In the school, in a classroom (obviously, Y/N, Hachiman, and Yui, including Zaimokuza, stood in front of two people. Y/N's eye twitched in annoyance, the hair color of one of the person's in front of him reminded him of a useless girl. Her poor leadership skills to be exact.
Zaimokuza: (clears throat) I shall introduce them! This is Hatano and Sagami from the Gaming Club!
The three Service Club members stood in front of the only two members of the Gaming Club, Hatano and Minami Sagami's younger brother. The two boys, both wearing glasses, look at each other. Y/N shook his head in annoyance.
Hatano: Oh crap, Kengo was telling the truth.
(A/N): They never gave an official first name to Sagami's brother so I will be referring to him as Sagami.
Sagami: Seriously...I didn't think it could be true.
Yui: (whispers to two) I didn't know the delusional types had friend, too...
Hachiman: (clears throat) So cutting to the chase...Y/N...
Y/N: (sigh) I would like for you two to help me with drafting plans for a dummy prom in order to insure the implementation of the other prom, while opposing it.
The two members of the Gaming Club push up their glasses in sync and look at each other. They do their best to whisper to each other discreetly, but unfortunately for them, Y/N could hear them.
Hatano: This guy's an idiot.
Sagami: Who does something so extensive for such a trivial goal? He must have a screw loose up there.
Y/N: (grunt) You picking a fight?
The two back off, Zaimokuza only perking up with a grin.
Zaimokuza: Precisely! That's him! That is what Y/N L/N is all about! He always has goals that make no sense!
Yui: (whisper) L/N-san, you have to ask them properly.
Y/N: (irritated sigh) Fine...look, this is a bad way to put it, but we need you as a source of free labor with unlimited use. Forget about resisting and cooperate with us.
Hatano: (pushes up glasses with Sagami) That truly was a bad way to put it.
Sagami: Even politicians know how to make things more palatable than that.
Y/N: (grits teeth) Again, are you looking for a fight?
Yui: Ah! This isn't going to work! Um, s-sorry about L/N-san! He's just kinda like this! He's just stressed!
Y/N: Yeah, I am stressed.
Sitting down at the table that was in the middle of the room, Y/N clasped his hands together. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, opening them and looking at the two underclassmen.
Hatano: Um, I have absolutely zero interest in the prom to begin with.
Y/N: Believe me, I don't really have an interest at all. If it wants to be held, it can for all I care. It's not really an incentive, but for the next school year, I promise to start working so that there will be a prom that even you two can be satisfied with. (bows head) So please, help us out.
The other two members of the Service Club look at the L/N teen before they too bow their heads. This shocked the Gaming Club members, causing them to look at each other.
Sagami: (raises hand) Uh, I have a question. By "next year," you mean the year you all are graduating, right?
Y/N: Yeah. But, technically that's not "next year" but "next school year"...
Sagami: In that case, I'm in.
Hatano: (looks to Sagami) Oi, oi, are you serious?
Sagami: Well, I'd like to prevent any potential embarrassment from my family members, so to speak.
Y/N: Hmm?
Sagami: My older sister is definitely the type to butt into these sorts of situations. So I'm going to nip her in the bud, and destroy her chances of doing that.
Y/N: Hmm...
Yui: Oh...
Y/N: I see...well, I was guessing at first. But you are THAT Sagami's brother.
The younger brother of Sagami only nodded, seemingly ashamed of who he was related to.
Y/N: Dealing with embarrassing family members, huh? Yeah, I get it.
Hachiman: Yeah, same here.
Y/N: My older sister does all kind of crazy shit to embarrass me or my brother. Same thing with me and my brother.
Hachiman: And my little sister is joining us here next year. I'm overwhelmed with extreme shame at just the thought of my pathetic self causing her any embarrassment.
Yui: Oh, you meant YOU'RE the embarrassment.
Hatano: But can you really do it? Can you hold a prom that even we would like?
Y/N: Yep. It should be simple. There aren't enough people to get prom off the ground anyway. It's DIY, essentially. In the end, I might be kneeling on the ground and liking Isshiki's shoes to make sure it happens.
Both Yui and Zaimokuza gasp in surprise.
