π‘ŒπΈπ΄π‘… 𝑇𝐻𝑅𝐸𝐸 β˜† 1

Rosalyn had loved Egypt! She, Ron, Fred, George and Ginny had enjoyed the sun, sand, and, perhaps the most amazing, shutting Percy, who was being even more pompous after becoming head boy, in pyramids until Molly told them off.

All summer, Rosalyn had been writing to her twin brother, Harry, who had apparently been having a rough time of it at the Dursley's, but she still couldn't help laughing when she heard that he had blown up their Aunt Marge.

Anyway, they had come back two days ago and were now staying at the Leaky Cauldron, the gateway to Diagon Alley. Hermione was also there, as she had been dropped off by her parents just an hour ago, five minutes after the Weasley's and Rosalyn had arrived.

They were now trying to find Harry, as they knew he was staying here as well, and Hermione, Rosalyn and Ron needed to get their school things and they wanted Harry to join them.

Hermione had got a cat, Crookshanks, before she had stayed with the Weasley's, and after a couple minutes of searching, they saw that the cat and rat were chasing eachother round the pub.

The two friends picked up their pets and started to bicker, but not before Rosalyn found Harry upstairs.

She bumped into him going to her, Hermione, and Ginny's room, which was, incoincidentally, next to Harry's. Her twin was coming out of his room and they only narrowly avoided bumping into eachother before hugging tightly.

"Harry!" Rosalyn said into he brother's shoulder. "I've missed you!"

"I've missed you too, Rosie," Harry said. "Was Egypt good? It looked amazing."

"It was," Rosalyn smiled. "Wish you could've been there, but you were needed at the Dursley's for blowing up our Aunt I guess," they both laughed loudly.

"Come on, let's go downstairs," Harry said.

Rosalyn asked him if he really wanted to do that, as Ron and Hermione were bickering, but he waved her off with. "I'm not surprised, let's go!"

The two of them walked down the rickety, wooden stairs, hearing Ron yell. "I'm warning you Hermione, keep that bloody beast away from Scabbers, or I'll turn him into a tea cosy!"

"He's a cat, Ron, what d'you expect?"

"A cat? Is that what they told you? Looks more like a hairy pig to me!"

"That's rich coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush!" Hermione yelled, the she changed tone and said nicely to her cat. "Don't listen to him Crookshanks."

"Harry! Rosalyn!" Ron suddenly said.

"Harry!" Hermione repeated, turning round.

Rosalyn and Harry smirked at eachother, then they came down the stairs to talk to the two of them. They were clearly embarrassed and Rosalyn prayed that was enough to keep them from arguing for at least the next few hours.

Rosalyn went over to Molly, and asked. "Can the four of us go to Diagon Alley to get our things, Harry already has his, but the three of us need to get ours, can we, Molly?"

"Oh, alright then," Molly said, "Be back in two hours, alright?"

"Okay," Rosalyn said, as the four of them set off.

They went out the back and met the brick wall that they had to tap, Rosalyn did it, and slowly, the bricks rearranged themselves into an archway, letting the quartet through.

They went to Madam Malkin's for new robes, which they all purchased, and then they paid a visit to Ollivander's for Ron to get a new wand, as he had broke his last year.

After that, they went to the shop Flourish and Blotts to get all their books that they needed that year.

"So, Rosie, what do we need?" Ron asked as they walked up to the counter

"Erm- three copies of the Monster Book of Monsters," Rosalyn read the first book of the list.

"What?" Yelped the shop manager. "Three?"

"Er, yeah," Ron joined in. "Is that a problem?"

"Er- no- no problems," the manager seemed embarrassed.

He walked over to a cage behind the counter, and put on a pair of protective gloves, then, he opened the cage and carefully took three out, shutting it soon after, he then put leather bands around them for reasons that Rosalyn did not know, and then he gave them to them with a sigh of relief.

"Great! No problems!" The manager said. "Sorry about this, it's just that these books- well- let's just say that we've never had trouble like this. Anyway, what else did you want?"

"Er- three copies of Unfogging the Future," Hermione read her list.

"Starting Divination, are you?" The manager asked. "Rubbish subject, if you ask me... but don't repeat that," he said quickly.

Once they had received those, Rosalyn added in. "And three copies of Standard Book of Spells, Grade 3."

Hermione needed a few more books as she was taking on more subjects so Harry, Ron and Rosalyn had to wait about for her, and whilst they waited, Rosalyn saw a weird poster on the shop wall, a missing poster with a guy with long, matted hair, torn clothes and a desperate look on his face. She decided she may as well ask about it.

"I'm sorry," she said, catching the manager's attention. "But who is that?"

"Who is that?" The manager repeated. "Who is- that's Sirius Black, that is. Don't tell me you've never heard of him!" He leant closer over the counter. "He's a murderer, got himself locked up in Azkaban for it."

Given that the poster was a wanted poster, she asked the question. "How did he escape?"

"Well that's the question isn't it, he's the first one that did it! But he was a big supporter of you-know-who. Reckon you've heard of him."

"Yeah," Rosalyn said. "Him I've heard of."

