field trip's are supposed to be fun
Having no choice in it is a bummer. Half-bloods often get killed in the most horrible gruesome ways. If you think you are one. Turn away now. Because once you know. They'll know too. And they'll come for you.
Is Sophie Jones a troubled kid. You could say that. She suffers from ADHD and Dyslexia. Un-lucky right. But other things have happened. Things you can't explain.
Sophie was tired. She was always tired but especially today. Her school Yancy academy was taking a school trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. To say Sophie was exited would be the least. Anything to get her out of a day at Nancy.
Right now they were sitting at the back the bus. Sophie could feel her eyes slowly slipping closed and had to shake her head to keep them open. Sophie had her head buried in a letter from her uncle, right now he was in Texas too see his brother, Sophie's dad.
"Can you actually read that?" Percy asked his chin resting on her shoulder as he looked down at the letter.
Sophie shrugged "A bit." she looked down at the words 'How are Grvoer and Percy diong?' "How are Grover and Percy doing?" She said.
"I'm fine." Percy grinned sitting up.
Before Grover could respond pieces of food being thrown at him from the bus isle.
"I'm going to kill her." Percy grumbled giving Nancy Bobofit a death glare.
"Let's do it." Sophie said slamming her book closed. She put her hand in her bag and pulled out a sharpened pencil.
Percy blinked and stared at the pencil. "What are you going to do with that?" He asked Sophie waving his hands at the object.
Sophie smiled "Stab her." She couldn't help adding a "Duh."
Percy chuckled but Grover looked appalled. Gover shook his head taking the food out of his curly black hair. "S'okay. I like peanut butter." He said attempting to catch the next piece of sandwich in his mouth.
Sophie grimaced and ducked down attempting to avoid the next pieces of flying ketchup and peanut butter sandwiches.
"That's it." Percy said getting up after hearing a few snickers.
Sophie grabbed his arm and pulled him back "Let me help and I'll help you chuck the body out the window."
"No!" Grover cried grabbing their wrists and pulling them back into the seats. "You two are already on probation."
That was true. Sophie and Percy could be... trouble makers. But it wasn't their faults! They were just trying to stop bullies like Nancy Bobofit from hurting weak kids who couldn't defend themselves against a fly. Like Grover.
"How disappointed would your Uncle be if you got sent home for murder!" Grover exclaimed looking at Sophie.
"He'd get over it eventually." Sophie said. That was not true. Last time he got a phone call from the smallest thing he went ballistic.
She grimaced.
Sophie looked at Percy "So are we chucking her out the window or not?" Sophie asked the black haired boy.
Mr. Brunner lead them through the museum. He was Sophie's favourite teacher and the only good one at the school for misfits and idiots.
Although Sophie was tired her brain lit up at all the statues and pieces of art hanging from the walls and sitting on stones. She loved drawing a lot and art and anything creative. She really liked to draw people. She often used Percy as her reference.
She stared up at a statue of Zeus holding a lightning bolt. "Look Perce. Doesn't that look cool?!" Sophie said pointing at the statue.
"Mhm" Percy said not really focused on what the blond girl was saying. He was looking at Mr. Brunner. He was describing some pictures on the wall. Sophie didn't notice and was to interested in all the statues.
Percy saw Nancy giggling and snickering and it made him mad. "Will you shut up!" He snapped. It came out louder than he intended.
The whole class moved aside so it was only Sophie and Percy standing there in Mr. Brunner's direct line of sight. Making him know exactly who interrupted him. Percy came red in the face.
"Mr. Jackson. Perhaps you could tell us what the picture is representing?" Mr. Brunner asked gesturing to the picture.
"It's Kronos eating his kids?" Percy almost asked. He hoped it was true because it would be really stupid if it wasn't.
"Correct." Mr. Brunner said. "Can you tell me why?"
"uhm. Well Kronos was kind of the god-"
"No. Titans and he didn't trust the God's who were his kids so he ate them" Percy explained.
"Right." Mr. Brunner said motioning to the pictures. He turned to Sophie "Miss. Jones?" Mr. Brunner had picked on her.
It was good she knew the answer otherwise she would be very embarrassed. "His wife Rhea hid baby Zeus and switched him with a rock. And he couldn't tell the difference because he's dumb. Anyway when Zeus grew older he convinced his good old pap's to barf up his siblings." Sophie explained adding onto what Percy said.
A few people laughed at her but Sophie continued un phased. "Then there was a huge war with the Titans and Gods"
"And the gods won" Percy added.
"Please." Nancy muttered rolling her eyes "Like were going to use this in real life!"
"And why Mr. Jackson" Mr. Brunner said. "To answer miss Bobofit's question , dose this matter in real life?"
