Ever since the news, my phone has been buzzing like never before.
It was strange, considering that for three whole days, there had been absolutely no news about him as the world struggled to come to terms that there were aliens on our planet. And then, quite possibly the biggest news for me, dropped like a bomb on Divitae Streets.
Since I was involved in the kissing incident, several news agencies, reporters and interviewers have been messaging and emailing me about possible interviews and questions. I ignored them all.
Classmates of mine had also messaged me, majority were Elites trying to get me to hook them up with Shu. As if. A small portion was Layla, Layla who had been desperately trying to call me but wouldn't even glance at my direction at school. I ignored them too.
But then the news about Shu Kurenai dropped last night, and the messages escalated. I could just mute my phone. But it's old, it's ancient, and it doesn't have the ability to do that. As happy was I currently have been, none of it could interfere with the hatred I have for my phone.
I unlocked my phone and revisited the video in which the news had originated from. A smile made its way onto my face as the familiar face of Shu popped up, framed by heaps of microphones.
"Can you tell us what you plan to do on Earth?" a reporter asked, more like screamed, into his face.
Unfazed by the volume of the reporter, Shu replied, "Just be a normal teenager and attend school, I guess. I have a specific place in mind."
"What school is it?" another reporter shouted.
"Amare Private School."
Even if I had seen this video about a million times in the last hour, I still felt my heart rate increase at the thought of Shu Kurenai attending a school a mere five minutes away from my school, a school who often interacted with mine. It felt crazy. What felt even crazier was what he had said next.
"Any reason why?" a reporter had asked.
"Is it because of (y/n) (l/n)?" the first reporter was talking again. "The girl who kissed you? Her school is the sister school of Amare!"
The shouts increased, all voicing the same question, "Is it really because of (y/n)?"
Shu smiled and looked directly into the camera, as if he knew that I was watching. "Of course. I want to get to know her more."
The video ended, but my hormones were just getting started. An intense blush made its way across my face at the thought of Shu having an interest in me, me who acted like a weirdo in front of him.
I flopped onto my bed, staring at the ceiling with a racing heart and a dizzy head. This felt so unreal. Like one of those romance stories. I've always wished, but never thought that I would be the main girl.
I stuffed my face into my pillows, trying to muffle my screaming in happiness. Eventually my happiness was cut short by the reminder that I had to go to hell again.
"(y/n)!" Mother called. "Roger's ready to take you to school."
"Coming," I groaned, slipping away from the comfort of my room and heading out to the front yard. Roger was waiting in a new car, Jordan and Blair also there and standing on the front patio. Of course the couple was making out. "Gross. Get a room."
"(y/n)," Blair trilled, ignoring my jibe. "I heard that Shu person you kissed is moving to Amare. You want any relationship advice?"
"I don't like him that way, Blair," I said firmly, the fib sitting uneasily on my tongue.
Blair looked amused. "If you say so."
Rolling my eyes, I entered the car. It was a smooth ride on the way to school, Roger making engaging conversation and thankfully not mentioning Shu at all. Walking to school, I couldn't help but slip my phone out and re-watch the video.
"M-Mikayla?" I blinked, not believing who was standing in front of my locker. I hastily turned my phone off and slipped it into my pocket.
"Why do you sound so surprised for?" Mikayla smiled, but it was hollow. "Did you forget we're friends?"
"I didn't, it's just, I thought since you moved groups you didn't want to talk to me anymore."
Saying it aloud made it sound dumber than I thought it would be. "I-I'm sorry, it was really stupid-"
"No, it's okay," Mikayla said. An awkward silence ensued before she spoke up again. "So, did you watch the new episode of Haikyuu?"
"Yeah!" I nodded enthusiastically. "Oh man, I love Fukurodani so much! And the way Akaashi knows Bokuto so well-"
"(y/n)," interrupted Mikayla, concern in her eyes. "You sound so happy talking about anime. You know, you could always join-"
It was my turn to interrupt. "I appreciate the offer, but I can't join your group. I want to stay with Chanel and support her even if she didn't do the same to me. Besides, even if I did join your group, I'm pretty sure not everyone would welcome me."
I grimaced, thinking about the way Hannah looked at me as if I was some mindless follower. Which I did use to be.
"If you say so," sighed Mikayla. "Why don't you tell them? That you like anime? C'mon, if they kick you out for liking anime, then you'll see that there's no point in being nice to them."
"I will," I promise, knowing fully that it's a promise I might not keep. It sounds silly, but I don't know if I'm ready to tell them that I watch anime. It just doesn't mesh well with the image I want them to have of me. "But just not today."
Before Mikayla could respond, Hannah with freshly dyed bangs and two other girls made their way over to us. Hannah's eyes glanced over me. "Why're you talking to fake scum like this, Mikayla?"
"Because that 'fake scum' is my friend," said Hannah coolly. I wished I had the courage to talk like that to my friends.
Hannah looked sceptical. "Sure. Anyways, we came to talk about something. (y/n), can you like, uh, move away?"
"No thanks," I smiled fakely. "This is my locker, you see."
"Ugh," Hannah rolled her eyes and popped some fresh gum into her mouth. "You know what, whatever. I can't be bothered to walk to another place. We'll just talk here. It's not like I'm scared of what the popular girls thinks.
Ouch, I mentally wince, but began readying myself for the day at the locker. Now, I'm not one to eavesdrop on purpose, but when you're quiet, it just comes to you.
"I heard that Shu Kurenai alien or whatever came from an anime world," Hannah was saying.
Another girl with a boy cut, who I think is called Alex, gasped. "No way! How do you know?"
"I heard Ashley talking about it, and her parents work for CSIRO."
For somebody who hates the popular girls, Hannah sure does act like one with the gossiping.
"Do you think it's real?" That was Mikayla.
