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Rosalyn slammed her hands into the wardrobe in her bedroom, making Ruby (her owl) and Hedwig jump and squeak.
"Sorry you two," she said quietly, as she looked at the photo Harry had on his beside table, the one of their parents.
Harry sighed and said. "Rosie, listen, I'm sure if you were to explain-"
"They wouldn't listen, they've made up their minds."
Harry sighed, opening a book and ignoring his sister for the remainder of the night.
That night, Rosalyn had yet another nightmare. She dreamt of Cedric, his look of shock as he was blasted backwards by the killing curse, she thought of Wormtail, who acted on Voldemort's orders, always willing...
She thought of her. Yelling for no ears to hear that she didn't want him dead. She had lunged forward, trying to stop it. She couldn't help him.
She woke up shaking, looking over at Harry who was sleeping peacefully. She was about to go back to a disturbed sleep when she heard the scratching sound of metal on metal. Something was moving.
And there it was. The key in the lock of the door was turning slowly. For a second, Rosalyn thought it was Vernon, locking the door as if wild animals lived inside, but then she remembered. Harry had locked the door before going to bed.
Whoever was trying to open it it wasn't a Dursley. It was happening by magic.
There was a click and the door was opened. Rosalyn grabbed her wand and stood up from her bed, slowly advancing towards the door. The key fell out, so whoever was opening it was about to come in.
A flash of light and it was open. Rosalyn heard voices.
"Very clean these muggles."
"Tonks for god's sake!"
"What? I'm just-"
"Stop it, we have a plan come on-"
A woman with bright pink hair holding a lit wand was there, walking into the room. Rosalyn still didn't know if these people were to trust but she knew then when she saw a man with a prosthetic leg, a magical replacement eye, a stick in his hand and a gnarled face.
"Professor Moody, what are your doing here?" She asked.
"Don't know much about 'Professor', never got up to much teaching, did I?"
"Oh," Rosalyn said. "Anyway, second question. What are you doing here?"
"Rescuing you, of course. You and your brother."
Next moment, Rosalyn was getting Harry up and they were both getting dressed. They then rushed downstairs and out onto the lawn.
"Where are we going? The letter said I'd been expelled from Hogwarts," Rosalyn said.
"You haven't, not yet," He looked back to a black wizard in purple and gold robes. "Kingsley, you take point."
"But the letter said-" Rosalyn tried again.
"Dumbledore has persuaded the Minister to suspend your expulsion pending a formal hearing," Kingsley, as he was called, answered.
"A hearing?"
"Don't worry Rosalyn, Harry, we'll explain everything once we get back to headquarters," said the woman with the pink hair.
Harry said. "Okay."
Rosalyn said. "You bloody well better! For a month we've lived here without any information and you've been telling us nothing! If you smart arses hadn't noticed, I saw Voldemort come back, so I'm just as-"
"Right," Moody said briskly. "We'll bare that in mind."
Rosalyn rolled her eyes but the woman beside her, the one with the pink hair, whispered to her. "Ahh, they told me you were a badass, I see it now."
Rosalyn sighed and said. "I'm guessing that was Fred and George, but okay..."
"No, actually, it was Izzy," the womab said.
Rosalyn looked up. "Izzy? You've seen her?"
"Yeah, she and Sirius live with us at headquarters," she smiled. "Oh, and it's fine, I'd be pissed if it was me, I get it," She said, holding out her hand. "I'm Tonks."
"Rosalyn," said Rosalyn, shaking the hand, even more excited but also even more annoyed to find out Izzy and Sirius were where she was going.
"Come on you two!" said Moody. "Stop making friends Nymphadora!"
"Don't. Call. Me. Nymphadora." She said, hair turning red as she said it.
Rosalyn gasped. "Your hair- can you-"
"I'm a metamorphagus, I can change my appearance," said Tonks, changing her head to be one of a horse then back.
Rosalyn smiled. "That's so cool! I wish I could do that!"
Tonks smiled as brooms flew into everyone's hand. Rosalyn caught her firebolt with surprise, looking at Harry to see that he too had his.
"Stay in formation, everyone!" Moody yelled. "And don't break ranks if one of us is killed."
Rosalyn muttered to a few sniggers. "You know what they say, there's always a silver lining..."
On that cheery note, they all flew off into the sky. They flew up and up then across the sky. Rosalyn revelled in the journey, forgetting how angry she was for a second.
They flew across the Thames as they came to London about ten minutes later. The water shimmered in the moonlight. They met a boat soon, one in their path. Rosalyn looked at Tonks who was across from her and she took one side, Rosalyn taking the other.
They flew under a bridge and along past the Houses of Parliament, then they pulled off.
They went to a secluded area, one where the only vehicle was a bin lorry. They all dropped below a tree, shouldering their brooms as they opened a small gate and walked through the gap.
They faced two houses. Rosalyn read the manky street sign, GRIMMAULD PLACE, not one which she was familiar with.
She also noticed something else. The house number eleven sat beside number thirteen. Number twelve was gone.
Until Moody banged his stick on the ground thrice.
Suddenly number eleven and number thirteen started to move outwards to make way for a new house. They slowly slid out until the windows could slightly stick out and the balcony could be placed in front of them.
"In ya go," Moody said.
Harry was gazing at the house in awe, Rosalyn was talking, as usual. "Wouldn't it be too hard to give us the address, or do what we just did earlier? I mean, it wasn't hard!"
Everyone was silent.
"You can't give me an answer? Exactly. You don't have one. There is absolutely no reason for not communicating sooner."
She waited until everyone had gone and only she and Harry remained to speak.
"Are you angry?" She asked.
"Me?" Harry said, surprised. "Rosie I... I think that there must be a reason."
Rosalyn sighed and entered the house.
