Well, I can't stop talking
For fear of listening to unwelcome sound
" in high school, i was voted most appropriate "
βͺ Role title βͺ
12 years later and I'm still at the nerd table
βͺ Name βͺ
Amelia Cartwright
βͺ Nicknames βͺ
Amy, Ames, Nerd
βͺ Age βͺ
βͺ Sexuality βͺ
Bisexual but not really aware of it, doesn't everyone think girls are pretty?
βͺ Face claim βͺ
Winona Ryder
" if im gonna bond with him i have to massively violate his privacy, i don't make the rules"
βͺ Personality βͺ
Amelia is smart. No no, I don't think you quite get it when I say she is smart, she is skip grades, top of the school, genius level smart. This isn't just because she naturally is intelligent, though that attributes to alot of it, she works her ass off all the time. She was a conscientious pupil, believing that if she wanted to get anywhere in life she needed to work hard for it. She always does things to the upmost standard, never doing anything in half measures. Additional work? Pile it on. Anything she could do to further herself without harming others, she would do it.
This got her the label of "goody two shoes". She was seen as a swot or a know-it-all. This can sometimes still shine through when she corrects people. Sometimes she doesn't even realise she's doing it.
Because of how much she values rules and authority, Amy upholds an unnaturally high amount of respect and reverence towards her superiors, like experienced doctors and health officers. This causes her to be desperate for her their wisdom and approval, often to the point of coming off as awkward and off-putting. All of her sense goes flying out of the window when approval is involved, and she will go to reckless lengths to do what she can to forward herself in her career.
The first thing anyone notices about Amelia is her awkward nature. Its not that she doesn't like others, infact she's an extrovert. After spending time with her friends she always feels energised and ready to get back to all that work she does. She just prefers the people to be people she knows. It's meeting new acquaintances struggles with.
She isn't socially awkward in that she's shy, sometimes she just says things that are out of place or seemed funnier in her head. Way funnier (her biology jokes slap okay and nobody can tell her otherwise).
Her broom closet is filled with notebooks and flashcards that are immaculately organised, though the room is starting to get a bit too full. Would it be overkill to turn the little cupboard in the bathroom into more study storage? Perhaps, but she lives alone so she can do what she wants. She's unbelievably independent, which is part of the reason she lives alone. Also it was great real estate because she found like 25 loopholes in the mortgage contract.
Due to her need to plan nearly everything in her life, Amy is easily prone to bouts of anxiety and panic when things don't go as expected. She developed a smoking habit to help deal with her stress, of which she is deeply ashamed of. Mostly because she started doing it before doing the "lung" part of her course. Whoops?
When panicky, Amelia is funny to watch but extremely unpredictable, and inconsolable.
On top of the smoking, she has also developed something of a coffee addiction to help her stay awake during the day due to her insomnia (brought on by late study sessions).
Sometimes at midnight(or usually later) she'll knock on the doors of people who are still awake and ask them if they can quiz her on things like the radiography safety course. The answer is often a very concerned no and an offer of company instead, or tea. Little do they know they're only feeding the addiction, haha losers.
Amy's straight-forward and uptight attitude, along with being overall more sensitive than her neighbours, has caused her to end up as the butt of many jokes. She gets a little too excited about things that nobody else gives a shit about. "You mean the head specialist on Arthritis treatments is doing a talk? Sign me up! A new organic chemistry textbook is available? I'll be back soon!". That and jokes like "the name's bond, hydrogen bond" make her pretty easy to tease.
Though generally the one to get pushed around, Amy is not incapable of standing up for herself or her friends when needed, and can become incredibly assertive. Amy is credited as being one of the most talented and competent trainee doctors in her field, and has displayed great leadership abilities when required.
It's called "high strung Amy" and high strung Amy gets shit done! When in her element, her ability to command a room or find a way of any type of sitiatuon is unparalleled.
Amy is a genuinely kind and caring person who is always looking out for her fellow residents, not hesitating to help them out. She is tactical, observant and very good at solving problems. Due to this, people often come to her to solve issues involving finance and the like.
She ended up helping some goofball down the hall who thought he could fake going to medical school in exchange for notebooks and paper. Yes. Thats the deal and she regrets nothing. She's a twenty-something living alone in New York City, paper is expensive.
