ππΈπ΄π ππΈππΈπ β 15
They all landed on a wet, sandy beach. Rosalyn got up immediately, seeing Ron and Hermione a few metres away. "Hermione... Hermione, it's alright, we're safe, we're all safe."
She hugged them as Harry joined them, and Rosalyn took a moment to rejoice in the fact that they were all safe and no one could touch them.
"Rosalyn... Rosal... Rosalyn Potter..."
Rosalyn turned, and saw Dobby about twenty steps away. She ran that distance in five seconds. "Dobby, it's alright... we're all safe... we'll all survive-"
But what she saw told her that Dobby wouldn't.
Bellatrix's knife was lodged in his stomach, and he managed to take it out just before he fell into Rosalyn's arms.
"H-hold on," Rosalyn started to cry. Tears splashed on Dobby's tablecloth of a garment. "Hermione? Hermione! Help... please..."
"Such a beautiful place..." Dobby started. "To be with friends..."
"Hermione!" Rosalyn shouted. She was sobbing now, hugging Dobby to her chest.
"Dobby is happy... to be with his friend..." The elf said weakly. "Rosalyn... Potter..."
And with that, he lay still, his eyes were no longer glassy orbs, but still, dry and emotionless, and Dobby was dead.
Rosalyn cried. "I'm sorry... sorry that I- I didn't- I couldn't- you died because of me, Dobby," she said to the dead elf before her. "And you- you saved all of us... you didn't deserve this..."
Hermione, Ron and Harry came over, as well as Luna."We should close his eyes," she suggested. Rosalyn nodded numbly. Gently, Luna closed his eyelids. "There. Now he could be sleeping."
Rosalyn addressed the group before her. "I want to bury him. Properly, without magic. He deserves way more than that, but it's all I can do."
The rest of them nodded.
Slowly but surely, they dug a grave in the sand. Rosalyn didn't care what people thought of her, or if they turned their noses up at her for not doing this by magic. Dobby deserved it. And way more.
When the grave was dug, Harry brought Dobby out, wrapped in white cloth, and placed him gently in the sand grave. Rosalyn then used the shovel to put more sand on top of him. Finally, she summoned a big enough rock to be the gravestone, and wrote upon it:
"I'm so, so, sorry Dobby," Rosalyn said in a low voice, not long since mopped up tears threatening to reappear. "I didn't mean for this to happen."
She continued to stare at the grave for the next hour, thinking. Ron and Harry watched her from the window, wondering if they should do something. Deep down, they realised that she was just hurting. And that they could do nothing about it.
Finally, when her eyes got blurry and she couldn't cry anymore, Rosalyn got up and headed inside. She was broken.
But soon, she would have to put herself back together.
Bill and Fleur had decided to buy a house a few weeks after they got married. They had settled on a seaside cottage, a beautiful place really, and now it was also a rescue house for seven unlikely people.
Rosalyn walked into the cottage, seeing Luna, Ron, Bill and Hermione sitting at the table. Luna and Bill were having a conversation, but Rosalyn interrupted it by walking in.
"Rosie!" Bill said, turning round to see her. "Are you alright?"
"Fine," Rosalyn realised she hadn't spoken a word for a few hours. Her voice was croaky and low. "I need to talk to the goblin."
Bill reluctantly let her, Ron, Harry and a rather shaken Hermione visit the Goblin. Griphook, as Rosalyn now knew his name was.
When they arrived in the room and Bill shut the door, they saw Griphook in an armchair, looking out the window towards the sea.
"How are you?" Rosalyn asked sharply, looking nowhere in particular.
"Alive," Griphook answered just as sharply, not turning round.
"Listen," Rosalyn said, walking round the bed towards Griphook. "You probably won't remember, but when- when Ron and I-"
"Went to Gringotts for the first time it was me who showed you to your vault?" Griphook asked quizzically. "Even amongst goblins you are famous, Rosalyn Potter."
Rosalyn raised her eyebrows. "You buried the elf," Griphook continued. "And brought me here... you are an unusual witch, Rosalyn Potter."
"How so?" Rosalyn's eyebrows went higher. "So I dug the grave, who cares? Just because I actually have feelings-"
"Rosie," Hermione grabbed Rosalyn's arm. She piped down.
A pause in which Rosalyn and Griphook stared each other down. Then a cruel question. "Where did you come by this sword?"
The sword of Gryffindor, retrieved from Malfoy Manor, lay propped up against the wall. Griphook had wanted it in his room. Rosalyn hadn't been there to argue.
"It's complicated," she decided to answer. That was probably safest. "Why did Bellatrix Lestrange think it should be in her vault at Gringotts?"
Griphook decided to play hardball. "It's complicated."
Rosalyn knew the only way to get the answer to her question was to answer the answer to his. "The sword presented itself to us in a moment of need. We didn't steal it."
Griphook digested this in silence, then answered her question. She had guessed as much, anyway. "There is a sword in Madam Lestrange's vault almost identical to this one, but it is a fake. It was placed there this past summer."