"Duh," even though I wasn't watching, I could practically see Hannah roll her eyes.
"Oh my gosh, do you think Todoroki is real?" that was another girl with bright orange hair and braces, her name unknown to me. "Do you think I can marry him? And possibly Giyuu too?"
"Ooh, I claim Sasuke!" that was Alex.
Hannah rolled her eyes for the third time in ten minutes. "No, it's just a world of the anime called beyblade burst or whatever. And Shu Kurenai is coming to Amare soon, apparently. More information is coming just as school finishes. Not that I'm interested. Even though he's hot. Anyways, about the new Haikyuu episode-"
I walked away from my locker, trying not to squeal in excitement. If Ashley knows that Shu came from an anime world, there would be no way she would try to pursue him right?
But then I thought about Hannah, cold, calculating Hannah who knew what she wanted; and that seemed to be anime people. She did call Shu hot too.
Would Shu like her? I couldn't help but wonder. But then a small voice reminded me that Shu was attending Amare to get closer with me. My cheeks tingled, and it wouldn't stop turning pink until I arrived at class.
Class was becoming a battle ground between Chanel, Ashley and Hannah. Especially between Chanel and Ashley. They would glare at each other often, acid clashing with ice and ice often triumphing.
I constantly reminded myself about the information coming at midday and used it as hope to pull myself through the hell called school.
ding dong
As the bell for lunch went, I went to my locker instead of the restaurant to check the news. Heart racing again, I read through the trending news article silently, my heart pounding against the rib cage.
More news has come about the teenage alien walking on our Earth. Shu Kurenai has been reported to be attending Amare Private School in an effort to get closer to the girl who kissed him, (y/n) (l/n).
Ugh, I silently thought, slapping my red cheeks. When will they stop referring to me as the girl who kissed Shu? It's so embarrassing...
I continued reading. Amare Private School has been questioned about his attendance. While they disclosed that Shu Kurenai is attending tomorrow, it is unknown the exact time. However, there is a rumor that he will arrive at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. It is not known whether or not this information is correct.
The rest of the article waffled on and continue to establish what we already knew. Face flushed, I slid my phone into my blazer pocket and willed for my emotions to calm down after being sent to a frenzy. They didn't.
I walked to the bus stop (Mother finally let me catch public transport after school), head buzzing with news about Shu. It was so shocking that Shu was actually attending Amare tomorrow. It still felt so unreal. I pinched myself to check if this was just one, long crazy dream, but I remained in this world.
Sighing in relief, I sat down on the bench of the bus stop before glancing around. I almost regretted taking the bus now. This place was crawling with Elites. Elites from my school, from Amare, from St. Catherine's Girl's School and from Venuste Private College.
It wasn't surprising, really. I should have known. This was the bus that went around Divitae Streets.
Several of the Elites from my school were the middle ranked ones, not Ashley's inner circle (which I suspect are at the mall right now in the middle of an argument with Chanel and the rest) or the ones that barely made it into being an Elite.
Still, they had the snobbish and smug looks that almost all Elites had. They were mingling with the students from the other schools, throwing looks my way and no doubt talking about me and Shu as well as Chanel and Ashley.
I blew some strands of hair out of my face, thinking that I could at least get away with sitting by myself.
I just jinxed myself, didn't I?
Yup. Totally jinxed myself.
I watched as a running Jack and a fancy bus pull up to the stop. He grinned at the sight of me, ignoring the looks he was getting from his Elite counterparts. "We haven't talked in ages! Let's sit on the bus together!"
I was about to object and say that it hasn't been 'ages', we saw each other two weeks ago and Jack ignored my entire presence. But then he grabbed my hand and suddenly we were seated together on the bus with leather seats and TVs.
In all honesty, I had completely forgotten about Jack. The childish crush seemed like a century ago. But did I ever really like Jack? Yeah I blushed around him and I think he's cute, but when we kissed there wasn't really anything. It felt empty.
But when I kissed Shu, oh, that was something else. It sparked something in me, and I wanted Shu even more. I felt happy. My cheeks turned pink just thinking about it.
Unfortunately, Jack interpreted it as something else as he playfully said, "You know, you don't have to be so nervous around me. We've already kissed. But I guess I like it when you're nervous. It's cute."
I glanced out the window, not wanting to look or answer him.
He grabbed my chin gently and turned it back to face him, a smirk on his face. "I told you to stop doing that. You need to stop concealing your beautiful face."
The memories flooded back and I angrily said, "Stop flirting with me."
"Why not?" he tilted his head. "Isn't that what you do with the people you like?"
"Cut the crap," I said coldly. "You and Ashley are dating, yet you're playing lover boy here with me. If you think I'm going to fall for that, you-"
"Me and Ashley were never dating."
"No way. You were all over each other at the socials.
"It was a hook-up," Jack shrugged, lying easily. I'm pretty sure if it was just a hook-up, Ashley would've been making my life a living hell. "That's all. But you know, we could be more than that-"
"Jack, we're done," this time I interrupted him. "Actually, we were never anything to begin with."
"What?" his jaw dropped. "But you was so happy when I asked you to the social. And you kissed me."
"A lot has happened since then. I've mature. I see through your plays."
"No, that's not it," Jack shook his head before staring directly at me, his eyes too cold to be considered charming. "You met someone, didn't you?"
"Why do you care?" I rolled my eyes in a way that would've made Hannah run for her money.
"It was that alien, Shu Kurenai, right?" Jack looked at me suspiciously. "You like him, don't you?"
The bus stopped for the Argenti Park stop and Jack stood up, slinging his bag over his shoulder. Without a word, he left. He left, but the coldness of his eyes were still there, eyes filled with knowledge that was just waiting to be made known to Ashley.
word count: 2388
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