๐๐ธ๐ด๐ ๐๐๐ธ โ 7
Oliver Wood was going to teach Harry and Rosalyn about quidditch. At the moment, Harry and Wood were carrying a heavy wooden chest outside and Rosalyn had a bat in her hand, Wood told her they would need it.
"Now quidditch," Wood began. "Is easy enough to understand, each team has seven players. Two beaters, one keeper, three chasers, Rosalyn, you're one of them, and a seeker, that's you Harry." He opened the chest. "There are three kinds of balls," he took out a red ball and threw it to Rosalyn, she caught it immediately. "That one's the quaffle, Rosalyn, you need to, with your fellow chasers, handle the quaffle and try to throw it through one of those three hoops." He indicated to three hoops on the quidditch field, the middle one was taller than the two outside ones. "The keeper, that's me, defends those hoops. With me so far?"
"Yeah," Rosalyn nodded, handing the quaffle back to Wood.
"I think so," Harry said uncertainly. "What are those?" He signalled to the balls that were jumping about in the chest, held down by chains.
"You better take this, Rosalyn, you better use yours." Wood handed a bat he had been carrying to Harry and Rosalyn held hers up.
Wood undid the chains on the ball and it flew up in the air. It disappeared for a second before coming into sight again, Wood warned. "Careful now, it's coming back."
As it got low enough to hit, Harry gave an almighty swing of his bat before hitting it back up again, Rosalyn waited for it before hitting it as well. Wood was impressed, "you might make fine beaters," he looked at it again, it was flying back. "Uh oh," he said before catching it and wrestling it in the chest again.
"What was that?" Harry asked.
"Bludger," Rosalyn said, Fred and George were beaters, she knew some stuff.
"Yes, Rosalyn, a bludger, they're nasty little buggers," Wood said, he was panting and out of breath. "But, Harry, you're a seeker, and all you need to worry about, is this."
He opened a door in the top of the chest, and got a ball from the compartment. It was tiny, gold, and had two little wings. Harry gasped as Wood handed it to him.
"What is it?"
"The golden snitch," Wood answered.
"I like this ball."
"Ah, you might like it now, but wait, it's wicked fast and damn near impossible to even see."
"What do I do with it?"
"You catch it. Before the other seeker. You catch this, our game is over, you catch this, Potter, and we get one hundred and fifty points added on to our score."
Just then, the snitch's wings beat and it flew up in the air, only a few metres, however, and both Harry and Rosalyn knew that it wouldn't be that easy in a real game.
About ten minutes later, they found themselves sitting in Charms. The teacher for this subject was Professor Flitwick and he was quite small. Rosalyn didn't judge him for this, though. They were going to learn a levitating spell, and it was being explained to them right now.
"One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation, the ability to make objects fly. Do you all have your feathers?"
Rosalyn was sat next to Neville as she and Harry had got there last and took the last available seats. He seemed to be trying to avoid all eye contact with her and she didn't know why.
Harry was next to Seamus and Ron and Hermione were together, Rosalyn grinned at that bit.
Professor Flitwick spoke again. "Don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing, swish and flick, everybody, swish and flick, good, and enunciate, wingardium leviosa! Off you go then."
And with that the room was filled with the noise of the incantation. Rosalyn tried, and it didn't work, she tried and tried, but them was brought, very amusingly, to a conversation Ron and Hermione were having.
"Look, stop, stop, stop, you're going to take someone's eye out, besides, you're saying it wrong, it's leviOsa, not leviosaaaa." Hermione was correcting Ron.
Rosalyn knew Ron would hate this, and she was quite right as she heard him start an argument. "You do it then if you're so clever, go on, go on."
Rosalyn saw Hermione raise her wand and say. "Wingardium leviosa." The feather left the desk. It rose up and up until all the students saw it.
Professor Flitwick was happy. "Miss Granger's done it! Look everyone! She's done it!"
Rosalyn soon did it as well, and received a, "Well done Miss Potter!" From Flitwick. Neville, beside her, on the other hand was not doing so well, he had the wrist movement wrong and Rosalyn decided to help him.
"Just move your wrist like this," she said, holding the top of his hand and moving his wrist in the way it should be moved. This, however, did not help as Neville's cheeks went as red as Rosalyn's hair and he dropped his wand on the floor.
Meanwhile, Seamus was trying next to Harry. "Wingard leviosa, wingard leviosa-"
Just like with the water to rum, the feather turned black and Seamus' face had soot all over it, there was also some smoke. Harry said awkwardly. "I think we're going to need another feather over here, Professor."
Soon they were dismissed and Ron, Harry, Dean, Seamus and Rosalyn were walking through the courtyard. Ron was still annoyed at Hermione.
"It's leviOsa, not leviosaaaa, she's a nightmare, honestly, no wonder she hasn't got any friends."
Just then, Hermione barged past them and Harry said. "I think she heard you." Rosalyn rolled her eyes. Of course she heard him! She was right there!
She sighed before stating, "Ron, you're an idiot! Of course she heard you! And whilst you're at it, shut up about my best friend!"
And with that she ran off to try and find Hermione.
