This chapter is extra long due to the long wait for an update!! Hope you guys enjoy... well as much as you can. Warning this is a tough chapter. π₯Ί
β οΈ WARNING: Trigger scene in this chapter. This will be where the trigger scene is and you can just skip the scene if you are uncomfortable.β οΈ
3rd Person's POV
"But- but you said it's illegal, Professor," said Hermione uncertainly as Moody cleared away the desks with a sweep of his wand, leaving a large clear space in the middle of the room.
"You said- to use it against another human was-"
"Dumbledore wants you taught what it feels like," said Moody, his magical eye swiveling onto Hermione and fixing her with an eerie, unblinking stare.
"If you'd rather learn the hard way- when someone's putting it on you so they can control you completely- fine by me. You're excused. Off you go."
He pointed one gnarled finger toward the door.
Hermione went very pink and muttered something about not meaning that she wanted to leave.
Harry and Ron grinned at each other. They knew Hermione would rather eat bubotuber pus than miss such an important lesson.
Moody began to beckon students forward in turn and put the Imperius Curse upon them. Harry watched as, one by one, his classmates did the most extraordinary things under its influence. Dean Thomas hopped three times around the room, singing the national anthem. Lavender Brown imitated a squirrel. Neville performed a series of quite astonishing gymnastics he would certainly not have been capable of in his normal state. Not one of them seemed to be able to fight off the curse, and each of them recovered only when Moody had removed it.
"Potter," Moody growled, "you next."
Harry moved forward into the middle of the classroom, into the space that Moody had cleared of desks.
Moody raised his wand, pointed it at Harry, and said, "Imperio!"
It was the most wonderful feeling. Harry felt a floating sensation as every thought and worry in his head was wiped gently away, leaving nothing but a vague, untraceable happiness. He stood there feeling immensely relaxed, only dimly aware of everyone watching him. And then he heard Mad-Eye Moody's voice, echoing in some distant chamber of his empty brain.
Jump onto the desk... jump onto the desk...
Harry bent his knees obediently, preparing to spring.
Jump onto the desk...
'Why, though?'
Another voice had awoken in the back of his brain.
'Stupid thing to do, really, said the voice.'
Jump onto the desk...
'No, I don't think I will, thanks,' Harry said a little more firmly... 'no, I don't really want to.'
Jump! NOW!
The next thing Harry felt was considerable pain. He had both jumped and tried to prevent himself from jumping. The result was that he'd smashed his head into the desk knocking it over, and, by the feeling in his legs, fractured both his kneecaps.
"Now, that's more like it!" growled Moody's voice, and suddenly, Harry felt the empty, echoing feeling in his head disappear.
He remembered exactly what was happening, and the pain in his knees seemed to double.
"Look at that, you lot... Potter fought! He fought it, and he damn near beat it! We'll try that again, Potter, and the rest of you, pay attention- watch his eyes, that's where you see it- very good, Potter, very good indeed! They'll have trouble controlling you!"
After another attempt to control Harry, and a failed attempt at that, the next victim is chosen.
"Grey! You're up next so it seems."
Karina frowns and remains standing in the back of the room by the door. She glances over wondering if she could quickly jet out the room, but her thoughts are halted when everyone takes a step back leaving a large space in front of her and Professor Moody.
Ugh great, just great.
"Today would be nice Miss Grey."
Draco looks over at Karina in concern. He could see the gears in her head turning at a insane speed. He knew she didn't like this class or Professor Moody but the faster she got this over with then it'd be over.
Karina feels a nudge on her arm and looks over to see Draco giving her a concerned look. He nods his head towards Moody then mouths, 'you will be fine.'
Taking a small step forward, Karina let's out a small breath of air that she had been holding in for the longest time. Moody grins creepily as she slowly makes her way to him. She stops right in front of him and stands with her arms crossed, wearing a blank face.
"Karina Grey. Slytherin. Tough exterior... if anyone was to test you they would have to use others to get through to you."
Karina frowns and drops her arms from her chest. Her hands wring each other tightly as she tries to focus on her breathing. She had no idea how he had read her so well. She didn't care about what happened to her, her only care was others.
Moody takes slow steps around Karina as the class all stand and watch in intrigue and honestly fear. Karina was a ticking time bomb. They knew how tough she was and how set she was in her ways. Many were surprised she even showed up to class today knowing what Moody would be doing.
Moody stops pacing around Karina and stands firmly in front of her. He quickly pulls out his wand and points it towards her. Karina doesn't even flinch as she looks at Moody's wand which was pointed at her nose.
A flash lights up the room but nothing happens. The class stands still in the silent room watching as Karina stands as still as a statue.
Karina knew the spell was working and she hated it already. She couldn't move... no matter how hard she tried.
Feeling stuck are we?
Karina tries to glare at Moody as she hears his voice echo in her head. Obviously this is what he had done to everyone else. No one can hear except the person who was under the spell.
