๐๐ธ๐ด๐ ๐๐๐ โ 11
Christmas was here, and Rosalyn, Harry, Ron and Hermione were in for a rude awakening as they were all drinking polyjuice potion later.
They sat at the Gryffindor table, making their plans.
"It's all set, we just need a bit of who we're changing into," Hermione said.
"Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy," Rosalyn said, referring to Ron, Harry and herself. Hermione continued.
"You also need to make sure, that the real Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy, Rosalyn, don't burst in on us when we're interrogating Malfoy."
"How?" Asked Ron incredulously.
"I've got it all worked out," Hermione assured them, pulling three cupcakes out her bag. "I filled these with a simple sleeping draught, simple, but powerful, now, once they're asleep, hide them in the broom cupboard and pull out a few of their hairs, also, change into their robes."
Rosalyn knew she would have to go in a different direction to Harry and Ron to get Pansy Parkinson, but she was going to.
"So who're you changing into?"
"I've already got mine," explained Hermione. She took out a phial of hair. "Millicent Bulstrode. Slytherin. I got this off her robes. Anyway, I'm going to go check on the polyjuice potion, make sure the three Slytherins find these." She pushed the cakes forward.
Rosalyn took hers and went off to find Pansy, she found her, unusually alone. But she would have to wait her turn because just then, Malfoy came up to her.
"Draco!" She said, smiling. "I was just thinking about you..." She leaned her body close to his and Rosalyn felt sick that she would have to do that.
Draco smirked and said. "Of course you were, Pansy."
"Did I ever tell you how handsome you are..."
"You might have mentioned it once or twice."
Rosalyn was regretting her life choices. She would have to flirt with Malfoy, seriously?
"Anyway, see you later!"
They bade their goodbyes and Rosalyn walked up to Pansy before anyone could come to her.
When Pansy noticed Rosalyn, she said. "Hey Potty! I heard you petrified two more!"
Rosalyn rolled her eyes. "Hey Pugsy! I heard you frightened five more first years! But I mean it can't be hard with that face."
Parkinson looked furious and Rosalyn smirked at her, walking forward, she said quickly, chucking her cupcake at Pansy. "But you can have this, it's got a beauty spell in it, but I don't need it," she smiled.
Pansy twirled her hair around her finger and Rosalyn made a mental note to do that. Especially with Malfoy. Pansy said slyly. "I don't trust you, Potty, but thanks."
She took a bite then and there, and fell to the floor. Rosalyn smirked and took off Pansy's robes, then plucked a hair off her head and levitated her to the broom cupboard, meeting Harry and Ron there.
"Success?" They asked her.
"Yep, told her it was a beauty potion, she'll do anything to improve her looks, and guess what, I saw her flirting! With Malfoy!"
The three laughed and hid the three Slytherins in the cupboard before going to the girls bathroom.
Hermione was there with a ladel, spooning the potion out into glass beakers. "We'll have exactly an hour before we change back into ourselves." The potion was lumpy and splashed into the beaker, Hermione handed one to each of them. "Add the hairs."
Rosalyn added hers and her potion turned an ugly red-brown. Ron seemed to be having the same thoughts.
"Uurrgh, essence of Crabbe."
They clinked the glasses and all drank at the same time. Hermione dropped her glass and ran into a cubicle, so did Ron, both saying, "I think I'm gonna be sick!" Harry soon followed the example but Rosalyn stayed where she was.
She held onto the sink and saw the most peculiar thing happen, her skin seemed to be... bubbling. She watched her face and her legs and she saw herself transform into Pansy Parkinson.
Harry and Ron soon came out of the cubicles. They all took a minute to take eachother in.
"Ron? Harry?" Rosalyn asked.
"Bloody hell!"
"We still sound like ourselves!" Rosalyn burst out. "You two need to sound more like Crabbe and Goyle!"
They took a second to make their voices deeper, and Rosalyn was soon being like. "Hey Potty! I heard you petrified two more!" And she was quite good.
"But where's Hermione?" Harry asked.
"I- I don't think I'm going!" Came a much... squeakier Hermione voice.
"Hermione are you okay?" Rosalyn was worried for her best friend.
"Just go on without me, you're wasting time!"
Rosalyn looked at Harry and Ron and they nodded. "Come on!"
They ran through the corridors and Harry said. "I think the Slytherin common room's this way!"
They went in what they thought was the right direction. The walked at a quick pace until they saw someone walking along the corridor, and that someone was Percy Weasley.
"What are you doing down her-" Ron said in his normal voice until Rosalyn and Harry slapped his arms. "I mean, what are you doing down here?"
