๐๐ธ๐ด๐ ๐๐๐ธ โ 11
Hagrid led them through the trees in the dark, they reached a small pool of silvery stuff. Hagrid knelt down and put two fingers into the pool, taking them out, twisting them so that any drips fell, he showed the children the strange substance. Rosalyn didn't recognise it at all, and neither did Harry. "Hagrid, what is that?"
"That's unicorn blood, that is, found one dead a couple 'o weeks ago, and it looks like this one's been hurt bad by somein'." Harry and Rosalyn looked at each other, and looked behind them, there was nothing, and Hagrid was doing the groups. "So, Ron, Harry, Hermione, with me, Rosalyn, Malfoy, you're also a group."
Draco looked positively terrified. "Okay, then I get fang!"
"Okay, but I warn ya, he's a bloody coward," Hagrid said, then he whispered quietly to Rosalyn. "Sorry you got the raw deal, I just have a feelin' that he might decide to start trouble, and you'll be be the best to put 'im in his place." Rosalyn smirked on hearing this and quickly told Hagrid she would and she didn't mind.
So they set off with the dog beside them, Malfoy ranting all the way. "Wait till my father hears about this! This is servant's stuff!"
"If I didn't know better, Draco, I'd say you were scared," Rosalyn replied snarkily.
"Scared, Potter?" Malfoy scoffed.
"Yes, scared," Rosalyn replied bitingly. "I'd bet money-"
"Did you hear that?" Malfoy suddenly asked, jumping slightly. Rosalyn chuckled, that was just the wind on the leaves. They walked on a bit, when Rosalyn called. "Come on, Fang!" They stumbled straight into a hollow.
"Wh- what's that?" Malfoy said, pointing.
A black figure in a hooded cloak was kneeling beside a slain unicorn, drinking its blood. The unicorn looked amazing, in Rosalyn's mind, a slender, elegant body, a shimmering horn, and then she clutched her forearm and gasped slightly, the pain was immediate. But the hooded figure suddenly put his head up, his face was still obscured though.
"AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGH!" Draco yelled, running away with Fang from the creature? Person? Rosalyn didn't know which was more terrifying. But she wasn't a coward, and she knew it.
But the figure flew away from the unicorn and placed them self in front of Rosalyn, only a matter of steps away, and now the girl began to panic. She went backwards, and the thing advanced forwards, Rosalyn went further and further, and so did her opponent. Suddenly, she tripped over a root and fell to the ground, sliding backwards, but it was no use, she was going to have to face this person.
Or not. All of a sudden, a horse with a human head galloped into the scene backing the figure up on its hind legs, forcing it to flee.
And flee it did.
Rosalyn, shocked and scared, looked around the forest, until she heard a voice. "Rosalyn Potter, you must leave, the forest is not safe at these times, especially for you."
"Are you a centaur? And what was that thing you saved me from?" Rosalyn asked.
"I am a centaur, and there are a whole herd of us here, and that, that was a monstrous creature. It is a terrible crime to slay a unicorn, but to drink its blood? Yes, it will save you from death even if you are only a couple of seconds from its clutches, but killing something so pure had its consequences. So, from the moment the blood touches your lips, you will lead a half life; a cursed life."
"But who would choose such a life?" Rosalyn asked, confused.
"You can think of no one?"
"You mean to say," She had put the pieces together, "That that person who had slayed the unicorn, that was drinking its blood, that was Voldemort?"
"Do you know what is hidden in the school this very moment Miss Potter?"
"The philosopher's stone..." Rosalyn said, trailing off.
But she could ask no more, because she heard, "Rosie?" and a bark. She looked behind her to see Ron, Harry, Hermione, Hagrid and Draco, all looking at her.
"Hello Firenze," Hagrid greeted the centaur. "I see you met our young Miss Potter. You all right, Rosalyn?"
The shaken girl nodded as the centaur told her. "Rosalyn Potter, this is where I leave you, you're safe now," he galloped off, leaving her to go to her friends. She did, and Hagrid inspected the unicorn that her and Draco had found.
Speaking of that idiot, he had apparently came back to the group bragging about how he had tried bravely to save Rosalyn but she had pushed him away and tried to act the hero. Rosalyn scoffed when she heard the story, which her three best friends hadn't believed anyway, and said, "I suppose running away nearly pissing your pants was all part of your master plan, was it?" And the quartet all laughed. But, again, they had much more important things to worry about.
When they got back to the common room, Rosalyn told the group everything, and they were all astounded. Hermione asked, "so, You Know Who is out there right now? In the forest?"
"Yes, but he's weak, he's living off the unicorns." Everything was there as clear as day for Rosalyn. "Don't you see? We all got this completely wrong! Snape wants the stone for Voldemort, not himself. The elixir of life, it'll make him strong again... he'll come back."
The three people she was facing took that in, and the obvious was shaped into a question that Ron asked the killer question. "You don't think he'll try to- to kill you?"
