๐‘Œ๐ธ๐ด๐‘… ๐น๐ผ๐‘‰๐ธ โ˜† 11

The new term started with a relish. Rosalyn was more unhappy than she had ever been at Hogwarts, and thought very much that if it wasn't for the DA she would've let herself be expelled and go home.

Right now, it was a weekend and Rosalyn and Neville were walking together in the courtyard. Neville was really happy that it wasn't so awkward after their kiss, and so was Rosalyn.

"Rosie!" Hermione suddenly came up to her, pulling her by the arm. "Hagrid's back."

Rosalyn was deciding to stay or go, but eventually she said a "sorry" to Neville and went with Hermione. They went to get Harry and Ron and then they ran out the castle.

They carefully sprinted down the hill, trying not to trip on their robes, then landed on the gravel outside Hagrid's hut. They soon realised that someone had beat them to it in welcoming Hagrid back.

"I'll tell you one more time," Umbridge said, as the quartet spied in the window. "I'm ordering you to tell me where you've been."

"I've told you," Hagrid said matter of factly. "I've been away for me health."

"Your health?" Umbitch asked, trying to see round Hagrid. This made the quartet duck down as she couldn't know they were there.

"Yeah, a bit of fresh air, you know?" Hagrid tried again. Rosalyn could almost guarantee he wasn't telling the truth.

"Ah, yes, as gamekeeper fresh air must be hard to come by," Umbitch said sarcastically. "If I were you, I wouldn't get too used to being back, in fact, I mightn't bother unpacking at all."

And with that she strode from the hut. Rosalyn had to pull Ron back as he would've been seen, but she did see the Pink Bitch (resorting back to her original name) spray perfume outside the hut.

"Come on, let's go," Rosalyn whispered as she saw Umbitch was half way up the hill.

When they got to the door, Rosalyn smelled a very heavy scent of roses, and choked on it. Ron laughed at her and she playfully cuffed him on the head as they headed inside. They were greeted by Hagrid, but he was different. He had scars all over his face and he appeared to be injured in his legs as he rarely left his chair. Rosalyn and the other three sat at the table across from him and saw him get a raw steak to put on his black and swollen eye.

"This is top secret, a' righ'?" He said when they asked him what he'd been doing. "Dumbledore sen' me teh parlay with the giants."

"Giants?" Hermione gasped. "You found them?"

"Well. they're not that hard to find to be perfectly honest, they're so big, see? Anyway, I tried to convince 'em, to join the cause. Bu' I wasn' the only one tha' was tryin' teh win them over."

"Death eaters?" Rosalyn and Ron asked at the same time.

"Yes, tryin to get them to join You-Know-Who," Hagrid said dully. "I gave them Dumbledore's message, I suppose some of them remember he was friendly to them, I suppose..."

"And- and they did this to you?" Harry asked, pointing out all Hagrid's injuries.

"Well not exactly, no," Hagrid said evasively as Fang barked, wanting the steak. "Go on then you have it then, you dozy dog."

Whilst Fang devoured the steak, Hagrid finally got up and went to the window. Rosalyn followed him and so did Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"It's changin' out there," Hagrid said. "Just like last time... there's a storm comin' Rosie, and we'd all best be ready when she does..."

Rosalyn looked out at the raging storm, wondering if any of this would ever end.



Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, gave a short statement this morning. "We have confirmed that ten high security prisoners, in the early hours of yesterday evening, did escape. And, of course the muggle Prime Minister has been alerted to the danger. Now, we strongly suspect, that the breakout was engineered by a man with personal experience of escaping from Azkaban, notorious mass murderer Sirius Black, cousin of escapee, Bellatrix Lestrange."

This was all in the paper that morning.

"Dumbledore warned Fudge this could happen," said Hermione in fury. "He's gonna get us all killed just 'cause he can't face the truth."

They were going to sit down for breakfast, but then they heard a. "Rosie?"

Rosalyn turned to see Seamus. "Right, here to publicly embarrass me again? You know I thought that friends were-"

"They are," Seamus said. "I just want to say, I believe you, and I've sent that newspaper to me mam, even she now thinks that the Prophet's version of things don't add up."

Rosalyn smiled and ran at him. She hugged him really hard and he hugged back. Neville stared at them for a few seconds, quickly becoming jealous, before hurrying off.

Rosalyn muttered to Dean at the end of transfiguration that day. "Tell Seamus about the DA, and bring him along tonight if he wants in."

"Right you are, Rosie," Dean said, smiling.

So that night, when Rosalyn arrived early for the DA, someone was already there. Neville. Rosalyn walked over to him and they stood there in silence until Neville said. "Fourteen years ago, a witch called Bellatrix Lestrange u-used the cruciatus curse on my parents. She tortured them- for information, but they never gave in.

"I'm quite proud to be their son," Neville said, looking at Rosalyn. "But I'm not sure I'm ready for everyone else to know yet."

Rosalyn sighed. She had already known all this, having been told by Dumbledore last year. She didn't tell Neville this, however. He had been through enough.

Rosalyn looked in the mirror and said. "Well you're gonna make them proud, Neville. That's a promise."

As more people came in, Rosalyn started to plan what they were going to be doing. But she had wanted to move people onto this for a long time, now, and she was finally going to.

Once everyone was there, Rosalyn said. "Right, so we're going to be moving onto patronuses-"

A great cheer erupted from the crowd.

"Now, for those of you who don't know what a patronus looks like, I'll show you," Rosalyn thought Umbitch being sacked, then raised her wand. "Expecto Patromum!"

