ππΈπ΄π πππ β 18
When they got back, the five of them went to McGonagall, where Molly and Arthur were. Ginny was dropped off there, sobbing, and Lockhart was sent to the Hospital wing at once as well. But Harry, Ron and Rosalyn were sent to Dumbledore's office, where they were right now, standing stock still.
"You both realise that in the past few hours you have broken perhaps a dozen school rules," Dumbledore said, eyes piercing into Rosalyn's.
"Yes, sir," the three of them muttered.
"There is sufficient evidence to have you all expelled."
"Yes, sir," they repeated.
"Therefore, it is only fitting..." Dumbledore paused, looking at them "...That you all receive, Special Awards for Services to the School."
Rosalyn, Ron and Harry looked at eachother in shock. Harry and Ron said, "thanks, sir," and Dumbledore nodded, then flitted his gaze to Rosalyn, who was a bit quieter, as if something was distracting her.
"Now, Mr Weasley, if you would have an owl deliver these release papers to Azkaban, I believe we want our, gamekeeper back," Dumbledore handed Ron a small pile of papers in envelopes and he hurried out the office for the owlrey.
"And Mr Potter," Dumbledore went on. "I think it might be best if went up to the Hospital Wing, it must have been a pretty powerful stunner if it was made by sixteen year old Tom Riddle." Harry nodded and swiftly left with the door closed behind him.
Once the two boys were out, Dumbledore stood up and walked forward, saying. "First, I want to thank you, Rosalyn, you must have shown me real loyalty in the chamber, nothing but that could have brought Fawkes to you, and... second... I sense that something is troubling you. Am I right, Rosalyn?"
He was right. Something was troubling Rosalyn, and this time, she couldn't hide it, because it had been on her mind for so long. "It's just- you see sir I couldn't help but notice certain things- certain- similarities between- Tom Riddle and me."
"I see," Dumbledore nodded, "Well, you can speak parseltongue, Rosalyn, why? Because Lord Voldemort can speak parseltongue. If I'm not mistaken, Rosalyn, he transferred some of his powers to you, you not Harry, the night he have you that scar," he gestured to Rosalyn's arm.
"Voldemort transferred some of his power to me?" Rosalyn asked.
"Not intentionally," Dumbledore said, sitting back behind his desk with a flourish. "But yes."
"Then the sorting hat was right, I should be in Slytherin!" Rosalyn said desperately.
She was hoping Dumbledore was going to reassure her, and so he did. "It's true, Rosalyn, that you possess many of the qualities that Voldemort himself prizes, determination, resourcefulness, and if I may say so, a certain disregard for the rules." Rosalyn smiled slightly as Dumbledore raised his eyebrows. "So, why, then, did the sorting hat place you in Gryffindor?"
Rosalyn looked over at the hat and remembered the day she got sorted, she sighed and said quietly. "Because I asked it to."
"Exactly, Rosalyn, exactly, " Dumbledore said immediately. "Which makes you different from Voldemort. It is not our abilities that, show what we truly are, it is our choices." Rosalyn smiled and nodded as her headmaster spoke again. "And if you want proof of why you belong in Gryffindor, then I suggest you look more closely at this."
He held up the sword that was lying on the table, still coated in basilisk blood, Dumbledore handed it to Rosalyn, and she took it once again. She looked at it as if she was seeing it for the first time again, but this time, she saw something different. The name Godric Gryffindor was spelt up and down it.
"Godric Gryffindor," she repeated.
"Yes," Dumbledore said softly. "It would take a true Gryffindor to pull that out of the hat."
Right then, the door of Dumbledore's office opened. Rosalyn looked round, expecting to see Harry or Ron, but she saw someone completely different. Lucius Malfoy.
He was as pompous and idiotic as ever, but he also had something by his side. His servant. Dobby. The elf was cowering behind his master's robes, and Rosalyn couldn't help but gasp. "Dobby! So this is your master? The family you serve is the Malfoy's?"
Lucius Malfoy was many things, but he wasn't stupid, there wasn't a way Rosalyn could know Dobby other than the fact that they'd met before. "I'll deal with you later," he said under his breath, glaring at his elf.
He turned his head back to Dumbledore and matched up towards his desk, using his cane to move Rosalyn aside, he said, "out of my way, Potter." Then he spoke maliciously to Dumbledore. "So, it's true, you have returned."
Dumbledore spoke calmly. "Once the Governors heard that Arthur Weasley's daughter had been taken into the chamber, they, saw fit, to summon me back."