Halloween! A night widely celebrated at Hogwarts. Everyone was eating the food and talking and laughing when Harry and Rosalyn both asked the same question. "Where's Hermione?"
Neville answered, well, to Harry anyway. "Parvati Patil said that she wouldn't come out the the girls bathroom, that she'd been in there all afternoon, crying."
Harry looked at Ron who was shocked, Rosalyn made to get up and go and comfort her, but that was before the great hall doors opened with a bang, revealing Professor Quirrel.
"TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!" He yelled. "Troll in the dungeon!"
Professor Dumbledore got up immediately and Quirrel said, "thought you ought to know," and fainted.
All at once students started running and screaming. Ron shouted and Neville removed himself from the bench he was sitting on and ran.
Professor Dumbledore had a hold over the room, and he used it. "Everyone will please, not panic. Now, prefects, you lead your house back to the dormitories, teachers will follow me to the dungeons."
And then there was a stampede again as prefects shouted orders and students followed. All the Gryffindors followed Percy, who yelled. "Keep up and stay alert!" Behind him everyone was discussing the troll.
"How did a troll get in?" Harry asked.
"Not on its own, they're really stupid," Rosalyn stated.
"Must be a prank or joke," Ron suggested.
Suddenly Harry pulled Ron and Rosie aside.
"Hermione, she doesn't know!"
The trio ran away from the parade to the common room and along the corridors to Hermione. Ron suddenly stopped abruptly, causing Rosalyn to bump into him.
"Ron, what was that for?"
But then she noticed what it was for, a troll shadow was displayed on the wall in front of them. Harry pulled Ron and Rosalyn behind a wall. "I think the troll's left the dungeon," Ron said worriedly.
Rosalyn noticed something. "It's going into the girls' bathroom!" Then, without a word to the boys she took off full pelt down the corridor, through the door, and-
Hermione was in there, backed up against the cubicles as the troll took his club and smashed them down. She screamed and disappeared, Rosalyn ran into the rubble to find her, and eventually the two were side by side underneath it all. That was when Harry and Ron burst in.
They saw Rosalyn and Hermione as soon as they got in and Harry shouted. "Hermione, Rosalyn move!"
They army crawled through the mess as the troll knocked down the other cubicles. Rosalyn had an idea, she chucked a bit of wood at the troll and signalled for Harry and Ron to do the same. They started throwing loads of them at the troll who eventually turned round.
"Hey, pea brain!"
They distracted it for long enough so that Hermione and Rosalyn could sit under the sinks but the troll smashed them down as well. Hermione screamed and Rosalyn yelled. "HELP!"
And then Harry did the least helpful thing in the world. He ran at the troll and grabbed on to its arm, of course it lifted Harry up and swung him all over the place. Harry eventually stuck his wand in the troll's nose, to which Ron said, "eugh," and then the troll hung him upside down, his club dangerously close to Harry's head.
"Do something!" He said desperately.
"What?" Ron didn't know anything that would help.
The troll took a swing at his head but he managed to duck out of the way.
"Anything!" Harry bellowed desperately.
Ron got his wand out and Hermione reminded him. "Swish and flick!"
Rosalyn watched helplessly as Ron said. "Wingardium leviosa!" to the troll's club. It suspended in mid-air. The troll tired to hit Harry but he didn't have a weapon.
The club then came down on the troll and hit him on the head
"Cool," Ron remarked, smirking.
The troll dropped Harry and started to collapse. He scrambled across the floor just in time to not receive an almighty squish.
Hermione and Rosalyn slowly came out from under the sinks.
"It it... dead?" Hermione asked.
"Just knocked out I think," Harry said, as his twin stood next to him, he took his wand out from the nose and they all made noises of disgust at it. "Euh, troll bogeys."
Just then the teacher came skidding round the corner, McGonagall was first to speak. "Oh my goodness, explain yourselves the three of you!"
They all began different sentences, stuttering their way to detention, when Hermione saved the day!
"It's my fault Professor McGonagall," she said, Harry, Ron and Rosalyn stared at each other, the teachers all urged her to go on. "I went looking for the troll, I've read about them and thought I could handle it. I was wrong. If Harry, Ron and Rosalyn hadn't found me... I'd probably be dead."
Just then, something caught Rosalyn's eye, Snape's leg was bitten and bloody, she got a fair sight of it before the potions master covered it with his robe. Rosalyn had known what she had seen though, a bite, and she had an idea who from.
She caught back up with the conversation, McGonagall was reprimanding Hermione. "Be that as it may, that was very foolish of you, I would have expected more rational behaviour on your part and I am very disappointed in you Miss Granger, 5 points are going to be deducted from Gryffindor, for your serious lack of judgement." She turned to Harry, Ron and Rosalyn. "As for you three, I just hope you understand how fortunate you are. Not many first year students could take on a fully grown mountain troll, and live to tell the tale!
"Five points... will be awarded to each of you. For sheer dumb luck."
The teachers then left as Harry, Ron, Rosalyn and Hermione smiled at each other.
And from that moment on, Hermione and Rosalyn's duo and Harry, Ron and Rosalyn's trio became one single quartet. She was glad of this, she had three best friends, and one of them was coincidentally her brother.
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