"Busted" Grover said.
"Shut up!" Nancy snapped her face turning red as her hair.
Sophie racked her brain trying to find an answer. But she found none. She looked at Percy and shrugged.
"I don't know" Percy said looking embarrassed.
Mr. Brunner nodded seeming disappointed in the boy. How was Percy supposed to know? "Miss. Jones?" Mr. Brunner asked.
"Don't eat your kids" Sophie said shrugging.
Her comment didn't even earn a smile from the teacher.
"Mrs Dodds. Would you care to lead the class back outside?" Mr. brunner asked.
Sophie and Percy went to follow Grover until Mr. Brunner called them back. "Mr. Jackson. Miss. Jones. A moment?"
Grover told them he'd meet them outside.
"Yes sir?" Sophie asked.
Mr. Brunner looked at the two. "You must learn the answer to my question."
"About the titans?" Percy asked.
"About real life." Mr. Brunner explained. "And now both your studies apply to it."
"Oh right."
"You will learn from me." Mr Brunner said. "I expect the best from you Miss. Jones and Mr. Jackson."
The two walked down the stairs towards Grover. They were both trying to figure out what happened. What did he want them to say. How would any of that help in real life?
Sophie slowed down to look at the sky. There was now a raging storm forming making the sky a cloudy grey. However nobody else paid the black sky any attention.
Sophie sat next to Percy on the edge of the fountain and took out her packed lunch.
"Detention?" Grover asked the pair.
"Nah." Percy said. "Not from Brunner. I just wish he'd lay off me sometimes. I mean-I'm not a genius."
Sophie smiled and patted the boy on the shoulder. "Don't worry Perce. I can tell Mr. Brunner likes you. Your his star pupil."
She looked at Grover waiting for him to say something but all the boy said was "Can I have your apple?" Sophie mentally face palmed.
Percy seemed to feel better and raised his head.
He had just taken his sandwich out when Nancy Bobofit and her ugly friends appeared in front of them. She grinned wickedly before dumping her half eaten lunch into Grover's lap.
"Hey!" Sophie snapped standing up. Grover was a good kid. He didn't deserve this. Sophie grabbed a tomato from her lunch and hurtled it at Nancy as fast as she could. It hit her in the middle of her shirt and left a red stain.
"You rat!" Nancy spat and started moving towards Sophie looking like she wanted a fight. If she wanted one Sophie would give her one!
She didn't have to though. One moment Nancy was a foot in front of her. The next moment Nancy was sprawled out in the fountain.
"What in the-" Sophie said looking at her hands that hadn't moved from her side. Then she noticed Percy next to her. "Did you-?" Sophie gaped at him.
"Percy pushed me!" Nancy cried.
But he couldn't. His eyes were slits and his hands were balled into fists at her side. He hadn't touched her.
"I didn't touch her." Percy said his anger turning into shock.
Sophie just stood there her eyes glued onto Nancy. Sophie noticed the figure of their old algebra teacher approaching. "Were dead" Sophie whispered to the boy.
"Perseus Jackson! Sophie Jones!" Mrs. Dodds called nastily. "Come with me."
"No!" Grover called running towards them. "It was me, I pushed her." he cried momentarily stunning Percy and Sophie with his sudden act of courage.
"You will stay here Mr. Underwood" Mrs. Dodds Demanded.
"Its Okay man." Percy said patting his shoulder.
"Thanks for trying." Sophie smiled at the curly haired boy.
The two followed Ms. Dodds deeper into the museum. Percy apologizing for once again getting Sophie in trouble. Sophie just waved him off saying it was her fault. He couldn't have pushed Nancy. She hadn't even seen him move. Even if he had pushed her Sophie would have gotten in trouble for throwing a tomato at her.
Sophie got uneasy feeling when she realised that Mrs. Dodds was at the door and her and Percy were still at the bottom of the stairs. She started jogging up not wanting to make the already angry teacher any angrier.
Ms. Dodds stopped at the end of a hall, her back towards Percy and Sophie who were standing side by side a few feet away. It was quiet for a while, until she spoke up "Did you really think you could get away with it?"
Percy looked at Sophie and the girl shrugged. What the hell was going on?
"We are not fools." The teacher turned around slowly, an evil glint in her eyes. "It was only a matter of time before we found you. Confess! and you shall suffer less pain." The old woman said.
Confess? Sophie quickly wracked her brain for anything she had that she should confess. Maybe they found out her and Percy had an illegal candy selling business in his dorm. Or because she stole the key to the gym cupboard and hid it on the roof. Okay maybe that one was a bit extra but they had to call someone in and take the door off. It was definitely worth it.