Zaimokuza: Kneeling on the ground...I am extremely disgusted by that.
Yui: No, the shoe licking is disgusting part! Anyways, I don't think you need to go that far for Iroha-chan to listen and hear you out.
Hatano: Isshiki...
Sagami: Iroha...
Hatano and Sagami: (stands up) THAT Iroha Isshiki!?
Y/N: (raised eyebrows) She's the only Iroha Isshiki in this school, right?
Sagami: (sits down) She's awful...
Hatano: (sits down) The most awful woman...
Sagami: (clenches fist) She's that dumb slut with the annual pass to the night pool, right? Her boyfriend is the CEO of an IT company, and she's obsessed with brands and spends her life only thinking about what's on Insta. She's the queen of party rockers, right?
Y/N: That's a pretty good way to sum her up, yeah.
Hachiman: But all the rumors you've heard are totally false.
Y/N: Her personality isn't the best, but she's a good person.
Hatano: But she always looks at us like we're trash...
Sagami: No, she doesn't even look at us. She treats us like we don't exist.
Zaimokuza: My god, that is terrifying. She's a devil, a real hellion!
Hachiman: No, I think the word you're looking for is "temptress."
Y/N: Well, it's an even more reason for you to do it. You just don't know what she really is like.
Yui nodded her head with a smile, the two boys sitting across from them looking to each other.
Y/N: You'll eventually get addicted to all the trashiness and wickedness in her and inversely end up finding her cute.
Hachiman nodded in agreement while Yui looked at the two in shock.
The three teens sporting glasses had their mouths agape. They slowly leaned forward, Y/N sweating slightly as they were getting a bit too close for comfort.
Sagami: (disbelief) This man has experience...
Hatano: (nods) He speaks reason.
Zaimokuza: That's not unreasonable, indeed...
Yui: L/N-san, you have a soft spot for Iroha-chan, huh?
Y/N: What are you talking about? She's real annoying. She's the annoying little sister type, you know? I don't know how the hell I put up with her. I'm already dealing with an idiot brother most of the time and a pain in the ass older sister.
On the whiteboard in the room, Hachiman had stood up, writing whatever ideas they had scrambled together.
Hachiman: I guess this is about it for ideas.
Y/N: (sigh) I suppose.
Yui: (raises hand) Hey, Hikky, L/N-san...
Y/N: Hmm?
Hachiman: Yes, Miss Yuigahama?
Yui: Frankly, we don't really understand prom, and I don't think we can make a better prom than what Yukinon and the others are doing.
Y/N: Well, you're right.
Yui: So then, why don't we just make it a bigger event? One that includes more people so we can all go, "Woo!"
Y/N: ...So basically change our approach, right? That's interesting.
The green-eyed teen nods to Hachiman, who nodded back, writing away at the whiteboard. The rest of the group blink, now looking at what he wrote. The caption read, "PTO Opposition."
Y/N: That's the key. We need to think about how the plan will catch the attention of the PTO and how it will be stopped.
Y/N then stood up from his chair, taking the marker out of Hachiman's hand and writing his own idea. He wrote, "Chiba Seaside Area. High School Joint Prom Event."
Zaimokuza: Can we do that?
Y/N: Obviously not.
Zaimokuza: What?
Y/N: But that's not the problem here.
Hachiman: It's crucial to leave the impression that it might actually happen.
Y/N: So for the time being, we'll ask for "opinions" from neighboring schools. Aside from that...
Yui: Question! What about Kaihin Sogo High School? We've collaborated on stuff with them before, and they might get on board for this.
Y/N: Sure, that's true, but...they're all kind off dumbasses.
Hachiman: And it's hard to hold a conversation with them. But having that history with them does provide our plan with some reality.
Y/N: (sigh) I'll take that into consideration then. We should also make a social media account and an official homepage, so let's do that for now. We'll also need a group name.
Zaimokuza: Hmm, you mean like a "whatcha-ma-call-it production committee"?
Y/N: Something like that. We can't use the student council's name. It's either come up with a good fake one, or we can leech off another organization like the student council and make them our face.
Yui: Aside from the student council...oh, what about the Captain Committee?