Hermione came to them then and paid for all her books, she had to be taking just about every subject by the look of them. Anyway, after that was done Rosalyn, Ron and Harry followed her out of the shop. The four of them wandered along the street. They looked in shop windows and got an ice cream from Florean Fortescue, and then, when two hours was almost up, they went back to the Leaky Cauldron reluctantly.

When they walked in the door, Molly and Arthur weren't there but Fred, George and Percy were, and from what the four of them deduced from the shouting, Fred and George had Percy's head boy badge and he was chasing them round for it.

"Give me that back I am head boy-"

"No, you're bighead boy, Perce!" George sniggered.

"You took my badge! You can't do-"

"Well, we did," Fred interrupted.

The quartet didn't hand around, however, to hear more. Hermione said something about wanting to write to her parents, Ron and Harry went to their room that they shared, and Rosalyn returned to her, Hermione and Ginny's room alone.

Rosalyn sighed as she laid out all her books on the desk at the fat end of the room, she pondered as she saw the Monster Book of Monsters and decide to take off the binding to see why it was so dangerous.

She picked it up, noticing that is was hairy, and then took if the leather strap off and saw four eyes emerge from the hair, she turned it round and saw teeth keeping its pages together.

What she wasn't prepared for was the whole book to start snapping and biting at her.

She dropped it in shock, registering that the wooden floor of her room was now strewn with shredded paper that had fallen victim to the biting book. She retreated onto her bed whilst the book went under it, making quite a lot of snarling and grizzling noises.

This was why Rosalyn was surprised when everything went silent. She looked under her bed and saw the book, teeth bared, all four eyes trained on her, sitting still. However, she only got to stare at it for a few seconds before it went crazy again, and she had to pull her head up quickly to avoid it getting shredded.

The book stopped just outside the underside of Rosalyn's bed, and spun around for a few seconds, looking for Rosalyn, before disappearing back underneath her wooden bedframe.

Rosalyn sighed and knew she would have to be clever, she leant back on the bed and unlaced one of her trainers quickly, taking it off her foot and dangling it by the laces above where the Monster Book had just been. She waited for a few more seconds, then dropped it.

The book came skidding out to attack the trainer and Rosalyn jumped straight on top of it when it did. It made a weird horn sound before giving up and Rosalyn held onto it firmly before forcing the leather strap back on it.


That evening, after all the people in the pub had left, the Weasley's and Rosalyn, Harry and Hermione joint a few tables together to sit for their evening meal. Molly went crazy over Harry's health and Ron wasn't shy to telling Harry more about Egypt.

There was a picture of the nine Weasley's and Rosalyn in Egypt in the Daily Prophet a couple of weeks ago, and Ron still had a clipping that he was now showing Harry.

"What was it like?" Harry was asking Rosalyn and Ron.

"Brilliant!" Answered Ron. "Loads of old stuff like mummies, tombs... even Scabbers enjoyed himself!" Ron was clutching his rat, and Hermione had Crookshanks firmly in her arms.

"You know the Egyptians used to worship cats," she fired at Ron just then.

"Yeah, along with the dung beetles," Ron told her.

"Not flashing that clipping about again are you, Ron?" Fred and George had arrived.

"I haven't shown anyone!" Ron protested, ears going red.

"No, not a soul," said George sarcastically.

"Not if you don't include Tom-"

"-The barmaid-"

"-The nightmaid-"

"-That wizard from Scotland-"

"-The cleaner-"

"-And that witch from Belgium!"

Ron rolled his eyes sourly and Rosalyn smirked, Molly came in and said yet another thing about how the Dursleys don't feed Harry well but it was Arthur that disturbed Rosalyn, he pulled her aside for a private chat halfway through her conversation with the twins.

"I- er- I would've done this earlier Rosalyn, but I didn't want to spoil your holiday, but- er, are you looking forward to your new term?"

"Yeah, should be great," said Rosalyn, as the two of them went behind a pillar at the far end of the pub.

Arthur said, "Rosie, there are some in the Ministry that would strongly discourage me from divulging what I'm about to reveal to you, but I think that you need to know the facts." He moved to the next pillar, and Rosalyn followed. "You are in danger," he put his hands on Rosalyn's shoulders. "Grave danger."

"Has this anything to do with Sirius Black?" Rosalyn cast a glance at the poster stuck with spellotape to the pillar.

"What do you know about Sirius Black, Rosie?" He asked.

"Only that he's escaped from Azkaban," Said Rosalyn defiantly.

"Do you know why?"

Rosalyn shook her head and Arthur began. "Thirteen years ago, when you stopped-"

"Voldemort," Rosalyn filled in.

"Don't say that name!"


"Thirteen years ago, when you stopped you-know-who, Black lost everything," they moved down another pillar. "But, to this day, he still remains a faithful servant, and in his mind, you are the only thing that stands in the way of you-know-who returning to power." Arthur moved down another pillar as he spoke. "And that is why he has escaped from Azkaban, to find you-"

He seemed to not have words to fill it in, but Rosalyn got the gist.

"-And kill me."

Arthur moved on quickly. "Rosie I want you to swear to me that whatever you might hear, whatever someone might say to wind you up, that you won't go looking for Black."

"Arthur," Rosalyn said slowly. "Why would I go looking for someone who wants to kill me?"

She had asked a valuable question, but she didn't really realise just how valuable it was until she found out the truth.

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