Amy has great athletic prowess which, coupled with her competitive streak, makes her formidable. Oh yes, any form of conpetition like debates or board games causes her to absolutely transform into a bloodthirsty monster. This could stem from her constant attempts to make her parents proud of her, and for her to be praised.....but she doesn't think its anything to worry about. It's part of the reason she was such a child genius, she wanted to prove she was able to be more than they thought. When she is being competitive, she often will be teasing or sarcastic towards her opponents, her sharp wit emerging.
She is seen as VERY confident in her line of work, but in her personal life she is really quite insecure. People say she's beautiful and that she should do more with her appearance. Obviously she hates those comments and brushes them off with some snotty response like "I don't care about that sort of vain stuff" but really she just doesn't have the confidence for it. She wishes she could style her hair beyond "I woke up with this parting and I brushed it" or she could have any sense of fashion but alas, she doesn't. Aswell as this, she is in a very competitive industry and doesn't want to seem weak to those above her ranking by caring about things like makeup and style. Deep down she knows it's stupid but she can't help it.
Whenever she's comfortable around you though, Amy is the most fun loving and silly person you will ever meet. She is ridiculous and down to earth and if you can tear her away from her books, the best friend you can ask for.
" anyone would be lucky to date me, i was a 'a pleasure to have in class' "
βͺ Likes βͺ
β’reading and writing- often at 3am she will climb up to her roof and be armed with some form of book or notebook and pen
β’studying- If she isn't the definition of linking your self worth to productivity-
β’competitions- everything from scrabble to debating, she will destroy you
β’cigarettes- she wants to quit but how can something so bad for her physical health be so good for her mental health? (dont smoke kids)
β’coffee- her one true love
β’her neighbours- adulthood is the first time she's had real friends so she really cherishes the people around her
β’new york- definitely a big and welcome difference from her home.
β’breakfast food- it is the quickest food to make when you're on a tight schedule, like cereal or pop tarts or toast. Easy!
β’crossword puzzles- every summer she goes to a puzzle camp for adults and she thinks it's the coolest thing ever
β’medical school- as much as it's stressful and she has cried multiple times over it, shes one step closer to helping people
β’paperwork- does she even need to explain? Yes, yes she does but she doesn't think so.
β’music- Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, all the way back to Mozart, she loves it all.
βͺ Dislikes βͺ
β’her insomnia- helpful for productivity but knows it's fucking her over in the long run.
β’Good books with bad endings- ooooo this infuriates her wHY WOULD YOU PUT SO MUCH EFFORT INTO A BOOK TO SHIT ON IT AT THE END WHAT THE FUCK WHY-
β’cooking- she is bad and hasn't had the time to be good at it
β’badly played brass sections in orchestras- she played the french horn so she can tell when they're being bad
β’the fact she's so cautious- she wishes she was more reckless but she can't do it
β’having nothing to do- whenever she isn't doing something she feels like she's procrastinating work she doesn't have.
β’sports- they're chasing a ball around a field, you mean this is supposed to be emtertaining?
β’cats- she doesn't trust them
β’her hometown- a bunch of fuddy duddy old farts who told her she would never get anywhere.
" i once saw you look at 54 accordion folders and not buy any of them due to weak tabs "
" I file hard, I need strong tabs"
βͺBrief backstory βͺ
β’ born and raised in small town Illinois to two happily married parents with 3 older brothers already
β’her father was a buisnessman and her mother was a stay-at-home mother, who wanted her daughter to be the same
β’she wanted to be a doctor as soon as she knew what the word meant (very early on) but everyone told her that no girl does anything like that in their town
β’from a young age, she was bullied quite badly for her bookishness and her tendency to be a know-it-all. as an adult she cringes to think of who she used to be but it still doesn't warrant how she was treated.
β’due to all this, as soon as she could she left for New York, amazed by all the opportunity, with a scholarship for the medical course in NYU
β’she used to live inan absolutely terrible rundown flat in "that part" of New York but after she got a couple jobs going and a steady income, she moved into the apartment block she still lives in
βͺ Current job βͺ
Surgical intern- she is currently in residency training. She also works part time at a library and tutoring other surgical interns. She wants as much coinas possible.
βͺ Dream job βͺ
Doctor. So bad. She's nearly there.
βͺ Go-to coffee order βͺ
Black coffee with a couple extra shots of espresso
βͺ Extra βͺ
β’when she is studying she listens to all sorts of music however when she is organising, she listens exclusively to Fleetwood Mac's 'Rumours' album- her favourite song being either The Chain or Tusk
β’one of the girls that lives down the hall keeps trying to give her a makeover- she continues to politely decline
β’knows both ASL and BSL
And you haven't called me in weeks
And honestly, it's bringing me down
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