"I happen to be a school prefect," Percy said, and Rosalyn internally rolled her eyes. "You on the other hand have no authority wandering the school at this time of night."
"Err, I'm-"
"Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, what're you doing?"
Rosalyn knew what she had to do, and said to Malfoy. "Mal- Draco, d'you fancy a- a walk?"
Draco smiled at her, then turned to Harry and Ron. "Pigging out in the great hall all this time? And why are you wearing glasses?" He fired at Harry.
"Err, reading."
"Reading?" Draco wasn't really satisfied. "I didn't know you could read." Rosalyn gave a snicker very near Pansy's, and Draco seemed to like that he'd made her laugh, and looked at her again as if he was trying to impress her before he rounded on Percy.
"And what are you doing down here, Weasley?"
"Mind your attitude, Malfoy."
He raised his eyebrows and walked off, Rosalyn skipped infront of Harry's and Ron and offered her hand to Malfoy, who took it. Rosalyn was gagging inside, but she knew she had to do it.
He led them down a narrow corridor and to a door with a snake knocker. Draco asked. "What's the new password, it was changed yesterday, wasn't it?"
"Is it maybe-"
"I don't-"
"Oh! Yeah, I've got it! Pureblood."
The snake hissed and the door opened Draco went in and so did Rosalyn, Harry and Ron.
When they got in there, Malfoy sat down on a couch and dragged Rosalyn with him, pulling her close to him and putting an arm round her shoulders. She was just on the verge of being sick.
"Well sit down," he ordered Crabbe and Goyle (or Harry and Ron) because they were still standing, both smiling inside as they knew Rosalyn would be gagging.
"You'd never know the Weasley's were pure bloods, the way they behave, they're an embarrassment to the wizarding world, all of them." Rosalyn giggled as Draco looked at her to see if she was impressed. Ron was clenching his fists. "What's wrong with you, Crabbe?"
"Stomach ache," Ron groaned.
Malfoy continued. "You know, I'm surprised the Daily Prophet hasn't done a report on all these attacks. I suppose Dumbledore's tryn'a hush it all up. Father always said Dumbledore was the worst thing that ever happened to this place."
Rosalyn giggled and twirled Pansy's hair around her finger. "Great joke, Draco, he really is."
But Harry couldn't help himself. "You're wrong!"
Rosalyn internally face palmed.
Draco stood up. "What? You think there's someone here, that's worse than Dumbledore? Well? Do you?"
Harry said weakly. "Rosalyn Potter?"
Draco smirked. "Nice one, Goyle, you're absolutely right, Saint Potter! And people actually think that she's the heir of Slytherin?"
Rosalyn looked at Harry and Ron, they knew this was their chance. "But you must have some idea about who's behind it all?" Rosalyn asked.
"You know I don't, I told you yesterday, Pansy." He picked up a small box. "Is this yours?" He shook it near his ear. They all shook their heads, so Draco pocketed it, and leant against the table. "But my father did say this, it's been fifty years since the chamber was opened, he wouldn't tell me who opened it, only that they were expelled, and, the last time, a mudblood died. So it's only a matter of time before one of them does this time. As for me... I hope it's Granger."
Rosalyn jumped off the sofa but so did Harry and Ron. They stopped her killing Malfoy, thank goodness.
"What's up with you today? You're acting very, odd!"
"It's just- I've also got a stomach ache, Draco," Rosalyn said, simpering up to Malfoy.
He forgave her and Rosalyn turned to Ron and Harry.
"Sss- scar," Ron said, and sure enough, Harry's scar was back on his forehead.
"Hair, your hair," Harry said, and sure enough, Rosalyn's and Ron's hair was turning red again.
They instantly rushed out of the common room. Draco called after them. "Where are you three going?"
"Medicine for our stomachs!" Rosalyn called back.
They ran back to the bathroom. Rosalyn was properly grossed out. "Eeeugh! Malfoy actually hugged me, that was disgusting!'
Harry and Ron laughed at Rosalyn's comment and Harry yelled, as they reached the bathroom. "Hermione come out, we've got loads to tell you!"
"Go away!"
Moaning Myrtle came out of her cubicle and said. "Wait 'till you see, it's awful!" She cackled and flew away.
"Mione, are you okay?" Rosalyn shoved the door open, and Hermione was standing, back to them, head down.
"Do you remember me telling you? The polyjuice potion is only for human transformations. And it was a cat hair I picked off Millicent's robes." She turned round slowly, revealing a cat's face and ears. "Look at my face."
"Look at your tail!" Ron said, grinning widely.
Rosalyn stamped on his foot hard.
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