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Before I know it, a hand is on my shoulder and ushering me into the Justice Building, the huge place behind the stage where the Mayor makes important decisions. It's also where the tributes are taken to say goodbye to their families.

As I get led into my room, I take a deep breath and try to steel myself for the next hour. The room is small, with a tiny window and only a sofa inside it, but to be honest, it's the fanciest place I've been in my life.

I stand at the window, my hands gripping the windowsill tight enough to turn my knuckles white as I stare off into the distance, my eyes unfocused.

"You have three minutes."

I jump as the door is opened, my mother, Katniss and Prim in the doorway with a peacekeeper in tow.

Prim, who's face is streaked and eyes are teary, comes rushing towards me and instantly I hug her. She sobs into my chest and I tell her. "It's okay."

"N-no-" Prim sobs.

"Shh, Prim, Prim, we don't have much time so I need you to listen to me, okay?" I say as I sit down on the sofa arm, drawing level with her. "Prim, listen, I don't have much time. You're gonna be okay, don't take any extra food from them, it's not worth putting your name in anymore times, okay? Listen, Prim! Gale will bring you game, and you can sell cheese from your goat."

Prim is sobbing, small gasps emanating from her as she cries. "Just try to win. Maybe you can."

I can't win. I know I can't. I'll be up against competition far more skilled and ruthless than myself, and I won't be able to keep up.

But I say. "Of course. And maybe I can win, I'm smart, y'know?"

Prim nods. "And you can hunt."

"Exactly," I say, staring at her and knowing that this will be the last time I ever look into her eyes.

Then she holds out the mockingjay pin.

"To protect you."

I take it slowly, spinning it in my hand before enclosing it in my palm. "Thank you," I whisper, before kissing her forehead and hugging her tightly.

Then I go to Katniss, because I love her, too.

"It should've been me," she murmurs. "She needs you more than me."

I shake my head, pulling back. "No, don't say that," I tell her. "You'll have to hunt with Gale. I told him you were learning and you'd take my place if I, I mean, if we ever..."

I trail off, but Katniss nods. "I'll take care of her," she whispers to me, gaze flitting to Prim. "Don't worry, okay? You're coming home."

"Katniss, I-"

"No, you're coming home," Katniss tells me. "You don't get any other option."

I hug her tightly after that, knowing that she believes in me.

I don't, though.

And then, finally, I come to my mother.

I stare at her harshly, knowing what I need to say.

"You can't tune out again," I tell her roughly.

"Sage, I-"

"No, you can't," I snap. "I'm not gonna be here, and you're all they have, so no matter what you feel, you're gonna be there for them, you understand?"

I know I'm being harsh. I know it. But she needs a proper reminder, because soon I won't be around anymore to give them.

My mother nods.

"Don't cry," I tell her, as her lip wobbles. I pull her into a tight hug, saying. "Don't cry. Don't."

She pulls herself together as we pull back and the door opens with a crash.

"It's time."

Prim runs at me, her arms going round my waist.

"Prim, it's okay-" I tell her, my voice choked up.

"No- NO-!"

"Prim, it's okay, it's okay-"


"I promise, Prim-"

I stop as the door is slammed shut, and furiously wipe the tears from my eyes. They send the visitors in every minute, so someone'll be along any second now.

I slowly extend a hand towards the door, but before I can open it it opens, and Gale comes in.

Instantly, I'm in his arms and he's squeezing me tightly. I gasp slightly before hugging back. I had to be strong for my family, but with Gale, I can truly be myself.

Nevertheless, I tell him. "I'm fine."

"Yeah, I know," Gale says, half sarcastic, half sincere.

"I am," I counter.

Gale pulls back, still holding me, as he says. "Listen to me. You're stronger than they are. You are. Get to a set of knives."

"They may not have-"

"They will if you show them how good you are!" Gale raises his voice slightly. "They just want a good show, okay? That's all they want. And if they don't have a bow then you make one, okay? You know how to hunt."

I shake my head. "Animals."

"It's no different, Sage," Gale shakes his head.

I don't believe him.

"There's twenty four of us, Gale. Only one comes out."

"Yeah," Gale nods, putting a hand on my shoulder. "And it's gonna be you."

The door opens again. "Okay."

I go into panic mode, hugging Gale again and whispering. "Take care of them, Gale! Don't let them starve!"

"Let's go," the peacekeeper says.

"I'll see you soon, okay?" Gale tells me, looking right into my eyes.

It's the last thing I see before the door gets slammed, and I'm left alone.


I've never been on a train before.

Let alone a Capitol one.

After a short truck ride that takes us to the stop, Effie leads Jasper and I onto the train and into what she calls the 'buffet compartment'.