Hatano: Uh, does the Captain Committee actually have some sort of authority?
Yui: Huh? Oh, I'm not sure...but that name makes them sound important!
Y/N: (thoughts) Once again, the dumb girl strikes.
Hatano: (sweat drop) Th-That's true.
Hachiman: Who's the top-dog in the Captain Committee?
Yui: Hayato-kun.
Y/N: Not surprised. Better leader than I am, anyway.
Hachiman: (sigh) Okay. I'll find the right time to talk to him.
With that, the day had been concluded, the group heading home for the day. The next day, Y/N sat in the apartment of his siblings and himself, Saki sitting on the chair near the couch Y/N was sitting on.
Itsuki was once again out on another date with Shizuka, the two spending a lot of time together. As usual, Setsuna was doing the housework, earphones plugged in as she hummed to the tune of her music as she happily worked away.
Saki: So how goes your progress?
Y/N: It's a start at least. We got our group set up, but we're still figuring out a name and getting other things settled. You?
Saki: So far so good I guess.
Y/N: Hmm...
It was the silence, Saki drinking away at her water before Y/N asked her a question.
Y/N: So is it true that your going out with that transfer?
The bluish haired girl chokes on her drink, then awkwardly wiping her mouth as she looked to the side.
Saki: (blushes) Wh-Who told you that?
Y/N: Rumors, I suppose. What was his name...Arata Shiozaki?
Saki: Well...we've talked once and a while...
Y/N: And what's "once and a while"?
Saki: Oh, you know...going out and heading to cafes and diners to hang out, I guess.
Y/N: So dates, huh? ...Is he treating you, right?
Saki: H-Huh? O-Oh, yeah...sure.
Y/N: Well, as long as your happy. If he does anything wrong, I'll kick his ass.
Saki: Like you did with that one guy?
Y/N: Who just so happened to be your old boss. He was a creepo.
Saki: Shouldn't you be going somewhere?
Y/N: Huh? Oh, yeah, right. Well, see ya next time then.
Grabbing his coat, Y/N departs as Saki then slouches in her seat, a light blush still on her face. She then heard snickering, looking to see Setsuna with a smug look.
Saki: Wh-What?
Setsuna: So, someone has an eye on my younger cousin, eh?~
Saki: Pl-Please don't tell Itsuki-nii. It's bad enough that Y/N knows already.
Setsuna: I know how Nii-san gets. He'll most likely flip, so your secret is safe with me.
Itsuki: What secret?
Saki: The hell you get in here!?
Itsuki: Uh, just now? So what were you two girls talking about?
Setsuna: Nothing!~ And besides dear brother of mine, you should know it's rude to ask a lady about their secrets. Now, go wash up mister. You reek of alcohol.
Itsuki: Sheesh. You my mother or something?
Setsuna: (glares) Mum's the word.
Itsuki: Okay! Okay! Heading to the shower!
With Y/N
The youngest L/N was riding the train, meeting up with Yui and Hachiman. He looked tired, cursing himself.
Y/N: I can't believe I'm fucking meeting with that guy again... (sigh) Let's get this over with.
Arriving at Mihama library, the door to the meeting room already opened, he stepped inside. Sitting at the table already were the two Service Club members. He was filled with dread as he stared at the two people. Kaori Orimoto and Tamanawa.
Kaori: Oh, L/N-kun! It's been ages!
Y/N: (monotone) Osu...
Tamanawa was puffing up his hair, an irritated look on his face. Kaori kept her cheerful demeanor as usual.
Kaori: (looks to Hachiman) Oh, by the way, how come you didn't call me? I got a message from Yuigahama-san and it really freaked me out.
Hachiman: Oh...well I got a new phone a while back and that made your contact go poof somehow...
Y/N: (thoughts) Something tells me that's a lie.
Kaori: Ah, you changed your contact info. Want my LINE info?
Hachiman: I don't have LINE.
Kaori: That's hilarious! That's an excuse that girls use!
Y/N: So you're a girl now, Hikigaya?
Hachiman: What? No. (clears throat) I don't see what's so funny. And the way girls reject people is awful. So, today I'm here standing in for our president or as a representative for her...