"And she never suspected it was a fake?" Rosalyn had to make completely sure.
"The replica is very convincing, only a goblin would be able to tell that this is the true sword of Gryffindor," Griphook answered icily.
"Who was the acquaintance?" Hermione suddenly asked. Griphook looked towards her.
"A Hogwarts Professor. As I understand it, he's now headmaster."
"Snape?" Rosalyn and Ron uttered at the same time. Ron went on. "Snape put a fake sword in Bellatrix's vault? Why?"
Rosalyn's mind was working hard to keep up with her speech. She couldn't mess up with what she said. Not in the presence of a goblin, at least.
"There are more than a few curious things in the vaults at Gringotts," Griphook said mysteriously.
"And in Madam Lestrange's vault as well?" Rosalyn almost smirked.
"Perhaps," Griphook said in a whisper.
Rosalyn waited. What she was about to suggest was preposterous. However, she didn't plan on waiting. "I need to get into Gringotts... into one of the vaults."
"It is impossible..." Griphook said slowly, as Rosalyn saw her three friends gasp.
"Alone, yes. But with you, no," Rosalyn told him.
"Why should I help you?" Griphook brought up the vital question.
"I have gold, lots of it," Rosalyn offered.
"I have no interest in gold," Griphook quickly told them.
"Well, what then?" Rosalyn really tried to avoid it sounding like she was begging. She didn't want to seem like she needed Griphook too much.
"That," Rosalyn followed Griphook's long, skeletal finger to-
Great. The sword of Gryffindor.
We can't let him have that. It's basically the only thing that can destroy horcruxes. If we get the one that's in Bellatrix's vault, how would we destroy it...
Rosalyn needed time to digest this, and she swept from the room, Harry, Ron and Hermione behind her. Finally, in the gloom of the staircase, they could discuss what they actually thought.
"Are you thinking there's a horcrux in Bellatrix's vault?" Hermione hissed warningly.
"Well, she was terrified when she thought we'd been in there, and I bet you anything there's a horcrux in there, so let's find it and kill it and then we're one step closer to killing him," Rosalyn told them.
"And what happens when we find it?" Ron asked. "What are we supposed to do now you've given the sword to Griphook?" Ron hissed.
"I'm still working on that part," Rosalyn said bitterly.
Suddenly, Fleur came out of the other spare bedroom. "He's weak," she said, referring to Ollivander.
"Can we speak to him?" Rosalyn asked.
Fleur nodded and let them in.
Ollivander was much worse than Griphook. He was sat in a rocking chair, again ignoring the bed in the room, and this time, Rosalyn decided to be a bit nicer.
"Mr Ollivander, d'you mind if I ask you a few questions?" Rosalyn asked kindly.
"Of course, m'girl, anything, anything!" Ollivander smiled.
"Would you mind identifying these wands? We need to know if they're safe to use," Rosalyn asked him. She held out the wands they stole from Malfoy Manor and sat down on the bed.
She handed him the first wand. He looked it up and down, examining it thoroughly. "Walnut... dragon heartstring... twelve and three quarter inches... unyielding. This belonged to Bellatrix Lestrange. Treat it carefully."
He handed Rosalyn back Bellatrix's wand and Rosalyn handed him the next one. "Ah... hawthorn... unicorn hair... ten inches... reasonably pliant... This was the wand of Draco Malfoy."
"Was?" Rosalyn echoed. "Isn't it still?"
"Not if you won it from him," Ollivander held the wand to his ear. "I sense its allegiance has changed."
He handed the wand back to Rosalyn, who wasn't thinking about the fact that it had been her who had disarmed Draco Malfoy at his manor.
Rosalyn paused for a moment. "You talk about wands, as if they have feelings... Can think."
Ollivander leant forward. "The wand chooses the wizard, Miss Potter. That much has always been clear to those of us who study wandlore."
Rosalyn stayed quiet for a second. "And... what do you know about the deathly hallows?"
Ollivander was quiet for a second, he seemed shocked by the question. "There is rumoured to be three... the elder wand, the most powerful wand ever made... the cloak of invisibility, to hide from your enemies... and the resurrection stone, to recover loved ones from the dead. Together they make one the master of death, but of course, few truly believe that these objects exist."
"Do you?" Rosalyn asked. That was what she really wanted to know. "Do you believe they exist, Sir?"
Ollivander coughed, then answered. "Well, I... I see no reason to put stock into an old wive's tale."
Rosalyn looked him up and down for a few seconds. "You're lying. You know one exists, you told him about it. You told him about the elder wand. I know."
"He tortured me!" Ollivander started to plead. "You don't understand!"
"I do," Rosalyn nodded. "I really do."
And with that, Rosalyn stood up, and joined Harry, Ron and Hermione at the door. They were about to leave when Ollivander spoke up. "He's after you, Miss Potter, and if he finds the elder wand... you really don't stand a chance."
Rosalyn's eyes narrowed and she crossed her arms.
"I guess I'll just have to kill him before he finds me, then."
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