The door led to a narrow hallway with lots of portraits in it. She walked up it, Harry following her, seeing Tonks trip over the fancy hat stand. She winked at her as she looked, and Rosalyn sighed. She didn't want to feel happy.
She soon felt curious, however, as through a door, she saw Lupin, Arthur and Sirius.
So they were here all this time? Rosalyn thought, so why didn't they say anything...
As they walked along the corridor, Rosalyn heard a lot of whispering voices, but one she heard in detail.
"He's getting stronger by the minute we have to act now!"
Rosalyn wanted to go in that room. She wanted to meet all the people that were in that room. Tell them what she thought, but before she could do so much more than smile, the door was slammed shut and Molly appeared in front of it.
"Rosie! Harry!" She hugged both of them.
"Mrs Weasley!" Harry said.
"Heavens you're alright!"
Rosalyn bit her lip and said cooly. "If you wanted us to be alright then why didn't you write? Call? Come and get us?"
Molly looked heartbroken. "Rosalyn, it's okay-"
"No it's not!" Rosalyn said. "I know that everyone here has been in the loop - hearing the information - yeah, well not us, we've been enslaved for the past month-"
"I don't care, alright? Listen, Molly, if you wanted to say sorry, you could've wrote, okay? You could've come and got us."
Harry looked at her as she stormed off up the stairs. Molly looked at him. "Has she been like this-"
"For the past couple weeks, yeah," he answered.
Molly sighed and said. "Oh well, straight upstairs, first door on the left."
Harry caught up with Rosalyn and said, "That wasn't fair, you know."
"Yes it was!" Rosalyn snapped. "She's responsible for this as well, moaning on about if we look under fed- if she wanted to feed us, she could've come and got us!"
Harry went to reply but fell silent as they saw a house elf in a room on their right.
"Who the hell are you?" Rosalyn asked rudely.
"Kreacher, now, is this another mudblood for the collection?"
"Shut it," Rosalyn advised, walking up the stairs.
She reached the door they were supposed to be at, and she pushed it open, a creaking sound resonating as she did so.
As soon as she was in view, someone came running at her.
"Rosie!" Hermione embraced her, moved onto Harry then asked. "Are you alright?"
Rosalyn didn't answer.
"We overheard them talking about the dementor attack, you must tell us everything," Hermione went on.
"What makes you think that you deserve that?" Rosalyn asked, and Hermione stared at her blankly. "What makes you think that you deserve to hear 'everything' when I haven't heard shit from anyone the past month? What makes you think that when I ask for information you can't tell me, but when you ask I can say every single word-"
"Let Hermione go on," said Ron harshly, Rosalyn glared at him.
"This hearing at the Ministry!" Hermione said before either of them could say anything. "It's outrageous! I've looked it up they simply can't expel you, it's completely unfair-"
"No, Rosie, it's not like-"
"We wanted to write only-" Ron stopped.
"Only Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you anything," Hermione said quickly.
Rosalyn was so surprised she stopped shouting. "Dumbledore?"
They nodded. Rosalyn sighed and debated whether to continue shouting. But she needed information. "What is this place?"
"It's headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix," Hermione answered.
"And what is that?" Harry, this time, asked, before Rosalyn had a chance.
"It's a secret society, Dumbledore formed it back when they first fought You-Know-Who," Hermione said.
"Well I still don't-" Rosalyn said before getting interrupted by a CRACK.
Fred and George appeared in front of them. Of course, those two passed the apparition tests.
"Hiya, Harry," George said. "Thought we heard your dulcet tones, Rosie-"
"But don't bottle it up-" Fred interrupted.
"Let it out-"
"Anyway, instead of shouting, d'you wanna hear something more interesting?"
Over the summer, the Weasley twins had been developing products for a joke shop. One of these products was extendable ears which were humungous ears attached to the end of small strings. If you dropped the ear somewhere you wanted to listen to, and listened to the end of the stringy bit, you could heard what was going on.
Rosalyn soon learned that the Order of the Phoenix had meetings about every two days, and in those meetings they talked about all sorts of things. And this meeting might just be one worth eavesdropping on.
They met up with Ginny on the first floor and she said hello to Rosalyn and Harry. Then the seven of them lowered the ear to the kitchen door. The moment they dropped it they heard Sirius's voice.
"Rosalyn and Harry both deserve to know! If to wasn't for Rosalyn we wouldn't even know he was back! They're not children, Molly."
"They're not adults either! They're not James and Izzy!" That was Molly.
"Erm, what's so bad about us?" Rosalyn coukd recognise that voice anywhere. Izzy. Her dad's sister. Her aunt and godmother.
"Harry's not your son-"
"He's as good as!"
"And Rosalyn, well, I hear she's not to happy with you-"
"What is that supposed to-"
"And I'm her Godmother, as well, so-"
"How touchingly maternal, Black, perhaps Miss Potter will grow up to be a felon, just like her Godmother and father," Rosalyn knew that voice.
"Snape?" She asked. "He's part of the Order-"
"We are not a felons, Snivellus," Izzy had now replied bitingly.
"Git," Fred, George and Ron all muttered.
Ginny and Rosalyn locked eyes at this moment for no reason and nodded. Whatever Snape was, he was definitely a git.
"Yes Bells, I agree, stay out of this Snivellus," Sirius shot back. "I don't care what Dumbledore thinks of you, because I know-"
Crookshanks, Hermione's ginger cat, with his bottlebrush tail held high, jumped down from the bottom step of the stairs and started to pull at the ear.
"Crookshanks, no!" Hermione hissed from the top of the stairs, tapping the banister. "Leave it alone!"
But of course, this wasn't happening, and Crookshanks continued to rip the ear until it fell off. And whilst Ginny, Ron, Fred and George complained, Rosalyn announced.
"Hermione I hate your cat."
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