I intertwined my fingers with Veneer's as we walked into my sister's friend's dorm, which was filled with Rageons, Birgans, Vacationers, Trolls, and Ditzers.
"So where's your friend?" I asked my sister.
"She's around. Poppy? Hey Poppy where are you?" Lenny called.
In a few minutes I heard a: "Hi!" From below.
I looked down to see a small pink Troll, another Troll was next to her, except she had wavy yellow hair.
"Poppy! Viva! How are you guys?" Lenny asked.
"We're good." The one with the yellow hair responded, smiling. "How are you?"
"We're alright." Lenny grinned. "So what's up?"
"Not much." The pink one shrugged. She looked over at me, Orchid, Veneer, and Velvet curiously. "Who are you?"
"Those are my siblings." Lenny explained.
"Cool," She said, "want some punch?"
"Sure!" And with that, Lenny went with them over to a table littered with snacks and drinks.
I saw that there was a little troll by the karaoke box singing, his magenta hair swaying along to the beat as his sky blue hands gripped the tiny microphone.
"🎶 And when the lights start flashing like a photo booth, and the stars exploding we'll be fireproof~ 🎶"
"Hey Ven, you should do karaoke!" Velvet elbowed him.
"Why?" He raised an eyebrow as he poured punch into his cup.
"Uh, because it's fun." Velvet says.
Veneer rolled his eyes and smiled. "Fine. But after I finish this." He sipped the punch in his hand, his eyes widening. "Oh my God y'all need to try this."
We all got ourselves cups and began sipping. Orchid and Velvet let out content noises, meanwhile I coughed at the sudden burn of alcohol.
I managed to gulp down the liquid in my mouth and put the cup down.
"You don't want it?" Ven asked.
"No thank you." Was my response.
He shrugged and took the cup, downing it fast. When he'd finished, he turned and went over to the karaoke box, and selected a song.
I watched as he raised the microphone to his lips as the music began playing.
And oh God I knew this song.
"🎶 New truck, big lift, old roads we've been tarin' up since way back when. But these wheels are innocent~ 🎶"
He glanced at me and I felt my face heat up, my God why am I like this?
"🎶 New hitch, new seats, no history, and you just can't fake that, so let's change that~ 🎶"
"🎶 Boy, let's go put some miles on it, back of the Chevy with the engine runnin'~ just you and me in a truck bed wide like a California King, we could break it in if you know what I mean~ 🎶"
I swear that lustful look he gave me made my face heat up as if someone had used a match to set it aflame.
Oh I'm so fucked... I thought.
"🎶 Put some miles on it, back of the Chevy with the engine runnin' just you and me in a truck bed wide like a California King, we could break it in if you know what I mean~ 🎶"
"🎶 Put some miles on it (ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh) we could break it in if you know what I mean ~ 🎶"
"🎶 All night, no breaks, all tail, no gate. Ain't gotta try to hard, my baby's push to start~ all torque, full speed, off road on me~ Zero to a hundred fast, my foot ain't touched the gas~ 🎶"
His eyes never left mine. Gah!! Dammit, my legs felt as weak as jelly.
"🎶 I said, 'hey baby slow it down let's make it last.' You said, 'where's the fun in that?' Yeah, let's go put some miles on it~ 🎶"
"🎶 Back of the Chevy with the engine runnin' just you and me in a truck bed wide like a California King. We could break it in if you know what I mean~ 🎶"
"🎶 Put some miles on it~ (ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh) we could break it in if you know what I mean. Put some miles on it~ (ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh) 🎶"
"🎶 Mile, after mile, after mile, after mile, turn up the night like that radio dial. Shoulder to shoulder where nobody knows, know where we're goin' we ain't goin' home! 🎶"
"🎶 We're puttin' miles on it, back of the Chevy with the engine runnin', just you and me in a truck bed wide like a California King~ we could break it in if you know what I mean~
"🎶 Put some miles on it, back of the Chevy with the engine runnin', just you and me in a truck bed wide like a California King, we could break it in if you know what I mean~ 🎶"
"🎶 Put some miles on it (ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh) we could break it in if you know what I mean~ put some miles on it (ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh) we could break it in if you know what I mean~ 🎶"
"🎶 Put some miles on it~ 🎶" he finished angelically.
"Da-yum," Orchid said, whistling. "I knew he liked you but my God."
"Shut the fuck up." I muttered, trying to hide my heated face.
Velvet and Orchid giggled as Veneer emerged from the crowd of people, finally reaching us.
His arm slithered around my waist like a snake as he kissed my temple. "Well? Any thoughts?"
"Eh. It was okay." Velvet rolled her eyes. "I could've done a hundred times better."
"Why didn't you then?" I say, resting my hand on my boyfriend's hip.
"Yeah Velvet." Veneer chimed in, a sly smirk forming on his face. "Why didn't yah?"
Velvet's face turned a bright red as she glared at us, her face all scrunched up in the most hilarious way possible.
"Well- uh- I didn't want to!" Velvet squeaked.
"Really? 'Cause last I checked, you have stage fright." Veneer snickered.
"Ugh! I do not!!" Velvet hissed.
"Yeah, yeah, if you say so Vels." He rolled his eyes.
"Wait, if you have stage fright how were you in choir?" I ask.
"Because she can sing in a group but doesn't like singing by herself." Veneer explains.
"Ohhhhhhhhh." Orchid smiles. "Well imma get us some more of that punch." She pecked Velvet on the cheek before heading back over to the snack table.
