3rd Person's POV
Spike stands in his warehouse watching the video that he made one of the vampires take of Buffy's fight the other night.
"Here it comes..." He whispers then nods watching Buffy grab a sign and stick the vampire with the end of it, "Rewind that. Let's see that again."
The vampire rewinds the tape as Spike strolls around to another monitor.
Spike chuckles shaking his head, "She's tricky. Baby likes to play. You see that? The way she stakes him with that thing? That's what's called resourceful. Rewind it again."
The vampire plays the video once more as Spike and a group of vampires all stand and watch. Spike taps his chin and thinks for a moment.
"Where is the other one? The slayers little trainee."
"She wasn't around... she was distracted by a boy."
Spike raises an eyebrow looking over at the vampire completely fascinated, "A boy you say?"
The vampire nods, "It seems as if the two have been seen together more than a handful of times. It's suspected that they are in a relationship."
Spike gasps lowly as he begins to smirk, "The trainee has a boo... how adorable. I'll have to see for myself."
Drusilla comes from the other room just as Spike goes to pause the video, "Miss Edith needs her tea."
"C'mere, poodle." Spike holds his hand out to her.
Drusilla takes his hand smiling as Spike pulls her into his chest, "Do you love my insides? The parts you can't see?"
Two random vampires look at one another in slight fear as Drusilla and Spike hold one another as if they were the only two in the room.
"Eyeballs to entrails, my sweet. That's why I've got to study this Slayer. Once I know her I can kill her. And once I kill her you can have your run of Sunnyhell. Get strong again."
"Don't worry. Everything's switching. Outside to inside." She breathes at Spike's neck, "It makes her weak."
Spike gasps lowly suddenly more interested, "Really? Did my pet have a vision?"
"Do you know what I miss? Leeches."
Spike pouts playfully, "Come on, talk to Daddy. This thing that makes the Slayer weak? When is it?"
Spike frowns, "Tomorrow's Halloween. Nothing happens on Halloween."
Drusilla shakes her head grinning, "Someone's come to change it all. Someone new."
"I keep my heart inside a silver box
There's never been a key to fit the lock
Give me love or give me death
Drowning as I hold my breath
Oh my queen, wonder why
Just another sugar high
I feel it, oh, I feel it
Every way you want me, I feel it
I know it's never, ever, ever gonna change
Either way, let them eat cake
Let them eat cake."
"Thanks so much. I'm Laney and this is The Dingoes Ate My Baby. We'll be playing tomorrow night, so come check us out."
Laney smiles moving away from the mic as the small crowd in the Bronze applaud. She turns to Colby who swings his bass behind his back, "I hate that name."
Colby grins, "I don't know where Oz and Devon got the name from."
"Were they high?" Laney turns to Oz who puts his guitar in his case nearby, "Were you guys high when you named the band?"
Oz chuckles shaking his head, "You'll come around."
Laney shrugs, "I doubt it Ozzy."
Oz smiles nudging Laney with his arm as he stands beside her, "You guys sure you don't wanna play with us tonight?"
Colby throws his arm over Laney's shoulders kissing her head of hair, "Lane has to take kids trick or treating. I figured I'd help. I'm sure Devon wouldn't mind singing again."
"He wouldn't but I would." Oz grimaces playfully, "No offense but we get more attention when Laney sings."
Colby nods as Laney rolls her eyes, "Sorry baby it's true. You're a beautiful girl with an enchanting voice. You draw all the guys in. And as much as we thought we were going to be a huge rock/metal band, now we might actually have more of a purpose to the songs we make."
Laney pouts smiling while holding her hand to her chest, "Well don't I feel special." She looks at her phone and gasps, "Shoot it's late and we haven't gotten our costumes yet."
"Let me put my bass away and I'll meet you at the door okay?"