Tamanawa was reading over the project proposal that Hachiman had prepared for the meeting. Comprised of the notes Y/N had detailed for their promposal, Tamanawa kept adjusting his tie as he read.
Tamanawa: I read over your proposal...I think it's great you've allowed for a lot of variety in the event. However, everything aside from that is still far too abstract.
Kaori: (thumbs up) Sore aru!
Tamanawa: There are too many unnecessary elements and a lack of focus on what the main point of your proposal is.
Kaori: Makes sense!
Y/N: Oi...
Hachiman: (eye twitches) What...did you say?
Tamanawa: (weird hand movements) I think you should pay more mind to how you convey your message. The proposal has to seem visible, so to speak.
Kaori: (thumbs up) Aru!
Tamanawa: Of course, it's understandable to include a lot of potential possibilities for an experience-based event, but this lacks any rationale for how they could happen.
Kaori: Aru, aru! (Yeah, yeah!)
Tamanawa: (flips hair) And that's why, your plan is unacceptable.
Y/N: (forced smile) I see.
The girl with the perm hair only scratched her cheek awkwardly. Tamanawa gave them the look that said "You're still at this level?"
Then in a second, a pencil was tapped into a rhythm. Hachiman began to rap, the other two Service Club members looking at him bewildered.
Hachiman: 🎶So what, are you worried about the budget? We already work with nothing so we're gonna fudge it. Forget the digits and let's just use some gadgets.🎶
Kaori: 🎶Sore aru!🎶
Tamanawa: 🎶Listen up now, that proposition is a total mess. The outside's lookin' pretty, but the inside's causin' stress. If we're gonna start down this promenade together, then you need intel that's tighter than leather.🎶
Kaori: (thumbs up) 🎶Sore wakeru!🎶
Hachiman: 🎶The details are still rough, we'll consider the scale and adjust. Right now my quest is to suggest.🎶
Kaori: 🎶Aru!🎶
Tamanawa: 🎶You don't even know what you want as the focus? Without that, your plan needs some major hocus pocus. And if this is to be done effectively, we gotta think that over collectively.🎶
Kaori: 🎶Aru! Aru!🎶
Hachiman: 🎶We already have a draft that is not trash. What we really need now is to make it splash.🎶
Kaori: 🎶Sore!🎶
Hachiman: 🎶The lack of focus makes it seem like we've been drinkin', but our base concept was totally inspired by Lincoln.🎶
Kaori: 🎶Aru!🎶
Hachiman: 🎶We're all trying to leave the nest and do what's best, but without someone in the head, it's hard to know how to proceed.🎶
Kaori: 🎶Wakeru!🎶
Hachiman: 🎶When it comes to money there's always crowdfunding. A little attention and we can throw this convention.🎶
Kaori: 🎶Sore ikeru!🎶
Tamanawa: 🎶The truth is that our side has some sincere enthusiasm, but the real problem here is your austere sarcasm. Only a part of your plan is real enough to matter, and all that other stuff is like a pile of trash on a platter.🎶
Kaori: 🎶Sore aru!🎶
Tamanawa: 🎶We can be a team once we're on the same page but right now we're like oil and water in a cage!🎶
Kaori: 🎶Sore aru!🎶
After the small rap battle, Yui looked amazed and Hachiman was stunned. Y/N on the other hand facepalmed, seeing as if he saw the most stupidest thing in the world.
Hachiman: Yeah...about that...
Tamanawa: (finger gun) Bang! And that's why your plan is unacceptable.
Y/N: (sighs and mutters) God dammit...
Yui: (sheepish smile) Um, what should we do?
Kaori: This all seems pretty fun though! Right?
Yui: Oh, yeah, totally!
Tamanawa: Indeed it does, that's undeniable.
Hachiman and Y/N: Huh...?
Tamanawa: (clears throat) Fortunately, there's still time and plenty of room for further discussion. In the meantime, in order to properly implement this plan, you have to solidify the sense of purpose behind it.
Kaori: Sore aru!
Small Timeskip
Kaori: What are you doing after this? Gonna head home? Wanna go eat or something?
