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Rosalyn had had a rather unexciting day, with nothing to distract her from the fact that half the school was looking at her weird. She had gone to the library because she knew that no one would be there, but Viktor Krum was there and so was a bunch of girls. They were discussing whether they should ask for an autograph or not and and Rosalyn eventually left the library because they were annoying her.
She wandered along the corridors and talked to a portrait or two until she heard a voice.
"I don't think you entered."
"What?" Rosalyn looked up and saw Seamus Finnigan in front of her. She smiled at his words as she realised what he had said.
"I don't think you entered, Rosie, I'm serious," He said slowly, then more quietly. "I know Harry and Ron've been giving you a hard time about it. I just wanted you to know that I don't believe them, they're being idiots."
"Thank you, thank you so much!" Rosalyn said, hugging him.
Soon the two were walking and talking, chatting and laughing. Rosalyn was happy to laugh. She had been miserable for days, and it was nice to just let everything out with Seamus. She had forgotten how good friends she was with him.
They walked through the grounds and eventually sat under a tree, practicing some charms that Flitwick had been teaching them on ladybirds nearby. Rosalyn was having fun until she head voices.
"Look she's already been through enough, why don't you just go and talk to her yourself- urgh- Ron, Harry this is your problem not mine-"
Harry and Ron were walking towards her, Hermione beside them hissing stuff to them. Ginny was behind them and she didn't look too happy to be involved in this either.
Rosalyn stood up as Hermione said. "What did you want me to say again?"
Harry and Ron told her, then she stepped forward and said to Rosalyn. "Ronald would like me to tell you, that he was told by Harry, that Neville told him, that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid's looking for you."
She seemed to have trouble remembering this, but Rosalyn didn't care.
"Well," she stood with her hands on her hips. "You can tell them that they can come and say whatever they want to say to my face, and stop being two. Little. Cowards."
She stared hard at Ron and Harry, who looked anywhere but her.
"Rosie-" Hermione started.
"No!" Rosalyn snapped. "No! Nope! Nuh-uh! If they really wanted to tell me, then they can do it themselves! Last time I checked, they weren't mute!"
"But what if it's important?" Hermione asked.
"No! Don't give me that shit!" Rosalyn said. "Luckily for them, I heard that you said Hagrid was looking for me. Thanks. Now get out of my way."
After saying a quick, "thanks for the walk," to Seamus, she stormed past Harry and Ron and back up to the castle.
"Let me guess," Rosalie said, as soon as Rosalyn came to her. "Your friends don't believe you?"
"Wow, news travels quickly," Rosalyn sank down on the bed.
She was on the Durmstrang ship, in Rosalie's bedroom. The whole space was pretty well used, and all the students got small compartments to themselves.
"Yeah, it does," Rosalie told her. "Y'know, you're allowed to feel sad, Rosalyn. You can tell me if you're upset, or bothered."
"I'm not upset," Rosalyn lied. "They can think whatever the hell they want, I'm over it."
Rosalie found it hard to believe that losing both of her brothers wasn't affecting Rosalyn in the slightest, but she didn't say this.
"Okay, well..." Rosalie said. "I'm here when you need me. In the mean time... what's the guy with blonde hair called? In your year?"
Rosalyn raised her eyebrows. "Draco Malfoy? What's he done?"
"Well, he kinda... asked me out," Rosalie said.
Rosalyn sat bolt upright. "Please don't tell me you said yes!"
"What? No," Rosalie laughed. Rosalyn breathed again. "I was just wondering if I should've. He seemed okay."
"Oh, trust me, he is not!" Rosalyn then launched straight into telling Rosalie about Malfoy and how foul he was.
By the end of the stories, Rosalie was laughing. "Well, by the way you described him, I'm glad I didn't say yes!"
Rosalyn nodded. "Wait- why did Malfoy ask you out? He's normally a big fat coward. How did he get enough courage on him to just go up to you and ask?"
"Okay, um... I probably should've told you this before, but, basically, my grandmother is a veela, and they're-"
"The beautiful women everyone's attracted to?" Rosalyn asked.
"Yup," Rosalie nodded. "So, basically, because I'm a quarter veela, a part of me has this charm and sometimes I just sort of- turn it on without meaning to. I don't know, that sounds stupid."
"Nah, not really," Rosalyn shrugged, getting up as she looked at the time. "Oh no, sorry, Rosalie, but I said-"
"Who're you meeting? Tristan?" Rosalie smirked and said his name in a sing-song voice.
Rosalyn nodded with a quick eye roll. "Yes."
And then she was gone, without another word.