Laney nods before saying bye to Oz and grabbing her bag off the nearby table. She hops down from the stage and lightly pushes through the small crowd of people of the dance floor. She pushes a strand of her hair behind her ear and looks up just as she runs into a hard chest. Quickly looking up, Laney then feels like the world starts to slow down. As she gazes up from the black shirt, she looks into playful blue eyes and immediately freezes. The blonde figure walks around her for a moment before smirking.
"You two are cute, little one."
Laney frowns watching his every move.
"Don't worry I wouldn't dare touch a hair on his head."
Laney watches his eyes look her up and down before catching her gaze once more.
"You look ravishing, love."
Laney scoffs, her frozen spell now broken as she crosses her arms over her chest, "What the hell do you want Spike? Are you stalking me now? Don't you have better things to do... like plan an ambush against my friend, you know the slayer?"
Spike shrugs leaning against a table nearby, "Maybe I'm more interested in you..."
"Hmm... well that's good bad because you won't have that much longer around here..."
"Ouch," Spike chuckles holding his chest, "Ohhh that stings, little one. You wouldn't miss me?"
Laney's heart skips a beat and she swears Spike can hear it as he stares at her smirking.
As Spike opens his mouth the speak, Colby walks up and stands beside Laney nodding towards Spike.
"Hey Lane. Who's your friend?"
"Not my friend." Laney slightly glares at Spike, "He's no one important. You ready to go?"
Spike chuckles holding his hand out to Colby, "Isn't she the jokester? Spike... just an old acquaintance."
Colby nods with a confused look, "Colby. Nice to meet you."
Laney rolls her eyes grabbing Spike's arm pulling him away as she gives Colby an apologetic smile, "Listen to me and listen to me well, Spike. If you even think about touching him I will end you. I could probably kill you right here, right now."
Spike smiles shrugging, "I doubt it, little one. But let's say that you could... you wouldn't."
"And why wouldn't I?"
Spike peeks down at Laney's hand that was still wrapped around his bicep and his hand that had been on her waist comfortably.
"Just a guess."
Laney jumps back pointing at him glaring, "Stay away from me. I mean it."
Spike holds up his hands smirking as Laney quickly walks away from him, grabs Colby's hand, and hurries out the Bronze.
Spike chuckles to himself taping his chin, "This is going to be interesting."
Colby frowns as Laney pulls him out the Bronze. He looks for an kind of emotion from her face but she wore a blank stare.
"You alright?"
"Yeah I'm fine."
"Who was he?"
"No one."
"An ex?"
Laney pauses and glances over at Colby shaking her head, "No, not at all. He's just... it's complicated. Well it's not complicated. But I really don't feel like having him ruin the rest of the night. I'll tell you later okay?"
Colby nods, "Sure I trust you."
Laney smiles leaning forward to kiss his cheek, "Awe. Colby, you have nothing to worry about. That... guy is just bad news. But I doubt we'll be seeing him again."
"Sorry we're late!"
"Yeah we had band rehearsal."
Colby and Laney run into Ethan's Costume Shop, scaring Xander and Willow as they sneak up behind them.
Willow frowns holding her chest, "Geez don't do that!"
Xander nods at Colby who does the same, "So you're helping Lane tonight?"
"Yeah figured it'd be a handful to watch little kids and take them around town trick or treating by herself."
Willow smiles nudging Laney, "Awe that's so sweet Colby."
Colby chuckles, "Thanks Willow. So you guys know what you're wearing tonight?"
The two shake their heads and start to walk around the store with Laney and Colby. The store was full of mothers with their kids looking for Halloween costumes.
After finding a few things, the group find Buffy handling a plastic pumpkin when it suddenly lights up and screams. She quickly puts it back on the counter as Willow comes over to her.
"What'd you get?"
"A time-honored classic!" Willow smiles holds up a ghost costume.
Buffy nods slowly frowning, "Okay, Will, can I give you a little friendly advice?"
"It's not spooky enough?"
"It's just... you're never gonna get noticed if you keep hiding. You're missing the whole point of Halloween."
"Free candy?"
"It's come as you aren't night. The perfect chance for a girl to get sexy and wild with no repercussions." Buffy smiles.