Yui: Um, we're going to school to work on this for a bit.
Kaori: Oh, okay. Well then, let's go out to eat some other time.
Y/N: Sure, I guess.
Tamanawa: Okay, I suppose this is all for today. Well then, you and I have some free time now, Orimoto-san, so if you want...
Kaori: Yeah, let's head home.
Tamanawa: Eh? Yeah, l-let's do that. (looks to three) When you decide on the next MTG, send me a reminder.
Hachiman: R-Right...
Y/N: Sure.
The two Kaihin students then turn around, heading in the directions of their homes. With a sigh, Y/N and the others start to walk towards Sobu, heading back to their group and hoping to make revisions on their plan to make it successful so they could get Kaihin on board.
Arriving at the school, it was now dusk. They head straight for the Gaming Club, Yui opening the door as she puts on her cheerful smile.
Yui: Yahello!
Both Hatano and Sagami look up from their computers, confused as they stared at Yui, who went by as if nothing happened.
Hatano: (discreetly) "Y-Yahello"? What does that mean?
Sagami: (discreetly) Hell if I know...she's as weird as the other two.
Y/N: Who're you calling weird?
Hatano and Sagami: Nothing!
Y/N: That's what I thought. Anyway, don't worry about that. We have something to talk about and it's very crucial.
Now gathering at the table, Y/N leaned back in his seat, Hachiman leaning forward as he clasps his hands together and puts on a serious look.
Hachiman: Starting today, the greeting for this executive committee will be "Yahello," said in uniform.
Y/N: Huh?
Hachiman: No objections will be acknowledged.
Y/N: I did not agree to this...
Hatano: (looks to Sagami) This guy is a serious idiot.
Sagami: There's something truly off about him.
Yui: (tugs on Hachiman's sleeve) S-Stop that, Hikky, it's embarrassing me...
The two underclassmen perk up slightly in their seats, watching Yui get flustered even more as the blush in her cheeks begin to rise immensely. Soon, the two gain a blush as well, adjusting their glasses as they reflect light off the screen of their computers.
Sagami: N-No, "Yahello" sounds good to me.
Hatano: (nods) Yeah.
Y/N: (thoughts) Just like that!?
Yui: Huh!?
Sagami: good.
Yui: What!?
Zaimokuza: Yes. Okay, once again...ready, set...
Hachiman/Zaimokuza/Hatano/Sagami: Yahello!
Y/N comically slams his head on the table. The four boys look to Yui, who had an annoyed look on her face.
Yui: Stop it.
Hachiman: Okay, on to the real issue. Here, here, here...
The boy with dead fish eyes stood up and handed everyone a piece of paper from his stack.
Hachiman: For the website we're going to use one image with text on top that we'll also post on social media. I found a good place for reference, so do your best to copy the design elements exactly.
Hatano: (sweat drops) This design is only at the blog level...
Y/N: This is worse compared to TAKI-kun's blog...
Sagami: (types on laptop) Well, it'll be simple so we should be glad for that. If you say too much, we're gonna have more to do.
Zaimokuza: (takes out camera) Hachiman, I've brought the camera that you asked for.
Hachiman: Oh, thank you.
Taking a book from the stack in front of him, Hachiman begins to read. Zaimokuza then comes in between Y/N and Hachiman.
Zaimokuza: I've come up with a name.
Y/N: Did you now? (thoughts) Please don't let it be about that yet-to-be written novel.
The glasses geek flashes a small piece in paper in front of them. Y/N sighs as he grabs it and begins to unfold it so he could read the contents. It read, "Sobu High School Prom, The Saiko Project."
Y/N: Ah, the name.
Zaimokuza: Indeed! What I mean by "Saiko" is--
Y/N: Yeah, I already know, so don't bother explaining.
Zaimokuza: (dejected) Oh, is that so...?
Y/N: But this is a good one, so we'll go with this. Thanks.
Zaimokuza: ...Huh?
Hachiman: (hands paper to Hatano and Sagami) The group name is decided so please use what's written here.
Yui gathered behind the two, the three unfolding the paper to read it.
Yui: Hoh...
Sagami: Eeeehhhh...
Hatano: Seriously?