"Ridiculous," Lucius Malfoy said irritably.
"Curiously, Lucius, several of them were under the impression that you would, curse their families if they had not agreed to suspend me in the first place."
"How dare you," Lucius hissed quietly.
"What has he done, told the truth?" Rosalyn asked, smirking.
Lucius looked at her with loathing in his eyes, but Dumbledore said. "Thank you, Rosalyn."
Lucius advanced on Dumbledore, ranting words that Rosalyn did not believe. "My sole concern had always and will always be the welfare of this school and of course, it's students." He turned towards Rosalyn, looking creepy as his whole face was in shadow except a strip of light across his eyes, then went on pretending to care about people. "The culprit has been identified, I presume?"
"Oh, yes," Dumbledore said.
"And?" Lucius asked, eyes going wide. "Who was it?"
Dumbledore looked at Harry then answered. "The same person as last time, Voldemort, only this time, Lucius, he chose to act, through someone else, by means, of this." He held up the diary, and Lucius swallowed the lump in his throat.
"I see."
Rosalyn suddenly felt a tap on her arm, she looked down and saw Dobby, he was looking at the diary, then making a squeaky sound and gesturing with his head to Lucius.
Dumbledore was now praising Rosalyn. "Fortunately, our young Miss Potter here discovered it. One hopes that no more of Lord Voldemort's old school things should find their way into innocent hands, or the consequences for the one responsible would be, severe."
"Well," said Lucius slowly and angrily, turning once again to face Rosalyn, his eyes boring into hers with that eerie strip of light across them. "Let us hope that Miss Potter, will always be there to save the day."
Rosalyn smirked slightly, and said as slowly as him. "Oh, don't you worry, I will always be."
Lucius knew he was beaten, so he turned to the headmaster and said, "Dumbledore." then he flung his cloak round his body, ordered, "come, Dobby," and made a quick departure.
Dobby, who was standing beside Rosalyn, was reluctant to leave, but he complied with his master's orders, and hurried along. But even that wasn't fast enough, because Lucius kicked him down the stairs and out the office. It was this sight that made Rosalyn angry about how Lucius treated Dobby, she wanted to help him badly.
She sighed and put the sword back on the table, asking Dumbledore a question."Sir, can I give the diary back to Mr Malfoy, please?"
"I do not see a problem with that Harry," Dumbledore said.
Rosalyn hurried out of the office with the diary, and when she was out of sight of Dumbledore, she took a sock off one of her feet and stuffed it inside the book then she hurried down the stairs, and ran along the corridor, yelling. "Mr Malfoy! Mr Malfoy!" When he finally turned round Rosalyn said, "I have something of yours," then shoved the diary into his hands.
"Mine?" Malfoy was quick with the defensive. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Oh, I think you do," Rosalyn said, smirking. She had finally caught him. "I think you slipped the diary into Ginny Weasley's cauldron, that day at Diagon Alley."
"You do, do you?" Malfoy asked, but Rosalyn could see the guilt in his eyes, and the hatred. He handed the diary to Dobby, and Rosalyn internally smiled, Lucius leaned in towards Rosalyn and hissed. "Why don't you, prove it?"
He leant back and stalked away, saying, "come, Dobby," once more. But Rosalyn whispered "open it," to Dobby, referring to the diary. The small elf did so, and saw the sock, his face lit up.
"Dobby!" Malfoy repeated.
But Dobby stayed where he was, saying, "Master has given Dobby a sock."
"What? I didn't giv-" Lucius stopped as he saw what had happened.
"Master has presented Dobby with clothes," Dobby was so joyful, and Rosalyn felt happy that she was able to do that for him. "And Dobby- Dobby is free."
Lucius was standing, looking at Rosalyn, who wasn't shy to lifting up her robes so that he could see clearly that she was missing a sock.
"You've lost me my servant!" He drew his wand in rage and pointed it at Rosalyn, advancing forwards.
Dobby, however, stepped in front of Rosalyn and protected her."You shall not harm Rosalyn Potter!"
"Avada-" Lucius started, but Dobby blasted him back with his own magic. He hit the stone floor and instantly stood up, outraged. Dobby folded his arms.
"Your parents were meddlesome fools too," Lucius said, and Rosalyn touched her rose locket, like she did whenever someone mentioned her parents. "Mark my words Potter, one day you will meet the same. Sticky. End." And he walked away, Rosalyn chose not to listen to him, she was too happy to.
She turned round to the elf beside her, and Dobby said, "Rosalyn Potter freed Dobby! How can Dobby ever repay her?"