It's the most fancy thing I've ever seen in my life. More food than I've probably had in my entire life lies all around the tables in different dishes and on different plates. The seats are plush and luxurious, and the chandeliers fancy and showy.

I am speechless as I get sat down next to Jasper and the train starts to move. I don't know what to think, what to say. And then I realise how close we are, and I'm glad the seats are curved so the arms are in between us.

"Two hundred miles per hour and you can hardly feel a thing," Effie comments vaguely, tucking into a food I don't even know the name of. "I think it's one of the wonderful things about this opportunity, that even though you're here and even though it's just for a little while, you get to enjoy all this."

I don't know who I'm angrier at. Her or Jasper.

Then Effie says. "I'm going to go find Andrew and Haymitch. Probably in the bar car..."

As she gets up and goes out, I realise who she's referring to.

I'd been so distracted for the past hour, I'd almost forgotten about the mentors.

Mentors are past victors of the games. Most districts have at least five to ten, but Twelve only has three, and one is dead.

The two living ones are Haymitch Abernathy and Andrew Archer.

Haymitch won the fiftieth Hunger Games. I wasn't alive then, and I have no idea how he did it, but I do know that after he won, all he'd used his riches for was buying liquor, or any alcohol, really. He'd spent all his years after winning at the bottom of a bottle, and I don't know if I can blame him for it.

I did, however, see Andrew Archer's games. He won the seventieth, and was only two years above me in school.

He was young when he won, only fifteen. He did it by being ruthless with his weaponry skills, eventually overpowering four tributes at once with his knife skills. He came home a hero, but as far as I'm aware, he's just a regular boy. I don't mind him.

"You ever met him?"

Jasper's voice startles me slightly, but I don't let it show. However, the fact that he thinks we can just talk makes anger bubble inside me.

"Haymitch? Andrew?" He clarifies, looking in my direction. "You know, he is our mentor, he did win this thing once."

I stay silent, clenching my fists.

"Look," Jasper sighs. "I know you don't wanna talk, Sage-"

"Is it a wonder why?" My name in his mouth makes me snap as I turn to him, my eyes boring into his. "Is it a fucking wonder why?"

My words hang between us for a second as he looks at me, his face sad and confused, and nothing like the smirk I've seen for the past five years.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask, absolutely shocked. "You can't just act all innocent and sad when five years ago you r-"

The door sliding open makes me jump as I turn to see two men walking into the train compartment. They're both dressed in a waistcoat and shirt, but they look completely different.

Haymitch has a mop of slightly greasy, blonde hair. His face is unshaven, his eyes slightly crazed. Andrew, meanwhile, has shorter, ashy blonde hair, defined features and a clean face. I know demons lurk inside both men, but they've clearly dealt with them differently.

Haymitch speaks first, sighing and smiling. "Congratulations."

Then he wanders over to one of the tables in the carriage, filling a glass cup with a drink I don't doubt is alcoholic. Jasper's eyes follow him as Andrew chuckles slightly. "What Haymitch means is, uh-"

"Where's the ice?" Haymitch interrupts him.

Oh fucking hell, I think. The company in this train is not good.

Jasper shakes his head. "I don't know."

Andrew sighs as Haymitch gives up on ice, coming over to join us. They sit opposite us, Andrew looking between us and Haymitch more focused on his drink.

Jasper instantly leans forward. "Okay, so when do we start?"

"Whoa, whoa, so eager," Haymitch says. "Most of you aren't in such a- hurry."

"Yeah, I wanna know what the plan is," Jasper continues. "You're our mentor, you're supposed to-"

"Mentor?" Haymitch leans forward, eyes confused.

Jasper falters. "Yeah, our mentor. You're supposed to tell us what to do and give us advice and stuff-"

"Yeah, Haymitch knows what a mentor is," Andrew cuts in, smirking easily. "This is just his little joke."

"Oh, is it, huh?" Haymitch asks in a slurred tone. Then he turns to Jasper. "You asked for advice, kid? Well, okay, um... embrace the probability of your imminent death and know in your heart that there is nothing we can do to save you."

I stare at him in shock.

Jasper, as well, has his mouth open.

"So why the fuck are you here?" I ask.

"Oh, I like this one!" Haymitch turns to me, chuckling. "She's... fiery."

I roll my eyes, sitting back in my chair.

"In answer to your question, sweetheart, this place does have its virtues," Haymitch shrugs, swigging his glass. "Like the refreshments."

"Alright, I think that's enough of that-" Jasper takes a swipe for the glass but Haymitch is too fast for him. With reflexes only a victor can have, he kicks him back, his foot pressed against Jasper's chest, winding him.

I would laugh if we weren't in such a serious situation.

