π‘ŒπΈπ΄π‘… 𝑆𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑁 β˜† 3

Rosalyn, Fleur, Molly, Augusta and Ginny hadn't said a word to each other in an hour. They were all too scared about the other order members and their friends to think.

At that moment, Rosalyn was helping Molly do the dishes. Molly was cleaning by magic, but Rosalyn had to dry by hand, because, as previously mentioned, she was underage.


"Wha- what was that?" Molly asked warily.

"Let's see," Rosalyn smirked, the sparkle back in her eye.

She grabbed her wand, not caring that she couldn't use it at that moment, then she, Ginny and Molly rushed outside.

"Harry! Hagrid!" Molly cried as soon as she saw them.

They were both drenched, hair stuck to their faces and both looked quite shocked. However, there were no visible injuries.

"What happened, where are the others?" Molly asked urgently. Rosalyn had to remind herself they she felt the same about Arthur as she did with Neville.

"Is- is no one else back?" Harry asked confusedly.

Rosalyn shook her head. No.

"They were on us right from the start, Molly, we didn't stand a chance," Hagrid explained.

"Well, thank goodness you two are alright," Molly nodded.

Hagrid went into this monologue as Ginny stepped closer to Harry. Rosalyn heard her as she spoke in a low voice. "Ron and Tonks should've already been back. Dad and Fred as well."

Suddenly, a crack echoed through the night. Lupin appeared, supporting someone with a pale face, a hole where their ear used to be and blood dripping from that very hole. It was George.

And Rosalyn just realised, with a jolt, that he had lost an ear.

"Come on, help me with him!" Lupin was shouting. "Into the house!"

Rosalyn supported him from the other side and together she and Lupin lead George into the house. They put him on the sofa and Mrs Weasley gasped at the sight of her son.

"What are you doing?"

"What nickname did Izzy Potter go by when she was at school?"

"Are you mad-"


"Er- Scarlet, wasn't it?"

Rosalyn turned round to see Lupin pinning Harry against the wall, asking him security questions.

"I'm sorry," he immediately apologised. "We've been betrayed. Voldemort knew you were being moved tonight. I had to make sure you weren't an imposter."

Harry looked like he was about to make a badass retort, but a clatter from the yard stopped him. Lupin, Rosalyn and Harry ran out, seeing Kingsley and a half-Hermione, half-Harry standing there. Lupin and Kingsley raised their wands at each other.

"The last words Albus Dumbledore spoke to the pair of us," Kingsley said slowly.

" 'Rosalyn is the best hope we have, trust her'," Lupin recited. This surprised Rosalyn, but she made no attempt to speak as the two men lowered their wands.

"What gave you away?" Kingsley asked Harry urgently.

"Hedwig, I think, she was trying to protect me," Harry said.

"Wait," Rosalyn said, looking at her brother. "Does that mean Hedwig's..."

She trailed off.

"Dead," Harry said. "All because of me..."

"No, it's not your fault," tears pooled in Rosalyn's eyes.

Suddenly, a thestral came cantering into the scene, Bill and a Harry that was actually a Neville upon it. Rosalyn looked at Harry for a second.

"Go," he told her.

Running at her boyfriend, she cascaded into Neville's arms just as he transformed back into himself. "You're alive," she whispered into his chest.

"I'm fine, Rosie," Neville said, taking both her hands.

"He's more than that," Bill commented, climbing down off the thestral. "Stunned about four death eaters right to the head, probably wouldn't be stranding here if it wasn't for him."

"You did?" Rosalyn pulled back from the hug and looked lovingly at Neville. He only smiled as Bill left to go and see Fleur.

It was like a movie, it was so clichΓ©, but as the two leaned in and their lips touched, they wouldn't have it any other way.

Suddenly, Ron and Tonks appeared out of thin air, and Hermione run at him just as he turned back from his best friend. Rosalyn, who was now stood beside her boyfriend, her hand in his and his arm around her shoulder, looked at him for a second before sprinting to Ron and Hermione. Harry did that as well, and the golden quartet hugged for a second, relieving in the fact that they were all still there and alive.