"Now as I said before each person has something that can be used against them. The way through Miss Grey is using others... like her friends. Slytherins step forward... now!"
Malfoy, Pansy, Daphne, Vincent, Gregory, and Blaise all step forward and stand in a line across from Karina.
All the Slytherins stand still just as Karina. The class remains silent and watch in awe and angst. Suddenly, Pansy steps forward and starts to bark like a dog. Everyone laughs as she turns bright red from embarrassment. She sits on the floor on her knees and continues to bark as the class continue to laugh.
'Stop it!' Karina screams inside her head at Moody but she doesn't move in the slightest.
Pansy stops barking but remains on the ground. Flushed red she drops her head down and doesn't look at anyone. Blaise steps forward and begins spinning on his top toes like a ballerina. The class all giggle and whisper as he dances across the floor. His face shows anger but he continues to leap around.
'Ha ha very funny. This doesn't prove anything.' Karina says to Moody in her head.
He nods slowly and in an instant Blaise freezes and stands still once again. Moody walks over to Draco and holds up his wand to his chest.
"Alright well that didn't get to you. Potter is still the only one who could fight the curse. Maybe you just need more of an incentive... I'm sure Malfoy here could help out with this."
Karina stares at Moody with angry eyes but has yet to fight back against the spell. Draco stands still with fearful eyes knowing exactly what Moody was thinking.
"I'm sure Malfoy can entertain the class with a few tricks as a ferret once again."
The class snickers quietly as Karina slowly balls up a fist. Moody catches this and smiles widely.
"Ahh it's working. Just needs a bit more."
Moody steps back beside Malfoy and crosses his arms over his chest with a small smirk. Malfoy's eyes gleam over as Moody obviously talks to him in his head. Slowly and achingly, Malfoy takes small steps to Karina. His face shows ache as he leans down to Karina's ear to whisper something to her.
A tear falls down Karina's eyes as Malfoy stands up straight and walks back to his place beside the other Slytherins. Everyone whispers and frowns in confusion as they try to think about what Malfoy could have possibly said.
Karina's heart aches painfully as Malfoy's words repeat in her head. She wanted to drop to the floor and cry but obviously she couldn't.
Moody frowns in disappointment, "Still nothing Miss Grey. Seems class that Potter again is the only person to come out on top against one of these awful curses."
Moody waves his wand and the Slytherins are released from the spell. They all sigh in relief and slowly make their way to the back of the class. Malfoy frowns as he walks past a still Karina.
"Why is she still under the spell?"
Moody smiles, "Part two of the lesson today. When this spell is used against you not only can they make you do something. But they can make you say anything. They can make you answer a secret question. Or reveal a deep dark secret."
Karina's body fills with dread and fear as she thinks about what Moody could ask her to reveal.
"Now just as an example we'll start off easy."
What is your biggest fear?
'No... I can't.' Karina replies to Moody as he echoes the same question back to her.
Karina's first tighten even more as she clenches her teeth together.
"My biggest fe-fear... i-is dying just like my p-parents..."
Another tear falls down Karina's face as she fights her hardest to stop talking.
How did your parents die?
'Please... I can't do this.'
How did your parents die Grey?
"My p-parents di-died by the Avada K-kedavra curse..."
The class gasps in shock as they learn this news. Harry frowns and stares at Karina who had been slightly shaking in what seemed like anger on the outside but what was really fear and pain on the inside.
'Don't make me say it...'
Karina knew what Moody was doing. But she wanted to know why. Sure he could say he was trying to prepare us for when an enemy uses this curse against us but there was something so wrong about this.
Who killed your parents?
'No! Please don't make me say it... I'm begging you.'
Moody stands firmly with a blank face as he stares at Karina. Karina feels her nails dig into her hands as she tightens her grip even more. But she doesn't feel anything. She's become numb to the pain only feeling the ache of a distant memory being brought back up.
Karina vision is flashed with a quick memory. She sees her parents holding her younger self. All of them smiling. But it is quickly erased as a flash of green takes over the memory. This memory clicks something in Karina's brain and her nightmares are flashed to her. Green flashes through her mind as she sees her Grandmother and Cedric fall to the ground still as stone.
Tears flood down Karina's face as her lip quivers. She raises a hand to her cheeks and quickly wipes away the tears that continue to fall.
Who killed them?!
"My... p-parents were k-killed by..."
Karina groans in anger as she fights against the urge to reveal a dark secret she had done so well to keep. She glances at Harry and sees curiosity fill his eyes.
Karina lets out a large sigh and unclenches her hands. She looks down and stares at her hands then closes them back.
"N-no... I'm done with this lesson. I'm done with this class."
She finally gains control back of her body and quickly grabs her things and runs out the room. Malfoy quickly follows after her without hesitation. Harry stares at the door.
He felt upset for her. She had to reveal something she probably had a tough time getting over. Of course he wondered who killed her parents but he didn't want to find out this way.