Haymitch sighs. "You made me spill my drink. These are brand new pants."

Oh, what a wonderful problem to have, I think savagely, because it's true. Everyone in the Seam would love to worry about spillages on their clothes, when all we usually think about is where our next meal is coming from.

"You know, I think I'll go finish this in my room," Haymitch says, getting up.

"Oh god," Andrew chuckles, as he leaves. "You pair certainly seem like you're going to be... interesting."

"Oh, thanks," I snap, because really, there's nothing to lose at this point. I'm dead anyway.

Andrew just chuckles some more before getting up himself.

"If you don't want to accept help, then I can't give it to you," he shrugs, looking at me. "Fix your attitude, fiery, or you're not going to get very far."

I roll my eyes so far back I think they'll probably get stuck as the door slides shut behind him. Jasper, beside me, who would usually be smirking or saying something by now, is just staring.

Well, if I wasn't dead before, I think, my mind going over to my wig ridden escort, my fellow tribute who has assaulted me, and my two mentors, one drunk and one deluded.

I certainly am now.


The night is rough. There's a TV in my room, which is again, more luxurious than I'm used to, and I force myself to watch a couple of the Hunger Games discs provided.

I'm surprised the nightmares don't come for me, because when I wake up I'm not sweating, or shaking, or screaming. In fact, I'm in a state of calm readiness.

I dress quickly into a shirt and some trousers before quickly exiting my room. We've travelled overnight, and should be in the Capitol soon. I don't know if I'm ready for that.

Effie is sitting alone at one of the tables and across the compartment, Jasper is sitting facing Haymitch and Andrew.

"You'd freeze to death first," Haymitch was telling him.

"No, I'd light a fire-"

"Oh, that's a good way to get killed," Haymitch rolls his eyes.

"What's a good way to get killed?" I ask instantly, walking forwards.

Andrew smirks upon seeing me. "Well, good morning, fiery."

"Shut up," I tell him.

"Right, let's all just calm down," Haymitch says. "Come join us, sweetheart, I was just giving some lifesaving advice."

"Like what?" I ask, walking forwards.

"I was just asking about how to find shelter," Jasper informs me, looking at me. I avoid his eyes and try not to squirm as his eyes bore into me.

"Which would come in handy if, in fact, you were still alive," Haymitch tells me.

I deliberately don't answer this, instead posing a question. "How do you find shelter?"

Haymitch sighs. "Pass the jam."

"How do you find shelter?" I repeat.

"Give me a chance to wake up, sweetheart, this mentoring is very taxing stuff," Haymitch sighs, taking a flask out his pocket and pouring the contents into his mug. "Could you pass the marmalade?"

Instead, I pick up a butter knife and slam it into the table, the blade sticking in deep as it was powered by my anger. I struggle to hide my smirk as I see where it landed. Right in between Haymitch's fingers.

Effie gasps. "That is mahogany!"

I couldn't give a shit.

Andrew, meanwhile, is laughing.

"Woo-hoo!" He grins. "I was wondering how long it would take you to warm up."

"Well, look at you," Haymitch says, taking the knife out. "You just killed a placemat."

Well, I'm going to have to do the same people, so why not?

"You really wanna know how you stay alive?" Haymitch asks, discarding the knife and looking me straight in the eye. "You get people to like you."

Well shit. I'm dead.

"Oh, not what you were expecting?" Haymitch smirks. "Well, when you're in the middle of the games, and you're starving, or freezing, some water, a knife, or even some matches can mean the difference between life and death. And those things only come from sponsors. And to get sponsors, you have to make people like you. And right now, sweetheart, you're not off to a very good start."

My eyes slide from him to Andrew, hoping he'll tell me he's wrong, hoping I don't have to do that, because I really can't-

But Andrew only nods, confirming my nightmares.

"There it is."

Jasper instantly gets up as soon as the Capitol comes into view. I have to admit, I'm curious, too, but I stay sitting.

"It's huge!" Jasper emits, turning for a second. "That's incredible."

The train goes dark as we head into a tunnel for a second, then we come back out.

The cheers are very loud, and I wonder for a second what they're for. Then I see them, out the window.

People. A lot of people, and almost all of them dressed up like Effie Trinket, except that style is normal in the Capitol.

Then, Jasper is waving. His hand is up, his face plastered with a huge smile. The people cheer louder

He turns round and his eyes connect with mine. "Come on, come on!"

Fuck no, I think in my mind. I'm not an object to be preened at and celebrated.

But then I realise, that's exactly what the games are about.

And I hate it.

"He's got the right idea," Haymitch's sickeningly smug voice next to me only reinforces my anger. "You better keep this knife, sweetheart."

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