Arthur and Fred came on scene and apparated into everyone's midst at that moment. "We the last back?" Arthur asked, as he and Fred advanced closer to the house. "Where's George?"

Rosalyn didn't have the heart, but she and everyone else followed Fred and Arthur into the house.

Molly was there, tending to George. Fred immediately fell to his knees in front of his twin. "How you feeling, Georgie?"

"Saint-like," George muttered as Molly stroked his blood spattered hair.

"Come again?" Fred (along with everyone else) was confused.

"Saint-like," George repeated. "I'm holy, holy, Fred, geddit?"

It was good to know that, underneath all the blood and pain and shock that he had gone through, that he could still joke.

"A whole wide world of ear-related humour before you and you go for holy?" Fred asked, a grin making its way onto his face. "Pathetic."

"Reckon I'm still better looking, though," George said, and Molly started to cry and laugh at the same time.

Bill soon ruined this as he stepped forward, saying two words.

"Mad-Eye's dead."

There was a stunned silence for a few seconds before he began speaking again. "Mundungus took one look at Voldemort and disapparated. Neville and I- we saw the killing curse hit-"

He stopped. He didn't need to continue. Enough had been said.

And Rosalyn couldn't shake the horrible, horrible feeling of guilt.


After a night of disturbed dreams, Rosalyn had decided what she was going to do. She had to leave. People were getting picked off because of her and she had to search for the horcruxes. She couldn't stand it any longer.

Packing all her things in a rucksack, she rushed out of the Burrow and started down the track between the barley fields.

"And where d'you think you're going?"

She turned round to see Ron, standing there in his pyjamas.

"I can't keep doing this," Rosalyn admitted. "No one else is going to die for me. I can't have them, I can't live with it."

"For you?" Ron repeated. "You think Mad-Eye died for you? You think George took that curse for you? You may be the chosen one, Rosie, but this is a whole load bigger than that, it's always been bigger than that."

Rosalyn had started to walk away from him, but turned round. "Come with me."

Ron had his retort ready. "What, and leave Harry and Hermione? We wouldn't last two days without them!" He paused for a second. "Don't tell them I said that."

If the situation wasn't so grave, Rosalyn would've laughed.

"Besides," Ron told her, "you've still got the trace on you, we've still got the wedding-"

"I don't care, about a wedding, Ron, sorry, but no matter who's it is. I need to start finding these horcruxes. They're our only chance to beat him, and the longer we stay here the stronger he gets!"

Rosalyn sighed, turning round to look out at the path that she would be walking along.

"You can't go tonight, Rosie," Ron told her. "You just-"

He picked up her fallen rucksack and started to walk back to the not long departed Burrow with her.


The wedding was in two days, but before that, however, another celebration was in order, for at that moment, it was dawning on the thirty-first, which meant that the trace was officially lifted off Harry and Rosalyn and that they were seventeen years old.

On that morning, when Rosalyn opened her eyes, Hermione was there. "Happy birthday Rosie!"

"Oh yeah, I forgot, I'm seventeen!"Rosalyn burst out happily, picking up her wand. "Accio book!"

She made her recent book, Little Women, come towards her and she caught it with ease. "Nice," Hermione commented, pulling out a neatly wrapped present and giving it to her.

Rosalyn smiled at her best friend. "Thanks."

"It was nothing," Hermione commented as Rosalyn tore open the package.

Hermione had given her a sneakoscope, which was basically a device that lit up and spun when danger was around.

"Thanks," Rosalyn said, getting up to hug her best friend.

Once everyone else was downstairs, Rosalyn had to do one of the burdens of being a twin. Give a present on her own birthday. Harry had given her something, however, that she would cherish for life.

When he first gave it to her, it looked like a normal flower, but soon it would be much more.

"Hermione thought it would be a good idea," Harry looked at her. "It's a lily and a rose, mixed together, and it's enchanted so it'll never lose any petals."

Rosalyn looked at the rose-lily, and couldn't believe her ears as tears started to form in her eyes. It may have just looked like a flower to others, but the fact that it was a rose (for Rosalyn) and a lily (for Lily) made it so much more special. "Harry... thank you so much."

