ron, that could've been your neck-"
The three of them looked around in panic. They saw nothing, until a huge branch of the tree acted again and crashed into the front windscreen.
The windscreen cracked and Rosalyn thought it was a wonder it didn't fall in. A branch suddenly poked its way through the back windscreen and Rosalyn and Ron ducked to the side to avoid it.
The car rocked precariously, the windows smashed, the roof caved in, and eventually the the whole vehicle with three very scared twelve year olds inside collapsed into the grass, the car was trashed.
But the tree didn't stop, it reared and moved upwards, Rosalyn and Harry bellowed. "DRIVE!" In unison to Ron, and he obliged and got them out the way just in time, as the whole tree layed itself down on the ground to try and catch them.
Thanks to Ron, they were safe, but as they drove away, the car suddenly stopped. It chucked Rosalyn, Harry and Ron out, and then spewed out the luggage in the boot. After that was done, Hedwig, Ruby and Scabbers were thrown into their owners' hands. Ron frantically checked his rat. "Scabbers, are you okay?- The car!"
The car shut it's doors and boot then drove off on its own. Rosalyn, Harry and Ron sprinted after it. It went through the alley out onto another grass patch, behind Hagrid's cabin and into the Forbidden Forest.
"Dad's gonna kill me," Ron said miserably.
Rosalyn couldn't find a counter argument, so she stayed quiet. Harry sighed and said. "We better get our luggage and take it to where everyone else's is."
So they took their trunks and picked them up. They entered the castle through the oak doors and climbed the stairs, panting.
Rosalyn put her luggage down and Harry and Ron chucked theirs."See you later Ruby," Rosalyn said hurriedly. She put everything on the table as she, Harry and Ron climbed restlessly up the stairs.
"So a house elf shows up in mine and Harry's bedrooms, we can't get through the barrier to platform nine and three quarters, we almost get killed by a tree... someone clearly doesn't want me here this year."
The three of them had hoped to go to the feast, hopefully catch Ginny's sorting and have some food, all those hopes vanished as they encountered Filch and Mrs Norris at the top of the stairs.
"Take a good look round, lads," Filch said, smirking. "Tonight may be the last you spend in this castle." He laughed mechanically. "Oh dear, we are in trouble..."
They were taken to the dungeons, and as soon as Rosalyn figured this out, she protested. "Why are we going to Snape? He's not our head of house! He'll expel us on the spot!"
Of course, she realised, this was the reason they were going there. Snape was the only Professor in the entire castle that would back up Filch, and be happy to expel Rosalyn, Harry and Ron. Of course, he had a soft spot for Rosalyn, but it had been worn away by her stubbornness.
When they got there, Snape was reading the newspaper, which had an article about their flying car escapade on it, he folded it up and kept it held infront of his face as Filch said. "The three troublemakers, Sir."
"Thank you Filch," Snape's voice said, and then he spoke to Rosalyn, Harry and Ron. "You were seen, by no less than seven muggles." He whipped the newspaper out of his face so that he was visible. New school year, same old Snape, Rosalyn thought bitterly as he went on with his rant. "Do you have any idea how serious this is?" He looked seriously angry. "You have risked the exposure of our world, not to mention the damage you inflicted on the whomping willow which have been on these grounds since before you were born!"
"Honestly, Professor Snape, I think it did more damage to us," Ron said plainly, Rosalyn sniggered but tried to disguise it as a cough, she didn't do very well.
"Silence!" Snape didn't find Ron's words amusing. "I assure you," he got up out of his chair and moved around the desk. "That were you in Slytherin and your fate rested with me," he was inches from them now. "The three of you, would be on the train home - tonight!"
The three of them were all quite astonished by Snape, Harry was reminded of Uncle Vernon's fits, Rosalyn thought the whole thing was quite amusing, but she kept a relatively straight face all the way through.
Snape started again. "As it is-"
"They are not," saved by Dumbledore, and McGonagall was there too. Rosalyn sighed, they wouldn't expel them, but she knew they were in for a punishment.
"Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall," she said.
"Headmaster," Snape kept his eyes on Dumbledore, but raised his hand and pointed to Rosalyn, Ron and Harry. "These three, have flouted the restriction for underage wizardry-"
Rosalyn internally sighed. She couldn't let the teachers know that it was Arthur that had enchanted the car, she just couldn't. But Dumbledore had no intentions of finding out, thank goodness.
"I am well aware of our laws, Severus, having written a few of them myself, but, as head of Gryffindor house, it is up to Professor to determine the appropriate action."
"We'll go and get our stuff then," Ron said.
"What are you talking about, Mr Weasley?" McGonagall said, genuinely confused.
"You're going to expel us aren't you?" Ron asked miserably.
"Not today, Mr Weasley," McGonagall said stiffly. Rosalyn sighed inside and out, she understood she was lucky to be here, and she wasn't going to danger her position again. "But I must impress upon you the seriousness of what you have done. I will be writing to your families tonight, and you will both receive detention."
That wasn't that bad! Rosalyn smiled slightly, and she thought Harry and Ron did too, they all looked at each other in shock at the severeness of their punishment. Or the unsevereness.
The next morning, Rosalyn went down to breakfast with Hermione, who had been a but sceptical about Rosalyn, Harry and Ron's adventure last night.
She had mainly told her off, but also admitted that she would never have been able to do something like that.