Willow shakes her head with wide eyes, "Oh, I don't get wild. Wild on me equals spaz."
"Don't underestimate yourself. You've got it in you."
"Oh no! Don't tell me you're being a ghost again!"
Willow rolls her eyes as Laney comes up holding a bag, "It's a classic."
"It's a snooze fest."
Buffy raises an eyebrow at Laney. Buffy knew she kind of just said the same thing but she did say it nicer.
Her and Laney had been slowly bumping heads over small things ever since Buffy had caught Laney at the cemetery coincidentally the same time as Angel. Buffy thought about it and there was no way there wasn't one spec of attractiveness between them. So that was it... they were most likely lying and hiding something from her.
"Will, you're a babe... own it."
Willow blushes slightly just as Xander and Colby come up.
"Well what is your couple costume?"
Laney smiles shaking her head as her sister leans over and peeks slightly seeing a black gown and wig, "That dear sister, is a secret."
Willow huffs playfully as Buffy snorts.
Laney frowns, "What was that?"
"That was definitely something."
Buffy shakes her head, "I was just thinking, you like secrets is all."
Laney raises an eyebrow, "That's a weird thing to think."
"Just an observation."
Willow clears her throat interrupting the two as they stare each other down. Willow knew their two strong personalities may bump heads after the situation when Buffy came back from the summer, but she didn't think they would this soon.
"Oh look here the boys come," Willow smiles uncomfortably looking towards Xander, "Hey, Xander! What'd you get?"
He pulls a toy military rifle out of his bag and holds it up for Willow to see.
Buffy frowns, "That's not a costume."
Xander gives Buffy a look, then turns to Willow and Laney, "I got fatigues from an Army surplus at home. Call me the Two-Dollar Costume King, baby!"
"Hey, look, Xander..." He points the rifle at Buffy, "I'm... really sorry about this morning."
"Do you mind, Buffy? I'm trying to repress."
Buffy nods, "Okay, then I promise, from now on I'll let you get pummeled."
She puts her chin on his shoulder and pouts as Xander rolls his eyes.
"Thank you."
Buffy smiles.
"Okay, y'know, actually I think I could've t..."
Buffy is distracted by a costume and slowly starts walking over to it as Xander throws up his hands.
"Hello! That was our touching reconciliation moment there."
Laney snorts pulling Willow along as they follow Buffy. She keeps walking until she is in front of a frilly, red, billowy 18th-century gown.
"I'm sorry, it's just... Look at this."
Willow nods, "It's amazing."
Xander scoffs, "Too bulky. I prefer my women in spandex."
Colby snorts making Xander fist bump him. Laney rolls her eyes slapping them both on the arm.
Ethan, the store owner, notices Buffy looking at the dress and comes over to the group.
"Please, let me."
He takes the dress off of its dressmaker's mannequin.
"Oh, i-it's..."
Buffy starts to argue against Ethan taking the gown down, but Ethan had already held up the red dress to Buffy as she stood looking in awe at the mirror.
"Magnificent. Yes, I know. There. My. Meet the hidden princess. I think we found a match. Don't you?"
Buffy looks at Ethan with wide eyes, "Oh, uh, I-I'm sorry. There's no way I could ever afford this."
Ethan smiles, "Oh, nonsense. I feel quite moved to make you a deal you can't refuse."
She looks back into the mirror, takes the dress from Ethan and smiles dreamily as she holds it up to her chin. Buffy says she'll take it causing Ethan to go put the dress in a bag in the back of the store.
Laney frowns knowing exactly what Buffy was thinking, "Buff if you're gonna get this gown, based on the fact that you saw the noblewoman from that book earlier... I don't think this is the best move."
"Why would you say that?"
Laney sighs with a light shrug, "Angel doesn't seem like the type to like those noblewomen. Nothing wrong with them but if you ask me, he's into blondes. You remember Darla... she's a blonde, you're a blonde... hence the attractiveness into blondies... not such brunette, that we don't even know, from the book."