Moody claps slowly as he takes a few steps towards the class, "Well it seems as if Miss Grey has succeeded. Potter and Grey are now the only two in the class who are able to fight against the Imperio curse. Tomorrow we will continue on and you all will learn how to fight against the curse. Even if it breaks you."
β οΈ WARNING: Trigger scene β οΈ
Holding her chest, Karina feels nothing but ache and pain as she sobs into her hand. She had ran all the way to her room and was now sitting in her bathtub. Malfoy sits on the floor outside the bathroom door listening to the heartbroken sobs of the girl he loved more than anything.
"Karina please let me in."
Falling back into the tub Karina can't help but think about all the pain she had been through in her life. She wasn't even 18 yet and she had been through more than most adults in life. Flashes of her common nightmares play over and over in her head. Suddenly almost as if she was watching a projector screen a vision passes by. Karina watches as what looked like herself laid on the ground withering in pain. The word crucio echoes over and over again making her shiver in fear. And just as the vision comes, it disappears and she's left alone with silence.
Covering her mouth with one hand, she lets out a silent scream and pulls at her hair with her other hand. She felt like she was going insane. What was wrong with her? What was happening? Why was she seeing things and why did they feel so real?
She thinks back to Moody's class.
I'll never love you Karina Grey. You will never be enough.
Those harsh words echoed in her head again and again. Over and over. Getting louder and louder each time. Feeling more painful each time. These were the words that Draco Malfoy had said to her. These were words that broke her heart into two. Words that she never thought she would ever hear.
Flashbacks of Draco being with Pansy and kissing Astoria fill her head. Flashbacks of Draco being upset with her when he found her with Harry in the courtyard replay.
Shaking her head slowly muttering the word no, Karina sinks into the empty tub and glances at the knobs.
"I can't- i-i can't d-do this an-anymore."
Malfoy stands up quickly as he hears water running he puts his ear to the door and hears light sobbing. He brings his hand up to the door and lightly knocks on the door.
"Karina what are you doing?"
The water continues to run making Draco feel uneasy, seeing as she still hadn't answered him. He brings his hand up once again but knocks more forcibly.
"Karina! Open the door please."
Her sobs had gotten louder and now sounded like hiccups. Draco knocks faster as he hears the water continue to run.
Draco looks down and sees water flow from the opening under the door. The water splashes against his shoes as he stands still in shock. Then he snaps out his shocked state and begins to bang on the door with haste.
"Karina! Answer me right now!"
Draco steps back and goes to reach for his wand in his back pocket but then releases he forgot it with his books back in Moody's class. He starts to freak out and pull at his hair as he paced back and forth.
"Shit what the heck do I do?" He murmurs to himself.
In an instant, he stops and then quickly runs into the door, ramming his shoulder into the hard wood. He groans in pain but shakes his head and steps back then once again runs into the door. As more water flows out the bathroom, Draco feels his heart drop as he continues to try to ram down the door. After a few more tries the door gives and the lock breaks open making Draco fall to the floor. He picks himself up and hurried over to the over flowing tub.
He quickly jumps into the tub and yanks her out from underneath the water. She coughs up water as she fights against him.
"No! Leave me alone!"
"Karina! Stop please."
"No! I want to die. Please stop. I can't! I can't anymore!" She chokes out as she lightly punches Draco's chest.
"Karina please..."
Karina sobs and as if all her energy had been sucked out of her body, she drops into Draco's arms. Draco holds onto her tightly not wanting to ever let her go. He had no idea the nightmares had driven her to this. And obviously Moody's lesson was the last click to drive her insane.
"I can't... it hurts... I'm so scared... please make them stop..."
"I'm so sorry Karina..."
Tears fall down Draco's face as he hears the love of his life sob into his chest.
He remembers the words he had uttered to her. He didn't want to. He tried so hard to fight against the curse but he couldn't. Seeing her eyes gleam over in sadness made him feel horrible as soon as he had said them. But of course he was controlled. Moody made him tell Karina something that he would never in his life say to her... something that he knew would break her.
Shaking his head from the awful memory of earlier, Draco quickly turns off the water and pulls Karina into his lap. He lays back against the tile in the tub as he holds onto her tightly. Karina grips onto his shirt not wanting to let go.
"I can't..." Karina murmurs quietly over and over again.
Gasps fill the room, making Draco look over to see their friends staring in shock at the two. Pansy covers her mouth as tears fill her eyes. She had known about Karina's nightmares and her fear of them but she didn't think Karina would ever try to do anything like this. Blaise holds onto Pansy as she cries into her hands for her broken friend. Crabbe and Goyle help to get Daphne to a bed. As soon as she saw her broken friend she broke out into tears and her legs weakened, making her fall to the ground.
Karina sobs more as the nightmares start to quickly flash and project in her head.
"I just want them to stop. I want everything to stop."
Draco kisses Karina's forehead letting his lips linger longer than normal. He squeezes her shoulder and then rubs her back.
"You're going to be okay Karina. I promise you, you'll be okay."
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