"I do not have stage fright." Velvet muttered as she glanced off to the side, before following Orchid with a huff.
Most of the party went by pretty fast, but near the end I noticed that Lenny was over talking with a girl.
The girl seemed to be making these big gestures, her red and black curls swinging as she went on about whatever she was talking about. She also had this sort of brick red skin that reflected the lights.
And next to her, were the two people I hated most.
Rick and Lily.
"Holy fuck..." I muttered, too quiet for anyone to hear.
Veneer had ended up deep in conversation with the little magenta-haired troll, who apparently was named Floyd, and Orchid and Velvet were nowhere to be seen.
I made my way through the crowd and over to my sister.
"Hey Lenny! Could I talk to you?" I asked, noticing Rick shoot a glare my way. And I felt this sudden urge to rub right in his face just who I was dating.
"Sure what- hey where's your boyfriend?" Lenny suddenly asked.
That's when I noticed the girl's face go from calm to disgusted. Homophobic asshole.
"Oh he's around, talking to a friend." I say, praying for her to move on.
"Yeah, what was his name? Veneer? Yeah, it was Veneer." She said.
"Yes, now-"
"Hey Rita, didn't you say your sister knows him?" Lenny turned to the red and black haired girl.
"Yeah, Riana said she dated him." She shrugged.
I was trying to figure out what the hell this girl was talking about, I remember Veneer saying that Rick had been his first boyfriend, and apparently he had had a girlfriend in sixth grade before he figured out he was gay, but her name had been Rose based on what he'd said.
So who the fuck is Riana??
That's when I realized Rick was glaring at this "Rita" character with all the fiery depths of hell.
Wait a damn minute.
My eyes lowered down to his wrist, where they finally landed on the transgender bracelet tied securely onto it.
Holy hell. I realized.
"It's probably a good thing she isn't here then." Lenny shrugged.
"What?" Rita said, raising an eyebrow. "She's right here." She pointed with her thumb at Rick, whose nostrils flared in anger.
"Wait-you're a girl?" Lenny had the most confused expression as she was trying to piece together what was going on.
"No." Rick hissed out. "But she clearly doesn't think so."
"Oh God, Riana do we have to do this now?" Rita rolled her eyes with a huff.
"UGH would you stop calling me that?!" Rick exclaimed. "My name is Richard and it's about time you fucking acknowledge that!"
I could see the tears pricking at his lash line as he glared at his sister.
"Good Lord you are so embarrassing!" Rita hissed, glaring at the turning heads.
"Pfft, you're the embarrassing one. I can't even call you my sister at this point." Rick snapped.
I looked at the huge crowd of people, seeing Veneer push through the swarmed mass of people, his eyes landed on me, and then Rick, whose face turned from anger, to panic.
I watched as he turned and bolted for the door, disappeared out.
Lily looked at her sister with so much anger it seemed she could burn down a building with just her eyes.
"You're such a mother fucking bitch Rita." She spat like a snake biting, and she disappeared after her brother.
"I'm sorry about that Len, see Riana's going through this emo faze but she seems to think that she's a boy, and she's got Lily brainwashed into thinking that she's gay and it's just a whole thing." Rita looked at my sister apologetically.
"The fuck are you sayin'?" Lenny hissed. "Get your ugly homophobic, transphobic ass away from me you mother fucking bitch."
Rita's face was washed with shock as she stared at my sister.
"Yeah you heard me, get out!" Lenny spat, and Rita slowly backed away towards the door, and disappeared behind it.
"Oh my God Ritz, I'm so sorry I swear I didn't know she was like that!" Lenny apologized.
"Hey, it's okay sis, you're fine. She's the problem." I say.
She sighed, before looking over at Poppy.
"I'm sorry Pops, I didn't know..." Lenny looked ready to cry.
"Hey, you're good. It's not your fault. Come on DJ get the music back on!" Poppy called to the little hot pink Troll with orange hair, who turned up the volume.
"Is it okay if me and my sister leave?" Veneer asks.
"Of course, thanks for coming." Poppy smiled.
"Sure." Veneer half-smiled. "I'd better find Velvet."
"Hey I'm coming too." I said. "I've gotta find Orchid anyways."
So, we went to look around the dorm, but gradually we couldn't see anything.
"I've gotta use the bathroom." Veneer muttered.
He walked towards the bathroom I followed, trying to open a door that looked like it was for a closet, but it was locked. Then I suddenly heard a screech and a door slamming.
I whipped around to see Veneer backing away from the bathroom door, his face disgusted.
"What?" I asked.
"Found them." He muttered.
"Ooh." My face twisted into a grossed out expression. "Yikes."
"I won't ever be able to erase that image from my brain." He whispered.
The door then opened as Velvet stormed out, her red face twisted into an angry knot. "What the fuck Ven!"
"Well gee sorry but how the hell would I have known?!" Veneer exclaimed.
Orchid was standing behind Velvet, her dark purple face was covered in hot pink lipstick, which followed down to her neck and on her upper chest, the indigo shirt she wore was wonky, as if she had shoved it on extremely quick, leaving no time to fix it.
"Whatever," Velvet hissed.
"We should get going." I say.
"I've still got to use the bathroom." Veneer said, disappeared behind the door. When he'd finished, we all left.
Orchid ended up getting grounded, so there was that, but other than that I just went to bed the second I'd gotten home, but I couldn't sleep with the scene from the party playing and replaying in my head. And I wondered how I hadn't realized before now that Rick was trans.
WHEW!! This certainly took a while! Well I hope y'all enjoyed!
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