"Well it's a good thing I didn't ask you." Buffy frowns crossing her arms over her chest.
Laney scoffs with a small chuckle while shaking her head, "You're right you didn't. But I just wanted you to know that your reasoning is ridiculous. How about when you stop being so insecure and realize that Angel likes you how you are, then you can come back and apologize to me."
Colby, Willow, and Xander all look at the two girls back and forth standing in complete awkwardness.
"Laney why would I apologize? And I'm not insecure... it just seems like these kind of women were... you know what I don't need to go into the detail. Why do you care about who Angel does and doesn't like?"
"You know what you're right. I shouldn't care. I don't care."
"Well it seems like you're lying to me once again."
Laney raises an eyebrow, "What would I be lying about?"
"Your relationship Angel. You two seem closer than you want everyone to think you are."
"Buffy..." Willow starts to say as her sister holds up a hand to silence.
"Are you freaking kidding me right now? Is this because that girl from the book looked like me?! You're serious? I would never lie to you about my friendship with Angel. We are friends. Always have been. We've never crossed that boundary and never will."
"Sure if that's what you want me to believe."
"I don't care what you believe. All I know is you're projecting your fear and insecurities onto me and trying to make me seem like a bad person and a liar. And you can try all you want to turn this on me, but deep down inside you know there's nothing going on. And honestly I don't care what you think, the only opinions that matter to me are Willow's, Colby's, Cordy's, and Angel's. So you can take your jealousy and shove it up your ass."
Buffy's mouth drops as Laney grabs Colby's arm and their bags with their costumes.
Laney smirks, "Have a great night."
Colby peeks back at a bewildered Willow who shrugs as Buffy glares watching them leave the costume shop.
Xander let's out a whistle as he scratches his eyebrow lightly, "That was intense."
Later that evening, in Buffy's room she is standing at her long mirror wearing her red gown and a long, brown curly wig. She puts on the second of a pair of earrings as Willow is in the bathroom changing.
"Where're you meeting Angel?"
"Here. After trick-or-treating. Mom's gonna be out."
"Does he know about your costume?"
Buffy frowns glancing over at the open book that held a picture of the noblewoman.
"Nope. Call it a blast from his past. I'll show him I can coif with the best of 'em." She turns to the bathroom door with her hand on her hip, "Okay, Willow, come out. You can't hide in there all night."
Willow frowns looking at herself in the mirror, "O-okay, but, but promise you won't laugh?"
Buffy smiles, "I promise."
Willow opens the door and comes out wearing boots, a short, black leather skirt and a red, long-sleeved, V-necked, midriff-baring top.
She stands uncomfortable, as she quickly steps over to her ghost sheet and picks it up holding it to her revealed stomach.
Buffy grins, "Wow! You're a dish!"
Willow tries to hide herself with the sheet, but Buffy takes it from her and tosses it aside.
"I mean, really."
Willow is very uncomfortable and tries to cover herself with her arms, "But this just isn't me."
"And that's the point." Buffy walks around Willow to show her the mirror, "Look, Halloween is the night that not you is you, but not you. Y'know?"
The doorbell rings making Buffy clap excitingly, "Oh! That's Xander. Are you ready?"
Willow smiles nervously, "Yeah. O-o-okay."
Buffy nods walking to get the door, "Cool! I can't wait for the boys to go non-verbal when they see you!"
Buffy hurries down the stairs and opens the door for Xander. He enters saluting with his toy rifle in his hand.
"Private Harris reporting for..." He pauses sees Buffy in her costume, "Buffy! Lady of Buffdom, Duchess of Buffonia, I am in awe! I completely renounce spandex!"
Buffy curtsies,"Thank you, kind sir."
Xander bows.
Buffy grins, "But wait till you see..."
They turn to look up the stairs at Willow. She has put on the ghost sheet. It says 'BOO!' on the front in large bold letters.
Buffy frowns, "...Casper."
Xander tries to catch his disappointed frown as he smiles widely, "Hey, Will! That's a fine boo you got there."
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