"Just promise me something, Dobby," Rosalyn said, smiling.
"Anything, Miss, anything."
Rosalyn smiled, and sighed, knowing that there was only one thing she could ask the elf to do after all he had been through. The elf smiled as she said it.
"Never try to save my life again."
The end of term feasts were a favourite of Rosalyn's. She enjoyed them to no end because the food was immaculate, the chat was amazing and everyone just had fun throughout the whole night.
On this particular feast, Rosalyn was eating her body weight in food chatting to Dean, Seamus, Harry and Ron about the chamber.
"What was the basilisk like?" Seamus asked enthusiastically.
"Where was the entrance? The teachers searched the whole school!" Dean was shocked.
Rosalyn eventually had to explain the whole story from beginning to end, but she did it, because it was a good story, for all it was worth.
There was also an awkward moment when Rosalyn reached over to get some more potatoes and so did Neville, and their hands touched. Rosalyn wasn't embarrassed in the slightest, but Neville went red like a tomato and avoided her gaze for the next ten minutes.
To distract herself, Rosalyn leaned back on the bench, saying to her house ghost that had recently been revived. "Welcome back, Nick!"
He was accepting welcome backs from everyone and he happily floated on, stopping at a bushy haired girl who had just entered the hall. "Hermione! Welcome back!"
"Thanks, Sir Nicholas!" She said, smiling.
Meanwhile, at the table, Neville said enthusiastically, as if trying to forget what had happened. "Rosalyn, Harry, Ron, it's Hermione!"
The three of them leant back and saw their grinning friend, as soon as she saw them, she started running, and Rosalyn, Ron and Harry departed the bench and stood up.
Hermione reached them and crashed into Rosalyn, hugging her fiercely. Rosalyn smiled at her best friend as she pulled back, hugging Harry next. When she pulled away from him, she went to Ron, but they both froze. Rosalyn internally smirked as the two of them shook hands, Ron saying, "er- er- welcome back Hermione."
"It's good to be back," said Hermione smiling wide, "Congratulations I can't believe you solved it!"
"Well we had loads of help from you," Harry put in, Ron and Rosalyn nodding.
"We couldn't have done it without you," Rosalyn said.
"Thanks," Hermione said.
Just then McGonagall was heard tapping her spoon on her goblet, ("Can I have your attention please?") and Ron, Harry, Hermione and Rosalyn slid themselves back on the bench.
Dumbledore stood up and addressed everyone. "Before we begin the feast, let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout, Madame Pomfrey, whose mandrake juice has been successfully administered to all who had been petrified."
Everyone, with the exception of Malfoy, who had a sour look on his face, clapped the two women who, Rosalyn thought, were remarkable in being so pressured to make the draught of mandrake juice but still successful.
"Also in light of recent events," Dumbledore continued on after the clapping had ceased, "All school exams have been cancelled."
Everyone except Hermione clapped at this, even Malfoy. Rosalyn laughed because she knew her best friend had been studying even before she was petrified.
Right then, Hagrid cam through the doors. If anything could make Rosalyn happier, it was having her giant friend back. He walked down the hall, saying, "sorry I'm late, the owl that delivered my release papers got all lost an' confused, some ruddy bird called Errol."
Rosalyn laughed at this, mainly at Ron's face, and his bright red ears, but also thinking about what Errol would be like at Azkaban.
He walked until he was with the quartet, he was smiling and he said, "I'd just like to say that if it wasn't for you Rosalyn, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione o' course, I'd still be erm- you know where, so I'd just like to say, thanks."
Rosalyn, who had glassy eyes by now, stood up, and walked towards him, she said, "There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid." Then Hagrid pulled her in for a hug. They hugged before the whole hall, and Rosalyn had a few tears on her cheeks by the time the pulled away. Happy tears, though.
Dumbledore suddenly stood up and started to clap, then McGonagall, then Rosalyn, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and then the whole hall was standing up and clapping, except Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. But at the moment, Rosalyn didn't care about them, she didn't mind that they were alive, like she normally did, she was just focused on herself, her friends, and Hagrid.
She sighed as everyone came forward to shake Hagrid's hand and say hello. She smiled and cried and yelled with happiness.
What surprised her the most was Neville, he met her in the crowd and hugged her, even though he was red. Rosalyn hugged him back, feeling content.
There, Rosalyn felt joyful, happy, and safe, and she might not always be like that, but she would face that when it came. Because right now, she wouldn't have anything interrupt that, not even Voldemort.
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