Yui: Isn't this great!? It kinda has a nice ring to it, like "Whoa, that's psycho!"
Zaimokuza: (bashfully) U-Uh, r-really? It's that good, huh?
Yui: Wow! The Saiko Project...Yay! Nice! This is great!
Hachiman: Well, that's that.
Y/N: (looks out window) Now, all that's left is...anyway, you're all free to wrap up whatever you need to do individually.
Y/N stands up from his seat, Hachiman following suit as the other three boys sigh in exhaustion, now relieved that the work was over for the day.
Yui: Are you gonna talk to Hayato-kun?
Y/N: Yep.
Yui: Should I call him?
Y/N: Nah, it's fine. It's better if I talk to him myself.
Yui: Alright. But I'll send him a message on LINE just in case. If he replies, I'll let you two know.
Y/N: Sure.
Hachiman: Okay. Thanks.
After leaving the classroom, Y/N and Hachiman separated temporarily, Hachiman going on ahead to talk to Hayama.. As Y/N walked down the steps of the school building, now heading outside, his eyes widened slightly.
They relaxed as soon as he saw who it was. Yukino Yukinoshita had finished getting a drink from a vending machine. The black haired girl calmly took a seat at a nearby bench, staring off at the sinking horizon as the day was ending. Y/N stood from a far slightly, lost in her features as he admired her beauty. She then turned her head to Y/N's away, a slight blush as she smiled.
Yukino: Oh, Y/N.
Y/N: Uh, hey.
He took a look at the drink she was holding. It was one of his favorite coffee brands, MAXX coffee.
Y/N: Hmm. I don't see you drinking that often.
Yukino: (hides can) It has just the right amount of sweetness.
Y/N: Taking a break?
Yukino: Yes. I came to get some fresh air.
Y/N: Nothing wrong with that.
She scooted over and pats the area next to her, gesturing Y/N to sit down. He sets his bag down and sits next to the youngest Yukinoshita, leaning back slightly as he stared up at the sky.
Y/N: How are things going?
Yukino: (smiles) It's rare for you to worry about other people.
Y/N: That's not true. I worry about people. Besides, I'm doing reconnaissance on the enemy's movements, obviously.
Yukino: (giggle) That's true. Things are going relatively smoothly. We're finishing up tasks that we have, and we're reconciling with everyone we need to. All that's really left is deciding how things will operate the day of.
Y/N: Well, just don't push yourself too hard.
Yukino: What about you?
Y/N: Fine, I guess. At the current pace, we'll finish without having any extra work. After that, I have one more job to handle on the outside that will take an unknown amount of time.
Yukino: I guess attendance management is all that goes smoothly for you, huh? There's no need for you to go this far.
Y/N: You know me. I've always gone too far, so it's pretty much normal.
Yukino: you want this?
He took a look down once more, seeing her offer the MAXX coffee can.
Y/N: Nah, it's alright. Nee-san keeps telling me to cut back on the coffee.
Yukino: Are you sure? You still have things to do. I just came out here for a break. I'll drink something when I go back.
Y/N: I've already told you, it's fine.
It was silence for the most part, Yukino having rested her head on Y/N's shoulder. He wasn't too bothered by it, but that same feeling he's felt before began to rise.
The moment was then ended, the sound of his phone ringing.
Y/N: Sorry, got to take this.
Taking it out, he sees that the caller ID was Yui. It then ended abruptly as she walked up to the two.
Yukino: Yuigahama-san. Good evening.
Y/N: Osu.
Yui: Yeah...Yahello, Yukinon.
Y/N: So?
Yui: I got a message from Hayato-kun. Hikky was able to convince him to set aside some time for us.
Y/N: Alright, then.
Standing up, he stretches his arms over his head. Yukino tilts her head as she looked up at him.
Yukino: Work to do?
Y/N: Yeah.
Yukino: (stands up) I've got to get back to work, too.
Y/N: ...I can tell you two have some things to talk about. Excuse me.
Before the two could respond, he left in time so he couldn't listen in. He knew their words weren't supposed to be heard by him. It's as they say, curiosity kills the cat. In the end, he just hoped he could save her in time.
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