"It's fine, Rosie," Harry laughed whilst opening her present to him.

She had gotten him a gift that was long overdue. "It's the photo album, an exact copy of it, the one that Hagrid gave us at the end of first year. I've only just realised how much I've hogged it, so here's one that you can have."

Harry grinned. "Thanks, Rosie."

Rosalyn was soon distracted by Molly, who also had two gifts in hand. "Rosalyn! Harry! Happy birthday my dears, here's you're presents."

She had gone old-fashioned, giving Harry a watch with stars around the face and Rosalyn a necklace with a ruby charm on the end of it.

"It's traditional to give a wizard a watch and a witch jewellery when they turn seventeen," she explained as the Potter twins hugged her. "Arthur's had to go away to the Ministry early this morning, but he'll he back for tea."

Rosalyn and Harry nodded.

Rosalyn's other gifts included a never-ending perfume from the Delacours, which basically refilled every time she finished it, a huge box of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes merchandise from Fred and George and Ron had got her a new owl cage for Ruby (Rosalyn's owl) as her current one was pretty bashed and broken.

After a breakfast of Molly's homemade pancakes (which were delicious) Rosalyn heard a familiar voice.

"Rosie, could you, er- come over here a sec?"

Neville. Rosalyn smiled as she followed her nervous boyfriend up to her bedroom that was currently being used by Fleur.

"So, er-" Neville started. "I, er- I wanted to get you something, for your birthday, that would show how much you mean to me, but I don't think anything in the world could show that-"

"Neville..." Rosalyn began softly.

"So I decided to get you something to remember me by," Neville paused for a second, looking meaningfully into her eyes. "I know you're not coming back Rosie. To Hogwarts, I mean. And I know that you're going to be fighting for your life, but I... I just thought..."

He pulled out a silver locket with a heart engraved on it. Inside the heart, engraved into the metal, were the initials, RP + NL, then underneath the heart, were the words, 𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 π’šπ’π’– 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓, π‘Ήπ’π’”π’Šπ’†.

Rosalyn looked up at him. "Neville... I... I love you, so, so much."

"Look inside," Neville said, cheeks flushed, his lips curved into a smile. Rosalyn clicked open the locket and saw something that properly made her heart melt.

There were two pictures inside, the first one of Rosalyn and Neville in fourth year at the Yule ball. Rosalyn remembered them coming back together at the end of the night, dancing together and then getting a photo taken. Rosalyn didn't know how he had got this photo, and she didn't care.

She looked on the other side, and saw the most heart warming photo ever.

It was from second year, when Colin Creevey had been dotting about everywhere, taking photo by the second. The photo was of Rosalyn, Neville, Ron, Hermione, Harry, Seamus and Dean, but Rosalyn and Neville were at the centre of it. It was very funny, because Rosalyn was just talking to Hermione and Seamus, but Neville was staring at her the same way he stared at her now.

"Thank you," Rosalyn crashed herself into his arms then pecked his lips. "Love you."

Neville sighed.

"I love you too, Rosalyn."

Lupin, Tonks, Moody, Kingsley and Hagrid all came to the Burrow that night, causing everything to move outside, and two tables to bear the weight of the food.

Rosalyn ate, talked, laughed and had a good time. She was having so much fun that she almost didn't notice Arthur's patronus, a weasel, light up the party.

It landed and only spoke a few words.

"Minister for magic coming with me."

The party guests took a few seconds to digest this.

"We shouldn't be here," Lupin immediately said.

"Yes, I-I'm sorry Harry, Rosalyn-" Tonks said as they walked away from the party, down the lane to where they could apparate.

And within five minutes, the minister and Arthur apparated into everyone's midst.

Rosalyn, stood beside Neville (who was almost begging her not to say anything stupid) stepped forward and said sassily. "To what do we owe the pleasure Minister?"

To be honest, the Minister for magic, whether it be Fudge or this idiot, had never been very popular with her. But Scrimegour answered just as badass as her.

"I think we both know the answer to that, Miss Potter."

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