A gleaming silver fox leapt out of her wand and made the crowd gasp. Rosalyn sighed as she watched it go, then simply thought of her life now to stop it. It faded away.

Rosalyn soon got all of the DA standing around the room, trying to do the charm. "Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember, allow it to fill you up!" She shouted amongst the groups. "Keep trying Seamus!" He had indeed came along. "Fred, George! Your turn now!"

"Expecto Patromum!" George tried, but the patronus was just a wisp of light.

"Now, a full-bodied patronus is the most difficult to produce," Rosalyn said. "But shield forms can also be useful against a variety of opponents."

Ginny, whom she was standing next to, had just said the charm, and now a horse was galloping out of her wand. "Fantastic, Ginny!" Rosalyn said, smiling at her little sister.

"Just remember," Rosalyn kept telling them. "Your patronus can only protect you for as long as you stay focused so focus! Luna," she came to the girl.

"Expecto Patromum!" She heard Hermione say and an otter suddenly swam around her.

Ron also had his, and a border terrier came out of his wand, nearly knocking someone over.

"This is really advanced stuff guys, you're doing so well!" Rosalyn shouted happily.

Neville, though, was having trouble. Rosalyn sighed as she said, "What are you thinking of?" She remembered Lupin had helped her by asking this.

"Oh I-I- was imagining-" Neville said quickly, then lowered his voice. "My- my parents and I- together again."

Rosalyn sighed and said. "That's making you sad, Neville, because you're thinking about how much you miss them."

"O-okay Rosie, I'll think of something else."

The truth, however, was not this. Neville was looking at Rosalyn and imagining a future. The one he head dreamt of since first year...

"Expecto Patromum!" Luna said, and a hare came out her wand.

"Brilliant!" Rosalyn said, beside herself with happiness.

However, something soon happened. The lights went out, the chandeliers shaking slightly, all the remaining patronuses faded to nothing, and everyone stayed warily quiet. Rosalyn watched as a whole section of the mirrors on the walls cracked and fell off, leaving the stone walls blank.

One of the stones had a little hole in them, and Rosalyn and Nigel crept forward to look out of it.

"I'll make short work of this," Umbitch said as she raised her wand. "Bombarda... Maxima."

Rosalyn was only aware of pulling Nigel back before the whole wall exploded and rubble and dust were flying everywhere.

Once it had cleared, Rosalyn saw Umbridge, Filch and the so-called "Inquistorial Squad" standing there. Draco Malfoy also pulled someone else with them. Cho Chang, looking very guilty, with the imprints of Hermione's jinxed parchment in her face. The word SNEAK written in pimples across her face.

Either way, Rosalyn was beside herself with fury. "Trust you to like that bloody idiot! She's sold us all out!"

Harry had no answer, but he was staring at Cho with a fury as well. She had damaged herself beyond repair this time. Not even Harry would like her.

"RUN!" Rosalyn yelled. They still had a chance... well, she didn't, Umbridge had seen her, but the others could still get away.

She and Harry ended up being the ones that were brought to Dumbledore's office. Percy brought her and Cho together, and someone called Dawlish brought Harry.

"I thought you were family," Rosalyn said to Percy, burning with anger. "I didn't think you were as stupid as you're acting."

He didn't answer. Rosalyn then decided to make his journey a lot harder, due to the fact that she was trying to kick Cho in the shins every second of it.

Once they got there, Rosalyn saw Kingsley, Fudge and Umbridge already there, facing Dumbledore.

"I've been watching them for weeks! And see, 'Dumbledore's Army,' proof of what I've been telling you right from the start, Minister!" Umbridge yelled, she then rounded on Dumbledore. "All your fear-mongering about You-Know-Who never fooled us for a minute! We saw your lies for what they really were - a smokescreen for your bid to seize control of the Ministry!"

"Naturally," said Dumbledore sarcastically, and Rosalyn hid a snigger.

But then she realised... and yelled. "NO! Professor- he had nothing to do with it, it was me!"

"Most noble of you, to shield me, Rosalyn," Dumbledore said, and Rosalyn knew where he was headed. "But as it's been pointed out, the parchment clearly says, 'Dumbledore's Army' not 'Potter's'. I instructed Rosalyn to form this organisation, with the help of her brother, of course, and I and I alone, am responsible for its activities."

"Dispatch an owl to the Daily Prophet!" Fudge yelled. "If we hurry we should still be able to make the morning edition! Dawlish, Shacklebolt... you will escort Dumbledore, to Azkaban, to await trial for conspiracy and sedition!"

"Ahh," said Dumbledore happily. "I thought we might hit that little snag."

"Snag?" Fudge whooped gleefully. "I see no snag, Dumbledore!"

"Well, I'm afraid I do," Dumbledore said. "You seem to be labouring under the delusion that I'm going to - what was the phrase? - come quietly. Well, I'll tell you now, I have no intention of going to Azkaban."

"Enough of this," Umbitch hissed loudly, her toady face going redder by the minute. "Take him!"

And they would've if Fawkes the phoenix hadn't swooped down at that very moment, and Dumbledore hadn't grabbed him, disappearing into orange flames. The force of this was strong, and it knocked Percy, Cho, Umbridge, Fudge and Kingsley over. Rosalyn and Harry somehow managed to stay standing.

Seconds later, all the Ministry officials stood back up, but it was too late. Dumbledore was gone.

"You know, Minister I disagree with Dumbledore on many counts," Rosalyn heard Kingsley say, "But you cannot deny that he's got style..."

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