"I think if he had the chance he would've killed me tonight," Rosalyn said honestly. "But he also wants Harry, so we're both at risk," reality sunk in for Harry, just then. His sister may have been the one that things kept happening to, but that didn't mean he was any less involved.
But Ron always knew how to make things better, for he said. "And to think, I've been worrying about my potions exam!" Rosalyn smiled, but it quickly vanished.
But there was a brainwave, and from the usual person. Hermione said. "Hang on, we're forgetting something. Who's the one wizard that Voldemort always feared?" She stopped to let the group catch up. "Dumbledore. As long as Dumbledore's around, Rosie, Harry, you're safe. As long as Dumbledore's around, you can't be touched."
Rosalyn looked hopefully at Hermione. As if she wanted what she was saying to be true, but didn't want to believe it at the same time.
Later, when they were in the grounds, Rosalyn was enduring the pain of her scar, clutching her arm, and Harry had his head handled, and all at once Ron and Hermione were having an argument.
"I've always been told that Hogwarts exams are frightful, awful, exhausting, but I find them rather enjoyable," Hermione clarified.
"Speak for yourself," Ron said dismissively, turning to the other side of him and saying. "You alright there Harry?"
"My scar, and yours too Rosalyn, I expect, anyway, it keeps burning."
"Yeah," the red head girl said, clutching her arm in the same way that Harry was his head.
"It's happened before, hasn't it?" Hermione said.
"Not like this."
"Perhaps you should see Madam Pomfrey," Ron suggested, referring too the school matron.
"No," Rosalyn refused point blank. "No, I think it's a warning, it's trying to tell me danger's on its way."
But on the way through the brick arch, Rosalyn forgot the pain. She forgot the danger and what she heard in the forest and what she was thinking. All that was in her mind was Hagrid, his dragon and the flute he was playing. She uttered, "of course," and started the walk fast and efficiently to Hagrid's. Harry, Ron and Hermione were behind her, asking what was up with her. She explained on the way.
"Don't you think it's a bit odd, that what Hagrid wants more than anything in the world is a dragon, and a stranger just turns up and happens to have one? I mean, how many people just walk around with dragon eggs in their pockets? Why didn't I see it before!"
The four of them ran towards Hagrid, robes billowing in the wind. He was playing the flute and put it down as they reached him.
"Hagrid, who gave you that dragon egg? What did he look like?" Rosalyn said, gasping for air.
"Well, I don't know, I never saw his face he kept his hood up."
"But you must have talked?" Rosalyn said desperately.
"He wanted to hear about what creatures I looked after an' I said that after Fluffy, a dragon'll be no problem," Hagrid explained.
"Did he seem interested in Fluffy?" Harry and Rosalyn said in unison.
"Well of course he was interested in Fluffy, how many three headed dogs do you come across, even in the trade! An' I told 'im I said, the trick with any beast is to know how to calm it! And I said that the trick wi' Fluffy is to play 'im some music and he falls straight to sleep!" That's the trick! Rosalyn thought as she looked at her friends. Hagrid looked worried, "shouldn'a told you that!"
But they were already running back up towards the castle.
They sprinted through the castle, dodging people and statues alike, Rosalyn eventually navigated them to McGonagall's classroom, with her sitting at the top of it, at her desk.
"We need to see Professor Dumbledore now!" Rosalyn yelled, startling the Professor who, although her surprise, didn't move a muscle.
"I'm afraid Professor Dumbledore is not here. He received an urgent letter from the Ministry of Magic and immediately left."
"He's gone?" Harry asked weakly.
"But this is important!" Rosalyn said, but she knew she would have to mention her purpose to get the Professor to listen. "This is about... the philosopher's stone."
That got McGonagall moving her muscles. She looked up at them, dumfounded. Rosalyn was desperately hoping she would help and believe them.
"How do you know-" she started but Rosalyn wasn't going for the small talk.
"Someone's going to try and steal it!" She yelled purposefully.
"I don't know how you four found out about the stone but I can assure you it is perfectly well protected," she paused, looking at the desperate faces infront of her. "Now would you go back to your dormitories, quietly?"
Defeated, Rosalyn left, Harry, Ron, and Hermione following, she explained them on the way.
"That was no stranger Hagrid met, it was Snape, which mean he knows how to get past Fluffy!"
"And with Dumbledore gone..." Hermione put together.
"Good afternoon," Professor Snape. Great, Rosalyn thought sarcastically. "Now what would three Gryffindors be doing inside on a day like this?"
Hermione stuttered but Snape was ahead of her. "You want to be careful, people will think you're..." Rosalyn was giving him a death stare, narrowing her eyes, folding her arms. Harry nipped her arm, but she knew that he would only be warning her so she kept her eyes on Snape "... up to something."
And with that he flung his cloak around himself and strode off.
"Now what do we do?" Hermione hissed to the group.
Rosalyn only had one answer.
"We go down the trapdoor, tonight."
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