Tristan had believed Rosalyn that she hadn't entered from the moment her name was called. Or, at least, that's what he told her. So getting closer, even in the predicament Rosalyn was in at the moment, seemed quite likely.
"Tristan!" Rosalyn felt herself going red and the familiar butterfly feeling as she found him, sat in the great hall. He was sitting next to an older girl (Rosalyn presumed she was his sister, even though he hadn't told her he had one) who couldn't stop smiling either.
"Rosaleen!" Tristan said, slipping off the bench he was on and walking away with her. Rosalyn noticed Tristan's sister lean in and whisper something to the girl beside her, who she recognised as Fleur, the Beauxbatons champion. She caught words such as "girlfriend" and "love" and smothered giggles, but she just walked on, half thinking that whatever they were saying was true.
Her and Tristan walked through the entrance hall and out the oak doors, into the cool breeze of the day. Rosalyn asked. "Was that your sister?"
"Oh, yes," Tristan answered. "I 'ave a seester called Marie, and her best friend is Fleur, our champeeon."
Weird that Rosalie doesn't know Tristan, then, Rosalyn thought. Then she shrugged. Maybe the two families never got introduced.
She then found herself telling him about her siblings. "Well I have one brother, which you know," it pained her to talk about Harry, so she moved on. "But I also technically have six more brothers and one sister since the Weasley's took me in when I was little."
Soon Rosalyn was explaining how Bill and Charlie had jobs abroad, how Percy was now working at the ministry and about Fred and George's appetites for trouble. She left out the bit about her fighting with Ron and Harry, not wanting to worry Tristan, but she told him a bit about her past Hogwarts years as well.
Tristan was fascinated with all that she's done, all her adventures and trouble. Rosalyn couldn't give him all the details, such as turning back time and saving Sirius, but she told him quite a bit.
They continued to walk down past the lake, and through the grounds. The sky was getting darker by the second.
"But what about you?" Rosalyn asked as she finished her story about going to Egypt, (Tristan was in awe). "What about your life and your friends?"
"Well," Tristan started. "I do have a friend called Pascal, but he's back at Beauxbatons."
"Isn't all of Beauxbatons here?" Rosalyn asked.
"Oh no. All of year seveen are here and most of year six, but most of ze younger years are at home, they peecked names out of a hat to see who was comeeng from ze younger years. I was very lucky to be able to come."
"I'm glad you did," Rosalyn said, and she meant it.
Tristan suddenly reached down and held Rosalyn's hand. She was so excited that he did this that she lost all train of thought, and quite literally felt as though she was going to explode. She felt like she was walking on air she was so happy, Harry and Ron forgotten. She smiled up at him since he was taller than her and he continued.
"I'm glad I deed, too, Rosaleen. I was so happy when I saw you!"
Rosalyn smiled and intertwined their hands as they arrived in the courtyard.
"Oh damn," she said, looking up at the big clock. She remembered something Hermione had told her in passing earlier.
"Sorry, I didn't really tell you much. Basically, Hagrid wants to see you at his hut at half past eight tonight. Please, please go, Rosie."
"Sorry, but I have to go," she told Tristan, turning to look at him. "I'll see you soon?" She raised her eyebrows.
"That's fine," Tristan smiled. "See you soon, Rosaleen."
Then he did something unexpected. He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. She froze. My first kiss, she thought, even though it wasn't a 'proper' kiss.
However, when Tristan pulled back and looked at her, his face breaking into a smile. Rosalyn's did too. She could already feel herself going red.
"Thanks," she said giddily, still feeling as though she was walking on air. Then she ran off. It was twenty five past eight.
Tristan laughed to himself as he watched her go. "I really like zat girl," He said to himself, thinking of nothing but Rosalyn as he made his way back to the Beauxbatons carriage.
Rosalyn, as well, thought of nothing but Tristan as she ran to Gryffindor tower to get her invisibility cloak and then dashed down to Hagrid's.
Hagrid was there, but he shushed her and refused to speak until they were halfway into the Forbidden Forest. Rosalyn had already apologised to him for being a tiny bit late but he told her it didn't matter.
Finally, once they were amongst tall trees and darkness, Hagrid spoke.
"Did yeh bring yeh're father's cloak like I asked yeh?"
"Yeah I brought the cloak Hagrid can you please tell me where in the name of Godric are we going?"
"Yeh'll see soon enough, now pay attention this is importan'."
"Okay, but why are you just giving me half a bloody story and then-"
"Shh!" The big man shut her up.
Rosalyn suddenly noticed something. Hagrid had a furry suit on instead of his usual attire. It smelled strongly of an odour that Rosalyn didn't recognise, but she knew was foul. He also had a flower of some sort attached to his suit, and it was droopy and wilted, looking as if it had been picked long ago.