Percy seemed ever more confused than her. If that was even possible "Ma'am we don't-"
"Your time is up." Mrs. Dodds hissed angrily. Sophie and Percy watched with wide eyes as Mrs. Dodds morphed into a Bat. No seriously. A literal bat monster thing. Her fingers stretched into talons, and she sprouted ugly leathery wings. Her smile became more menacing as yellow fangs now filled her mouth. She screeched loudly βnot sounding like a bat, more like an angry baby. It was a horrid sound- before using her new wings to fly towards the two.
Sophie lunged to the ground pulling Percy with her just avoiding the monsters large talons that could rip her to shreds in seconds.
"Why is our algebra teacher a bat?!" Sophie called rolling across the floor again.
"How am I supposed to know?!" Percy yelled.
Sophie swerved behind a statue and looked around trying to find a weapon. Anything to save them from their bat teacher. She could try and rip a stone sword out of a statues hand. No. That wouldn't work she wasn't strong enough.
Sophie cursed and turned around to look at Percy. He was dodging and running it looked pretty stupid. If it wasn't for the situation Sophie would probably laugh at him.
"What ho, Percy!" Mr. Brunner yelled from the gallery doorway. He tossed a ballpoint pen to him. Where the hell did he come from!?
"This is a pen!" Percy yelled.
"That's a pen!"at the same time Sophie said.
And just as fast as he appeared Mr. Brunner vanished. How helpful. Two twelve year olds with a pen to fight off a bat monster thing. They got this.
"What am I supposed to do with a pen?!" Percy yelled turning to Sophie. She just shrugged. "Sophie! Behind you!" He yelled pointing above her.
Sophie whipped her head around to see the Mrs. Dodds above her flapping her wings. She let out a fierce shriek and swerved towards Sophie. "Shoot!" Percy rushed towards the girl with his pen. Except it wasn't a pen anymore. It was a sword. "You had a sword up your sleeves and you only use it now!" Sophie yelled at the boy.
He ignored her comment. Percy grabbed the girl by her arm and pulled her backwards. Gaining some courage he held up the sword and pointed it at the monster that was flying right at him.
Once she was close enough he did the only logical thing. He swung it.
Sophie watched from the ground as the Fury exploded into yellow dust. She blinked and suddenly Percy's sword had once again become a ballpoint pen.
She blinked her eyes a few times making sure it wasn't an illusion. "Cool..." She breathed heavily. "Where can I get one?"
Percy dropped the pen on the floor and stared at it for a moment. Then he turned to the blond haired girl "you okay?" He asked offering his hand to help her up.
Sophie took it and brushed off her hands on her shirt. "I think so. I mean I'm not dead or bleeding so. You okay?"
"Why was our teacher a bat?"
"I don't think she was a bat Soph."
"Was she a vampire?"
"I have no idea."
It had started raining when the two emerged outside. Nancy stomped her way toward them. "I hope Mrs. Kerr expelled your ass!"
Who the hell was Mrs. Kerr?!
Percy wanted to say that he 'expelled' Mrs. Dodds but that probably wasn't the best idea right now.
"Who?" Sophie asked confused.
"Our teacher, are you dumb or something?" Nancy sneered.
Sophie just laughed guessing she was pulling a prank on them and grabbed Percy's hand pulling him down towards Grover.
"Grover, you were right to be scared of Mrs. Dodds. I'll never doubt your instincts again." Sophie swore wholeheartedly, grabbing Grover by both his shoulders.
Sophie let go instantly and stared at him.
"Come on man. Not funny!" Percy exclaimed.
Thunder boomed above them and Mr. Brunner appeared at their side. "Ah Percy. Yes that would be mine thank you." He said grabbing the really cool pen from Percy. "Next time bring your own writing utensils please." Aw. So Sophie didn't get one.
"Sir. Where's Mrs. Dodds?" Percy asked their teacher.
"Who?" Mr. Brunner said.
Is someone said Who one more time Sophie would lose it. Ha she just got attacked by her algebra teacher and now she apparently didn't exist. She was going mad.
"Mrs. Dodds." Percy repeated angrily. "The other chaperone? Algebra teacher?"
Mr Brunner frowned and sat forward in his wheelchair. The look of concern on his face made Sophie want slap him.
"There has never been a Mrs. Dodds at Yancey Academy. Are you sure you two are feeling alright?"
And with that Mr. Brunner wheeled off with Grover following him.
"Perce. We did see that right?" Sophie asked.
"Okay just making sure I'm not going mad."Β
First chapter :) Shorter one to start off w.
Whatcha think of Sophie so far??
Also I feel like i portray Percy differently in this idk?
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