"But it was reckless, and dangerous, and you could have been killed-"
"You're just describing me, and telling me what I live for," Rosalyn had said, and Hermione had giggled.
After breakfast, Rosalyn was in herbology, standing next to Hermione in a burning hot greenhouse. Professor Sprout came through the door just then.
"Good morning everyone!" She got no reply, everyone was still talking, so she banged her shovel on the edge of a plant pot. "Good morning everyone!"
"Good morning, Professor Sprout." The class chorused.
"Welcome to Greenhouse Three second years! Now, today, we're going to repot mandrakes, now who can tell me the properties of the mandrake root?"
Hermione was the only one to raise a hand.
"Yes, Miss Granger?"
Hermione cleared her throat and answered the question clearly. "Mandrake, or madogora, is used to return those who have been petrified to their usual state. It's also quite dangerous, the mandrake cry is fatal to anyone who hears it."
"Excellent," Sprout said, impressed, "ten points to Gryffindor!" Rosalyn and Hermione hi-fived and Harry and Ron looked at each other excitedly. Draco scowled.
"Now as our mandrakes are still young their cries won't kill you yet, but they could knock you out for several hours which is why I've given everyone a pair of earmuffs for extra protection, so can you please put them on?"
Everyone took their earmuffs and put them on, Sprout explained. "Flaps tight down and watch me closely!"
She took a mandrake and said. "First, you grip your mandrake tightly, you pull it sharply up out of the pot-"
Even with the earmuffs on, Rosalyn could hear the cry coming from the mandrake. Speaking of it, as Rosalyn looked closer, she saw that the root was actually what looked like a tiny, bawling baby. It had dirt and soil all over it mind but what she saw was definitely right.
Sprout was attempting to keep the lesson under control. "Now to just plant it in the other pot, and give it a generous sprinkling of soil, to keep it warm," it seemed quite easy, but whatever it seemed, it wasn't.
The crying was still heard, and Neville, who was clutching his earmuffs, collapsed to the ground. He had slightly flushed cheeks and Harry and Ron were both reminded of the fact that he went red whenever he saw Rosalyn.
All Sprout said was. "Oh, Longbottom's been neglecting his earmuffs."
Seamus looked at Sprout, then Neville, then informed her. "No, ma'am, he's just fainted."
"Oh," Sprout said. "Yes, well, just leave him there, now then, plenty of pots to go round!" She added, addressing the class. "Grasp your mandrake, and pull it up!"
Her voice was drowned out by the crying of about twenty mandrakes. Everyone in the class was wincing at the sound, even with the earmuffs on.
Rosalyn sniggered as she saw Draco experimenting with what would happen if he put his gloved hand into the mandrake's mouth, it bit hard and a furious expression found its way onto his face. He managed to dislodge his finger and once he did, he shook it furiously as it was painful.
Rosalyn and Hermione managed to get another 5 points each for Gryffindor as they had reported their mandrakes best, and they were both happy with that, they joined up with Harry and Ron as the class was dismissed and they all went up to lunch.
When they got there, the ghosts were lazily floating about, talking to students and teachers, and Ron was spellotaping his wand back together.
He held it up looking hopelessly at Harry as Rosalyn and Hermione sat down.
"Say it, I'm doomed."
"You're doomed," Harry said, eyes wide.
Rosalyn mentally face palmed.
Just then, there was a bright flash that caused Rosalyn to blink aggressively for a few seconds.
A boy, in first year, she suspected, was standing there. He had tufty, blonde hair and a lightning fast voice.
"Hi Rosalyn, I'm Colin Creevey, I'm in Gryffindor too!"
"Uh, hi Colin-" Rosalyn started.
"Ron, is that your owl?"
A screech was heard and sure enough, Errol was flying towards them. He flew down and straight into a bowl of cornflakes. Rosalyn balled her hands into fists as she saw Draco Malfoy sniggering.
Ron took the letter Errol was holding in his beak, saying. "Bloody bird's a menace," then he turned his attention to the letter, and that scared him much more than Errol in the cornflakes. It was red, tied with a scarlet ribbon, a gold seal and it was sweetly dangerous.
"Oh no," Ron barely whispered.
"Look, everyone, Weasley's got himself a howler!" Seamus Finnigan shouted to the whole hall.
Rosalyn rolled her eyes at the Slytherins' laughs and kicked Seamus under the table.
"Go on, Ron," Neville said, turning quite red as Rosalyn was sat next to the person to whom he was talking. "I got one from my gran once, it was horrible."
So Ron, with shaky hands, opened the seal, and the letter did the rest of the work for him.
"And Rosalyn," the letter turned to the other red headed girl at the table. "I am very disappointed that you were in on this as well, please don't give me any reason to be so again."
It turned back to Ron and blew a raspberry at him, then ripped itself into pieces.
Rosalyn and Ron were shocked, and Ginny was going quite red. Hermione looked like she was trying to keep the well-you-did-break-the-school-rules expression off her face.
The Slytherins were now full on laughing, making fun of Molly's voice and mimicking the howler.
"Oh, just shut the hell up!" Rosalyn eventually yelled at them. "Your voices are ten times worse than the actual thing itself!"
Harry sighed, trying to drown out the sounds of laughing from other students, and saying to Ron. "Look at it this way, things can't get any worse, right?"
Rosalyn turned away, thinking it would be best to not answer that question.
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