"What's with the flower and the fancy clothes?" Rosalyn asked, genuinely confused. "And Hagrid... have you combed your hair?"
"As a matter o' fact I have," Hagrid said with a little 'hmpf' as Rosalyn raised her eyebrows at him. "Well 'am I not allowed teh try differen' things now an' again?"
Rosalyn raised her eyebrows. "Depends on who you're trying them for," she replied smartly.
She suddenly knew exactly why Hagrid was being so strange.
They continued walking for a few more steps before they stopped dead in their tracks. There was a reason for this. A long roar had come from up ahead and Rosalyn had a pretty solid idea about what was waiting there.
Suddenly a very different sound came from the woods.
" 'Agrid?"
Hagrid walked forward a bit, smiling, before he turned back to a bemused Rosalyn. "Oh, the cloak, put the cloak on now!"
Rosalyn took the invisibility cloak out from under her arm and pulled it over her. She walked forward with Hagrid and saw him meet a woman. A giant woman. Madam Maxime.
"Bonsoir, Olympe," He said.
"I thought per'aps, that you weren't coming, I thought, per'aps, that you had... forgotten me," 'Olympe' said.
"I would never forget you, Olympe," Hagrid said almost... lovingly. Rosalyn stuck out her tongue at the two, but then she had to remind herself that she had been the same with Tristan about half an hour ago.
"You had something you wanted to show me?" Madam Maxime asked, batting her enormous eyelashes. "When we spoke earlier, you sounded so... exhilirated."
They were very close now, and Hagrid shook her gently, well, gently for Hagrid. "Yeh'll be glad yeh came. Trus' me."
Hagrid walked forward and pulled a branch aside.
"Awe, c'est magnifique!" Madam Maxime said, eyes wide.
But what Rosalyn saw wasn't magnificent, she saw the something very differently to how Hagrid's date did. She saw it as her worst nightmare.
Four wooden boxes stood in the clearing and lots of wizards stood around them. Fire roamed the air around the wizards and they frequently jumped out the way. Rosalyn gasped. She knew what this was. What they were.
"Can we get closer?" Madam Maxime asked, and she walked to the side.
At this point, Rosalyn saw someone else as well. Karkaroff was standing there, watching the whole scene take place. She now knew what everything added up to. What was happening. What she was facing.
With Madam Maxime gone, Rosalyn pulled the cloak off and revealed her head to Hagrid.
"Dragons?" She asked, fear suddenly filling her up. "That's the first task?"
"Come on Rosie," Hagrid said. "They're seriously misunderstood creatures, dragons."
You don't have to face one head on very soon, Rosalyn thought spitefully. She watched as a dragon knocked the wooden box off them and revealed a crate that showed it.
It was a monstrous beast. Horns on his mane, sharp, fanged teeth, spiky tail and scaly skin.
"Though I have teh admit," Hagrid said, watching on as the dragon that had knocked the wood off breathed fire and lit the nearest tree. "That horntail is a right nasty piece o' work. Poor Harry and Ron. They nearly fainted teh see the fella."
Rosalyn snapped her head up. "Ron was here? And Harry?"
"Oh sure, brother Charlie had teh bring 'em over fre Romania, Harry came down with him," Hagrid looked down at her. "Didn' Ron tell yeh tha'? And Harry must'a, surely?"
Rosalyn was filled with immediate anger at the pair of them. She and Bill had been close, but Rosalyn had been particular friends with Charlie. The fact that Ron didn't tell her he was here, despite whatever argument they were having, made her furious.
"No they didn't," Rosalyn said harshly. "They didn't tell me a bloody thing."
She added in her head. They would've watched me die against one happily.
Hagrid soon broke her transfixed moment of paralysis. "Well, I'd better get yeh up teh the castle now, should I?"
So they walked back up and when Rosalyn got back to her dormitory she realised something. Karkaroff, Maxime, and her had all seen the dragons.
This meant that, by tomorrow, the only person who wouldn't know what the first task was going to be would be Cedric. Karkaroff and Madam Maxime would surely tell Fleur and Krum about what they had seen.
Suddenly Rosalyn felt angry at Hagrid. Why the hell did he bring Maxime to see those dragons? Does he want Beauxbatons to win the tournament?
No, she knew he didn't, but it sure seemed that way.
It was when she got into her bed that she made up her mind. Competitors or not competitors, Cedric deserved to have the hint everyone else was getting.
And, after a long battle with angel and devile on each of her shoulders, she realised she would be the one to deliver it.
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